1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載Unit 1Ive got many new friends.教學(xué)目的和要求Teaching aims and demands通過本學(xué)習(xí)本單元,學(xué)生能用英語簡單介紹自己的朋友學(xué)習(xí)和掌握本單元的重點(diǎn)句型綜合復(fù)習(xí)一下以前學(xué)過的詞匯交際用語Expressions in communicationIve got many new friends.They are so lovely.Maybe I can meet her tomorrow.I like to play with toys.My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.”My English n
2、ame is“ Ann. ”Please give it to me.Can I help you with the bag?重點(diǎn)朗讀詞匯Key words and expressionsChinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden所需教具M(jìn)aterials for teaching幾個(gè)男生和幾個(gè)女生照片或圖片每個(gè)同學(xué)需要帶自己的照片已學(xué)過的分類圖片書包里裝的相應(yīng)玩具及學(xué)習(xí)用品教學(xué)步驟Tea
3、ching ProceduresWarm up教師熱情得和學(xué)生們打招呼,并主動帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生認(rèn)識班上的新同學(xué),鼓勵(lì)新同學(xué)融入到集體中, 全班同學(xué)互相介紹與認(rèn)識。同時(shí)鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生定出新學(xué)期的學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),制定好每天的學(xué)習(xí)計(jì)劃,注意把握時(shí)間。Daisy, Jane, Mary, Sally, Fred, Jim, Paul, Vicky,學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載Presentation上課時(shí),教師說: “ First of all, I would like to say welcome to all of you. Welcome youback to school. I m sure you can learn m
4、ore things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English. Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are goingto tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study? ”學(xué)生依次在小組里做一個(gè)介紹,讓大家相互了解。介紹完之后,教師說:“ W
5、e have six new friends today. Who can tell us something about the first friend? What s his name? What does he like to do? What food does he like? ”教師鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生看主圖的信息并說出來。然后, 教師讓學(xué)生依次介紹其他的幾個(gè)新朋友。本部分需要學(xué)生掌握的內(nèi)容是能說說自己,并用三到五句話介紹自己的朋友。接下來,教師讓學(xué)生進(jìn)行對話練習(xí)。重點(diǎn)需要掌握以下句型:They are my new friends. Who s she? She is May. Whos
6、he? Hes Tom. Shes an American.Hes a Chinese. Shes an English.教師可以用這些句子讓學(xué)生重新編新的對話,不必一字一句地按照對話的原文進(jìn)行。Practice單元教學(xué)活動2Listen, read and match.第二部分讓學(xué)生閱讀句子并根據(jù)句子的描述搭配相應(yīng)的圖片。此部分的題相對比較容易,主要是讓學(xué)生剛開始學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)候感覺到難度不大,能夠很輕松地跟上新學(xué)期的學(xué)習(xí)。單元教學(xué)活動3Pick and tell.第三部分屬于游戲部分,教師上課前將一些學(xué)生的圖片貼在賀年卡片上,并在下面寫上孩子的名字。 上課時(shí), 教師將這些圖片依次拿出來,掛在一條
7、細(xì)繩上, 此繩由兩個(gè)學(xué)生拉著。教師邊往上掛卡片邊說:“ Ive got many new friends. They are Alex, May and Linlin.”教師可以使用第二級考級中要用的名字來練習(xí),比如Jack, John, Peter及第一級已經(jīng)學(xué)過的英語名字。單元教學(xué)活動5Draw, ask and answer.第五部分是畫畫并根據(jù)圖畫相互詢問有關(guān)信息。因此,教師先讓學(xué)生在自己的書上畫自己的一個(gè)朋友。畫好之后,教師讓學(xué)生之間進(jìn)行詢問:“Is your friend a boy or a girl? ”(書上的句子)為了增添游戲的趣味性,教師可以準(zhǔn)備一張大紙,讓某個(gè)同學(xué)到講桌
