



1、做準(zhǔn)備時多吃水果每天一道富含淀粉的主菜(通心粉、米飯、土豆)每餐要有面包干、面包,或者其他谷類食品;每天2到3個水果。在運動時間延長時需要再補充甜食和甜飲料。2、晨練前不妨喝杯蜂蜜水晨練前不宜吃東西,老年人可以喝杯蜂蜜水,提供能量。中年人及年輕人,早晨起來可先吃一些水果,多少提供一些能量,再去鍛煉。晨練后 晨練的人食物中的熱量應(yīng)當(dāng)高一點,因其消耗的熱量需要通過食物來補充。老年人 不宜補充太多的蛋白質(zhì),雞蛋吃12個,對于高血脂、高膽固醇的老人,吃一個蛋黃就行,碳水化合物不宜攝入太多,12兩足夠,最好多吃雜糧如全麥饅頭,喝一杯豆?jié){或一碗小米粥。早餐必須有蔬菜,水果可作為加餐用。中年人及年輕人 因為還要上班,再加上晨練后體力的消耗,早餐應(yīng)豐盛。多攝入蛋白質(zhì)食物,雞蛋12個,雞腿、瘦肉可適當(dāng)吃一點,一些雜糧饅頭或全麥面包也可適當(dāng)吃點,另外加一份蔬菜、一杯牛奶,提供人體必需的能量。3、運動之前1小時進(jìn)食對于參加運動的人,只有一個詞:吃!但是至少要在您開始運動之前1小時進(jìn)食。這樣是為了避免因為體力活動而導(dǎo)致消化功能紊亂。同樣,要避免食用難以消化的食物,比如多汁的菜,油炸食品等。理想地來說,日常三餐和小點心能夠使機(jī)體定時規(guī)律地補充養(yǎng)分。4、依照運動時間長短飲用500cc以上的溫開水身體在運動中血液循環(huán)速度會加快,就算肚子覺得餓,也千萬不可馬上吃東西,以免血液快速流到腸胃道中,影響脂肪燃燒的速率。因運動時身體較容易流失大量的水分與電解質(zhì),如果不適當(dāng)適時的補充水分,很有可能會產(chǎn)生脫水現(xiàn)象,危害身體健康。因此,每隔10-15分鐘補充一次水分是必須的,最好的選擇就是溫開水,才能讓熱熱的身體快速吸收不足的水分,切忌飲用冰水,有礙身體的熱量代謝率。5、運動前可喝一杯無糖的咖啡此外,也有研究指出,適量的咖啡因也能提升脂肪的燃燒率,如果能在運動前飲用一杯無糖、不加奶油球的咖啡,對于降低體脂肪也有幫助。但容易心悸、失眠的人,最好不要飲用咖啡,以免造成不適。6、適量補充碳水化合物雖然在瘦身的過程中,熱量控制固然重要,但千萬不要以為餓著肚子運動會讓你更瘦,由于運動會消耗體內(nèi)的熱量與水分,如果空腹運動,反而會讓心理有補償作用,運動后反而吃得更多。因此,如果不是飯后1-1.5小時后運動,最好在運動前1小時,補充適量的碳水化合物,如高纖餅干、優(yōu)酪乳、新鮮水果等容易消化的食物,除了可避免運動過后血糖過度下降的不適癥狀外,也能增加運動的持久性與降低運動過后的疲勞感與饑餓感。而如果運動前還是覺得餓,亦可飲用低糖的飲品,如蜂蜜水或低糖豆奶等。7、運動后吃少量的高纖食品運動后的1小時內(nèi),可以適量飲用開水,補充過度流失的水分,也能減少饑餓感。待運動過后1小時以上,如仍覺得肚子餓時,再少量食用全谷類食物,可有效幫助身體燃燒脂肪,讓你的瘦身效果更加顯著。如果想要提高細(xì)胞的新陳代謝率,建議可以補充含有膠原蛋白的食物,如鮮奶、雞蛋、魚皮等。8、運動后不要喝含咖啡因的飲料運動后要避免喝含有咖啡因的飲料,例如咖啡、汽水、和茶,因為咖啡因也有利尿的作用,會令你體內(nèi)水份的補充不足。雖然汽水也可以提供水份和醣類,不是適合的運動后飲料,大人和小孩最好避免喔!9、運動后吃些堿性食物專家建議,人在運動后,應(yīng)多吃些富含堿性的食物,如水果、蔬菜、豆制品等,以利于保持人體內(nèi)酸堿度的基本平衡,保持人體健康,盡快消除運動帶來的疲勞。美國一位病理學(xué)家經(jīng)過長期研究指出,只有體液呈弱堿性,才能保持人體健康。正常人的體液呈弱堿性,人在體育鍛煉后,感到肌肉、關(guān)節(jié)酸脹和精神疲乏,其主要原因是體內(nèi)的糖、脂肪和蛋白質(zhì)被大量分解,在分解過程中,產(chǎn)生乳酸、磷酸等酸性物質(zhì)。這些酸性物質(zhì)刺激人體組織器官,使人感到肌肉、關(guān)節(jié)酸脹和精神疲乏。而此時若單純食用富含酸性物質(zhì)的肉、蛋、魚等,會使體液更加酸性化,不利于疲勞的解除。而食用蔬菜、甘薯、柑桔和蘋果之類的水果,由于它們的成堿作用,可以消除體內(nèi)過剩的酸,降低尿的酸度,增加尿酸的溶解度,可減少酸在膀胱中形成結(jié)石的可能。10、運動后一小時再進(jìn)食運動過后大約一小時后在吃東西,運動后比較容易接受各式飲料或是流質(zhì)的食物,而且同時可以補充水份,若是在運動后兩小時還沒有吃正餐的話,可以再吃固體狀的食物補充醣類和蛋白質(zhì)。例如三個水果(蘋果、橘子等等),兩個水果加一杯牛奶,500ml純果汁,兩個水果加一個優(yōu)格,兩片面包加少許果醬和一杯牛奶等等。運動飲食注意:首先,運動前應(yīng)食用少量食物。“空腹和剛進(jìn)食后就開始運動,對人體健康都是非常不利的。”在運動前半小時食用少量食物,可以避免因為體力活動而導(dǎo)致的消化功能紊亂,同時還可以增強(qiáng)運動效果。如果是晨練,早餐一定要避免食用難以消化的食物,最好食用少量奶制品、谷類、水果、飲料。其次,在運動過程中應(yīng)及時補充水分。如果運動時間少于1小時,每15分鐘應(yīng)喝水150毫升到300毫升;如果運動時間在1到3個小時,應(yīng)及時給身體補充糖水以免出現(xiàn)低血糖。此外,運動時一定不要喝冰水,因為劇烈運動時喝冰水會引起消化系統(tǒng)方面的問題。最后,運動后不宜吃魚肉等酸性食物。運動后,人體內(nèi)的糖、脂肪、蛋白質(zhì)被大量分解,產(chǎn)生乳酸、磷酸等酸性物質(zhì),這些酸性物質(zhì)會刺激人體組織器官,使人感到肌肉、關(guān)節(jié)酸脹和精神疲乏。魚肉等食品屬于酸性食物,運動后即食用這些酸性食物,會使體液更加酸性化,不利肌肉、關(guān)節(jié)酸脹感和身體疲勞感的解除。