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1、。當(dāng)工作越來(lái)越復(fù)雜,給你6 個(gè)簡(jiǎn)化守則I have spent the lastyears,tryingto resolvetwo enigmas:why isproductivity so disappointing in all the companieswhere I work? I haveworked with morethan 500companies.Despiteallthetechnologicaladvance computers,IT,communications, telecommunications, the internet.Enigma number two: w

2、hy is there so littleengagement at work?Why do people feel so miserable, even actively disengaged?Disengaged their colleagues. Acting against the interest oftheircompany.Despitealltheaffiliationevents,thecelebration,thepeopleinitiatives,theleadershipdevelopmentprogramstotrainmanagers onhow tobetterm

3、otivate their teams.At the beginning, I thought there was a chicken and eggissue:becausepeoplearelessengaged,theyarelessproductive. Or vice versa, because they are less productive,we put more pressure and they are less engaged. But as we were doing our analysis we realized that there was a common ro

4、ot cause to these two issues that relates, in fact, to the basic pillars of management. The way we organize is based on two pillars.The hard structure, processes, systems.。1。The softfeeling,sentiments,interpersonalrelationship,traits, personality.Andwheneveracompany reorganizes,restructures,reengine

5、ers, goes through a cultural transformation program,it chooses thesetwo pillars.Nowwe trytorefinethem, we tryto combine them. The real issue isand this is the answer tothe two enigmas these pillar are obsolete.Everything you read in business books is based either twoof the other or their combine. Th

6、ey are obsolete. How do theywork when you try to use these approaches in front of the newcomplexity of business? The hard approach, basically is thatyou start from strategy, requirement, structure, processes,systems,KPIs,scorecards,committees,headquarters,hubs,clusters, you name it. I forgot all the

7、 metrics, incentives,committees,middleofficesandinterfaces.Whathappensbasicallyon theleft,youhavemorecomplexity,thenewcomplexity of business. We need quality, cost, reliability,speed. And every time there is a new requirement, we use thesame approach. Wecreate dedicatedstructureprocessed systems,bas

8、icallytodealwiththenew complexityofbusiness.The hardapproach creates just complicatedness in the organization.Let stakeanexample.Anautomotivecompany,the。2。engineeringdivisionisa five-dimensionalmatrix.Ifyou openany cellof the matrix,you findanother 20-dimensionalmatrix.You have Mr. Noise,Mr. PetrolC

9、onsumption, Mr. Anti-CollisionPropertise.Foranynew requirement,youhaveadedicatedfunctioninchargeofaligningengineersagainstthenewrequirement. What happens when the new requirement emerges?Some yearsago,anewrequirementappearedonthemarketplace: the length of the warranty period. So thereforethe require

10、ment is repairability, making cars easy to repair.Otherwisewhen you bringthecartothe garage to fixthelight,if you have to remove the engine to access the lights, the carwill have to stay one week in the garage instead of two hours,and thewarrantybudgetwillexplode. So, what was thesolutionusingthehar

11、dapproach?Ifrepairabilityistherewrequirement, the solution is to create a new function, Mr.Repairability.And Mr. Repairabilitycreatesthe repairabilityprocess.Witha repairabilityscorecard,witha repairabilitymetric and eventuallyrepairabilityincentive.That cameon topof 25 other KPIs. What percentage o

12、f these people is variablecompensation?Twentypercentatmost,dividedby26KPIs,repairabilitymakesadifferenceof0.8percent.Whatdifferencediditmake intheiraction,theirchoicesto。3。simplify?Zero.But what occursforzeroimpact?Mr.Repairability, process, scorecard, evaluation, coordinationwith the 25 other coord

13、inators to have zero impact. Now, infront of the new complexity of business, the only solution isnot drawing boxes withreporting lines.It isbasicallytheinterplay. How the parts work together. The connection, theinteraction, the synapse. It is not skeleton of boxes, it isthe nervous system of adaptiv

14、enessand intelligence.You know,you couldcallitcooperation,basically.Whenever peoplecooperate, they use less resources. In everything. You know,the repairability issue is a cooperation problem.Whenyou designcars,pleasetakeintoaccountthe need ofthose who will repair the carsintheafter sales garage. Wh

