1、1 wheres my new cap?period 1一、教學目標1、 能聽懂、會說新單詞shirt ,coat,bed,cap;2、 能掌握課文大意;3、 能運用“wheres my new ”詢問別人,并用“its in ” “they are under ” “your is on ”做出回應。二、教學重點難點重點:能運用“wheres my new ”詢問別人,并用“its in ” “they are under ” “your is on ”做出回應。難點:靈活地運用“in、on、under、”等詞語表達物體的具體方位。一、 教學準備 兩個動物指偶、教學掛圖、教學磁帶等。二、 教
2、學步驟step 1 warming up1、 師生問候。2、唱英語歌曲“the more were together.”step 2 presentation 1、 情景引如:一天早晨,貓媽媽和小白貓在家里,小白貓準備上學了。white cat:good morning,mum . mum:good morning,daughter.white cat :whers my new cap? mum:its on the bed.white cat.thank you,mum.wheres my new pencils? mum:they are on the desk.板書并教授對話2、 用動
3、物指偶與若干學生進行對話練習游戲chain game3、 聽課文a部分錄音,跟讀。4、 戴上人物頭飾表演對話step 3 practice游戲dubbing game教師用動物指偶表演,或放一段無聲動畫片,學生用所學的問候語根據(jù)情景配音。評出最佳配音獎游戲make friends學生離開座位找朋友,用所學的問候語進行問候??纯凑l在最短時間找到最多的朋友。step 4 consolidation1、 創(chuàng)設情景,自由對話情景1:老師的書、粉筆、本子、鋼筆、鉛筆等不見了,請小朋友幫忙找找看。情景2:同桌之間表演對話。讓學生們大膽發(fā)揮想象,創(chuàng)設其他情景進行對話練習。師生共同表演學生同桌互相表演學生代表
4、上臺表演2、 評價。對學生在活動中的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,培養(yǎng)學生的英語交際能力。period 2一、教學目標1、 能掌握本單元新單詞及詞組; 2、能熟練使用句型“where is/are my ”“its /they are”。詢問物體的位置,并回答; 3、能閱讀理解課文c、d部分。二、教學重點難點重點:復習單詞和句型; 難點:理解課文c、d部分。三、教學準備 一個抽屜、一條新領帶、一雙棕色皮鞋、學生自己的畫、教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、師生問候。2、唱英語歌曲“colour song”step 2 presentation 1、出示一條領帶 t:whats
5、this? s:its a tie. t:is it old or new? s:its new. t:yes,its a new tie. where is the tie? s:its in the drawer. 2、出示一雙棕色皮鞋t:what are these? s:they are shoes. t:where are my brown shoes? s:your brown shoes are in the cupboard.3、拿出一副眼鏡戴在頭上 t:where are my glasses? s:they are on your head.step 3 practice
6、游戲ask and answer 將全班學生分成兩組,就上一課時布置的畫畫作業(yè)進行問答比賽。一組學生提問,另一組學生根據(jù)畫作答課文d部分 1、讓學生們自己閱讀一遍,標出不懂的單詞或句子 2、聽錄音,小聲跟讀 3、回答問題step 4 consolidation1、創(chuàng)設情景,自由對話情景:lingling和chen dong想穿上自己最喜歡的衣服去參加mary的生日晚會,可他們不知道媽媽把衣服放哪兒了,于是詢問媽媽。2、 評價 3、練習 4、家庭作業(yè) 聽磁帶、讀課文、記單詞。period 3一、教學目標1、 能掌握字母組合all在單詞中的發(fā)音,并理解詞匯 wall,fall,ball,tall,
