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7、iuiuoD 0)人sainjusjaip cuojj 9|do9d uaq/v susddeq jeqM jnoqe Suiqisiuos uea| os|e p|noqs no人q?noue )ou si sunj|nD ujd)S9/v pue s9enSue| qsi|Su3 SuiApnjs zj9asmoh S3ru|no ujsjs9/v inoqe 9|qissod se ipniu se ue列 p|noqs no人puooas qsi|9u3 人|ensn z39en9ue| uSisjoj e ued| 0)paau no人 sjij sousjssm qjiM 人sje

8、DiuniuiuoD oi a|qe sq oj ue/v no人cue列 oj psau no人 sSuiqj 40 spui| sajqj op sjsqiJU9A9 uoijeoiuniuiuoo Jisqj9)|P oj qSnous puijsip sje spun09ppq |eru|n。asoq/v 9|do9duoijeDiuniuiuoD o| usp9d uoiiBOiuniuiuoo |ejn)|n9Jd)U! si ;eq/v T others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvan

9、tages to associating with others8. Collectivist P32Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals Most Asian cultures, inc

10、luding Chin Rs, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goals; and emphasize their con

11、nectedness to members of these cultures 9. What is “hiQrarchyP5010.Hierarchy is differences in rank and power. Every society has hierarchy to some degree In other words, some people have higher rank and more power than others, perhaps because they are older, stronger, wealthier, or have some kind of

12、 official positio n.10. What is culture shockP5812.Culture shock is often used to describe what happe ns when ever a person encounters a culture different from his or her own The term culture shock describes what happens when a sojourner from culture A goes to live in culture B, and needs to adapt t

13、o I訐e thereThe constant effort and uncertainty of dealing with a foreign language and culture can lead to a con dition called culture shock It is a feeling of being conf used and overwhelmed by life in another culture People who experienee culture shock often feel fatigued, impatient and irritable T

14、hey may also begin trying to avoid interact!on with foreigners, and even become increasingly critical and hostile toward them Foreigners in China sometimes experienee culture shock and so do Chinese who go to live in other countries11. Low context P66The way to communicate tends to be relatively exp

15、licit and direct. In other words, people tend to put most of heir ideas and feeli ngs plainly and openl y. Its gen erally considered a good thing to get the point and say what you mean and it is largely the speakers responsibility to ensure that his/her message is stated in a way that is clear and e

16、asy to understand12. High context P66High con text is more in direct and subtle and liste ners are expected to take more resporisibility for interpreting messages correctly. People are expected to pay much atte ntion to the con text in which commu nicati on takes place and whe n people interpret wha

17、t others mean, they often give more weight to the context than to the actual words said. In fact, people in high con text cultures often view direct, explicit communication as unsophisticated or even rude13. What is projected cultural similarity P7416.Projected cultural similarity is a phenomenon wh

18、ich is the tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more the same way we do. In other words, we sometimes assume that while foreigners may look different, dress d訐ferently, and speak different languages, inside we are all more or less the same11 17. Loose cultures

19、P83Loose culture do not demand a high degree of conformity. In loose cultures, people have a relatively wide range of views as to what is considered normal behavior Of course, such cultures have some consensus on what is and is not considered appropriate behavior, but the consensus is not very stron

20、g and there is often much disagreement. People in loose cultures also tend to be relatively tolerant of behavior that does not conform to cultural norms.13. Tighr cultures P83Tight cultures expect a relatively high degree of conformity. There is a clear consensus as to what is and is not acceptable

21、behavior, and there is more pressure on people to conform to the norms of the culture14. What is ethnocentrism P9315.Eth no centrism is the tendency to think of ones own culture as being at the center of the world in other words, to assume that ones own cultures way of thinking and acting is more na

22、tural, normal, and correct than the way people from other cultures think and act15. What are ingroups and outgroups P10717.InGroups: In-groups are the people we have the most in common with and identify most closely with, such as our family, classmates, or co-workers We also have larger in-groups su

