1、設(shè)計景觀標準合同合同編號:Project No.深圳萬科第五園七期景觀工程設(shè)計合同Shen zhe n Tan gyue Large phase II project Lan dscape Desig n Service Agreeme ntPage 30 of 2712/29/2017項目名稱:深圳萬科第五園七期項目建設(shè)地點:中國深圳設(shè)計內(nèi)容:景觀設(shè)計合同委托方(甲方):深圳市萬科南城房地產(chǎn)有限公司承接方(乙方):Karl Prin cic Desig n/ln tara nDesig nInc簽訂日期:2010年8月Project Name :VANKE TANGYUE SHENZHENP
2、roject Location : SHENZHEN CHINADesig n ContentLANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICEParty A :SHENZHEN VANKE XINGYE REAL ESTATECO. LTD.,Party B :Karl Princic Desig n/ln tara n Desig n IncExecution Date:Mar. 20101. 合同依據(jù)2. 項目概況3. 設(shè)計依據(jù)4. 設(shè)計范圍5. 雙方權(quán)利義務(wù)6. 費用、付款及設(shè)計成果7. 違約責任8. 合同生效、終止及結(jié)束9. 一般條款ofthe目錄CATALOGUE1. Bases o
3、f the Agreeme nt2. Gen eral Descripti on of the Project3. Bases of the Desig n4. Scope of the Desig n5. Rights and Obligati ons6. Fees,Payme ntand DeliveryDocume nts7. Liability for Breach ofAgreeme nt8. Executi on and Termin ati on9. Miscella neous1:合同依據(jù)合同與下列法律條款一致:1.1中華人民共和國合同法、中華人民共和國建筑法1.2建設(shè)工程勘查
4、設(shè)計市場管理規(guī)定 及其它有關(guān)建筑工程勘察設(shè)計的管 理法規(guī)和規(guī)章。1.3相關(guān)建設(shè)工程審批文件。2 :項目概況2.1項目名稱:深圳萬科第五園七期2.2項目地點:中國深圳I2.3建設(shè)規(guī)模:中國深圳萬科第五園七期 項目總占地面積68951譏3 :設(shè)計依據(jù)3.1合同所規(guī)定的內(nèi)容。3.2甲方所提供的景觀設(shè)計任務(wù)書3.3甲方確認的建筑底層平面圖、市政紅 線圖及相關(guān)的基礎(chǔ)資料,如地勘報 告、水文報告等。3.4設(shè)計規(guī)范和規(guī)定應(yīng)按照中華人民共 和國深圳市有關(guān)設(shè)計規(guī)范和設(shè)計規(guī)4 :設(shè)計范圍4.1設(shè)計內(nèi)容4.2設(shè)計深度4.3成果要求詳見附件景觀設(shè)計任務(wù)書5:雙方權(quán)利義務(wù)5.1甲方權(quán)利義務(wù)1: Bases of the
5、 AqreementThis Agreeme nt is en teredin to inaccorda nee with of the follow ing laws:1.1 “ AgreementLaw of People ' sRepublic of China ” ,“ Building Code ofthe People's Republic of China ”;1.2 “ Market Adm ini strati on Regulati ons for Engin eeri ng Con structio n Projects and Geological Su
6、rveys ” and other releva nt laws, codes and regulati ons;1.3 The approved docume nts concerningProject con structi on.2:Gen eral Description2.1 Project Name: VANKE SHENZHEN TANGYUE2.2 Project Locati on: Don ggua n, China.2.3 Project Scope:The TangYue Large phase II project is located in Dongguan, Th
7、e project total property area of 350000 m2, Ian dscape area of 108605m2.3: Bases of the Design3.1 Contents stipulated in the Agreeme nt.3.2 Specificati ons for the schematic desig n, developme nt desig n provided by Party A.3.3 First floor plan, property line, master plan, design sub area graphic et
8、c. proved by Party A.3.4 Requireme nts,l nterpretati onverification of SZ government and People ' s Republic of China.4: Desig n Scope4.1 Desig n Content4.2 List of Docume nts4.3 Specification of DeliverablesRefer to Desig n Brief5: Rights and Obligati ons5.1 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party A甲方
