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1、vb課程設計摘要: 隨著計算機的普及和網(wǎng)絡技術的飛速發(fā)展,人們的娛樂生活越來越豐富,一些小游戲也逐漸成為了人們休閑娛樂生活的一部分。九格是一種老少皆宜、容易上手的益智類小游戲。本游戲采用visual basic編程語言完成了該程序的編寫,實現(xiàn)了游戲功能。關鍵詞: visual basic 小游戲 益智 abstract: with the popularity of computer and network technology development, peoples entertainment is more and more rich. some games have gradually

2、 become part of peoples leisure life. nine grid is an all ages, easy to use puzzle game. the game uses visual basic programming language to complete the preparation process to achieve the game features.keywords: visual basic small games puzzle一、程序原理 本游戲采用visual basic 編程語言進行游戲編程。visual basic是由美國微軟公司于

3、1991年開發(fā)的一種可視化的、面向?qū)ο蠛筒捎檬录?qū)動方式的結構化高級程序設計語言,可用于開發(fā) windows 環(huán)境下的各類應用程序。它簡單易學、效率高,且功能強大可以與 windows 專業(yè)開發(fā)工具sdk相媲美。在visual basic環(huán)境下,利用事件驅(qū)動的編程機制、新穎易用的可視化設計工具,使用windows內(nèi)部的廣泛應用程序接口(api)函數(shù),動態(tài)鏈接庫(dll)、對象的鏈接與嵌入(ole)、開放式數(shù)據(jù)連接(odbc)等技術,可以高效、快速地開發(fā)windows環(huán)境下功能強大、圖形界面豐富的應用軟件系統(tǒng)。 在vb中必須熟知以下vb專用術語??丶唵蔚恼f,控件就是構成或者說建造visual

4、basic應用程序的圖形化工具,包括窗體、按鈕、復選框、列表框、數(shù)據(jù)控件、表格控件和圖片控件等等.。事件由用戶或操作系統(tǒng)引發(fā)的動作。事件的示例有擊鍵、單擊鼠標(click)、雙擊鼠標(dblclick)、一段時間的限制,或從端口接收數(shù)據(jù)。方法嵌入在對象定義中的程序代碼,它定義對象怎樣處理信息并響應某事件。例如,數(shù)據(jù)庫對象有打開紀錄集并從一個記錄移動到另一個記錄的方法程序的基本元素,它含有定義其特征的屬性,定義其任務和識別它可以響應的事件的方法??丶痛绑w是visual basic中所有對象的示例。對象一個控件、窗體等都可被看作一個對象。過程為完成某些特定的任務而編寫的代碼段,過程通常用于響應特

5、定的事件,也可以當作應用程序的用戶自定義函數(shù)來使用。屬性屬性是組成用戶界面的各對象的性質(zhì)的具體描述。例如上述“對象”中所提到的尺寸、位置、顏色、寬度、高度等等都稱為控件的 屬性。屬性決定對象的外觀,有時也決定對象的行為。對象的屬性絕大部分是vb中已經(jīng)事先定義好的,但也有的屬性是需要在應用 過程中才去定義的。屬性即可為對象提供數(shù)據(jù),也能從對象取回信息。二、窗體介紹本程序只有一個窗體。1.當程序未運行時圖1窗體中包含:游戲窗口(form)、 游戲提示說明(label)、游戲顯示(picture)、 秒數(shù)控制(timer)、時間顯示(text)游戲說明窗口:圖22.當程序運行時在游戲選項中,包含開始


7、動畫等等??偟膩碚f本次設計在功能上已經(jīng)基本達到要求,其他細節(jié)方面有待以后完善。四、收獲體會visual basic 語言是以結構化basic語言為基礎,以事件驅(qū)動為運行機制。它的誕生標志著元件設計和開發(fā)的新時代的開始。vb具有面向?qū)ο罂梢暬O計工具,是事件驅(qū)動的編程機制,同時也提供了易學易用的應用程序集成開發(fā)環(huán)境。從visual basic 語言的學習到編程,當時很想自己能夠熟練的進行程序編輯,工程上的軟件編輯。隨著visual basic 語言的學習才逐漸發(fā)現(xiàn)這理想想要實現(xiàn)的難度。對我而言學習編程,不僅能夠幫自己解決在生活中可能遇到的一些問題;自己設計一些小游戲還可以給自己帶來一些樂趣。同時

