1、英語(yǔ)專八試卷真題及答案2004年英語(yǔ)專八試卷真題及答案part listengcoprehensionsectiona talklguageis ued for doing hing peop se it in eerdayconversato for tranacting buses,lanning meal and vactns, dbaig litis, n gossiping. techer use it for iructi sudent, andcomednse it f mingaencs. l theseae instaces olangae se- tht isactivit
2、ies n whichpeol do hi ith languae. asw an s, languague rallyaorm of joit cto. wht is nt cion? tn it an actin tha is care by group o peopleoin thing i coodiation with ah ter assimple xamps, think oft pepewaltzin, or plyin aiano uet. whno dnces wlz,hy each oveoun heballro ina pc way.u ltz i differen r
3、o the su of tei individalctins. ca imagn thsetwo dnersdingthme steps, bt in sepate rms, at separteimes? sowatzig is, in act, te joit cionthatemres as the two dancers d tir indiviual ein oornao, as aople. similarly, ding thinswithlangage i also dferentromthe su f thespeae speking and th liener liteni
4、g.iistjoit acton hat emesen sekers aditners, o witrs an reader, perorm theiridvdua actions incrinatin, as ensebl.hereore, we can ay tha anguage uorporates bth indvidualand social rcesses eakers and listes, riter an reaes, ust cary oucions s indiviuls, if they re tsceed their use o laguge. but teymus
5、 lsowork togethr articiat n the socialunts i haled esemes. i heexapli ntionedjustnw, the wdncer perfr both ndivil ato,moigtheir bodies,ams, anlegs, ad joit action, coordiaig thee movements,asheycetethatznth past, aguageuse has been studied as if itwerentirly an idiviualprocss. ad it has also be stud
6、iedsf itwere eieyasoialprocss.fr me, i suggestthat iteons both weannot ho t undrsand anga useith viwing i join cin bilt nividual actions.i rde to exin how al ese actons work, id l to viw brieflysetng of laug use. b settings, i men th scen i wih langgeuse tae place, plus the medium - whih refeso whth
7、r anguag s is spon orwritten. and in his talk, i'l fous n spokn setng. the spk seting metioedost often is convestion - ether fac tofce, or nt telpne.conesation b dete togossip, busiess tanscionsor scientficattrs, ut hr al caracterized by the fre echange of rms among te t prticipnt.l lthes person
8、al settins thnwe have at i wouldcal noprsolettings.a tyicl eample i nolgue in monlogus,ne perso speak ith lit onoopporunity for inerption, ortun by membrs of theaudiece mooguesomeimany vaietes oo,as a roesor ees to clas,or astdent gngpresettin to a smnar thesepeople spek for emsls, uttern ords tey o
9、rmulad thmelves orhe audine eforethem, and the udineisn't epcte t nterut another kind o setngwich ar caed itiutionl ettig, the aricpantsegag seeh hanges thatlook le rdnayconesation, u e ardby nstutal rles.s xaples, wcan tikfagovernment ofcialhldi anes cnference, a lawyerossqustonin witness in cu
10、rt, ora profesor directn a seia isusion. in thes setngs, whati saids more or less sponanos, n ough tur at speng are lloae bya ledr, or re rstrctd i other ways. the person spaking isn't lway thone whse itetons ae bing exress we hve te clarst eapls i ficnal setin via eig pays scalet o'aa in go
11、ne i thwid", rnk sinatra sgs ovesongn ont of aive audc, hespeaers re ach vocaizing wors compoed by soeoeelse- ontace a playihtr a cmoser - adareopenly preendi tobe expresingopis that are'tnesailytheirown. finllythre rervateettins wheneople sek othemsels ithouatul addessig anye ele, for xamp
12、le, i mih eplainsienl tmysel,oak o mys at olvngareserch prom, ehrsi wht i'm abu o say n a semina mrow ai sy in' tdedt bercied b oter pep, itisonyfue tomysel. tee are the featue of rivae ettings.ectionbtalkw: o veig, i' nany johnsn. te gue on ou radio tk is evening is prsr n ggwu.hello, p
13、rofessor ag.m:llo.: roesor w, you'e no rofessr emeits of austraantionniversity, and in your lng acaemc creer, yu've won an ats astur,lectrer,depatet hed, dean,profesr, ad vice chncello. hoev,as i ow, you'r sti vey ond of your uverit dy as adnt.m: tat's ih. thws in 1949.te iveriy tat
14、i we o wa a andnewunersty hen,ad the only one in thecuntryat tht time. weni ok bak,i wsan amaingl smalunivrsty, and wenew everbody.w: h di th stdent lik yu, for exae,sudy hen?m: we ddn'tstudy hard, bause we di't havetow didnt hv al this atasticcmetitio tht youhaveoday. m. er always ad t eelt
15、ha eing afirst dren arts facuty as pepartio for a rofesion. i was generaleduatin. we weenot under aypesueo deon our crers,and we ad u a god im. we were left vry muho our own, nd e wr encoaged mke things happen.w: ha dyu seas the moststikingdirence n unvesit edcationsce ten?m: univrsit edcion aschane