9、按本合同規(guī)定的內(nèi)容,向乙方 提交景觀設(shè)計所必需的資料和文 件作為乙方設(shè)計的依據(jù),并對其完 整性和正確性負責。甲方應(yīng)按本合同規(guī)定的金額和時 間向乙方支付設(shè)計費用。在設(shè)計過 程中,如因甲方的需要,對已確認 的設(shè)計要求做出重大修改,而造成 乙方增加額外開支,費用由甲方負 責,具體費用由甲乙雙方協(xié)商確在收到乙方提交的階段性設(shè)計文 件后,甲方應(yīng)及時以書面形式確 認,明確的提出修改意見及完成時 間。甲方指定 陳愨 為本項目甲方負責 人;乙方指定 Karl Princic 為本項 目主要設(shè)計師,如果乙方更換本項 目設(shè)計負責人或主要設(shè)計師,須提 前一周書面以公文并法人簽字通 知甲方,同時須征得甲方同意。甲方負
10、責本合同中各方面與設(shè)計 內(nèi)容相關(guān)的人員,在現(xiàn)場交流中的 組織協(xié)調(diào)工作。甲方負責景觀設(shè)計 各階段向政府部門進行申報工作。甲方上級對設(shè)計文件不審批或本 合同項目停緩建,甲方應(yīng)按乙方實 際完成的工作量支付應(yīng)付的設(shè)計 費。若由于甲方的原因延誤設(shè)計工期, 合同條款中相應(yīng)的出圖日期將向 后順延。對于乙方為履行本合同向甲方提5.1.1 Party A shall providen ecessarydocume nts and in formati on to Party B as Party of the bases of the Project design performed by Party B an
11、d shall assume the responsibilityfor their integrity andexact ness.5.1.2 Party A shall pay Party B for the Projectdesig ninaccorda neewith theAgreement.If material modification ismade by Party B accord ing to the order of Party A, which causes additional expense. Party A shall pay Party B the additi
12、onal incurred fees. The amount of such additional fees shall be negotiated in good faith by both Parties.5.1.3 Party A shall check and accept the design documents in writing in time after receipt. And Party A shall indicate its revise comme nts and time requireme nt.5.1.4 Party A assigns_wayne _as i
13、ts Principalof the Project, and Party B assig ns Karl Princic as its Prin cipal of the project maynot change its Principal or main architect without 7-day prior written notification to and writte n approval of Party A.5.1.5 Party A will arrange for com muni cati on betwee n each desig n firm of the
14、Partiesand apply for the commissioning of the Project.5.1.6 If the pare nt compa ny of Party A refusesto approve the design or the Project is suspended. Party A shall pay Party B based on the amount of the desig n work performed by Party B and delivered to Party A in accorda nee with the releva nt a
15、rticles of this Agreeme nt.5.1.7 If the schedule of the Project is delayedbecause of Party A, the design work delivery date shall bepostp onedaccord in gly.5.1.8 Any and all intellectualproperty rights,供的所有階段性和最終設(shè)計成果, 及因履行本合同所產(chǎn)生的其他研 究成果,雙方同意其所含有的一切 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)含著作權(quán)、申請專利權(quán)和 專利權(quán)等權(quán)利屬于甲方所有。成 果提交甲方后,經(jīng)甲方書面同意, 乙方可以
16、發(fā)明人/作者的名義在學 術(shù)研究領(lǐng)域發(fā)表、申報評獎。甲方 在征詢乙方同意后,可以自行或委 托他人為任何方式之使用、修改和 處分乙方提交的設(shè)計成果。未經(jīng)甲 方事前書面許可,乙方不得對上述 設(shè)計成果做任何復(fù)制、修改、轉(zhuǎn)讓、 自行或提供給他人做任何方式的 使用。乙方違反本條規(guī)定的,甲方 有權(quán)單方解除本合同,乙方應(yīng)返還 甲方所有設(shè)計費并賠償甲方因此 受到的損失。theamplificatio nrights of suchintellectual proprietary rights and their derivatives created by a Party or both Parties in
