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.個人所得稅納稅申報表(中英文版)(適用于年所得12萬元以上的納稅人申報)INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX RETURN(For individuals with an annual income of over 120,000 Yuan)所得年份: 年 填表日期: 年 月 日 金額單位: 人民幣元(列至角分)Year of income incurred: Date of filing: date month year Amount in RMB Yuan納稅人姓名Tax payers name國籍(地區(qū))Nationality/region身份證照類型ID Type身份證照號碼ID number任職、受雇單位Employer任職受雇單位稅務(wù)代碼Employers Tax ID Code任職受雇單位所屬行業(yè)Industry of Employer職務(wù)Title職業(yè)Profession在華天數(shù)Days of stay in China境內(nèi)有效聯(lián)系地址Address in China境內(nèi)有效聯(lián)系地址郵編Post code聯(lián)系電話Tel number此行由取得經(jīng)營所得的納稅人填寫This line is to be filled by taxpayers with business income經(jīng)營單位納稅人識別號Tax ID Code of the business經(jīng)營單位納稅人名稱Name of the business所得項目Categories of income年所得額 Annual Income應(yīng)納稅所得額Taxable income應(yīng)納稅額Tax payable已繳(扣)稅額Tax pre-paid and withheld抵扣稅額Tax credit減免稅額Tax exempted or deducted應(yīng)補稅額Tax owed應(yīng)退稅額Tax refundable備注Notes境內(nèi)Income from within China境外Income from outside China合計Total1、工資、薪金所得 Wages and salaries2、個體工商戶的生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營所得 Income from production or business operation conducted by self-employed industrial and commercial households3、對企事業(yè)單位的承包經(jīng)營、承租經(jīng)營所得Income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or social service providers partly or wholly funded by state assets4、勞務(wù)報酬所得Remuneration for providing services5、稿酬所得 Authors remuneration6、特許權(quán)使用費所得 Royalties7、利息、股息、紅利所得Interest, dividends and bonuses8、財產(chǎn)租賃所得 Income from lease of property9、財產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓所得Income from transfer of property其中:股票轉(zhuǎn)讓所得Income from transfer of stocks 個人房屋轉(zhuǎn)讓所得Income from transfer of personal estate10、偶然所得 Incidental income11、其他所得 Other income合 計 Total我聲明,此納稅申報表是根據(jù)中華人民共和國個人所得稅法及有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定填報的,我保證它是真實的、可靠的、完整的。Under penalties of perjury , I declare that this return has been filed according to THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA and other relevant laws and regulations, and to the best of my knowledge and belief. I guarantee the information provided is true, correct and complete.納稅人(簽字) Taxpayers signature代理人 (簽章): Preparer (Other than taxpayer)s firm 聯(lián)系電話:Phone number稅務(wù)機關(guān)受理人(簽字): 稅務(wù)機關(guān)受理時間: 年 月 日 受理申報稅務(wù)機關(guān)名稱(蓋章):Signature of responsible tax officer : Filing date: Time: Year/Month/Date Responsible tax offic;.填表須知一、本表根據(jù)中華人民共和國個人所得稅法及其實施條例和個人所得稅自行納稅申報辦法(試行)制定,適用于年所得12萬元以上納稅人的年度自行申報。二、負有納稅義務(wù)的個人,可以由本人或者委托他人于納稅年度終了后3個月以內(nèi)向主管稅務(wù)機關(guān)報送本表。不能按照規(guī)定期限報送本表時,應(yīng)當(dāng)在規(guī)定的報送期限內(nèi)提出申請,經(jīng)當(dāng)?shù)囟悇?wù)機關(guān)批準(zhǔn),可以適當(dāng)延期。三、填寫本表應(yīng)當(dāng)使用中文,也可以同時用中、外兩種文字填寫。四、本表各欄的填寫說明如下:(一)所得年份和填表日期:申報所得年份:填寫納稅人實際取得所得的年度;填表日期,填寫納稅人辦理納稅申報的實際日期。(二)身份證照類型:填寫納稅人的有效身份證照(居民身份證、軍人身份證件、護照、回鄉(xiāng)證等)名稱。(三)身份證照號碼:填寫中國居民納稅人的有效身份證照上的號碼。(四)任職、受雇單位:填寫納稅人的任職、受雇單位名稱。納稅人有多個任職、受雇單位時,填寫受理申報的稅務(wù)機關(guān)主管的任職、受雇單位。(五)任職、受雇單位稅務(wù)代碼:填寫受理申報的任職、受雇單位在稅務(wù)機關(guān)辦理稅務(wù)登記或者扣繳登記的編碼。(六)任職、受雇單位所屬行業(yè):填寫受理申報的任職、受雇單位所屬的行業(yè)。其中,行業(yè)應(yīng)按國民經(jīng)濟行業(yè)分類標(biāo)準(zhǔn)填寫,一般填至大類。(七)職務(wù):填寫納稅人在受理申報的任職、受雇單位所擔(dān)任的職務(wù)。(八)職業(yè):填寫納稅人的主要職業(yè)。(九)在華天數(shù):由中國境內(nèi)無住所的納稅人填寫在稅款所屬期內(nèi)在華實際停留的總天數(shù)。(十)中國境內(nèi)有效聯(lián)系地址:填寫納稅人的住址或者有效聯(lián)系地址。其中,中國有住所的納稅人應(yīng)填寫其經(jīng)常居住地址。中國境內(nèi)無住所居民住在公寓、賓館、飯店的,應(yīng)當(dāng)填寫公寓、賓館、飯店名稱和房間號碼。經(jīng)常居住地,是指納稅人離開戶籍所在地最后連續(xù)居住一年以上的地方。(十一)經(jīng)營單位納稅人識別碼、納稅人名稱:納稅人取得的年所得中含個體工商戶的生產(chǎn)、經(jīng)營所得和對企事業(yè)單位的承包經(jīng)營、承租經(jīng)營所得時填寫本欄。納稅人識別碼:填寫稅務(wù)登記證號碼。