7、small,stall。2、 能理解并讀出由含有字母組合all的單詞組成的句子。 3、鞏固復習本單元單詞和句型。二、教學重點難點 重點:字母組合all在單詞中的發(fā)音; 難點:情景對話。三、教學準備 字母卡片b、f、s、m、t、w及all,教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、 師生問候。2、 唱英語歌曲“colour song”。 3、 自由對話(就學生文具提問, 可讓學生充當小老師提問)。step 2 presentation and drill 課文e部分 1、 出示字母卡片b、f、t、w,讓學生讀出該字母在單詞中的發(fā)音。 2、 出示卡片all,教學all的讀音。3
8、、組合成單詞,請學生拼讀。 4、聽錄音,跟讀單詞。 5、聽錄音,跟讀句子。step 3 practice 游戲matching game 在黑板兩側(cè)分別寫上字母 b、f、t、w及字母組合all,將學生分成兩組,每組輪流選出一名學生看卡片念單詞,兩組在各派一名學生聽音連線,看誰連得又快又準。step 4consolidation1、 課文f部分請一名學生扮演linging尋物,其余學生根據(jù)圖片幫助lingling找東西。lingling:where is my dress? s:its under the bed.2、創(chuàng)設情景,自由會話。 3、評價。 4、家庭作業(yè) ?。┞牬艓?,朗讀課文 2)抄單
9、詞和句型2 can you read and write?period 1一、教學目標1、能聽懂、會說新單詞read ,write,climb,letter.2、能理解并復述本課課文。3、能運用句型“can you ?”詢問某人能否做某事,并用“yes,i can .”no,i cant .”對詢問做出回答。二、教學重點難點 重點:掌握四會單詞 難點:正確使用能動詞can。三、教學準備 一張畫有獅子、鳥、猴子、青蛙、鴨子的動物圖片,人物卡片,教學掛圖,教學磁帶等。兩個動物指偶、教學掛圖、教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up2、 師生問候。3、 做熱身操step 2 pre
10、sentation 1、 出示畫有獅子、鳥、猴子、青蛙、鴨子的動物圖片。t:what can you see in the picture ? s:i can see a lion/bird/monkey/frog/duck.t:can it run/fly/jump/swim/climb? s:yes,it can ./no,it cant.t:can you run/fly/jump/swim/climb? s:yes,i can./no,i cant. 4、 依次出示單詞卡片,帶讀。 run,run,run,i can run. jump,jump,i can jump.swim,swi
11、m,swim,i can swim. climb,climb,climb,i can climb.fly,fly,fly,i can fly.5、 貼出動物圖片,滾動單詞卡片。t:run,run,run,can a lion run? s:yes,it can.游戲dragon game將學生分成兩組,教師出示單詞卡片,兩組學生輪流一問一答。s1:swim,swim,swim,can a bird swim? s2:no,it cant.fly,fly,fly,can a monkey fly?6、 出示一本書t;whats this? s:its a book. t:can a lion r
12、ead a booke? s:no,it cant. t:can you read a book?s:yes,we can. t:can you read ,s1? s1:yes, i can. t: he/she can read.板書單詞read ,邊寫邊帶讀t:can you write,s2? s2: yes, i can t:can you write in english? s2: yes, i can.板書單詞write,邊寫邊讀:write,write,write in english.t:can lingling read and write in english?open
13、your books at page 5. lets look and listen.7、 聽課文a部分錄音,跟讀并回答剛才的問題。8、 同桌兩人分角色自由練讀,然后讓幾組學生分角色朗讀。9、 聽課文b部分錄音,跟讀。step 3 practice游戲take a chance.將全班學生分成兩組進行游戲。每組選一名學生,分別從單詞卡片和動物、人物兩套卡片中各取一張,用can 提問,肯定的回答可加一分,否定的回答則扣一分。step 4 consolidation1、創(chuàng)設情景,自由對話情景:班上準備開辟一個“英語角”。老師要選出一些同學寫主題詞,布置教室,還要選出兩名主持人,你能幫老師選選嗎?
