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福 建 工 程 學(xué) 院外貿(mào)英語函電實踐任務(wù)書課程代碼: 05120090 課程性質(zhì): 集中實踐性教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié) 適用專業(yè): 國際經(jīng)濟與貿(mào)易專業(yè) 實踐時間: 1周 課程實踐學(xué)分: 1 開課時間: 2011-2012學(xué)年第一學(xué)期 開課單位: 管理學(xué)院 大綱執(zhí)筆人: 編寫時間: 2011年10月 大綱審定人: 2011-2012學(xué)年第一學(xué)期外貿(mào)英語函電指導(dǎo)書 根據(jù)學(xué)院教學(xué)任務(wù)書的安排,2009級國際經(jīng)濟與貿(mào)易專業(yè)學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)外貿(mào)英語函電課程理論知識后,擬于2011-2012學(xué)年第一學(xué)期第十七周進行為期一周的外貿(mào)單證課程實踐教學(xué)活動。為了確保此次實踐活動的順利進行,使學(xué)生進一步明確外貿(mào)英語函電課程實踐教學(xué)活動的目的、任務(wù)和基本要求,特制定本專周實踐指導(dǎo)書。請相關(guān)指導(dǎo)老師和2009級該專業(yè)的所有同學(xué)都要嚴(yán)格遵照執(zhí)行。一、實踐目的外貿(mào)英語函電課程實踐是2009級國際貿(mào)易專業(yè)學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)好外貿(mào)英語函電課程后而開展的實踐教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)之一。其基本目的是通過課程實踐,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對所學(xué)外貿(mào)英語函電知識的實際運用能力,加深學(xué)生對進出口業(yè)務(wù)環(huán)節(jié)的理解,使學(xué)生能夠在較短時間內(nèi)快速熟悉并掌握外貿(mào)英文函電的撰寫技能。 專周實踐的具體目的是:1掌握建交信函的寫作內(nèi)容、寫作方法及相關(guān)句型和詞匯,并能用信函中出現(xiàn)的核心詞匯和常用表達法寫出相應(yīng)的建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系信函。2掌握詢盤、報盤和還盤函撰寫要點及其應(yīng)注意的事項,并能應(yīng)用相關(guān)語言點進行詢盤、報盤和還盤信函的撰寫。3熟悉涉及支付的各種信函,進一步掌握常用的固定搭配、外貿(mào)術(shù)語和短語,并要求應(yīng)用該類信函中常用的核心詞匯和套語,撰寫有關(guān)不同付款方式及審證、改證相關(guān)信函。4了解裝運和包裝信函的寫作方法及相關(guān)句型和詞匯,并能按買賣雙方不同角色進行撰寫。5學(xué)會撰寫因貨物破損、錯裝、量不足等原因而引起的申訴、索賠和理賠的信函。6通過實訓(xùn),使學(xué)生在外貿(mào)模擬交易過程中初步具備函電談判的能力。 二、實踐時間、內(nèi)容和方式1實踐時間2011-2012學(xué)年第一學(xué)期第17周(2011.12.2612.29)2. 實踐內(nèi)容實踐在經(jīng)濟管理系實驗室世格軟件平臺上完成,包括兩部分內(nèi)容:(1)完成教師布置的題目,以及使用世格外貿(mào)單證軟件(/doc)完成題庫中的內(nèi)容。(2)18周用世格外貿(mào)實務(wù)軟件的(/practice)進行外貿(mào)單證課程實踐的函電部分3. 實踐方式在經(jīng)濟管理系實驗室的世格軟件平臺上操作。三、實踐要求1紀(jì)律要求教師和學(xué)生都必須嚴(yán)格遵守實踐紀(jì)律。學(xué)生必須服從帶隊老師指導(dǎo)。學(xué)生必須嚴(yán)格按照實踐內(nèi)容和時間安排進行實踐,學(xué)生遲到,早退,請假等按學(xué)院制度辦理。學(xué)生請假半天以內(nèi),應(yīng)先寫假條報教研室主任批準(zhǔn);超過一天,必須由系辦公室批準(zhǔn),學(xué)生實際實踐時間不足三分之二者不予評定成績。帶隊老師必須及時掌握實踐情況,遇到問題應(yīng)及時向教研室匯報。帶隊老師必須認(rèn)真評定學(xué)生成績,報教研室討論和審定。2實踐要求(1)遵守相關(guān)法律法規(guī),不得在網(wǎng)上發(fā)表違法言論。(2)按實踐內(nèi)容,認(rèn)真進行準(zhǔn)備,積極開展調(diào)查活動,刻苦學(xué)習(xí),并做好實踐日記。(3)在實踐期間每個角色必須完成以下任務(wù)應(yīng)規(guī)定完成的任務(wù),有余力的情況下盡可能地多完成函電書信,以熟練掌握進出口業(yè)務(wù)各個環(huán)節(jié)函電的撰寫。(4)按實訓(xùn)內(nèi)容中老師布置的題目以及單證軟件中題庫完成的書信,以及實訓(xùn)內(nèi)容中結(jié)合外貿(mào)單證課程實踐完成的函電部分,要以文檔形式整合成實踐報告,打印成冊。3. 結(jié)果要求實踐結(jié)束時,以班級為單位,由各班班長在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)將本班的實踐報告、實踐考勤登記冊、實踐收獲與心得體會等材料送到國貿(mào)教研室。各實踐指導(dǎo)老師應(yīng)及時批改實踐報告,做好評語批注和成績評定、上報、錄入等各項工作。(注:每位同學(xué)獨立完成一份實踐報告。實踐報告要求用A4紙統(tǒng)一打印,頁面整潔,裝訂于學(xué)校的實踐報告封皮之內(nèi)。四、實踐的組織管理 1實踐動員。為了切實做好這次實踐教學(xué),教研室擬召開實踐動員會,對實踐工作進行部署,提出實踐任務(wù)和要求,重申實踐紀(jì)律。 2在實踐過程中,指導(dǎo)老師與各班學(xué)生要密切配合,全力確保實踐的順利完成。每天安排2名老師進行實踐指導(dǎo)(具體名單見附件),每位同學(xué)應(yīng)對該班班長負(fù)責(zé),各班班長應(yīng)對指導(dǎo)老師負(fù)責(zé)。凡不按要求參加實踐的,或?qū)嵺`態(tài)度不端正的,其實踐成績將以不及格論處。 3、實踐結(jié)束后,各實踐指導(dǎo)老師應(yīng)及時批改實踐報告,做好評語批注和成績評定、上報、錄入工作、同時積極參與實踐總結(jié)材料的寫作工作。五、實踐考核及成績評定辦法1、學(xué)生按實踐大綱要求,完成實訓(xùn)的全部內(nèi)容,提交實訓(xùn)報告和相關(guān)資料后,方能參加課程實訓(xùn)考核。 