16、d dramatiaysine thoeys. hins re r pecializedtoday. w: ye, deiitelyso.and, in yoursbsuent ceerxerence seduator aer aministrator i rious institutnshigher educain i asa andeewee, roesso wn, yuhavereaeynoedthatoe hastoookat the evopmnt of ducaton ine parcar cotr a bod cextwhat oou mn y ht?: wll, he whol
17、e wrld has mve away from lite ecatin i univerite tmet te nes fmss educat, nd entring univesities n lnger a privlg forthef. nd niesities odayare more cnceredwith prvidingobsfo thei rauats in a ay that uniersitiein ur ime nver had o be bterdaout. threfore,the empsisof iersy pogram oayis now o te prati
18、alandtheutiitran, rer th na genera utioor on persoal deveopmentw: do you thinkta i wlcomedevelpmen?: well, i ersonll regettis devlopmet. but te basic bcos education no hato cater to poplewho really ned apce pap tofid ecet ob.w: so yu'e cnerned aot ths dveopment.:yes,i'm very conerned. wih te
19、hnical chges, many ofhe thig that yu en a echnica skills, whicdo't rqireyou obecme very wll duated. yet, ifyou can mserhoe ls, cn get ver good job. she echicalintitutinsar goin t b increaingyoplar at theepee o tradiion niersties.:rofesso ang,et's lok at aiffent issue how do you commenn thecu
20、rrent peomenon becuseof the feesthe pay?m: well,oe o cet students onfinnca guds, ne wondrswhethr you hav to pss th aswell. bu tsst devlomentin educatontha we haveto cntend wth. ye, if e are cocerned ab mitiningsdads, what e ando i to conntaeimrovigthe quality dcatio.w: yes, ou'rrigh.a nirstyi ju
21、ed bythe ulty of ectioni fers. profeo wn, let's urn o the utu.hat tpeof gaduates,in yurview, to nierites of the utur nedprodce, itheya to remain reevat?m: thnk t grauts b be to sit fom one pofeson to anoter, cue the ae traied in veidpedent . oucan do tht, yo rase thelevel of lxibltyof the indtda
22、ysaid hngs intechnolgy dmnd is adabityadyou ee ebes univrties inth ol are alredy tryng to aranteeta tei studnt wllnt ne echnicallined, ut wllb h kindof ppl tht can apt to anchangn situation.w: gues mn peolou gree wihyou n th pint. niersit edution houldfocuson both persoal an profesion develen ofstud
23、ents. ut sill smmght belivetere a definie plac or edcationin broder ense hat s, i personal intelltual deopmnt. m:o dubtabut that. we edpeoe wh itink abut e uue, abt e past, a als peol whwilthink aout societyf ciet dos't hv hiosophr, orpele wh tabt the alue f life,'s vrysd socety ndeed.w:prfs
24、or wang, my last question: do u ee any ommon gron in ecaion beeyou nertion andh young genertono?m: adaing to new challenges isperhaps thee cornerston o our geeron's legayo education dthftre educainin ounys otsouc on thecnstucion o betebildns, lbs, etc., but inte develomntf an edaptablemid.w: tha
25、t's tue the ssenc ducati is he edcaion o the midoa, thyou very much, feso wang, takin to us on tehowaut te chang tenin edcation: ou're welcomesection anew ta shows that the globalad pdemicwill caue sharp drop n life xpectany in dozens countries, isome cses, eclnes of the dedes. several natio
26、nsare oinga cenury's rogrs in exending the lgt f lie. toi every prtof t worl, 1 in al,ae sufferndeclining liftisbecausofa eain prevalenc of hv infectin. the ncreae is occrringn sia, lain meica, and th crriban,bt gretest i usaara fica, a egnwith on 0% ofthe world's populaobut of th orld's
27、hivinfecton. even frica cuties have lie xectacies of less tha 0 yers. for exmple, n botsa, here 9 oth adlpopulaioisinfectedih iv, lifeexpctay 39 years.u y010,t wille lethn 7 yearsithout ai, it woud have ben 4 yars. ie expectcy throuhot te ribean and sme cntrl americannions wil drop it the 6sby010, w
28、hthy woul otherwise habeen in he70's whou aids. icodia nd bma, theare pedcted to decin t ound 60years old, to hat trwieul ha benn e id6'. evenin untris whee the number o new nfecto is doin, suc as thlnd,ganda,and seng, smal lifeepectnydrop iforecback in e eary 1990', wener woul hav suspe
29、ced hat poulaon growhwouldave tuengative becaus motalit. in less tha1 yes, w pe that5 countrie will e eperincig aieoplato rowth beause ais rtat, includin suh ai, moaiqe, lestho,swaa n wazland.queions14 and 5 are baed on the flowignws. ath eof thenews im, yo wll b gie 3ecndsto anwrthe qustions o lten
30、 to te ne.the eropen nnhadratd a ist of us product to b hitwithmp txes nretaiation rtarifs theunitd staehas impse on europensel. memberovermnts willreiew the i before theu suitsi tothe wod trde orgaiztio, whch arittes ntratoal ddisptes. eu fficas will not wichamrianprodc il be hit by th eu santns. b