8、上畫,等小組完成之后,教師讓全體同學(xué)來詢問他(她) 。這個(gè)同學(xué)先不給大家看他(她)自己畫的內(nèi)容,直到最后大家基本猜對時(shí),教師再讓同學(xué)一起觀看這張畫。單元教學(xué)活動6Read and write.第六部分是閱讀句子并判斷左邊的圖是否正確。教師最后再檢查答案。單元教學(xué)活動7Listen, chant and match.第七部分是說唱歌謠。教師可以讓學(xué)生反復(fù)聽錄音,并跟著學(xué)說歌謠,直到熟練為止。之后教師可以讓學(xué)生自己填上新詞,自編自演。單元教學(xué)活動8Play and guess.學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載第八部分是猜學(xué)生名字的游戲。學(xué)生在以前的練習(xí)中也做過類似的游戲。但這一次, 教師可以加大難度,要求學(xué)生到前
9、面唱一首歌、說一個(gè)歌謠或說幾個(gè)句子,而不是單純地問“Who am I? ”這個(gè)游戲參與的人控制在三到五人。單元教學(xué)活動9Look and say.第九部分是練習(xí)新句型。教師拿出事先準(zhǔn)備好的書包問學(xué)生:“ What have I got here, inmy bag? ”學(xué)生可以猜。有的學(xué)生會說:“ Youve got a pen and a book.”等。單元教學(xué)活動10Circle and match.第十部分是讓學(xué)生根據(jù)周邊所給的圖片在字母中找出相應(yīng)的單詞。教師先讓學(xué)生自己劃線或做記號,最后統(tǒng)一給出答案。單元教學(xué)活動11Skill practice.第十一部分是語音練習(xí)。 學(xué)生應(yīng)根據(jù)前面
10、所給的單詞的讀音, 將左邊有類似發(fā)音的詞寫在該單詞旁邊。最后,教師再檢查是否正確。Closure單元教學(xué)活動4Read and act.第四部分是對話表演。 教師先讓學(xué)生朗讀這些句子, 然后讓學(xué)生分角色練習(xí)對話。 在兩人練習(xí)的基礎(chǔ)上,教師讓學(xué)生自編動作,然后到前面表演。Homework請學(xué)生在作業(yè)本上寫一遍自我介紹。抄寫重點(diǎn)單詞5+1,下次聽寫。將第二部分當(dāng)中的短語抄寫3+1。聽讀本單元,家長簽字。Unit 2Is this book yours?教學(xué)目的和要求Teaching aims and demands通過本學(xué)習(xí)本單元,學(xué)生能初步掌握名詞性物主代詞的用法學(xué)生能較熟練地使用本單元的詞匯和
11、句型學(xué)生能自己編小對話交際用語Expressions in communicationIs this book yours?No, it s not mine.Maybe you can ask Bob.You should ask Tina.This book is not yours. Which one is different?His beard is short, but his is long.重點(diǎn)朗讀詞匯Key words and expressions學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, differ
12、ent, scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand所需教具M(jìn)aterials for teaching名詞性物主代詞的卡片有關(guān)的學(xué)習(xí)用具,如鋼筆、鉛筆、書、鉛筆盒、書包等能用做比較的相關(guān)圖片,如 short,long,new, old,big,small,dirty,clean,green,yellow, do, cat等教學(xué)步驟Teaching ProceduresWarm up教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)unit1教學(xué)活動7, 復(fù)習(xí)一級學(xué)習(xí)過的學(xué)習(xí)用品類單詞。Present
13、ation上課時(shí),教師拿出一支鋼筆對學(xué)生說:“ Look, I ve got a pen. This pen is mine. I ve got abook. This book is mine. ”a) 給出幾個(gè)例句后,教師對學(xué)生說:“ Now you pick up a thing and say it to your friend.”教師暗示學(xué)生拿出東西跟自己同座位的同學(xué)說:“ Ive got a pencil. This pencil is mine. ”b) 練習(xí)一會兒后,教師找?guī)讉€(gè)同學(xué)拿著東西到前面演練。然后,教師拿出一本書問學(xué)生:“ Is this book yours? ”并教
14、學(xué)生說: “ No, it s not mine. Mine is here. 教師繼續(xù)讓學(xué)生練習(xí)類似的表達(dá)。 “ You pick up your own thing and ask your friend, Is this bag yours?Your friend answers, No, it s not mine. Mine is here. 學(xué)生開始練習(xí)。c) 教師請幾個(gè)同學(xué)拿自己的東西到前面做類似的問答。說完之后站到旁邊,手里仍然舉著自己的東西。教師開始舉例說: “ Shes got a ruler. The ruler is hers. He s got an eraser.