15、enwe don tcooperate we need more time, more equipment, moresystem, more teams. We needwhen procurement, supply chain,manufacturingdont cooperateweneedmorestock,moreinvestories, more working capital.Who will pay for that? Shareholder? Customers? No, theywillrefuse.Sowho isleft?Theemployees,whohave to

16、compensate throughtheirsuperindividualeffortsforthelackofcooperation.Stress,burnout,theyareoverwhelmed,accidents. No wonder they disengage.。4。How do the hard and the soft try to foster cooperation?The hard:in banks, when thereis problem between the backoffice and the front office, they dontcooperate

17、. What is thesolution? They create a middle office.What happens one yearslater?Insteadofone problembetween the back and front, now have to problems. Between theback and the middle and between the middle and thefront. PlusI have to pay forthe middle office.The hard approach is unableto fostercooperat

18、ion.It canonly add new boxes, new bones inthe skeleton.The softapproach: to makepeople cooperate,we need to makethen likeeach other.Improve interpersonalfeelings,the morepeople laike each other, the more they will cooperate. It istotally worng. It even counterproductive.Look, at home I have two TVs.

19、 Why? Precisely not to haveto cooperate with my wife. Not to have to impose tradeoffs tomy wife. And why I try not to impose tradeoffs to my wife ispreciselybecause I love my wife.IfI didn t love my wife,oneTV would be enough: you will watch my favorite football game, if you are not happy, how is th

20、e book or the door?The more we like each other, the more we avoid the real cooperation that would strain our relationships by imposing。5。tough tradeoffs. And we go for a second TV or we escalate thedecision above for arbitration.Definitely, these approaches are obsolete. To deal withcomplexity,toenh

21、ance nervous system, we have createdwhat wecallthesmartsimplicityapproachbasedon simplerules.Simple rulenumber one: understand what othersdo. What istheirreal work? We need go beyond the boxes, the job description,beyond the surface of the container, to understand the realcontent.Me, designer,ifIput

22、 a wirehere,Iknow thatitwillmeanthatwe willhave toremove the engine to access the lights.Second, you need to reinforceintegrators.Integratorsare notmiddle office, they are managers, existing managers that youreinforce so that they have power and interest to make otherscooperate.Howcan you reinforcey

23、ourmanagers as integrators?By removing layers. When there are too many layers people aretoofar from theaction.Thereforetheyneed KPIs, metrics,theyneed poor proxies for reality. They dontunderstand realityand theyadd the complicatednessof metrics,KPIs. By removingrules the bigger we are, the more we

24、need integrators, therefore the less rules we must have, to give discretionarypower to managers. And we do the oppositethe bigger we are,the more rules we create. And we end up with the Encyclopedia。6。Britannicaof rules.You need to increasethe quanitityofpowerso thatyou can empower everybodyto use t

25、heirjudgment,theirintelligence. You must give more cards to people so that theyhave thecriticalmass of cards totake the risktocooperate,to move out of insulation.Otherwise,theywillwithdraw.Theywill disengage. These rules, they come from game theory andorganizational sociology. You can increase the s

26、hadow of thefuture.Createfeedbackloopsthatexpose peopletotheconsequences of their actions. This is what the automotivecompany did when theysaw thatMr. Repairabilityhad no impact.They said the design engineers: now, in the three years, whenthe new car is launchedon the market,you willmoveto the after

27、sales network,and become in charge ofthe warrantybudget,andif thewarrantybudgetexplodes,itwillexplode inyourface.Much more powerful than0.8percentvariablecompensation.Youneed alsoto increasereciprocity,by removingthe buffersthatmake us self-sufficient. When you remove these buffers, youhold me by th

28、e nose, I hold you by the ear. We will cooperate.Remove the second TV. There are many second TVs at work thatdontcreatevalue,theyjustprovidedysfunctionalself-sufficiency.You need toreward thosewho cooperateand blame thosewho。7。dont cooperate.The CEOofThe Lego Group, JK, has a greatwayto use it. He say, blame is not for failure, it is for failingto help or ask for help. It changes everything. Suddenly itbecomes in my interest to be transparent on my r


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