17、relation to design, and use of the design work shall be the sole and exclusive property of Party A. Party B can publish or apply for awards as author in the study and research fields with prior approval of Party A. With the agreeme nt of Party B, Party A has the right to use, allow others to use, mo
18、dify or allow others to modi fy, or transfer Party B' s design work to any third Party. Party B shall not copy, modify, transfer, use or provide the design work providedtoParty A to any third Party to use in any way without prior written approvalofParty A. If Party B breaches this article, Party
19、 A has the right to term in ate the Agreeme nt.Uponterm in ati onof theAgreement,Party B shall return all thefees paid by Party A and reimburse any and all costs and losses caused.5.2乙方權(quán)利義務(wù)乙方必須遵照中國及東莞市頒布 的有關(guān)規(guī)范、規(guī)定及本合同約定內(nèi) 容進行設(shè)計,并應(yīng)使設(shè)計服從甲方 對本項目景觀設(shè)計的總體構(gòu)思;在 設(shè)計過程中必須加強與甲方的溝 通和協(xié)調(diào);乙方對本項目設(shè)計的適 用性、正確性、經(jīng)濟合理性負責。合同
20、生效起一周內(nèi),乙方應(yīng)向甲方 提交詳細的設(shè)計計劃書,包括設(shè)計 進度、設(shè)計師及相關(guān)人員配備情 況、設(shè)計人員簡歷、設(shè)計總負責人、 主辦人及聯(lián)系電話等,報甲方備5.2 Rights and Obligatio ns of Party B5.2.1 Party B shall perform the design in accorda neewith this Agreeme ntandreleva nt rules and regulati ons in Don gGua ngCity and assumeresp on sibility for the feasibility, exact ness
21、 and rati on ality of the economy of the design works. Party B shall use its best effort to make the desig n work in accordaneewith Party A s generalIan dscape con cept. To en sure accorda nee with the specificati ons, Party B shall make sufficie nt com muni cati onwith Party A.Agreeme nt, Party B s
22、hall deliver to Party A the detailed plan of design services, including not limited to, schedule, list of案;乙方必須為本項目的設(shè)計配備 經(jīng)驗豐富且富于創(chuàng)新精神的設(shè)計 師承擔設(shè)計工作。工程結(jié)束之前, 乙方應(yīng)保證該項目主要設(shè)計人員 的穩(wěn)定。prin cipals of the Project, main architects, architects, and other necessary persons in volved; resumes of those pers ons, and co
23、n tact teleph one nu mbers. Party B shall assig n professi onal and experie needpersons with highly creativity to perform the design and shall not change them5.2.3在設(shè)計過程中,乙方有責任應(yīng)甲方 要求就設(shè)計圖紙的進度情況作闡 釋交流,參與甲方組織的景觀方案 匯報和施工圖紙的會審,以確保最 終的設(shè)計效果,定期配合甲方確定 有關(guān)景觀效果的主要材料。5.2.3duri ng performa nee of the Agreeme nt. P
24、arty B shallregard ing requireme nts, conferencescom muni cate with Party A Party A s schedule attend Iandscape schemecon struct ionor meet in gs, review the draw ings to in sure thecon siste ncy of the final desig n work, and periodically assist Party A in selecting對設(shè)計過程中所需的設(shè)計資料或 其他需甲方配合的事項應(yīng)及時通 知甲方
