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小學(xué)英語口語練習(xí)資料初次見面打招呼1. 你好!我是Lily。美國人。 Hello I am Lily. I am American.2. 嗨你是Jack嗎? Hi! Are you Jack?3. 你好! How do you do!4. 認(rèn)識你很高興! Nice to meet you!5. 你是哪里人?/ 你來自哪里? Where are you from? / Where do you come from?6. 請允許我自我介紹一下。 Please allow me to introduce myself.7. 大家好! Hello! Everyone!8. 你叫什么名字?/ 您貴姓? Whats your name?9. 我姓李。 My family name / surname name is Li.10. 不好意思,我沒聽清楚你的名字? Im sorry, I didnt hear your name clearly.11. 怎么拼寫? How to spell it?12. 你好!你找哪位? Hello! Who are you looking for?13. 這是我的名片。 This is my name card.一般情況下打招呼1. 早上好!/ 下午好!/ 晚上好! Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!2. 好久不見! Long time no see!3. 周末過得好嗎? How was your weekend?4. 很高興又見到你了。 Nice to see you again!5. 我想死你了。 I miss you so much! / I really miss you!6. 你的病好點兒了嗎? Are you feeling better?7. 嗨!你還記得我嗎? Hi! Do you still remember me?道別1. 再見! Goodbye!2. 不好意思,我得走了。明天見! Im sorry, I have to go/leave now. See you tomorrow!3. 待會兒見。/一會兒見。 See you later.4. 周末愉快! Have a nice weekend!5. 希望能再次見到你。 Hope to see you again.6. 太晚了,我得走了。 Its late. I must go.7. 明天幾點見面? What time shall we meet tomorrow?2. 同意我同意。 I agree. 你的想法很好! Your idea is good. 你對了。 You are right. 沒問題。 No problem.我沒意見。 I have no objection. 我支持你。 I support you. 我同意你的意見。 I agree with your ideas. 我也是這么想的。 Thats what I was thinking. 你的決定是對的。 Your decision is right/ correct. 好主意! Good idea!反對我反對。 I dont agree. / I disagree. 我不同意你的觀點。 I dont agree with your ideas / opinions. I disagree with your ideas / opinions. 我不這么想。 Thats not what I think. I dont think so. 你錯了。 You are wrong. 你再好好想想吧。 Youd better think again. 或許還有更好的辦法。 Maybe there is a better way. 你不可以這么做。 You cant do it this way. 我又自己的想法。 I have my own idea. 你最好別這樣做。 Youd better not do it this way. 我不喜歡這樣。 I dont like it this way. 3、介紹人、詢問他人請允許我自我介紹一下。 Please allow me to introduce myself.你好!我是李華。我來自中國。Hello! My name is Li Hua. Im from China.你好!這是我的朋友,湯姆。 Hello! This is my friend, Tom.Hello! This is Tom, my friend. 瑪麗,這是邁克,美國人。Mary, this is Mike. He is American.那是我最好的朋友約翰。That is my best friend John.大家好,這位是我們的英語老師,王琴。Hello everyone, this is our English teacher Wang Qin.Hello everyone, this is Wang Qin, our English teacher. 請問您(你)叫什么名字?Whats your name please?您是哪里人???/ 您來自哪里?。縒here do you come from?Where are you from?您(你)是英國人嗎?Are you British?您來自英國嗎?Are you from British? / Do you come from British?你會說中文嗎?Can you speak Chinese?歡迎來到中國!Welcome to China!您好!我能為您做什么嗎?Hello! / Excuse me! What can I do for you? Hello! / Excuse me! Is there anything I can do for you?詢問意見你覺得怎么樣? What do you think?你同意哪一個? Which one do you agree with?你有什么意見嗎? What is your opinion? Do you have any opinions?我能跟你商量一下嗎? Can I talk this over with you?我想聽聽你的看法。 Id like to listen to your idea.哪個更好? Which is better?你決定吧? You decide.由你決定。 Its up to you. 我不知道該怎么辦。 I dont know what to do.建議我覺得你的想法不太好。/ 我認(rèn)為這個主意不太好。/ 我認(rèn)為這不是個好主意。I dont think its a good idea. / I dont think your idea is good.我有一個好主意。 I have a good idea. 我想給你一些建議。 Id like to give you some suggestions. 這是我的看法。 This is my view / opinion. 聽聽別人的意見。 Listen to other peoples ideas. 你應(yīng)該試試。 You should try. 也許你應(yīng)該聽他的。 Perhaps you should listen to him.這是我/你應(yīng)該做的。 I / You ought to do this.不要這樣/那樣做。 Dont do this / that. 謝謝你的建議。我會好好考慮的。Thank you for you advice / suggestion. I will think about it. 請求可以幫我一下嗎? Can you help me?您能再說一次嗎? Can you say that again / once more?我能用一下你的手機嗎? Can I use your cellphone?我能看一下嗎? Can I have a look?明天我能休息嗎? Can I have a rest tomorrow?打擾一下,可不可以請您幫個忙? Excuse me, could you help me please?您能告訴我現(xiàn)在是幾點嗎? Would you tell me what time it is now?買水果附近有水果市場嗎? Is there a fruit market nearby?我現(xiàn)在去買些新鮮的芒果。 Im going to buy some fresh mangoes now. 太熱了,我去買點西瓜吧。 