15、The eraser is his.”教師說完之后,讓學(xué)生按照教師所給的例句做同樣的練習(xí)。d) 幾次練習(xí)之后,教師說: “ Now let s play a game. Im going to ask Li Ming a question. Li Ming, is this book yours? Li Ming says, No, it s not mine. Maybe it s Toms.You can askTom. Then, I go to Tom and ask Tom, Tom, is this book yours? Tom answers, No, it s not min
16、e. Maybe it s Tinas. You can ask Tina. Then I go and ask Tina. Tina says the same thing. Do you understand? Who wants to come here and try?”教師找一個(gè)同學(xué)拿東西到前面來問另一個(gè)同學(xué)。e) 等該同學(xué)問了幾個(gè)同學(xué)之后,教師說: “ Now you can go and ask your friends and do the same thing.”教師暗示學(xué)生離開座位相互問問題。f) 最后,教師讓大家聽錄音并朗讀對話在。旁邊的小對話熟悉一個(gè)就可以了,但中間的對
17、話需要同學(xué)們再認(rèn)真地朗讀并做 pairwork 。練習(xí)教師應(yīng)該檢查學(xué)生是否認(rèn)真地進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),及時(shí)提出表揚(yáng)與批評。Practice單元教學(xué)活動2Listen, chant and sing.第二部分是歌曲和歌謠。教師首先帶著大家一起說歌謠。說的時(shí)候,教師可以讓學(xué)生邊拍桌子邊說,一個(gè)詞一拍。說幾遍后,教師讓學(xué)生跟著錄音一起學(xué)唱歌曲。學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載單元教學(xué)活動3Odd one out.第三部分是指出每組中的不同類的東西或動物。教師可以這樣說:“ Now please look atthese four pictures. One thing is different. The rabbit is
18、 different. The rabbit is white and the others are black. ”同時(shí)教師也可以說: “ The bat is different. Because the bat has wings, but the other animals don thave wings. Do you understand? Now I m going to ask you to do this one in pairs. You tell each other which is different and why. ”教師給學(xué)生一些時(shí)間,讓學(xué)生練習(xí)說區(qū)別和不同之處
19、。第二組: The first one is different. This one is moustache and the others are all hairs.第三組: The second one is different. The second one is a shoe, the others are all clothes.第四組: The third one is different. The third one is a drink. The others are all food.如果學(xué)生還能從別的角度說出不同,教師也應(yīng)該給予肯定。單元教學(xué)活動4Let s play.第
20、四部分是游戲。教師將事先準(zhǔn)備的一個(gè)空盒子放在桌子上,然后找一個(gè)同學(xué)到前面背對著學(xué)生開始數(shù)數(shù),用英語從1 一直數(shù)到20.在數(shù)數(shù)的時(shí)候,教師讓五個(gè)同學(xué)盡快往盒子里各放一樣?xùn)|西。 數(shù)到 20 的時(shí)候,該學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)過身, 拿出盒子里的一個(gè)東西問學(xué)生:“ Zhang Nan,is this ruler yours? ”如果猜對一次,該學(xué)生為小組得到10 分,然后繼續(xù)猜,直到猜錯(cuò)了,就回到座位上。為了節(jié)省時(shí)間,教師把東西放在一邊,繼續(xù)開始另一組游戲,方法同上。幾分鐘的游戲之后,教師再讓學(xué)生到前面認(rèn)領(lǐng)自己的東西說:“ This is mine. ”單元教學(xué)活動5Look, match, point and sa
21、y.第五部分是讓學(xué)生把物品與相關(guān)的人進(jìn)行連線。連線之后, 學(xué)生應(yīng)該說:“ This hat is his.These shoes are hers”.警察與警察帽子/跳舞的人與舞蹈鞋/做飯的人與白帽子/教師與書/小丑與小丑帽子單元教學(xué)活動6Tongue twister.第六部分是繞口令。 教師帶著學(xué)生慢慢地說, 然后逐漸加快速度。 最后可以采取比賽的方式檢查學(xué)生說的效果。單元教學(xué)活動8Read and tick.第八部分要求學(xué)生閱讀句子,并從所給的選項(xiàng)中選出正確的答案。在做該練習(xí)時(shí), 教師可以先拿出名詞性物主代詞的卡片讓大家朗讀及辨認(rèn), 然后再讓學(xué)生進(jìn)行選擇, 最后一起核對答案。答案是: 1
