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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!關(guān)于毅力堅持的英語諺語 no patient who, who has no wisdom. sha di誰沒有耐煩,誰就沒有才智.薩迪。關(guān)于堅持的英語諺語有哪些可以摘抄的好句子呢?接下來我為大家整理了堅持的英語諺語,歡送大家閱讀! 堅持的英語諺語 命運壓不垮一個人,只會使人頑強起來。 fate not ruin a person, will only make people strong. 剛開頭是假裝頑強,后來就真的頑強了。 at first is pretending to be strong, he was really strong. 因為你

2、很重要,所以,我情愿為你頑強。 because you are very important, so, i am willing to strong for you. 沒有人會為我頑強,所以我肯定要英勇。 no one will be strong for me, so i must be brave. 在往事的背后療傷,在人來人往中頑強。 behind the healing in the past, strong in people busy. 一路上是你讓我頑強,每顆感動的淚光。 along the way you make me strong, each was moved to te

3、ars. 你每損害我一秒,我就會更加頑強一分。 every time you hurt me for a second, ill be more strong. 一時的失誤不會毀掉一獨特格頑強的人。 a mistake will not destroy a strength of character. 寒冷的時候,學(xué)會用自己的左手暖和右手。 cold weather, learn to use their left hand, right hand warm. 擔(dān)當(dāng)別人的苦痛的時候,我們都格外頑強。 bear the pain of others, we are extremely stron

4、g. 在富人的想像里,財寶是一座頑強的堡壘。 in the rich imagination, wealth is a strong fortress. 不是我不想頑強,而是我學(xué)不會如何頑強。 not i dont want to be strong, but i cant learn how to strong. 誰能告知我,要有多頑強,才敢念念不忘。 who can tell me, want to have more strong, will dare to yearned. 堅持的英語諺語 1.stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down d

5、eadwood ; and keep chippinga way, gold and stone can be carved.-鍥而舍之,朽木不折;鍥而不舍,金石可鏤。荀況 2.although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it cangradually bring you good.- ovid忍受和堅持雖是苦痛的事情,但卻能慢慢地為你帶來好處。奧維德 3.persistence will enable us to succeed, and perseverance of the source isto do not wa

6、ver in the least, we should take to achieve the necessary means tosuccess.- chernyshevsky只有毅力才會使我們勝利,而毅力的來源又在于毫不動搖,堅決實行為到達勝利所需要的手段。車爾尼雪夫斯基 4.determined to not firm, with nothing.- zhu xi立志不堅,終不濟事。朱熹 5.as long as the continuous efforts, unremitting struggle, there is nothings that can not be conquere

7、d.- seneca只要持續(xù)地努力,不懈地奮斗,就沒有制服不了的東西。塞內(nèi)加 6.no human can repel a firm hope.- kingsley永久沒有人力可以擊退一個堅決強毅的盼望。金斯萊 7.with strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings.-bailey有了堅決的意志,就等于給雙腳添了一對翅膀。貝利 8.once you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and neverreturn.- zola生活的道路一旦選定,就要英勇地

8、走究竟,決不回頭。左拉 9.tell you that i reach the goal of the mystery, i only power is mypersistence spirit.- pasteur告知你使我到達目的的神秘吧,我唯一的力氣就是我的堅持精神。巴斯德 10.people lack the willpower, rather than strength.-hugo世人缺乏的是毅力,而非氣力。雨果 11.once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy.-herzen一朝開頭便永久能將事業(yè)

9、連續(xù)下去的人是美好的。赫爾岑 12.no patient who, who has no wisdom.- he di誰沒有耐煩,誰就沒有才智。薩迪 13.have achieved unremittingly, indomitable than when subjected to failureis more important. - laroche, french writer獲得成就時堅持不懈,要比遭到失敗時堅強不屈更重要。拉羅什夫科,法國作家 14.one day, the ten day of ten money, money. little strokes fellgreat oa

10、ks.dripping water wears through a stone.一日一錢,十日十錢。繩鋸木斷,水滴石穿。 15.heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. - wentianxiang天行健,君子以自強不息。 文天祥 16.poor and stronger, not falling albatron ambition. - wang bo窮且益堅,不墜青云之志。王勃 17.dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get s