25、。若甲方因銷售或企劃等部 門對外宣傳需要對設(shè)計作詮釋或 邀請乙方參與討論時,則乙方有協(xié) 助義務(wù)。對于設(shè)計過程中的各階段性設(shè)計 或其他重要問題,乙方均應(yīng)先送甲 方審核后方可進行下一步的設(shè)計, 此類問題主要是指涉及總體布局 和重要景觀要素的確認和調(diào)整、涉 及工程量和投資變化較大的調(diào)整 等問題。main Iandscape decorations materials.5.2.4 Party B shall notify Party A in a timely fashi onfor any and all n ecessaryassista nee n eeded from Party A. Par
26、ty B shall assist Party A by explaining the design work upon the request of or as required by Party A.5.2.5 Without prior writte n approval of Party A,Party B shall not start any additional design work phases, including but not limited to, confirmation or modification of the Project '對eneral lay
27、out or main Ian dscapeeleme nts, or materialadjustme nton the amount of thecon struct ionorin vestme nt.Minorchanges or problems with completeddesig n work shall not preclude begi nning a new or additi onal desig n phase.乙方對設(shè)計文件出現(xiàn)的遺漏或錯 誤應(yīng)無條件修改或補充。若因乙方 原因造成設(shè)計返工,所造成的費 用,由乙方自理;若由于乙方原因 而使設(shè)計進度有拖延或設(shè)計錯誤, 而
28、使甲方蒙受經(jīng)濟、時間或質(zhì)量上 的損失,則乙方應(yīng)給予甲方賠償, 此損失賠償可在甲方向乙方的任5.2.6 Party B shall correct and ame nd any and all errors or omissi ons of the desig n work at its own expense. If Party B redoes the desig n work because of its own error or omission,all additional fees incurredshall be assumed by Party B. All costs and
29、losses caused by delivery delay or errors or omissions in the design work何支付中扣留527成本控制乙方應(yīng)做到所有設(shè)計方案經(jīng)濟合 理,如甲方認為乙方在設(shè)計過程中 存在經(jīng)濟性方面的問題,乙方應(yīng)對 景觀方案做出修改。shall be reimbursed by Party B or may be deducted from any payments due and payable to Party B.5.2.7 Control of the costsParty B shall use its best efforts to
30、 make all design concepts or scheme of the econo micallyrati on ale; otherwise, Party5.2.8聘請顧問或協(xié)助部門乙方在必要時可聘請顧問進行設(shè) 計指導(dǎo)工作,其費用由乙方?jīng)Q定并 在設(shè)計費中分攤或支付,但設(shè)計成 果統(tǒng)一由乙方向甲方負責。未經(jīng)甲 方書面許可,乙方不得轉(zhuǎn)委托。甲 方因工作需要自行聘請或建議聘 請的專業(yè)顧問,其費用由甲方?jīng)Q定 并由甲方支付。B shall modify the design at Party A s request.5.2.8 Appointment of counselor or req
31、uest for assista neeParty B may appo int a coun selor to assist in the Project desig n.Any reas on ablefees caused by such appointmentshallbe paid by Party A on the con diti on that Party B shall rema in liable for the Desig n accordingto the Agreement. Without5.2.9乙方負責原定設(shè)計范圍內(nèi)的必要 修改設(shè)計,包括調(diào)整設(shè)計及補充設(shè) 計。在
32、乙方執(zhí)行設(shè)計任務(wù)期間, 甲方如有較小修改設(shè)計、變更設(shè) 計,乙方將不另行收費,甲方如有 重大變更設(shè)計,甲、乙雙方應(yīng)立即 簽訂補充協(xié)議,費用另計,乙方應(yīng) 及時安排變更設(shè)計,不得影響工程 施工進行。(注:重大變更設(shè)計是 指設(shè)計范圍的修改和景觀方案的 重大調(diào)整,并造成乙方五個工作日 以上的工作量的)prior writte n approval of Party A, Party B shall not assig n its obligatio ns to any third Party. If Party A appoints a counselor on ben efit of itself,