14、2、評價,對學生在活動中的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,培養(yǎng)學生的英語交際能力。3、練習 4、家庭作業(yè) 聽磁帶,背課文。period 2一、教學目標1、能掌握本單元新單詞及詞組2、“can you ?”詢問某人能否做某事,并用“yes,i can .”no,i cant .”對詢問做出回答。 3、能閱讀理解課文c、d部分。二、教學重點難點重點:復習單詞和句型 難點:理解課文c、d部分三、教學準備 單詞和動物卡片、教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、 師生問候。2、游戲dragon game 將全班學生分成兩組進行游戲。看卡片對歌,一組問一組答step 2 presentatio
15、n and drill 游戲listen game教師出示單詞卡片,一名學生根據(jù)卡片任意挑一名同學提問,該同學根據(jù)自己的實際情況回答,并做出相應動作。聽課文d部分錄音,回答問題。 can tim fly? can dino fly? can tim climb?can dino add number?step 3 practice 游戲dragon game 選出8位學生到講臺前站成一排,就動詞read,write,fly,climb,jump,eat,clap,add用能動詞can回答。沒有回答上或提問重復的要把這8個動詞說出來,并邊說邊做動作。step 4 consolidation1、創(chuàng)
16、設情景,自由對話情景:lingling和chen dong各有一個機器人,他們在比較誰的機器人更能干。2、評價 3、練習 4、家庭作業(yè) 聽磁帶、讀課文、記單詞。period 3一、教學目標1、掌握字母組合ool在單詞中的發(fā)音,并理解詞匯 zoo,moon,swimming,pool,broom,spoon;2、 能理解并讀出由含有字母組合 oo的單詞組成的句子。3、 鞏固復習本單元單詞和句型。二、教學重點難點 重點:字母組合oo在單詞中的發(fā)音。 難點:句子留念高度朗讀。三、教學準備 單詞卡片、動物園圖片、教學磁帶等。一、 教學步驟step 1 warming up游戲quik response
17、. 看卡片,讀單詞,做動作,看誰反應快。游戲guess,guess,guess! 兩人一組進行游戲,教師出示卡片,一人根據(jù)卡片所給單詞做動作,另一人猜單詞,一分鐘內(nèi)看哪組猜得多。step 2 presentation and drill 1、出示動物園圖片 t:whats this? s:its a zoon. t:yes,its a zoo,板書并帶讀單詞,讓學生自己拼讀。 2、寫出其他單詞,讓學生自己拼讀。 聽課文e部分錄音,跟讀兩遍,step 3 practice 游戲listen and do.教師唇語單詞,學生讀唇辨讀單詞。另選兩名學生到講臺上搶拍所聽到的單詞,先拍到的得分。1、描摹
18、寫單詞read 和write 2、聽課文f部分錄音,跟讀。游戲two sided performing step 4 consolidation1、創(chuàng)設情景,自由會話。 情景:tim和dino在路上遇到了大雄和機器貓,dino跟機器貓比比誰的本領大。2、評價 3、練習 4、家庭作業(yè) 1)聽磁帶,朗讀課文 2)抄單詞和句型3 are you making a kite?period 1一、教學目標1、能 聽懂、會說新單詞make kite mess boat pie;2、學習對話“are you making a kite/pie /boat? yes./no.”3、理解詞組make a kit
19、e/boat/pie的含義。二、教學重點及難點重點:學習對話“are you making a kite/pie /boat?”詢問他人在做什么,并用“he/she ismaking.”做出問答。難點:理解“he is making.”的含義。三、教學準備教學掛圖、教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、師生問候。2、唱已學的英語歌曲。step 2 presentation and drill1、走到學生中間。t(問一名男學生):hello!what is it? (show the kite)b: it is.t(問全班學生):what's this?(show
20、 the boat)ss: this is.板書并教學句型“are you making a kite?”“i am .”游戲guess,guess,guess!(猜一猜?。⑷嗤瑢W分成兩大組進行比賽。老師出示一些折紙玩具,如cake boat mess,學生利用圖片練習說句子。兩組派代表輪流猜,在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)說對的次數(shù)多的一方獲勝。t:i like making some toy.(出示kite的圖片):t: are you making a boat.s:no ,i am making a kite .t(出示cake 的圖片):are you making a kite?s:no ,i
21、am making a cake.t(出示mess的圖片):are you making a kite?s:no ,i am making a mess.2、聽課文a部分錄音,理解課文大意。step 3 practice1、聽課文a部分錄音,跟讀。2、分小組練讀。3、分角色表演。step 4 consolidation1、創(chuàng)設情景,自由會話。情景一:周末,小朋友在自己做玩具,媽媽問他在做什么。分角色演一演。2、評價。對學生在活動中的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,培養(yǎng)學生的英語交際能力和表達能力。3、家庭作業(yè)。熟讀并背誦課文a部分。period 2一、教學目標1、能聽懂、會說新單詞 piano bake