23、ch as people who are from our own region, religious group, ethnic group, or nation.Out-groups: out groups are those groups of people who we do not ide nt 訐 y with-一 people from other families, regions, ethnic groups, or nations. Toward outsiders, we tend to be more critical, suspicious, and willing

24、to pass harsh judgments.16. Collectivist culturesCollectivist generally have a high sense of loyalty and obligation to their ingroups, and will often go to great lengths to help people they consider members of their in-groups However, they feel less obligation to outsiders The main distinction peopl

25、e usually make is between us and them17. Individualist western cultures P114While individualist westerners also treat outsiders differently from members of their out-groups, the differenee is generally not so great; for example, individualists gen erally assist members of their in-groups as much as

26、collectivists would, but they may offer more assistance to outsiders than collectivists would. The main distinction people usually make is between me and others18. What are “war stories P12521.The term war stories originally referred to the kinds of stories soldiers would tell after experiences in b

27、attle Now fZwar stories refers more gen erally to any stories people tell after strange or stressful experiences, including stories about unusual encounters with foreigners War stories naturally tend to be biased against outsiders, so they tend to reinforce negative views toward foreigners. Whafs mo

28、re, negative views based on an experienee with one foreigner are often used as evidence to draw con elusions about forei gn ers in gen eral.22. What is giving the benefit of the doubt P142When you encounter a foreigner whose behavior seems unusual or hard to understand, you should keep an open mind

29、and try to delay or suspend interpretation Giving the ben efit of the doubt is less likely to cause us to think or act in ways that will unnecessarily damage our relationships with foreigners簡(jiǎn)答題(定義+評(píng)論)1. What are the problems in intercultural communication/Why is it so hard to communicate with forei

30、gners P9refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their commu nication eve nt. Learn about what happens whe n people from d iff ere nt cultures try to comm un icate with each other in other words, ”intercultural communication.Part of the problem is

31、 that there are many different languages, so it is very hard to communicate with foreigners Also, cultures are different and its difficult for foreigners to understand why students acted as they did. Another part of the problem is the way foreigners handle the intercultural communication. When Chine

32、se do or say things that seem strange to them, foreigners tend to jump to conclusi ons and they are more likely to jump to n egative con elusions in stead of considering other possible explanations for the Chinese students behavior2. What are the characteristics of Chinese culture P17定義 “culture”1.

33、collectivismemphasis on the doctrine of the mean2. large power distance-hierarchy3. In ter-group (in-group) harm ony and avoida nee of overt (covert) conflict in interpersonal relations4. hypocritical5. hypocrisy6. belief in the u naturalness, necessity, and inevitability of hierarchy. ”7. inequalit

34、y based on achievement, especially academic, moral, and financial achieveme nt8. belief that u the judgment of wise people is a better way to regulate life than rigid, artificial laws9. people exist “in and through relationship with others.”10. academic emphasis on memory, attention to detail, and l

35、engthy homework3. What are the virtues of Chinese culture P31定義 “culture”1. formality2. hierarchy3. industriousness/diligent/assiduous4. being filial5. hard work6. modesty (modest)humility (humble)7. thriftyeconomical一frugalfrugality4. Comment on: Z/Never a borrower or lender beJ/ P32定義 “individuali

36、stIndividualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as in dependent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own prefere nces, needs, rights,

37、and the con tacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with othersNever a borrower or a lender be, this sentence means that it is best to not lend money to

38、 other people and to not borrow from other people When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. To begin with, it is because westerners are in Individualist Cultures Individualists tend to view themselves as individuals and to emphasize the n

39、eeds of individuals Ind ividualists feel less obligati on to others, whether they are in-groups or out-groups Sec on dly, because of their characteristics, their in dividualism, western people tend to be very independent and self-reliant. They will always solve their problems by themselves So they d

40、ont want others to rely on them, either.5. What are some differences between an individualist culture and a collectivist one P35定義:individualist and collectivistThere are two basic d iff ere nee betwee n cultures One illustration of the difference between collectivist and individualist cultures can

41、be fou nd in the way schools are orga nized Chin ese students gen erally fun ction as a group They are organized into class groups and have the same courses with students in the same class In contrast, North American students are expected to function as individuals They generally choose courses acco