2、實訓(xùn)成績考核依據(jù):綜合實踐成績根據(jù)實踐態(tài)度、考勤記錄、個人實踐心得、軟件評分以及個人實踐報告打出初步成績,由所有指導(dǎo)老師共同評定。最終成績由所有指導(dǎo)老師共同評定。3評分按五級評分制,即:優(yōu)秀,良好,中,及格,不及格。(注:評分時同一等級還可以細化評分)。日常考勤缺三分之一者成績評定為不及格。實踐的重修將隨下屆本專業(yè)學(xué)生實踐,成績評定與該班學(xué)生一起進行。具體評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)如下:(1)優(yōu)秀(90-100分):在專周實踐過程中,態(tài)度認(rèn)真、肯于鉆研、遵守紀(jì)律;課程實踐報告內(nèi)容完整、整潔,符合要求;函電撰寫文法規(guī)范,內(nèi)容完整,基本無錯誤,實踐心得充實,圓滿完成課程實踐任務(wù)。(2)良好(80-89分)在專周實踐過程中,態(tài)度認(rèn)真、肯于鉆研、遵守紀(jì)律;課程實踐報告內(nèi)容完整、整潔,符合要求;函電撰寫文法較規(guī)范,內(nèi)容較完整,僅有一小部分錯誤,實踐心得較充實;較好地運用了所學(xué)的知識,較為圓滿完成課程實踐任務(wù)。(3)中等(70-79分)在專周實踐過程中,態(tài)度認(rèn)真、遵守紀(jì)律;自主實施實驗,軟件操作結(jié)果一般;課程實踐報告內(nèi)容較完整、整潔,符合要求;函電撰寫文法基本規(guī)范,內(nèi)容基本完整,存在一部分錯誤,較好記錄實踐心得;基本圓滿完成課程實踐任務(wù)。(4)及格(60-69分)在專周實踐過程中,態(tài)度較認(rèn)真、遵守紀(jì)律;在幫助下基本可完成軟件操作;課程實踐報告內(nèi)容完整,基本符合要求;有實踐心得;函電撰寫文法有一定問題,內(nèi)容無原則性錯誤,基本上掌握了外貿(mào)函電書信的撰寫的方法。(5)不及格(60分以下) 屬于下列情況之一者給予不及格:大部分內(nèi)容不符合任務(wù)書要求,質(zhì)量差,有較大原則性錯誤或很多錯誤,雖經(jīng)教師指出,仍未認(rèn)真改正;工作態(tài)度不認(rèn)真,未完成規(guī)定的主要任務(wù)或抄襲嚴(yán)重;對函電所使用術(shù)語及句式缺乏掌握;有三分之一時間未參加專周實踐工作。六、實踐課程主要內(nèi)容及課時安排:模 塊 名 稱實踐課時實踐重點Establishing Business Relations建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系3l 進口商要求建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系信函的寫作l 出口商要求建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系信函的寫作l 出口商向銀行要求咨詢進口商資信狀況l 銀行回復(fù)出口商對進口商資信狀況的咨詢Enquiry and Reply詢盤及回復(fù)3l 一般詢盤及答復(fù)l 具體詢盤及答復(fù)Offer and Counter-offer發(fā) 盤及還盤4l 實盤、虛盤及相關(guān)表達方式l 還盤信寫作Conclusion of Business成交1l 接受訂單l 拒絕訂單Terms of Payment付款條件4l 催立信用證l 修改信用證l 其他付款方式相關(guān)信函Packing包裝1l 對包裝和嘜頭提出相關(guān)要求Shipment裝運2l 告知裝運安排l 修改裝運條款I(lǐng)nsurance保 險2l 常見海洋貨物運輸保險條款英文表達方式l 買賣雙方就相關(guān)保險險別及/或投保金額進行磋商類信函的寫作Compliant and Claim申訴及索賠4l 索賠的流程及索賠單據(jù)l 索賠及理賠類信函的寫作綜合2整理2 七、參考教材:外貿(mào)英語函電 趙春漫 主編 北京大學(xué)出版社第一部分 Establishing Business Relations一、 實訓(xùn)目的學(xué)生分別模擬進出口商及銀行的角色進行業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系函電交流二、 實訓(xùn)內(nèi)容根據(jù)不同任務(wù)背景要求寫作相關(guān)函電1. 任務(wù)1:根據(jù)教材p29-P30 Project Training Project 1、Project 2、Project3 的不同背景要求,撰寫函電。Project 1China Textile Imp. & Exp. Corporation, Jiangsu BranchOct 1, 2010H.W. Wallace & Co.,194St. Louis Street CorydonEnglandDear Sirs,We have owed your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce. We wish to inform you that we specialize in garments for more than twenty years, and shall be pleased to establish business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. Our products are well known in the world market. We are confident that when you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.We look forward to hearing form you soon. Yours faithfully,China Textile Imp. & Exp. CorporationProject 2China National Textiles Import & Export CorpOct. 1, 2010ABC Co.,AustraliaDear Sirs,We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce, Australia. We are one of the largest textiles manufacturers in our country, and shall be pleased to establish business relations with you. Our textiles products enjoy great popularity in the world. Our customers are always satisfied with our products and the service after selling. We believe that you will be satisfied too, after we do business togetherWe are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, China National Textiles Import & Export CorpProject3China Trading Company LtdOct. 