31、ut diplomt oitoin the strent ta atlantic trad ipute say ey incl texis an seel rodusearr this moh, the uh adminstraion impoed triffs of up to 3 prent osome stel ts, inluing uope pducts.he e hasappeld to te worldradeorganization to gethose dutes overturned. bt wo dcsin the maoudtakep o ya o more. euof
32、fci say that, under wto ule, teu hsthe right impos ealiatry mesres ijune. but they sayt untd state ca avoid the eu'spossibecuntresures iit pay more than two bllio dollars n ompsaio o he eu for imposing e steel tafs thfrt plae. the oficialssy shingo culd eape rtalio y lern u. ipor ie o other eu p
33、out. hbush adminisraion says willnot pa cpensto.stion d alkgod mnig. today's ectueillcus nowto ake peopleeel a ee in coeraions. i gue all yusttinghee a recall certnpeo whjust sem to make ofee coortewhen thy reaun.o sed anho it them d fel s if o've know the hlfyor life. thee epl wh ae that cr
34、tain soehng that makes s omotal aveomethn common, and oncewe kw wha tatis, can go about gtig somofthat somethin forouseles. hwis n? ere rsoe of the sils tat goo tler hve ifyo followthe skills, heyillelp youptpople at heirea, mke them fl seue, and comforale, nd turn acquaintances into frinds. fis ll,
35、 good talkrs ask qusins.lmost anyone,no mtter ho shy,will anwer a qio. i ac, accrigtoy observaion, vr hy perons are ofte ewilig to erqtions tan etrovrt. they re ore cocedthat soeone il thik tm imolite fthy don responto te quesions. so mos sillfu consatnats recommndsartng wih a uesionthat is personal
36、, bt not hamul.foexmpl, onc a famous amerian tv rsenterot a lg ad fscinng nteve rmantiosl prvate biioaieby skin h bouthis fstjobanother exampe,onepoientwoa xctivcnfesse ha at iness lnes, "i lwyaskeope hat ty did hat ring ts dullquetion, bt itges ngs oing." from there, yo can oveon to ot ma
37、ters, sotimes t ral esnl queston moree,w you responer answerwillle youkno ow far youcn ga fewmpl cathwors le really?" "ye?" re clear initais t contiue aig.second, onc god taes haveaskd quions, theyltnfor nswes. thispit se bviu, but i isn'in fact. makeople fel cmfortalsn't impl
38、a mtte o kin idle coerstion. yur utinshv a pointy'rereal asking,whasort of peson e y?"an o nd out, you have t rlllst.therer at east hree omponent o reallstenig.fo oneting,rea liteig means nt changing tsubjetfseo stics t ne topic, you ca assume hat eor he isrealy nterestdin i.noe compnen f r
39、ealisten is itningot just to ordsbtt tnes f oie.i nce entioed .h. wto a frnd. t my stonishmt, heauched int a aademic diuionof e iaey inlarenc's works. midy throuh,i listened hervoie. w,to pi mildl, unnimad, ad it eeme obvious hathe imrymonoloue ws ntende olly formy eneit, ndiqukly hanged th ubje
40、ct. at as,re iseng eans usig yor eyes aswell as ur ear whn razewaers,it akepeope ik tey'e bing your, or ht they e aying is not ntresting. of ors, youdonthvto tre, or lare at them simply lookig attentv will akeostpeole thik that yu hikthe're ascinatinext, goodtakers are notraid to laugh. if o
41、 thnk al tepeople you knww aey fel oortable, you aynotice t al othmlauga lot. laghr s notonl warming adfrenly, it'sals a gda oee otheeople'sdiofor. i avea rien hight ejoy wathng a gthring of othrle who o not ow each ote wel. he first few minute otal re a bit uney and hsitant, fo the opleinvo
42、lvedo no ethv sne of echoher. inariabl,alight cment orje s made, an riens easy luhter appeaslik snshine in the converion. ter is alwayth a vsileotening that take place. oher people smile, n looseniesponsethe lughte, and econversati ges onit ore warmt n e.nally, good takers aeonces whoemet a arin tha
43、t i, theynow how o make use of artg as a wy to lae deep iressonon oer lastimpessios ar jusaimprtnt irimresions indeermining a newacuaintanc will reember you.people whoake ers realy eel comfrtle takeavna f that pingmoe o cse th dal. enhavead t easier.heyhav one it with smie, ad good rm hanhae. wa abo
44、ut the? ovrthe a severaler,omn havetared tae oer tt ustmwllbeeen themelve r withmen. i ou're ying goodbe, yo ihwant to gie m o her a secon extr had squeeze.t a ayto sy, i really enjoedmetingyu but it not al donewih lanuag. you've eodbi wihsomeon, ifyoun to eethtpeson again, don't eep t a
45、 secre et peopleknow howyou fee, antey maywa ay eln a if thy've kow youha their if okay,justo sumup. today, we'v tae out o ays tomakepele fe tease nconrations these skll r mpotant i keepig covrstion oi,an oming friendhipsaer n o course,hksareb no mens theoly es we canse.te list is c oner. hope you wil usetsefoskills, and comoreonyor on ior
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