42、rding to their own interests and have d iff ere nt classmates in different courses Parties serve as another illustration. Chinese parties often have a group focus. Wester n parties are d iff ere nt, for example, the cocktail party in which people chat together in pairs or small groups and may change

43、 conversation partners during the party.6. What are some ways in which Western societies differ in how they view the issue of equality P51定 義:equality 和 hierarchyMost modern societies believe that equality is a virtue, at least to some extent In other words, people these societies try to minimize ra

44、nk and power differences, and try to place limits on the power of people in authority.Hierarchy is differences in rank and power. Every society has hierarchy to some degree .In other words, some people have higher rank and more power tha n others, perhaps because they are older, stronger, wealthier,

45、 or have some kind of official position In US culture, equality almost always means equality of opportunity, not equal wealth Americans tend to believe that, as much as possible, all people should be given an equal chance, but then people deserve whatever rewards they work for. In contrast, Western

46、Europeans, especially, Seandinavians, tend to feel that equality of opportunity alone will not guarantee social or material equality. So these cultures place more emphasis on material equality, and their tax and social welfare systems are designed to en sure that d iff ere nee in wealth betwee n cit

47、izens is not large 7. A prescription for culture shock. P61Culture shock is often used to describe what happens whenever a person encounters a culture different from his or her own. The term culture shock describes what happens when a sojourner from culture A goes to live in culture B, and needs to

48、adapt to I訐e there1. accept the occurrenee of culture shock as natural2. I earn about the host culture3. find a logical reason for everything strange or bad about the host culture4. look for the positive things in the host culture5. avoid foreigners who are critical of the host country6. do not alwa

49、ys say critical things about host culture7. keep a good sense of humor8. find another foreigner who knows the host culture9. make friends with people from the host culture10. you won t lose your own culturekeep busy and active12. if you feel fatigued, take a little vacation13. prepare a presentation

50、 about your own culture& Why does PCS cause intercultural communication problems P74Projected cultural similarity is the tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more the same way we do. In other words, we sometimes assume that while foreigners may look d訐ferent, d

51、ress differently, and speak different Ianguages, inside we are all more or less the same1. People from d iff ere nt culture assume they un dersta nd each other in stead of asking each other what they think Because they each expect the other person to react more or less the same way they would, they

52、dont check to see whether or not the other person actually has the same feelings and reactions they would For this reason, the misunderstanding become worse over time rather than getting better 2. Languages are d iff ere nt. 3. Misinterpret non-verbal communication 4 Stereotypes and preconceptions 5

53、. Evaluate before really understanding9. the golden rules Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. P77定義 Projected cultural similarityThe sentence means that its better not to do things to others what you dont want others do to you. This behavior shows the phenomena Projected cultural si

54、milarity. In our cultural system, if you dont like thing done to you, you just dont impose on others lts a kind of virtue But from the aspect of PCS, people just assume people from other cultures view things the same way we do. What we think is right, we consider others will think it is right, too.

55、However, it just doesnt work out like that. Because of d if fere nt cultural background, we have d iff ere nt interpretations of everything happened we can not expect others to think or act the same as we do.10. Comment on: conformity in Western cultures. P83定義:loose culture and tight cultureChinese

56、 culture is tight culture ,and western cultures are loose cultures So conformity in western cultures is less than that in Chinese culture Western individualist cultures tend to be looser than collectivist cultures. This tendency toward looseness can be seen in a variety of ways One reflection is a w

57、idespread reluctanee to pass laws that prohibit unusual behavior Another reflection can be seen in Western advertising11. Comment on: What factors lead to /contribute to looseness or tightness in culture? P86定義:loose culture and tight culture1. the degree of change in the population一.the more people

58、 move, the looser and individualist a society tends to be “ a country on the wheels 2. the density of the population一small dense society tend to be collectivist, hence tighter. Large dense society tend to be more complex, hence not quite so tight一 “ a melting pot3. the number of choices available in society一the more choices available, the more room there is for ind


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