22、draw fish bird music;2、能熟練地用英語說出圖片上的動作;3、能理解、看懂課文d部分故事;4、能熟練地運用句型“be doing sth.”“i am doing sth.”。二、教學重點及難點重點:能熟練地運用句型“be doing sth”“i am doing sth”。難點:能熟練的用英語描述一幅圖片上的情形。三、教學準備:圖片、單詞卡片、教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、師生問候。2、唱英語歌曲“ten little indian boys”.3、自由會話,復習所學內(nèi)容。q:are you making a kite. a:no ,i
23、am making a cake.q:are you making a kite. a:no ,i am making a piestep 2 presentation and drill1、出示圖片。t:what is he/she doing? ss:he/she is doing .2、聽課文b部分錄音,回答問題。ask and answer: what are you doing?look at the picture ,then try to say: she is playing the piano; he is baking a cake; he is making a kite
24、/making a pie/making a mess.step 3 practice 1、出示一張照片。t:what is the girl doing? s: she is t:what is the man doing? s: he is 引導并鼓勵學生們運用所學知識,大膽進行會話練習。2、課文c部分。t:what can you see in the picture?讓學生三人一組觀察圖片,并根據(jù)圖片進行交談,相互介紹圖中的人物正在做什么。s1:hat is the girl doing? s2:she is drawing a fish.s3:no,she is drawing a
25、bird.step 4 consolidation 1、課文d部分。1)看圖猜一猜,回答問題。hat is dino doing2)幫助學生理解短文,找到答案。 3)聽錄音,跟讀。4)分角色朗讀。 5)分組分角色自由朗讀。6)分角色表演。2、評價。對學生在活動中的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,培養(yǎng)學生的英語交際能力和表演能力。3、練習。4、家庭作業(yè)。1)識記本課新單詞。2)讀課文d部分。period 3一、教學目標1、能掌握字母組合ay在單詞中的發(fā)音;2、能讀出由含有字母組合ay的單詞組成的句子;3、能掌握單詞making a kite的書寫;4、學著制作f部分的紙飛機二、教學重點及難點:重點:字母組合
26、ay在單詞中的發(fā)音。難點:學著制作f部分的紙飛機,猜測fold的意思。三、教學準備:教學磁帶等。四、教學步驟step1 warming up1、師生問候。2、唱已學的英語歌曲。step 2 presentation and drill1、聽課文e部分錄音,感知單詞的發(fā)音。2、聽課文e部分錄音,跟讀。 away holiday spray3、練習讀句子go away!(走開)tomorrow is holiday!(明天放假!)the man is spraying.(給花兒噴水。)4、聽課文e部分錄音,幫助學生理解句子的含義,并詳細講解其發(fā)音。5、自由練習朗讀句子。6、嘗試讀句子rain,ra
27、in,go away;we would like to play today.come again another day!7、學習書寫 making a kite(注意:先仿寫,中間部分要對齊)step 3 consolidation 1、聽課文f部分錄音,學著制作f部分的紙飛機,猜測fold的意思2、評價。對學生的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,培養(yǎng)學生猜測詞意的能力。3、練習。4 peter is writingperiod 1教學目標 1.能熟練地運用句型:somebody is doing something;2.讀準單詞的發(fā)音,注意ing 的發(fā)音。教學重點與難點重點:能熟練地運用句型:some
28、body is doing something難點:用she is doing 看圖說話教學準備圖片,教學磁帶等.教學步驟step1 warming up1.師生問候.2.游戲dragon game(接龍游戲)師展示圖片,學生練習句型:she is doing something.playing the pianobaking a cake making a kite making a pie making a mess making a boatstep 2 presentation and drill1.拿著一個神秘的盒子,走進教室.t(搖晃盒子):hello,everyone!i'
29、;m a magician.i have a lot of magic things in my bag.what's in it? please guess!if you are right,i'll give you a gift.若學生猜對了,教師出示該物品,并獎勵一張小卡片或其他小獎品.t:what is he doing? s:he is .t:great ,you are right.t(將卡片翻過來,讓學生看著中文說英語)板書并教學句型"ling ling is sleeping"2.出示課文a部分教學掛圖.聽課文a部分錄音,了解課文大意.3.