22、) hers2 ) mine3 ) hers4 ) yours5 ) theirs6 ) ours7 ) hers8 ) theirs單元教學(xué)活動9Read, write and put.第九部分需要學(xué)生將密集的字母按照單詞和句子的劃分來分出兩個(gè)人的對話。教師可以說:“Now, let s look at Part Nine. Bob and Peter are brothers. They often can tfind their socks in the morning before they go to school.(Look at this big sock.) Now they
23、are again talking about something. Could you help to write the sentences out and find out what they say? ”教師讓學(xué)生把句子分出,并寫在相關(guān)的人的對話欄里。答案是:學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載Bob: Where are my socks?Peter: Mine are here, but I don tknow yours.Bob: Peter, my socks are black and white, but yours are green and yellow.Peter: Right. The
24、se socks are yours, but where are my socks.Bob: Look! Yours are under the bed.Peter: Thank you. Yes. These green and yellow socks are mine.單元教學(xué)活動10Listen, guess and circle.第十部分是詞的多義性。同一個(gè)詞有不同的意思,學(xué)生只需了解和知道就行了。Closure單元教學(xué)活動7Look and tell.第七部分是句型練習(xí)。學(xué)生可以根據(jù)所看到的圖進(jìn)行比較。教材上已經(jīng)給出例句,學(xué)生還可以繼續(xù)給出其他的不同之處。比如:“ Theirha
25、ts are green,but theirsare orange.The boy s dog is brown, but the girl s dog is white. The boy s hat on the flooris black, but the girl s on the floor is red. This girl s watermelon is big, buthers is small. His bag is big, but hers is small.” 此部分重點(diǎn)練習(xí)的是名詞性物主代詞。Homework請同學(xué)按照第二部分的句子自己編一段歌謠。用物主代詞翻譯4 個(gè)句
26、子。抄寫重點(diǎn)單詞5+1,并聽寫。Unit 3Our school is beautiful.教學(xué)目的和要求Teaching aims and demands通過本學(xué)習(xí)本單元,學(xué)生能進(jìn)一步了解學(xué)校的各項(xiàng)設(shè)施及環(huán)境能夠用英語介紹自己的學(xué)校能夠用英語說出一些公共場所的名稱交際用語Expressions in communicationThis is our school.It s very beautiful.We ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms.This is the place whe
27、re children can buy things.Where do you often play sports?I often play sports on the playground.Can you tell what these rooms are?Where is Mr. White?學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載重點(diǎn)朗讀詞匯Key words and expressionsbeautiful,library,bank, shop, cafe,garden,diningroom. classroom,swimming pool,sports centre, playground, practis
28、e, round, square, quiet, thin, hungry, thirsty, tired, different, famous所需教具M(jìn)aterials for teaching與學(xué)校設(shè)施有關(guān)的相關(guān)詞匯卡片及圖片形容詞的單詞卡片(第十一部分)幾個(gè)地點(diǎn)牌子(如第六部分)寫出一些短語詞組的卡片,如 take pictures, take a bath, take a bus 等準(zhǔn)備一定數(shù)量的紙條發(fā)給學(xué)生,每個(gè)人有五張教學(xué)步驟Teaching ProceduresWarm up教師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生說唱unit2教學(xué)活動2Presentation教師首先對大家說: “ Now I m goi