1, 2010Global Trading Co.,P.O. Box 3241, San FranciscoCalifornia, U.S.A.Dear Sirs,Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselors Office of your embassy, we have known that you are exporter of electronic equipments.We are one of the leading importers of our country and have handled the electronic products many years. We approach you today in the hope of establishing business relations with you and expect, by our joint efforts to enlarge our business scope.Our banks are Bank of China. They can provide you information about our business and finances.We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, China Trading Company Ltd2. 任務(wù)2:根據(jù)教材P30-P31 Project Training Project 4的背景(1) 扮演進口商寫信給出口商要求建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系(2) 扮演出口商寫信給銀行,索要關(guān)于進口商一切可能信息。(3) 扮演銀行方收到詢問函后,要分別模擬好消息和壞消息兩種答復(fù)。進口商寫信給出口商要求建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系Messrs. B.T. Greenwood & Co.,315 Manor St., London E14 8PHEnglandOct. 8, 2010China National Silks Import & Export CorporationDear Sirs,We have owed your name and address form Messrs. Hussain & Co., P.O. Box 386, Karachi. And we have known that you are one of leading exporters of Chinese cotton piece goods. We are one of leading importers of cotton piece goods with many years experience, and wish to establish business relations with you. The Bank of England can provide you information about our business and finance. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Mr. Burgers Messrs. B.T. Greenwood & Co., Manager出口商寫信給銀行,索要關(guān)于進口商一切可能信息China National Silks Import & Export CorporationOct. 9, 2010Bank of ChinaDear Sirs,Recently we have received an order form a new customer- Messrs. B.T. Greenwood & Co., 315 Manor St., London E14 8PH. As we have never done any business with them before, we wonder if you could obtain for us information about their financial and credit standing. Their reference is the Bank of England.Any information you may give us will be treated strictly in confidence.Thank you in advance for you cooperation. Yours faithfully, China National Silks Import & Export Corporation A Favorable ReplyBank of ChinaOct. 10, 2010China National Silks Import & Export CorporationDear Sirs,In reply to your letter of October 9, we wish to inform you that we have now received from the Bank of England, the information you required.Messrs. B.T. Greenwood & Co., specializes in the import of cotton piece goods. Their suppliers business with them is reported to have been satisfactory. We consider them good for small business engagement. For large transactions we suggest payment by sight L/C.The above information is strictly confidential and given without any responsibility on this bank. Yours faithfully, Bank of ChinaAn Unfavorable ReplyBank of ChinaOct. 