33、Party A shall pay for such fees.5.2.9 Party B shall modify the design within thescope of this Agreement,including butnot limited to, modification,adjustmentand amendment. If the modification is minor, the fees shall be included in the fees described in Article 6; if material modificati on is made be
34、cause of Party A, Party A shall pay for such services provided by Party B and both Parties shall negotiate to determine the amount of extra fees payable “ M. “ Material modification”eans the changes in the5.2.10乙方了解在與甲方合作過程中所 獲得或知悉的關(guān)于甲方的信息包 括項目信息、技術(shù)圖紙、資料、經(jīng) 營信息、人力資源、本合同所涉及desig n or adjustme nts of t
35、he Ian dscap ing scheme requiri ng Party B to spe nd five or more additi onal work ing days.5.2.10 “ Con fide ntial in formati on" shall mean (a)any in formati on, in cludi ng but no t limitedto, the in formati on of the Project, draw in gs, man ageme ntin formati on,的設(shè)計/研究內(nèi)容、設(shè)計/研究成果 等等所有未公開之信息
36、為甲方的 商業(yè)秘密,應(yīng)嚴守其秘密性。未經(jīng) 甲方事先書面同意,乙方不得將乙 方商業(yè)秘密或甲方提供給乙方的 技術(shù)資料、圖紙等用于履行本合同 之外的其他用途。乙方上述保密義 務(wù)的期限,從乙方知悉該資料或信 息之日起,直至公眾可通過合法途 徑獲得、知悉相關(guān)資料、信息之日 止。pers onn el,research,developme ntcontents and design in relation to the Agreement,disclosed to or learned byParty B pursuant to this Agreement. Party B ack no wledges
37、 that i n the course of the performanee of the Agreement, it may obta in con fide ntial in formati on from Party A. Party B will, at all times, both duri ng the term of this Agreeme nt and at all times thereafter, keep in con fide nee and trust all of the Party A' s con fide ntialin formatio n r
38、eceived by it. Party B will not use the con fide ntialin formati onother5.2.11乙方應(yīng)保證其向甲方提交的成果 (包括階段性和最終性成果) 及乙 方為實現(xiàn)該成果所使用的必要方 法不侵犯第三人的合法權(quán)益。甲方 因使用乙方提交的成果被第三人 指控侵權(quán)、提出異議或權(quán)利主張 的,乙方應(yīng)當積極協(xié)助解決,并承 擔由此給甲方造成的損失。同時, 甲方有權(quán)選擇解除合同或不解除 合同要求乙方提交符合合同要求 的替代設(shè)計成果。tha n as n ecessary to perform its obligations or exercise
39、its rights under this Agreeme nt.5.2.11 PartyB warrants that the design workand the methods used to fulfill the desig n work do not infringe any third Party intellectual property right or other rights of any third Party. If such infringement occurs, Party A has the right to term in ate the Agreement
40、 or request Party B to make alter native desig n. Notwithsta nding the foregoing, Party A has the right to request Party B to reimburse Party A any and all costs and losses caused.5212乙方應(yīng)當保證其提交的成果符合 國家及地方現(xiàn)有法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)章 政策及行業(yè)規(guī)范之要求、符合本 合同目的。如果因不符合上述要求 給甲方或其他第三人造成損失的, 乙方應(yīng)予以賠償。5.2.13甲方收到乙方提交的全部設(shè)計圖 紙資料后,如發(fā)現(xiàn)乙
41、方違背合同規(guī) 定的責任和義務(wù)時,乙方又不修改 圖紙,甲方則可暫不支付本合同規(guī) 定的應(yīng)付乙方的相應(yīng)金額。5.2.12 Party B warrants that the design worksdelivered by Party B do not breach any dema nds or targets of this Agreeme nt, releva nt laws andregulati ons,orarchitecture traditi on. If any such breach occurs, Party B shall reimburse any and all cost