8、也為自己在尋找理想工作添加重要的砝碼。所以,我覺得在學習vb是我們要明確學習的目的。另外我覺得個人的數(shù)學基礎,思維邏輯能力對vb的學習有著至關重要的影響。而在學習的過程中最重要的就是理解,正如老師在課上經(jīng)常對我們所講的,不要始終照搬書上已有的代碼,要學會理解、掌握編程的思想與方法,這樣才能融會貫通,只有在理解方法的基礎上學習才是最有效的學習。visual basic 語言的學習要多實踐,多交流。掌握編程方法必須在編程實際工作中去實踐和體會。在學習初期要經(jīng)常自己動手設計程序,不要拘泥于固定的思維方式,遇到問題要多想幾種解決方案。而這也要求與同學多多的交流,畢竟每個人的思維方法不同,角度各異。通過

9、交流可以不斷的吸收他人的長處,豐富編程實踐,從而提高自己的水平。親自動手實踐試創(chuàng)造性思維應用的體現(xiàn),也是培養(yǎng)邏輯思維的好方法。五、致謝在這次完成vb課程設計的過程中,我深刻意識到vb在實際應用中的重要性。感謝老師在這一學期辛勤教導。老師在課堂上認真詳細的講解使我對vb有非常深刻的理解。通過這一學期的學習及這次vb課程設計,我基本掌握了vb知識。感謝同學還有朋友給了我很大的幫助,沒有他們的幫助,我也不能很順利完成這次論文,在此對他們給予我最真心的感謝!這次的課程設計對我的學習有很大的提高,使我在今后找工作中又有了一個有力砝碼。六、參考文獻1劉炳文.精通visual basic 6.0中文版.北京

10、:電子工業(yè)出版社,1999年7月2田文勝,劉陽,學勤. visual basic編程指南.北京:清華大學出版社,2003年2月3王祖衛(wèi),李偉.visual basic 程序設計.天津:南開大學出版社,2004年4牛又奇,孫建國.新編visual basic程序設計教程.蘇州:蘇州大學出版社,2004年1月5 范曉平編著.visual basic 6.0軟件開發(fā)項目實訓. 北京:海洋出版社.20026 唐兵、李桂花等編著.visual basic中文版程序設計教程.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社7 松橋工作室編著.深入淺出visual basic 6.0程序設計.北京:中國鐵道出版社附錄:源程序代碼dim

11、 topleft as integerdim topmiddle as integerdim topright as integerdim midleft as integerdim center as integerdim midright as integerdim bottomleft as integerdim bottommiddle as integerdim bottomright as integerdim xscore as integerx贏的次數(shù)dim oscore as integero贏的次數(shù)dim draw as integer平局次數(shù)dim turntime as

12、 single游戲時間dim maxtime as single游戲允許的最大時間dim oneplayer as boolean單人模式則為truedim xturn as boolean如果xs為ture則為truedim gameover as boolean如果游戲結束則為true,除非某一方贏。private sub mnuexit_click()退出游戲 endend subprivate sub mnunewgame_click() if val(txttimelimit.text) 0 then maxtime = val(txttimelimit.text) else txt

13、timelimit.text = maxtime end if pic1.cls pic2.cls pic3.cls pic4.cls pic5.cls pic6.cls pic7.cls pic8.cls pic9.cls topleft = 0 topmiddle = 0 topright = 0 midleft = 0 center = 0 midright = 0 bottomleft = 0 bottommiddle = 0 bottomright = 0 xturn = true gameover = false lblmesg = x下子 pic1.fontsize = 8 pi

14、c2.fontsize = 8 pic3.fontsize = 8 pic4.fontsize = 8 pic5.fontsize = 8 pic6.fontsize = 8 pic7.fontsize = 8 pic8.fontsize = 8 pic9.fontsize = 8 tmrtimer.enabled = true turntime = 0 dim i as integer for i = 1 to 9 taken(i) = false next iend subprivate sub form_load() randomize topleft = 0 topmiddle = 0