10, 2010China National Silks Import & Export CorporationDear Sirs,Upon receipt of your letter of October 9, we made inquiries concerning the firm you mentioned and have obtained the following information:The mentioned firm is known to heavily committed and have overrun their reserves. They are being pressed by several creditors and their position is precarious. It would, therefore, appear inadvisable to enter tin any credit transaction with this firm.Please consider this information as given in strict confidence.Yours faithfully, Bank of China 3.任務(wù)3:根據(jù)關(guān)于手表的英文說明書,策劃設(shè)計建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系信函(設(shè)計該款手表為公司的最新的主打產(chǎn)品之一,擬銷往南亞并以書面和電子郵件(掛送附件形式)發(fā)送相關(guān)信函。(通信地址:教師指定)Instruction:1. Warning: We do not recommend the user to swim or bathe with this watch, especially in salt water, because the USB plug is not protected against corrosion and residues. We recommend frequent cleaning of accumulated residue inside the USB plug to prolong the product life. Recommended cleaning procedures are included in the watch instruction and our website. Features: 1. Standard USB1.1 connectivity 2. Built in USB plug 3. No external power supply required, USB bus-powered 4. Plug and play easy operation 5. LED status indicator 6. Password security 7. Bootable disk to start the computer system 8. Read 1000kb/second; write 920kb/second 9. Water resistant, shock proof and anti-static 10. Japan movement, 3-year battery lifeDear Sirs,Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce, we have known your name and address. And we have learnt you are one of leading importers of watch in your country. We wish to inform you that we specialize in manufacturing watch, and would like to establish business relations with you.Recently, we invite a new style watch, and decide to push it to Southeast Asia. The new style watch is one of our main products. Therefore, we would like to give you some instructions as follows: Warning: We do not recommend the user to swim or bathe with this watch, especially in salt water, because the USB plug is not protected against corrosion and residues. We recommend frequent cleaning of accumulated residue inside the USB plug to prolong the product life. Recommended cleaning procedures are included in the watch instruction and our website.We also would like to show you the features as follows:1. Standard USB1.1 connectivity 2. Built in USB plug 3. No external power supply required, USB bus-powered 4. Plug and play easy operation 5. LED status indicator 6. Password security 7. Bootable disk to start the computer system 8. Read 1000kb/second; write 920kb/second 9. Water resistant, shock proof and anti-static 10. Japan movement, 3-year battery lifeWe hope the above information would be of interest to you, and look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, 4.任務(wù)4 登陸世格外貿(mào)單證軟件(/doc)完成題庫中的教師布置的題目。題目要求和說明建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系請將下述建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的信函翻譯成英文,要求表達清楚、內(nèi)容完整。