11、omefruits. - tsien hsueshen不要失去信念,只要堅持不懈,就終會有成果。-錢學(xué)森 堅持的英語諺語 1、heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. wentianxiang天行健,君子以自強不息。文天祥 2、as long as the continuous efforts, unremitting struggle, there is nothings that can not be conquered. seneca只要持續(xù)地努力,不懈地奮斗,就沒有制服不了的東西。塞內(nèi)加 3、once

12、 you choose your way of life, be brave to stick it out and neverreturn. zola生活的道路一旦選定,就要英勇地走究竟,決不回頭。左拉 4、no patient who, who has no wisdom. he di誰沒有耐煩,誰就沒有才智。薩迪 5、it is dogged does it. the days of easy, but careless people. yuanmei天下無難事,只怕有心人。天下天易事,只怕馬虎人。袁枚 6、poor and stronger, not falling albatron

13、ambition. wangbo窮且益堅,不墜青云之志。王勃 7、we should have the perseverance, must have the self-confidenceespecially! we must believe, our talent is used to do something. mrs.curie我們應(yīng)有恒心,尤其要有自信念!我們必需信任,我們的天賦是要用來做某種事情的。居里夫人 8、determined to not firm, with nothing. zhu xi立志不堅,終不濟事。朱熹 9、one day, the ten day of ten

14、 money, money. little strokes fell great oaks.dripping water wears through a stone.一日一錢,十日十錢。繩鋸木斷,水滴石穿。 10、pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily andindefatigably.不管追求什么目的,都應(yīng)堅持不懈。 11、dont lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get somefruits. tsien hsueshen不要失去信念,只要堅持不懈,就終會有成果。

15、錢學(xué)森 12、with strong will, is equivalent to the feet to a pair of wings.bailey有了堅決的意志,就等于給雙腳添了一對翅膀。貝利 13、rome wasnt built in one day.偉業(yè)非一日建成。 14、persistence will enable us to succeed, and perseverance of the source isto do not waver in the least, we should take to achieve the necessary means tosuccess

16、.chernyshevsky只有毅力才會使我們勝利,而毅力的來源又在于毫不動搖,堅決實行為到達勝利所需要的手段。車爾尼雪夫斯基 堅持的英語諺語 1、原來無望的事,大膽嘗試,往往能勝利。 what is hopeless, if you try boldly, you will always succeed. 2、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求別人。 all wise men seek themselves, and all fools seek others. 3、不經(jīng)一番徹骨寒,哪有梅花撲鼻香? without a bitter cold, where is the fragrance of p

17、lum blossoms? 4、書山有路勤為徑,學(xué)海無崖苦作舟。 there is a way to learn from the sea without cliffs. 5、回避現(xiàn)實的人,將來將更不抱負(fù)。 those who avoid reality will have a worse future. 6、勝利需要付出代價,不勝利需要付出更高的代價。 success comes at a price. failure comes at a higher price. 7、鍥而舍之,朽木不折;鍥而不舍,金石可鏤。 if you persevere, you will never break

18、the dead wood; if you persevere, youwill carve out the stone. 8、宏大的作品,不是靠力氣而是靠堅持才完成的。 great works are accomplished not by strength but by perseverance. 9、才氣就是長期的堅持不懈。 talent is long-term perseverance. 10、世上無難事,只要肯登攀。 nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. 11、駱駝走得慢,但終

19、能走到目的地。 camels walk slowly, but they eventually reach their destination. 12、不經(jīng)受風(fēng)雨,長不成大樹;不受百煉,難以成鋼。 it is difficult to grow into steel without experiencing wind and rain. 13、毅力是永久的享受。 perseverance is a permanent enjoyment. 14、堅持者能在命運風(fēng)暴中奮斗。 persistent people can struggle in the storm of fate. 15、壯志與毅力

20、是事業(yè)的雙翼。 ambition and perseverance are the wings of career. 16、百敗而其志不折。 one hundred defeats and ones ambition remains unchanged. 堅持的英語諺語 我們能做到的,比想象的更多。 we can do more than we think. 天行健,君子以自強不息。 as heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittinglypractice self-improvement. 為了高尚的目的,多大的代價我也愿付出。 in order to achieve noble goals, i would like to pay the price. 讀不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。 reading is not about three or five drums, but about ten winters. 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。 freezing three feet is not a days cold. 為學(xué)須剛與恒,不剛那么隋隳,不恒那么退。 in order to learn, we shoul


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