15、 topright = 0 midleft = 0 center = 0 midright = 0 bottomleft = 0 bottommiddle = 0 bottomright = 0 xturn = true gameover = true lblmesg = 開始新游戲 lblplayers.caption = 人機游戲 oneplayer = true txttimelimit.text = 5 maxtime = val(txttimelimit.text) turntime = 0 xscore = 0 oscore = 0 draw = 0 lblx.caption =

16、x贏: + str(xscore) lblo.caption = o贏: + str(oscore) lbldraw.caption = 平局: + str(draw) dim i as integer for i = 1 to 9 taken(i) = false next iend subprivate sub pic1_click() if not gameover then if topleft = 0 then taken(1) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic1.print ; pic1.fontsize = 36 pic1.print x

17、 xturn = false topleft = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic1.print ; pic1.fontsize = 36 pic1.print o xturn = true topleft = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic2_click() if not gameover

18、then if topmiddle = 0 then taken(2) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic2.print ; pic2.fontsize = 36 pic2.print x xturn = false topmiddle = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic2.print ; pic2.fontsize = 36 pic2.print o xturn = true t

19、opmiddle = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic3_click() if not gameover then if topright = 0 then taken(3) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic3.print ; pic3.fontsize = 36 pic3.print x xturn = false topright = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if n

20、ot gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic3.print ; pic3.fontsize = 36 pic3.print o xturn = true topright = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic4_click() if not gameover then if midleft = 0 then taken(4) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then

21、 pic4.print ; pic4.fontsize = 36 pic4.print x xturn = false midleft = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic4.print ; pic4.fontsize = 36 pic4.print o xturn = true midleft = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend

22、 subprivate sub pic5_click() if not gameover then if center = 0 then taken(5) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic5.print ; pic5.fontsize = 36 pic5.print x xturn = false center = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic5.print ; pic5.fo

23、ntsize = 36 pic5.print o xturn = true center = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic6_click() if not gameover then if midright = 0 then taken(6) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic6.print ; pic6.fontsize = 36 pic6.print x xturn = false midright = 1 if no

24、t ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic6.print ; pic6.fontsize = 36 pic6.print o xturn = true midright = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic7_click() if not gameover then if bottomleft = 0 then tak

25、en(7) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic7.print ; pic7.fontsize = 36 pic7.print x xturn = false bottomleft = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic7.print ; pic7.fontsize = 36 pic7.print o xturn = true bottomleft = 2 if not ttt then

26、 lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic8_click() if not gameover then if bottommiddle = 0 then taken(8) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic8.print ; pic8.fontsize = 36 pic8.print x xturn = false bottommiddle = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and onep

27、layer then call compplay end if else pic8.print ; pic8.fontsize = 36 pic8.print o xturn = true bottommiddle = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend subprivate sub pic9_click() if not gameover then if bottomright = 0 then taken(9) = true turntime = 0 if xturn then pic9.print

28、; pic9.fontsize = 36 pic9.print x xturn = false bottomright = 1 if not ttt then lblmesg = o下子 end if if not gameover and oneplayer then call compplay end if else pic9.print ; pic9.fontsize = 36 pic9.print o xturn = true bottomright = 2 if not ttt then lblmesg = x下子 end if end if end if end ifend sub

29、private function ttt() as boolean if topleft = 1 _ and topmiddle = 1 _ and topright = 1 _ or midleft = 1 _ and center = 1 _ and midright = 1 _ or bottomleft = 1 _ and bottommiddle = 1 _ and bottomright = 1 _ or topleft = 1 _ and midleft = 1 _ and bottomleft = 1 _ or topmiddle = 1 _ and center = 1 _

30、and bottommiddle = 1 _ or topright = 1 _ and midright = 1 _ and bottomright = 1 _ or topleft = 1 _ and center = 1 _ and bottomright = 1 _ or topright = 1 _ and center = 1 _ and bottomleft = 1 then gameover = true xscore = xscore + 1 lblx.caption = x贏: + str(xscore) lblmesg.caption = x贏! elseif tople