42、s and losses caused.6:費用、付款及設(shè)計成果交付5.2.13 If Party B refuses to correct any defect of the desig n works, Party A has the right to suspe nd the releva nt payme nt un til Party B corrects the defect.6: Fees, Payment and Delivery6.1費用:本工程費用總計為美元貳拾肆萬伍仟元整($ 245000.00).包括概念方案設(shè)計、方案深化設(shè)計、擴初設(shè)計及 施工圖審核及現(xiàn)場服務(wù)五階段。此
43、費用包括項目進行期間,乙方安 排到深圳與甲方會晤或查看現(xiàn)場12次,每次2天的所有費用。6.2設(shè)計進度、費用和支付方式如下: 設(shè)計費用所引致的國內(nèi)稅項由甲方 承擔。甲方支付設(shè)計費前,乙方須按 照設(shè)計進度提交給甲方設(shè)計費發(fā)票, 甲方在收到發(fā)票并審核乙方交付設(shè) 計成果和發(fā)票資料合格無誤后按照 下列表格支付相應(yīng)的設(shè)計費。.6.1 FeesThe total fee for the Project is $255,000.00 ,which in eludes but is not limited to con cept desig n, desig n developme nt,con struct
44、iondocume ntsreview and con structiveadm ini strati on.6.1.1 The service fee is in clusive of a maximumof twenty two-day trips to Shenzhen or Don gGua ng in connection with this project, in clud ing airfares.6.2chedule of the Desig n and Payme ntAll taxes and duties to be paid due to this service sh
45、all be borne by Party A. Party shall pay Party B for its services in accordanee with the following chart after receipti ngof the releva ntin voice andaccepta nee of the desig n work.階段Phase時間節(jié)點TimeY-M-D階段付款算與費用總 計Fees / Payme nt付款時間Pay Time1啟動金Mobilizati on合同簽訂Sig nature sig ned$25,000.00(美兀,貳萬伍仟兀整)
46、$25, 000.00合同生效后25個工作日內(nèi)25 work-days after sig nature sig ned2總平面景觀概念方案 設(shè)計完成Lan dscapeMasterPla n Desig n2010-08-15$40, 000.00(美元,肆萬元整)$40, 000.00總平面景觀概念方案設(shè)計完成并獲 甲方認可后的 25個工作日內(nèi)25 work-days after Master Pla nDesign' s written notification3示范區(qū)方案深化設(shè)計 完成Show ingareaCon ceptual Desig n2010-09-10$30, 0
47、00.00(美元,叁萬元整)$30, 000.00示范區(qū)方案深化設(shè)計完成并獲甲方認可后的25個工作日內(nèi)25 work-days after Show ing area ConceptualDesign ' s writtenno tificati on.4示范區(qū)擴初設(shè)計完成Showing area DesignDevelopme nt2010-09-20$30, 000.00(美元,叁萬元整)$30, 000.00示范區(qū)擴初設(shè)計完成并獲甲方認可 后的25個工作日內(nèi)25 work-days after Show ing area Design Development ' s wr
48、itten no tificati on.5非示范區(qū)方案深化設(shè) 計完成Non-show ingareaCon ceptual Desig n2010-10-05$45, 000.00(美元,肆萬伍仟元整)$45 , 000.00非示范區(qū)方案深化設(shè)計完成并獲甲 方認可后的25個工作日內(nèi)25work-daysafterNon-Show ing area's on ceptual Design written notification.6非示范區(qū)擴初設(shè)計完 成Non-show ingareaDesig n Developme nt2010-10-20$50, 000.00(美元,伍萬元整)$
49、50, 000.00非示范區(qū)擴初設(shè)計完成并獲甲方認 可后的25個工作日內(nèi)25work-daysafterNon-Show ingarea Desig nDevelopment ' swrittenno tificati on.7施工圖審查,示范區(qū)施 工現(xiàn)場配合Con struct ionAdmi nistrati on不遲于2013 年 12 月Before2013/12$25, 000.00(美兀,貳萬伍仟兀整)$25, 000.00施工完成后25個工作日內(nèi)25 work-days after Con structio n Adm ini strati on ' swritt
