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1、Higher Vocati onal Psychological ProblemsCauses and Soluti ons to discussAbstract: higher vocati on al (here in after referred to as“ vocational ” education is a new type of educationinparallel with the gen eralhigher educati on,vocati onalstude nts, men tal health educati on in vocati onal educatio

2、 n.Special freshmenin vocationalidentity and objectiveconditionsthan the average college freshmen is moredifficult to fit in, showing various degrees of mental disorder. Therefore, to enhance the psychological coun seli ng of freshme n in vocati on al, coun termeasures take n to rule out psychologic

3、al barriers in a timely manner, so that their physical and men tal academic progress, the successful completio n of the task of developme nt of the vocati onalphase of growth, will affect their socialadaptati on and career success and happ in ess of life.Thesis Keywords:psychological problems,vocati

4、 onal n ewbor n, causes, coun termeasuresVocationalnewborn com mon psychologicalproblemsFor now, the higher vocatio nal freshme n, themost com mon psychological disorder followi ng four:(Ainferioritycomplex Low self-esteem is a fear of failureor lack of con fide nee in their own lead to dissatisfact

5、i on and n egative men tal state. In ferioritycomplex,ofte nfailing on a guilty conscienee timid, escape, retreat, or even refuse to accept self-Some people not only do not accept themselves, but refuse to own, or even destroy their own, always with their en emies. So, low self-esteem is a poor psyc

6、hological quality and the n egative attitude is a person s “ mental rickets Some Vocational freshmen despise their own,n egativetheir own stre ngthsorstre ngths of their own do not have eno ugh kno wledge, their eyes always looking at our own shortcomings,lessthan the n ewbor n, if any, since the bo

7、dy looks as good as the person self-esteem, or to see some versatility in the class, the ability students, felt worthless, and the lack of expertise,such as music, dance, and social aspects ofself-esteem, some freshmen, afraid that people will look dow n on themselves and belittle their own setbacks

8、 and failures.(B LonelinessLoneliness is a closed innerpersonalitydisorders. Mainly unsociable, afraid of theexcha nges, i nexplicably closed heart of a pers on, such as Ion g-term excha nge with others, and themselves in social isolati on affects people s men talhealth, in crease withothers and soc

9、ial divide andalie nati on,while thediaphragmand distanee that will strengthenpeople ssense of Ioneliness and the passage of time will lead to personalitydisorders. As a freshman, enteringthe newen vir onment, filled with a sense of loss from pare nts and school friends. psychologicallyproneto a sen

10、se ofIon eli ness, so that their hearts are very willi ng to in teract with others sincerely. but do not know how to relate to people. some freshmen do not believe that others, not easily in teract with one ano ther, and some do not will take the in itiative with people, but wait ing for some one to

11、 lenda hand of friendship;some othersin thein teracti onprocess, requireme ntsand expectatio nsof higherperformanee of theselong run, thiseasy tomake themeve n more Ion ely.(C reversepsychologyReversepsychologyon certaintypes of things, disgust, disgusted with theemoti onal developme nt runs coun te

12、r to a state of mind, so with the things in acti on and its gen eral performa nee is: regardless of right and wrong, the esse nee and the dross blanketexclusionof the emotionalThe compositionisgreat, simply refused to confron tati on, and sometimes just to resist and revolt college freshmenbecause o

13、f then egative emoti onal experie nee much more sen sitive and easier to produce rese ntme nt. Fierce resista neebothpsychological reactanee stabilizing factor, but also is the starter, so the reverse psychology of vocati onal n ewbor n is more intense tha n the gen eral college stude nts, they tend

14、 to like a eonditionedreflex from educators,studentseducation and help to have a nervous reaction of bias, there is always an in here nt an tipathy, eve n if some one is justified, they also refused to accept the results lead to suspici on and prejudice educators, i nterpers onal in flue nee is not

15、eon ducive to the healthy growth of their own .(D AnxietyAnxiety is a person expected tohave some sort of adverse eonsequences, or a vague threats unpleasant emotional, which is characterized by n ervous ness, an xiety, worry, fear and fear any threat to thebody Corningseenarios can cause anxiety Fo

16、r example:the body of harmful threats, threat topers onalself-esteem, do those work pressures that exceed the limits of in dividualability, as well as a variety of con flictand frustrati onsituatio n, can cause an xiety.manyfreshme nn ewly en rolled a fewmon thslater, andsometimes eve n shorter an x

17、iety in mind, bega n to appear, mai nly as follows:emotio nalin stability,lear ningen thusiasm is not high, usually moody, easily agitated, but helpless to eat tasteless, I could not sleep, passive acceptanee of anything,interest is not the existeneeofthese cases will have a n egative impact, educat

18、ors eno ugh attentionto attract any of these phenomena, and mayeve n make the stude nts no rmal lear ning are difficult tocarry on.II vocatio naln ewbor n psychologicalcauses of13the probleman alysis(A) the pressure of learningFreshme n in vocati onal school will feel faced with lear ningpressure on

19、 teach ing fast, same time, vocati onal courseson the degree of difficulty forsec on daryschool curriculum and also enhance the layer, and curriculumspecialist would have very differe nces,in cludi ngthetheory of learningand skills training, highlighting the“ application ” dilute “systemic ” , many

20、new students can not adapt to these cha nges, I feel lear ning burde n feel a lot of pressure, followed by symptoms of insomnia, an xiety.(Two self-evaluati on of the disordersAdolesce ntself-c on scious nessthe rapiddevelopme nttowards a maturestage. Vocati onalCollege Freshme nfrom thepare nts car