31、ft = 2 _ and topmiddle = 2 _ and topright = 2 _ or midleft = 2 _ and center = 2 _ and midright = 2 _ or bottomleft = 2 _ and bottommiddle = 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or topleft = 2 _ and midleft = 2 _ and bottomleft = 2 _ or topmiddle = 2 _ and center = 2 _ and bottommiddle = 2 _ or topright = 2 _ a

32、nd midright = 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or topleft = 2 _ and center = 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or topright = 2 _ and center = 2 _ and bottomleft = 2 then gameover = true oscore = oscore + 1 lblo.caption = o贏: + str(oscore) lblmesg.caption = o贏! elseif allfull then gameover = true lblmesg.caption =

33、平局! draw = draw + 1 lbldraw.caption = 平局: + str(draw) end if ttt = gameoverend functionprivate function allfull() as boolean if topleft = 0 _ or topmiddle = 0 _ or topright = 0 _ or midleft = 0 _ or center = 0 _ or midright = 0 _ or bottomleft = 0 _ or bottommiddle = 0 _ or bottomright = 0 then allf

34、ull = false else allfull = true end ifend functionprivate sub compplay() select case compwinposition case 1 call pic1_click case 2 call pic2_click case 3 call pic3_click case 4 call pic4_click case 5 call pic5_click case 6 call pic6_click case 7 call pic7_click case 8 call pic8_click case 9 call pic

35、9_click case 0 如果平局 dim choice as integer do choice = int(rnd * 9) + 1 loop until not taken(choice) select case choice case 1 call pic1_click case 2 call pic2_click case 3 call pic3_click case 4 call pic4_click case 5 call pic5_click case 6 call pic6_click case 7 call pic7_click case 8 call pic8_cli

36、ck case 9 call pic9_click end select end select xturn = true if not gameover then lblmesg.caption = x下子 end ifend subprivate sub tmrtimer_timer() if not gameover then lbltime.caption = time: + formatnumber(turntime, 1) turntime = turntime + 0.1 end if if turntime = maxtime then lbltime.caption = tim

37、e: + formatnumber(maxtime, 1) gameover = true tmrtimer.enabled = false if xturn then oscore = oscore + 1 lblo.caption = o贏: + str(oscore) lblmesg.caption = o贏! else xscore = score + 1 lblx.caption = x贏: + str(xscore) lblmesg.caption = x贏! end if end ifend subprivate function compwinposition() as int

38、eger if topleft = 0 and (topmiddle = 2 _ and topright = 2 _ or center = 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or midleft = 2 _ and bottomleft = 2) then compwinposition = 1 elseif topmiddle = 0 _ and (topleft = 2 _ and topright = 2 _ or center = 2 _ and bottommiddle = 2) then compwinposition = 2 elseif topright

39、= 0 _ and (topleft = 2 _ and topmiddle = 2 _ or bottomleft = 2 _ and center = 2 _ or midright = 2 _ and bottomright = 2) then compwinposition = 3 elseif midleft = 0 _ and (topleft = 2 _ and bottomleft = 2 _ or center = 2 _ and midright = 2) then compwinposition = 4 elseif center = 0 _ and (topleft =

40、 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or bottomleft = 2 _ and topright = 2 _ or topmiddle = 2 _ and bottommiddle = 2 _ or midleft = 2 _ and midright = 2) then compwinposition = 5 elseif midright = 0 _ and (topright = 2 _ and bottomright = 2 _ or midleft = 2 _ and center = 2) then compwinposition = 6 elseif bot

41、tomleft = 0 _ and (topleft = 2 _ and midleft = 2 _ or center = 2 _ and topright = 2 _ or bottommiddle = 2 _ and bottomright = 2) then compwinposition = 7 elseif bottommiddle = 0 _ and (topmiddle = 2 _ and center = 2 _ or bottomleft = 2 _ and bottomright = 2) then compwinposition = 8 elseif bottomright = 0 _ and (topleft = 2 _ and center = 2 _ or topright = 2 _ and midright = 2 _ or bottomleft = 2 _ and bottommiddle = 2) then compwinposition = 9 else compwinposition = xwinposition end ifend functionprivate func


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