0101_貿(mào)易函電03.doc信函內(nèi)容如下:敬啟者:從網(wǎng)上得知貴公司的名稱和地址,貴公司所需要的產(chǎn)品正好在我們的經(jīng)營范圍內(nèi)。今特致函與你,希望能與你公司建立起長期的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。我公司是一家大型外貿(mào)公司,從事進出口業(yè)務(wù)已有近20年,信譽良好。隨信附上一份產(chǎn)品目錄和價目單供貴公司參考,在收到詢盤后,我們將給貴公司報最優(yōu)惠價。期待您的早日回復(fù)。謹(jǐn)上Hengchi Industries Co. ,ltd.Room601, Tianshi Mansion, Siyuanqiao 47#, Shanghai, P. R. ChinaTel: (021)56248632 Fax: (021)56245832E-mail: Oct. 1, 2005L. P. G. International Corporation333 Barron Blvd. , Ingleside , Illinois ( United States ) , 60041Tel: 1 847 543-4658 Fax: 1 847 543-7152E-mail: Dear sirs We have owed your name and address from Internet. And we are glade to say we are in the line with what you need. We write a letter to you here and wish to establish business relations with you. Our company is a enormous importer. We have been in the line with importing and exporting with a good reputation over 20 years. In order to acquaint you with our business lines, we enclose our catalogue and a set of pricelist for you perusal. We would quota our best favorable prices to you, when we receive your inquiry.We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Hengchi Industries Co. ,ltd題目要求和說明建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系請將下述建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的信函翻譯成英文,要求表達清楚、內(nèi)容完整。0101_貿(mào)易函電05.doc信函內(nèi)容如下:敬啟者:從網(wǎng)上得知貴公司的名稱和地址,并了解到你公司主要經(jīng)營罐頭食品的進出口。今特致函與你,希望能與你公司建立起長期的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。我公司是一家大型外貿(mào)公司,從事進出口業(yè)務(wù)已有近20年,信譽良好。我們對貴公司的產(chǎn)品很有興趣,若能提供貴公司的有關(guān)產(chǎn)品的目錄和價目單,將不勝感激。如果價格合理且交貨期可接受,相信能成交大筆交易。謹(jǐn)上L. P. G. International Corporation333 Barron Blvd. , Ingleside , Illinois ( United States ) , 60041Tel: 1 847 543-4658 Fax: 1 847 543-7152E-mail: Sep. 28, 2005Hengchi Industries Co., ltd.Room601, Tianshi Mansion, Siyuanqiao 47#, Shanghai, P. R. ChinaTel: (021)56248632 Fax: (021)56245832E-mail: Dear sirs We have owed your name and address from Internet. And we have learnt that you specialize in the export and import of can. We wish to establish long-term business relations with you. Our company is a enormous exporter. We have been in the line with import and export with a good reputation over 20 years. We are interested in your products. We would be obliged if you could enclose your catalogue and pricelist. If your prices are reasonable and the date of delivery is acceptable, we believe we could close a substantial business.We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, James Brown L. P. G. International Corporation 題目要求和說明建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系以出口商身份寫一封信函給工廠,表明與之建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的愿望,要求用中文書寫,表達清楚、內(nèi)容完整。0101_貿(mào)易函電06.doc吉辰服裝進出口公司是一家快速發(fā)展的私營外貿(mào)公司,成立于1997年,主要經(jīng)營各類服裝,特別是出口的牛仔褲,因時尚的外觀設(shè)計和優(yōu)秀的品質(zhì)深受廣大海外客戶的歡迎,產(chǎn)品遠銷到歐洲、中東和北美地區(qū)。2005年10月6日,公司因國外客戶需要,在國內(nèi)尋找合適的牛仔褲生產(chǎn)廠商。請你以出口部業(yè)務(wù)員李兵的身份,給在網(wǎng)上找到的鵬飛制衣廠的王勇廠長寫一封詢盤的信函。吉辰服裝進出口公司JICHEN CLOTHES IMPORT & EXPORT CO. LTD.