21、edue to changesin livi ngen vir onment,andbega ntolive in depe nden tly,and thusthe adultsen se,a senseof in depe ndencesudde nlyin creased self-aware nessofthe further development ofcollege freshme n ofte n due to the low evaluati on of the real self, lead ing to the reality of self is too large an

22、d the dista nee betwee n the ideal self, still can not be achieved through the efforts of the ideal self, it is easy to be impatie nt, lose con fide nee, result ing in self-de nial, self spsychological, or overestimated“ real self ” false “ idealself ” in stead of “real ” positi on, loss of self-k n

23、o wledge and overestimate their abilities, once they realize that the gap between themselves with the pursuit of “ perfect ” too ofte n con fide nt peak fall into the the in feriority trough, lead ing to stron gly deny the reality of self.(Three pairs of schooln ames,professi on al,academic lack of

24、kno wledgeEno ugh, the propaga ndaof higher vocational education and vocationalstudentsgen erally are not very clear on their own characteristics and purpose of the educati on al,some stude ntson theHigher Vocati onalin ferioritythatvocati onalstude ntsCollege Students is the“second-class citizens”

25、, and thuslook down on themselves and in the overallpattern ofemploymentof college graduates,vocationalgraduateswas at a disadva ntage.vocati onaln ewbor nbeforeenrollment,there is a potentialcrisis sense to carry aheavy ideological burde n, ofte n feel like nothing, such as other people.(Fourin ter

26、pers onalmaladjustme ntAccordingto the statistics of a consultingcenter, theyoung studentsin a variety of psychological problems,interpersonalproblems, the performaneeof the mostprominent direct impact on their normallife and studysome of the freshme n, I want to deali ng with others, butdo not know

27、 how exchanges. some because of poor Ian guageskills, so they are afraid to com muni catethoughts and feelings with others, the lack of express themselves in public, the ability to in teract with others and the courage to face a variety of activities, they are both fullof in terest and fear of failu

28、re the passage of time, or eve n paperexcuse themselvesfromparticipat ing,and hin der theformati onofgoodin terpers onalcircle.Share the freein appropriateEducati on (of a differentapproach, to acertainextent that the positiveor negativeon the thefreshme nactual behavior,butrelies onsubjectivespecul

29、ati onfor this orimproperas han dli ngtheprocess ing,easy to bruisetheirpride, or some parentschildre nistoo high, the simpleand crudemethod ofeducatio nwould lead totheirchildre ntoo muchpsychologicalpressure, butalsoprone tothe reversepsychology.(e) themea nsthe educators,of educati onofVocatio na

30、lPsychologicalProblemsCoun termeasures(An ewbor nto a properunderstandingof the higher vocationalAs educatorshave the responsibilityto thoroughly with studentstoan alyze issues related to vocatio nal educati on, in order to allow new correct un dersta nding of vocati onal educati on, to alleviate th

31、e psychological pressure and boost con fide nee.Such as n ati onal vocati onalaware ness,positioningand related policies, as wellas highervocationaleducation“ high ” where the differeneebetwee n un dergraduate and vocati onal stude nts, what are the stre ngths,weak nessesand other issues. andemploym

32、entsituationin recent years, the graduation ofvocati onal school graduates assig ned in a competitive job market show ing the adva ntage.(Two to help the new studentsa correctunderstandingand evaluation of self- Freshmeninvocationalself-awareness,is oftenonly through theunderstandingof others, by co

33、mparisonwith others inself-understanding,self-awarenessis merely the surface.Principles of Psychology tells us that self-knowledgeasobjectiveas possible, toohigh or too low forself-evaluati on is in appropriate and not con ducivetopersonal growth and progress of freshmen in vocational educatio n and

34、 man ageme nt, to in spire and guide them to a comprehensiveunderstandingof self through themulti-a ngle as the start ing point, the same time, to give everynewbornare “ acceptanee ” themselves.Educatio n should be guided them to face the self-reality, a calm and rati onal view of their stre ngths a

35、nd weak nesses, and tolera nt of the gain and loss. Let them to un dersta nd their own stre ngths and success is a valuable self-wealth, the shortco mings can be overcome, defeat does not mean perma nent failure. As for looks, appeara nee, orig in, these factors can not be dominated by their own do

36、not care about it in this way can allow them to build con fide nee.(Three freshmen in vocational adaptability of education in the social practiceTraining objectives ofthe vocati onal colleges tech ni cal pers onnel and applicati on pers onn el, vocati onal stude nts should take part in the social pr

37、actice in social practice, they can in crease their kno wledge and can adapt psychological,and establish a healthy and positive min dset. By research, observe, practice, etc., so that new studentstook to thecom mun ity to lear n and will lear n professi onal kno wledge and practice comb ine in pract

38、ical work, they can be found in a certa inpositi on,they have their professi onaladva ntage,and thus establish a professi onalself-c on fide nee to lear n a better un dersta nding of higher vocati onal educatio n can be the practice of men tal health educatio nin schools, to en couragenew stude ntst

39、oactively participate in various activities, such as is responsiblefor organizingpsychologicaleducationandpublicity, and psychological questionnaires so that they self-educatio n activities, by the subtle positive in flue nee and good psychological quality.(Four pairs of freshme n effective relati o

40、n ships educatio nIn terpers onalrelatio nship is in deedanimportantissue that must be faced by freshmeninvocati onal psychology research shows that good pers onal relationsstudents learningefficiencysignificantlyhigher tha n the in terpers onalrelati on shipis not goodstude nts,good health and in terpers onalrelati on shipsstude nts, men tai


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