Its too hot. Im going to buy some watermelon.有蘋果嗎? Do you have apples? 我很想吃梨。 I really want to eat pear. 你想吃蘋果嗎? Would you like an apple?冰箱里沒有水果了,我去買點兒。There is no fruit in the fridge. Im going to buy some.昨天買的桃好吃。我再去買點兒。Those peaches I bought yesterday were delicious. Im ging to buy some more. 水果新鮮嗎? Is the fruit fresh?蘋果怎么賣? How much are the apples?能便宜點兒嗎? Can I have a cheaper price?有大一點兒的蘋果嗎? Do you have bigger apples?這些都壞了。 These are all bad.哪種更甜? Which is sweeter?我不要太大的。 I dont want too big. 這些香蕉不新鮮了。 These bananas are not fresh.好,就要這些吧。 OK / Great. Ill have these. 我想買一斤蘋果。 I would like to buy half a kilo of apple. 要半個西瓜可以嗎? Can I just buy half a watermelon?我要5個香蕉,3個芒果。 I would like 5 bananas and 3 mangoes. 蘋果太貴了,就買2個吧。 Apples are too expensive. Ill just buy 2. 多少錢? How much is it? 西瓜多少錢??? How much is the watermelon?給你。 Here you are. / Here it is. 我的錢不夠了,不好意思。 Im sorry, I dont have enough money. 去餐廳今天晚上我要去飯店吃飯。 Tonight Im going to restaurant to eat. 我餓死了,去飯店吃吧。 Im hungry. Lets go and eat in the restaurant. 家里沒有食物了,去外面吃吧。 Theres no food at home. Lets go out to eat. There isnt any food at home. Lets go out to eat. 我不會做飯,去飯店吃吧。 I cant cook, so lets go to a restaurant to eat. 我想吃北京烤鴨了。 I want to eat Beijing duck. 去哪兒吃飯??? Where shall we go to eat?我不知道吃什么? I dont know what to eat.想吃火鍋嗎? Do you want to eat hot pot? 那家店很火。 That restaurant is very popular. 有菜單嗎? Do you have a menu?我先看一下菜單。 Let me look at the menu first. 現(xiàn)在可以點餐了嗎? Can I order now? 我要點餐。 I would like to order. 這是什么菜? What is this dish?這里最受歡迎的菜是哪個? What is the most popular dish here/這個菜辣嗎? Is this dish spicy?您想要喝點什么,先生/小姐? What would you like to drink, Sir/ Miss?有西紅柿湯嗎? Do you have a tomato soup?你想吃米飯還是餃子? Would you like rice or dumplings?這是您的意大利面/牛排。 Here is your pasta / steak.這個菜真好吃。 This dish is delicious. 買單. pay the bill我請客。 My treat. / Its on me./ Its my treat. 不,我們AA。 No, lets go AA.好吧,下次我請客。 OK, next time its on me.哦,太貴了。 Oh, its too expensive!你好!歡迎光臨! Hello! Welcome!歡迎下次再來! Please come again!您幾位? How many people?這是菜單。 Here is the menu.在家吃飯 Eating at home 我餓了。 Im hungry. 晚上想吃什么,我給你做?What would you like to eat tonight. I could cook for you?我很喜歡在家做飯。 I really like cooking at home. 我喜歡在家吃飯。 I like eating at home. 需要幫忙嗎? Do you need any help?我做飯,你洗碗,好嗎? I cook, you wash the dishes, OK?飯做好了,快來吃吧。 Dinner is ready. Come to eat. 先去洗手。 Wash your hands first. 多吃點飯/肉/蔬菜。 Eat more rice/ meat / vegetables.我想喝湯。 Id like to have some soup.湯太燙了,等一下再喝。 The soup is too hot. Wait a moment!你想吃牛肉還是豬肉? Would you like to eat beef or pork?中國人吃飯用筷子。 Chinese use chopsticks to eat. 喝湯用勺子。 Use spoon to drink soup. 我想吃兩碗飯。 I want to eat two bowls of rice. 我喜歡吃粉條/餃子。 I like eating noodles / dumplings. 我不喜歡喝粥。 I dont like porridge. 我吃飽了。 Im full. 游泳 swimming 我不會游泳。 I cant swim. 游泳可以讓你保持身體健康。 Swimming can help keep fit / healthy.你會幾種游泳方式? How many different kinds of strokes can you swim?你冬天游泳嗎? Do you swim in the winter? 夏天我經(jīng)常去游泳。 I often go swimming in the summer. 水涼嗎? Is the water cold?我每次游兩個小時。 I swim for 2 hours each time. 我沒帶游泳鏡。 I didnt bring swimming goggles. 游泳池的水干凈嗎? Is the water in the swimming pool clean?這附近有游泳館嗎? Is there a swimming pool nearby?他游得很好。 He swims very well. 救命!我不會游泳。 Help! I cant swim. 登山 climbing the mountain你走得太快了,等等我。 You are walking too fast. Wait for me.我們需要多長時間才能爬到山頂?How long do we need to get to the top of the mountain?山上的空氣很新鮮。 The air on the top of the mountain is very fresh.我走不動了。 I cant walk any more.山上有點兒冷。 Its a little cold on the top f the mountain. 山上的風(fēng)景很美。 The view from the mountain top is very beautiful. 我們休息一下吧。 Lets rest for a while. 這座山真高啊! The mountain is really / so high!這座山真陡?。?The mountain is really / so


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