30、聽錄音,跟讀.4.分組練讀并表演:peter's mother is cooking. anne's mother is sweeping.ling ling's brother is sleeping. ling ling is painting.step 3 practice游戲看圖猜測詞意 read after me sleeping working sweeping cooking paintingstep 4 consolidation1.創(chuàng)設情景,自由會話.情景:想象在周末,一家人會做什么.用學過的句型表達出來.my mother is my brother
31、 ismy father is i am 要求用上學習過的單詞 2.評價.對學生在活動中的表現(xiàn)給予肯定和鼓勵,提高學生學習英語的興趣.3.對話練習.4.家庭作業(yè).1)熟讀并背誦課文a部分.2)識記本課新單詞.period 2學目標:1.能掌握本單元新單詞; 2.能熟練地運用現(xiàn)在進行時進行會話;3.理解課文c,d部分;4.培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀理解能力。教學重點與難點重點:復習單詞和句型 難點:情景會話教學準備:單詞卡片,教學磁帶等.教學步驟step 1 warming up1.師生問候.2.看卡片讀單詞.3.看口型讀單詞.step 2 presentation and drill游戲:guess,gu
32、ess,guess!(猜一猜)教師做動作,并提問;學生猜,并回答.t:what am i doing s:you are sleeping.t:yes,i am sleeping./no,i am step 3 practice游戲best partner(最佳拍檔)學生兩人一組自由組合,一人抽卡片做動作,另一人猜,看哪組最有默契.閱讀課文d部分,回答問題.what is tim doing?what is dino doing? step 4 consolidation讓學生四人一組,描述各自在家里畫的畫。評價.對學生的描述進行評價,給予肯定與鼓勵,激發(fā)學生說英語的欲望。練習。period
33、3教學目標1.能掌握字母組合oo在單詞中的發(fā)音;2.能讀出由含有字母組合oo的單詞book wood food cook took firewood, 并讀出有關的句子;3,復習鞏固本單元單詞和句型。教學重點與難點:字母組合oo在單詞中的發(fā)音.區(qū)別字母組合oo的長,短音。教學準備單詞卡片,教學磁帶等。教學步驟step 1 warming up1.師生問候.2.游戲:act and chant (做做唱唱)請八名學生上臺來,輪流根據(jù)單詞卡片做動作,其余學生有節(jié)奏地吟唱.writing ,writing ,a is writing.sleeping, sleeping,b is sleeping.
34、working, working, c is woring.step 2 presentation and drill1.讓學生讀e部分的單詞;2.板書單詞 book ,標出字母組合oo,教授其讀音,并與其它單詞進行比較;3.板書e部分其它單詞 wood took food firewood cook , 讓學生拼讀;4.聽錄音,跟讀單詞。step 3 practice1.聽課文e部分錄音,跟讀句子;2.打節(jié)拍,讀句子;3.邊讀邊寫 reading and writing;4.聽課文f部分錄音,學唱英語歌曲。unit 5 whats anne doing?periods: contentspe
35、riodspart a, bone periodpart c, done periodpart e, fone periodlanguage function:getting to know somebidy is doing something. language structure:whats anne doing?she is skipping.vocabulary:the word should be grasped: hopping, running, dancing, digging, playing basketball, skipping, swimming.understan
36、ding words:making the cat angry, rain, rail, train, nail, paint, tail, pail, sail, spain.sounds:know the ai-s sound in the words. how to write: playing basketball period 1basic aims of this lesson:understand and say the new words “hopping, running, dancing, digging, playing basketball, skipping, swi
37、mming”retell the part a.can ask and say somebody is doing something.teaching difficulties:grasp the four-skill words.can ask and say somebody is doing something.teaching aids:type-recorder, picture, computer, words cards step 1 warming up:greetings.song: sunday morningstep 2 presentation and drill s
38、how the word cards of part b.t: look and read the words.ss: writing / sleeping / working let the ss do the action.teacher is running.t: look, what am i doing?s: let a student run.t: what are you doing?s: im running.t: what is s doing?ss: he/ she is ing.show the wall picture.t: look, this is anne. wh
39、at is anne doing?ss: peter is skipping.t: whats the boy doing?ss: he is hopping.learn part b.listen to the tape (part a, b), read after the tape.step 3 practice group in four act the part a.game: a little actor.let a student come to the front and act part b. others describe.ss: is skipping.step 4. c
40、onsolidationfree talk.assessment.exercises book p17-18.homework: recite part a. teaching notesperiod 2basic aims of this lesson:1. grasp the new words and phrases of this unit.2. correct use the sentence “someone is doing ”understand part c, d.teaching difficulties:review the words and sentences.fre
41、e talk with the sentences have learned.teaching aids:type-recorder, picture, computerstep 1 warming up:1. greetings.2. look the cards and read the words.3. look the mouth and guess the words.step 2 presentation and drillgame: best partner.group is 2, one show the word card, anther one do the action.