50、e nno tificati on.7 :違約責任7.1甲方因自身原因不能履行本合同, 應(yīng) 按照合同付清已完成階段設(shè)計任務(wù) 對應(yīng)的設(shè)計費,若日后工程仍再度進 行,甲方與乙方應(yīng)就尚未履行的原合 同或新的服務(wù)范圍,協(xié)商新的收費方 式或重新簽訂合同。甲方上級對設(shè)計 文件不審批或本合同項目停緩建,甲 方應(yīng)按乙方實際完成的工作量支付 應(yīng)付的設(shè)計費。7.2乙方按工作進度分階段提交帳單 /發(fā) 票,甲方核審無誤后,按照本合同約 定付款,如無正當理由逾期付款達 60天以上時,乙方有權(quán)暫停履行下 階段工作,并書面通知甲方。7.3乙方因自身原因無法履行合同或?qū)?致甲方按照合同規(guī)定解除合同者,應(yīng) 支付合同總額的10%
51、違約金,乙方已 提交部分工作成果的,雙方則按照 832條約定處理設(shè)計成果和設(shè)計 費;未提交工作成果的,乙方則應(yīng)返 還甲方所有已付設(shè)計費。7.4由于乙方自身原因,延誤了按本合同 規(guī)定的設(shè)計文件交付時間,超過三天 的,則每延誤一天,應(yīng)減收該項目相 應(yīng)階段應(yīng)收設(shè)計費的0.3 %。;但乙方 不因為郵政造成的延誤負責;延誤超 過15天的,甲方有權(quán)解除本合同并 要求乙方支付合同總金額的10%違約金。7.5設(shè)計不符合甲方要求的,乙方應(yīng)當按 照甲方和合同約定的要求限期修改, 修改兩次仍不能符合要求的,甲方有 權(quán)單方解除本合同,并要求乙方按照 第7.3條承擔違約責任。7: Liability for Breac
52、h7.1 If the Agreeme nt is term in ated because ofParty A, Party A shall pay Party B for the work completed in accordanee with the amount of the work. If the Project is resumed, the Parties can renegotiate the fees or sign a new Agreement. If the Project issuspe ndedor the pare ntcompa ny of Party A
53、refuses to approve the Project, Party A shall pay Party B for the work completed.7.2 If Party A delays the payme nt due to its own fault more than 60 days, Party B has the right to suspend design work with a writtennotification to Party A.7.3 If Party B fails to fulfill this Agreement orthis Agreeme
54、 nt is term in ated by Party A due to PartyB' s default, Party B shall payParty A 10% of the total fees described in article 6 as compe nsati on for breach of the Agreeme nt. If Party B has fini shed Party ofdoes not start work, Party B shall return to Party A all the fees paid by Party A.7.4 If
55、 Party B is unable to submit the design work on schedule, a late fee equal to 0.03 perce nt of the fees for releva nt phase of the desig n will in cur for each day of the delay. If such a delay is over 15 days, Party A hasthe right to termi natethe Agreeme ntimmediately and request Party B pay 10 pe
56、rce nt of the total fees of the Agreeme nt as compe nsatio nfor breach of theAgreeme nt.7.5 If the design work fails to meet therequirementsof Party A, Party B shallrevise the desig n work with in the period allowed by Party A. If Party B fails to8:合同生效、終止與結(jié)束8.1本合同需經(jīng)甲乙雙方簽字蓋章后生 效;本合同生效日期以甲乙雙方中最 后一方簽字
57、(并蓋章)的日期為準。8.2若乙方發(fā)生下述情形之一,甲方有權(quán) 終止本合同,而不承擔任何違約責 任,同時甲方有權(quán)依照本合同相關(guān)規(guī) 定和法律規(guī)定采取相應(yīng)救濟措施。乙方進行破產(chǎn)或破產(chǎn)和解的程序。乙方有轉(zhuǎn)移資產(chǎn)、抽逃資金或其它 喪失聲譽及履約能力之情形。乙方嚴重違反本合同規(guī)定義務(wù), 經(jīng) 過甲方限期改正,而未改正者。法律法規(guī)或本合同其它規(guī)定甲方 有解除權(quán)的。8.3合同終止后果本合同終止后,乙方應(yīng)當于甲方指 定期間內(nèi)返還甲方所有商業(yè)秘密 資料、信息,不能返還的予以銷毀。因乙方原因?qū)е潞贤K止或合同 終止前甲方已支付乙方相應(yīng)報酬 的,合同的終止不影響甲方對合同 終止前乙方提交的成果享有的知 識產(chǎn)權(quán)。9 :一般條款9.1
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