北京市三環(huán)路60號世貿(mào)大廈2401室Room2401,Wordtrade Mansion, Sanhuan Road 60#,Beijing, P. R. China電話(TEL): 86-10-51427896 傳真(FAX): 86-10-51427583Oct. 6, 2005PENGFEI GARMENT CO., LTDDear Mr. Wang,We have owed your name from Internet. And we wish to establish business relations with you.Our company is a private IMPORT & EXPORT corporation with high speed developing, refund in 1997. We specialize in various garments, especial jeans. We have met with a favorable reception in overseas markets because of fashionable outer style and high quality. Our products are exported to Europe, Mid-east and North America. We are looking for a suitable industry of jeans because of the need of our oversea client in Oct. 6, 2005.We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Li Bing JICHEN CLOTHES IMPORT & EXPORT CO. LTD.題目要求和說明建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系以工廠身份寫一封信函給出口商,表明與之建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的愿望,要求用中文書寫,表達清楚、內(nèi)容完整。0101_貿(mào)易函電07.doc艾格實業(yè)有限公司是一家玩具生產(chǎn)廠商,其生產(chǎn)的玩具款式新穎,質(zhì)量上乘,深受廣大客戶歡迎。公司有自己的設(shè)計部門,能按照客戶的要求進行生產(chǎn)。2005年10月9日,公司在網(wǎng)上找到了南京世聯(lián)貿(mào)易有限公司求購大量毛絨玩具的信息,請你以業(yè)務(wù)員張平的身份,給南京世聯(lián)貿(mào)易有限公司的朱軍經(jīng)理寫一封建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的信函。艾格實業(yè)有限公司AIGE INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.天津市漢新路512號HANXIN ROAD 512#,TIANJING,P.R.CHINA電話(TEL): 86-22-25762262 傳真(FAX): 86-22-25762593Oct. 9, 2005Nanjing Shilian Trading Co.,ltdZhongshan North Road 1#, Nanjing, P. R. China(TEL): 86-25- 84714763 (FAX): 86-25- 84714682Dear Mr. Zhu, We have owed your name and learnt you are in the market for a large number of plush toys. We are a industry producing toys. Our products are fashionable in design and good in quality. We have own design department so that we can produce our products according to our clients. We wish to enter into business relations with you and look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Zhang Ping AIGE INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.三、 實訓(xùn)組織運行要求1. 組織形式:獨立完成,小組交換評判2. 活動方式:模擬練習(xí)四、 實訓(xùn)步驟1. 熟悉商業(yè)背景及相關(guān)詞匯、句型2. 按不同任務(wù)背景扮演角色寫作相關(guān)函電3. 交換函電,進行打分第二部分 Enquiry and Reply一、 實訓(xùn)目的學(xué)生分別模擬進出口商角色進行1. General enquiries and replies 一般詢盤及答復(fù)2. Specific enquiries and replies 具體詢盤及答復(fù)二、實訓(xùn)內(nèi)容根據(jù)不同任務(wù)背景要求寫作相關(guān)函電1.任務(wù)1:根據(jù)教材p47 Project Training Project 1的背景要求,撰寫函電。EnquiryThomas Co. Ltd.Oct. 8, 2010Ningbo Qianhu Trading Co. Ltd.Dear Sirs,We have learned form the Commercial Counselors Office of Canadian Embassy that you manufacture and export a variety of handicraft articles.Our company is one of leading importers of handicraft articles in Canada. Now we are in the market for high quality brocade handbags, and would like to establish business relations with you. Please send us as soon as possible your illustrated catalogues, samples and all necessary information about the goods. Meanwhile, please quote your lowest price, CIF Toronto, stating the earliest date of shipment.Your prompt attention to this matter will b


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