專家建議,運動后應(yīng)多吃一些水果、蔬菜、豆制品等堿性食物,以保持人體內(nèi)酸堿平衡,從而達(dá)到消除運動疲勞、保持健康的目的。1, to do more to eat fruitDaily starchy entrees (pasta, rice, potatoes) each meal to have bread, bread, or other cereals; every day two to three fruit. Need to add a sweet and sweet drink when the exercise time is longer.2, before the morning to drink cup honey waterBefore the morning should eat, the elderly can drink a cup of honey water, energy. Middle aged and young people, in the morning to eat some fruit, how much to provide some energy, and then to exercise.After morning exercises people in food calories should be a little higher, due to the consumption of calories by food to supplement.The elderly should not be added too much protein, eat 1 2 egg, for elderly high blood fat, high cholesterol, eat an egg yolk, too much intake of carbohydrates should not be 1-2 enough for two, it is best to eat more grains such as whole wheat bread, drink a cup of soy milk or a bowl of millet gruel. Breakfast must have vegetables, fruit can be used as a plus. The middle-aged and young people because to go to work, plus the morning after the physical consumption, breakfast should be rich. More food intake of protein, 1 to 2 eggs, chicken, lean meat can be appropriate to eat a little, some grains bread or whole wheat bread can also be appropriate to eat, plus a vegetable, a cup of milk, providing essential energy.1, 3 hours before exerciseFor those who take part in sports, there is only one word: eat! But at least 1 hours before you begin to exercise. This is in order to avoid physical activity and lead to digestive disorders. Similarly, to avoid eating difficult to digest food, such as juicy vegetables, fried foods, etc. Ideally, the daily meals and snacks can make the body regularly add nutrients to the body.4, according to the length of time to drink more than 500cc of Wen KaishuiBody movement in the blood circulation rate will be accelerated, even if you feel hungry, do not immediately eat things, so as not to quickly flow into the blood of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the rate of fat burning. Because exercise is relatively easy to drain a lot of water and electrolyte, if not appropriate timely replenishment of water, it is possible to produce dehydration phenomenon, harm to health.Therefore, every 10-15 minutes of a water is a must, is the best choice of warm water to make hot body quickly absorb the shortage of soil moisture, avoid drinking ice water, impede the metabolism of the bodys heat rate.5, sports before drinking