42、step 3 practicegame:magic eyes.let 2 ss come to the front, others act the action.s1: whats a doing? s2: a is hopping. listen to the tape of part d.3. act the story wear the headwear as dino and the cat.step 4. consolidationfree talk.assessment.exercises book p19-20.homework.teaching notesperiod 3bas
43、ic aims of this lesson:1.the ability to know the sound in “ai-”, and understand the words “rain, rail, train, nail, paint, tail, pail, sail, spain.2. review the words and sentences.teaching difficulties:find the ruler of the sound in “ai-”.drill the dialogue.teaching aids:type-recorder, word cards.s
44、tep 1 warming up:greetings.sing a song “sunday morning.”step 2 presentation and drillteacher write “rain” on bb, let ss read.mark “ai”, let the ss find the rule.write other words with “ai”, rain, rail, train, nail, paint, tail, pail, sail, spain. let ss try to read.step 3 practicelisten to the tape
45、of part e.chant the words and sentences write “playing basketball” on book.learn to sing “are you sleeping?”step 4. consolidationgroup in 4 act part f.free talk.homework.unit6 where are you going?period 1一、教學目標1、 能聽懂、會說新單詞going coming a post office a holiday;2、 能理解并復述課文;3、 能用“where + 現(xiàn)在進行時”詢問某人的去處,并
46、對該詢問做出回應二、教學重點能用“where+現(xiàn)在進行時”詢問某人的去處,并對該詢問做出回應。三、教學難點會說新單詞。四、教學準備圖片,玩具狗,單詞卡片,教學磁帶。五、教學步驟step 1 warming up1、師生問候2、唱第四單元所學的英語歌曲step 2 presentation and drill1、出示學校的圖片,貼在黑板上。what is this? it is school.where are you now? i am at school.how do you come to school? by bus/car.i walk to school.板書單詞: walk,
47、60;帶讀。2、出示小狗玩具,帶讀句子。the dog is going. the dog is coming.板書單詞: going coming ,帶讀。3、將玩具狗放在講臺上。 t:where is the dog now? s: the dog is on the table . 讓小狗做走路狀。 t:what is the dog doing? s:the dog is walking. 假設小狗朝學校走。 t:where is the dog going? s: the dog is going to school.4、讓學生扮演小狗。 t:hi, little dog ,wher
48、e are you going? s:i am going to school. 板書句子,帶讀。然后讓學生兩人一組表演,一問一答。5、板上貼上郵局的圖片,假設玩具狗朝郵局方向走。 t: where is the dog going? t/s: the dog is going to the post office. step 3 practice 1、教師指圖片,讓兩組學生一問一答。 where are you going? i am going to school/the post office. 2、聽課文a部分錄音,理解課文大意,并跟讀。 3、聽課文b部分錄音,跟讀。 step 4 c
49、onsolidation 1、三人小組表演課文a部分 2、評價。對學生表演進行評價,給予肯定與鼓勵,激發(fā)學生說英語的欲望。 3、練習。period 2一、教學目標1、能掌握本單元新單詞。2、能運用所學句型進行會話。3、能理解課文c、d部分。二、教學重點及難點1、復習單詞和句型。2、情景會話。三、教學準備圖片、玩具狗、教學磁帶。四、教學步驟step1 warming up1、師生問候2、唱第四單元所學的英語歌曲3、誦讀英語兒歌“the dog is coming”step2 presentation and drill在黑板上貼上學校、房子、郵局的圖片t:what is this?s:it is
50、 school /house /the post office.t:(出示玩具狗):where do you think the dog is going to?s:it is going to school / the house / the post office.t(扮演小狗):i am going to the post office.look ,i have a letter to post.step 3 practice游戲:guess,guess,gues 教師將房屋圖片放在講臺上,拿著玩具狗在圖上走,讓學生齊聲說:“l(fā)ittle dog ,walk ,walk ,walk”說完,教師停下玩具狗,讓學生猜它停在哪個房間,并大聲說出房間的名稱。猜中的同學代替老師提問。s:little dog ,walk ,walk ,walk. s: where do you think the dog is going?s: it is going to the bedroom.閱讀課文d 部分,回答問題。who is dino writing to?where is dino going to?stepconsolidation1、創(chuàng)設情景,自由會話。情景:星期天的早晨,兩位同學在路上相遇,他們互相打招呼,并詢問彼此的去向。2、
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