納稅人名稱:填寫個體工商戶、個人獨資企業(yè)、合伙企業(yè)名稱,或者承包承租經(jīng)營的企事業(yè)單位名稱。(十二)年所得額:填寫在納稅年度內(nèi)取得相應(yīng)所得項目的收入總額。年所得額按個人所得稅自行納稅申報辦法的規(guī)定計算。各項所得的計算,以人民幣為單位。所得以非人民幣計算的,按照稅法實施條例第四十三條的規(guī)定折合成人民幣。(十三)應(yīng)納稅所得額:填寫按照個人所得稅有關(guān)規(guī)定計算的應(yīng)當(dāng)繳納個人所得稅的所得額。(十四)已繳(扣)稅額:填寫取得該項目所得在中國境內(nèi)已經(jīng)繳納或者扣繳義務(wù)人已經(jīng)扣繳的稅款。(十五)抵扣稅額:填寫個人所得稅法允許抵扣的在中國境外已經(jīng)繳納的個人所得稅稅額。(十六)減免稅額:填寫個人所得稅法允許減征或免征的個人所得稅稅額。(十七)本表為A4橫式,一式兩聯(lián),第一聯(lián)報稅務(wù)機關(guān),第二聯(lián)納稅人留存。 Instructions一、This return is designed in accordance with THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA, THE IMPLEMENTING RULES OF THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA and THE RULES CONCERNING INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX SELF DECLARATION(provisional), and is applicable for individuals with an annual income of reach 120,000 Yuan.二、Taxable individuals are obliged to fill out and submit the return to the local tax authority within 3 months after the end of the tax year, either by themselves or other entrusted prepares. In case of inability to file the return within the prescribed time limit, an application should be submitted to the local tax authority within prescribed time limit and upon the tax authoritys approval, the filing deadline may be extended.三、The return should be filled out in Chinese or in both Chinese and a foreign language.四、Instructions for filling out various items:(一)Year of income incurred and Date or filling:Year of income incurred: The year in which the taxpayer receives the income.Date or filling: the actual date when the return is filed.(二)ID Type:The name of the valid identification certificate of the taxpayer(ID Card, passport, solider certificate, military officer certificate, returning permit, etc.)(三)ID number: The number of the valid identification certificate of the taxpayer.(四)Employer: The taxpayers employer. The name of the employer for the reporting shall be filled if there are more than one employer.(五)Employers Tax ID Code: The ID code of the taxpayers employer registered at tax authority either as a taxpayer or as a withholder.(六)Industry of Employer:The industry a taxpayers employer belongs to. It should fall into the general categories of the Categorization of National Economy Industries.(七)Title:The taxpayers official rank at his/her employer.(八)Profession:The main profession of the taxpayer.(九)Days of stay in China:The actual days stayed in China by a taxpayer without a permanent residence during the tax due period.(十)Address in China:The address or the effective contacting address of the taxpayer. For a person without a residence who lives in a hotel, it means the room number and hotel name.(十一)Taxpayers Tax ID cole and Taxpayers Name:Tax ID Code of the business: The number on the tax registration certificate.Name of the business: The name of the taxable self-employed industrial and commercial households, individually-invested enterprises, partnerships, individually-invested or partner-invested private non-enterprises, or enterprises or social service providers partly or wholly funded by state assets under contracted or leased operation.(十二)Annual Income:The total amount of the corresponding items of income in the tax year. The annual receipts income is calculated in accordance with THE INPLEMENTING RULES OF THE INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX LAW OR THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA and THE LAW OF PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION OF COLLECTION.The calculation shall be in RMB Yuan. Those in foreign currencies shall be converted to the RMB Yuan on the basis of the foreign e
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