a cup of coffee without sugarIn addition, the study also pointed out that the amount of caffeine can increase the burning rate of fat, if you can drink a cup of sugar before exercise, do not add Cream Ball coffee, to reduce body fat is also helpful. But easy to heart palpitations, insomnia, it is best not to drink coffee, so as not to cause discomfort.6, the amount of supplemental carbohydratesWhile in the process of downsizing, heat control is of course important, but dont think hungry games that make you thinner, because exercise can consume the body heat and moisture, if exercise on an empty stomach, but will let psychological compensation, after exercise but eat more. Therefore, if not after a meal 1-1.5 hours after exercise, the best before exercise 1 hour, add appropriate amount of carbohydrate, easy to digest foods such as high fiber biscuits, yogurt, fresh fruit, in addition to avoid movement after excessive blood sugar dropped the discomfort symptoms, also can increase exercise endurance and reduce the fatigue after exercise a sense of hunger. If before exercise or feel hungry, low sugar drink can drink honey water, such as soy milk or low sugar etc.7, after eating a small amount of high fiber foodExercise within 1 hours, you can drink the amount of boiling water, add excessive loss of water, but also to reduce the sense of hunger. After more than 1 hours of exercise, such as still feel hungry, then a small amount of whole grains to eat whole grains, can effectively help the body burn fat, so that your weight-loss effect is more significant. If you want to increase the rate of cell metabolism, it is recommended to supplement collagen containing food, such as milk, eggs, fish and so on.8. Dont drink caffeine after exerciseAvoid drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, soda, and tea, because caffeine also has a diuretic effect, which can make you less water in your body. Although the soda can also provide water and sugar, is not suitable for sports drinks, adults and children are best avoided!9, after exercise to eat some alkaline foodExpert proposal, after exercise should eat more foods rich in alkaline, such as fruits, vegetables, soy products and so on, in order to keep the body acid-base degree of basic balance, maintain the health of human body as soon as possible to eliminate the movement caused by fatigue.After a long period of research, one of the experts in the United States pointed out that only the body fluid is weakly alk


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