29、ng to say some sentences and you guess what places Im talking about. OK? Let s begin.This is the place where people can have a swim.This is the place where people can put money in.This is the place where students and teachers can borrow books.This is the place where people can buy food and other thi
30、ngs.This is the place where people can watch movies.This is the place where students can have classes.This is the place where we can have sports.This is the place where we can smell the flowers and have a good time. ”教師說了這些句子,學(xué)生猜出了地點(diǎn)后,教師便可以把這些地點(diǎn)按照書上主圖的位置貼在黑板上。如下圖教師把圖片貼好后再用粉筆畫一個(gè)圈,將這些地點(diǎn)圍在校園里,并突出校門的位置。
31、接著教師用教材上的話對說學(xué)生: “ Look, this is our school. It s very beautiful. We ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. ”做完示范后, 教師可以請兩三個(gè)學(xué)生到前面來介紹一下這個(gè)學(xué)校。最后,教師讓學(xué)生兩人一組進(jìn)行練習(xí)。Practice單元教學(xué)活動2Read and match.第二部分是閱讀句子并將這些句子與相應(yīng)的圖片連線。由于一開始做了猜謎語的練習(xí),相對來說, 這一部分就顯得比較容易。如果有時(shí)間,在這一部分, 教師可以讓學(xué)生自己編出一
32、些謎語讓大家猜,采用所給的定語從句的句型。學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載單元教學(xué)活動3Read, tick and say.第三部分是閱讀句子并朗讀所給的詞, 試著將所給的詞一一替換, 找出最合適的詞。 教師要求學(xué)生把每個(gè)句子都說一遍,最后兩人一起商量選擇哪一個(gè)最好,再打勾。單元教學(xué)活動4Listen, ask and answer.第四部分是對話練習(xí)。 教師可以先讓學(xué)生按照對話練習(xí),然后給學(xué)生提供一些短語詞組,讓學(xué)生做一些替換練習(xí)。 如:see a film, take a bus, ride a bike, play soccer, play computer games, have a birthda
33、y party, have breakfast, do your homework, listen to music, buy food 等。單元教學(xué)活動5Look, point and say.第五部分的內(nèi)容是看圖并說出每間房子是做什么用途的。一個(gè)學(xué)生說:“ Can you tellwhat these rooms are?”另一個(gè)同學(xué)指著圖說: “ This is the maths room. This is the Music room. This is the classroom. This is the reading-room. This is the Art room. Thi
34、s is the TV room. This is the computer room. This is the coffee room. This is the bank. This is the Men s room. This is the Womens room. This is the study room. This is the sports room. This is the shop. This is the school clinic. ”單元教學(xué)活動6Guess, write and match.第六部分是游戲活動。教師首先選出幾個(gè)同學(xué),讓他們分別舉著一個(gè)地點(diǎn)的牌子分頭站
35、在教室的某個(gè)地方, 然后教師發(fā)給每個(gè)學(xué)生五張紙條。教師首先說:“Now you are going to askme a question. Where is Mr.White? Then I m going to write the place name. And you are going to guess where Mr. White is. You also write the place name on a piece of paper. Then you take the paper and stand behind the person whos holding this pl
36、ace name. Finally I ll give you the answer. Youll see whether you have got the right place or not. If your place is right, you win 10 points foryour group. Do you understand? ”教師開始寫地點(diǎn), 然后學(xué)生繼續(xù)問其他的幾個(gè)人, 學(xué)生每完成一個(gè)就回到座位上,再繼續(xù)下一個(gè)問題及寫下一個(gè)猜的地點(diǎn)。單元教學(xué)活動7Listen, chant and sing.第七部分是歌曲和歌謠。 教師首先帶著大家一起說這些句子, 然后再跟著錄音一起
37、學(xué)唱歌曲和歌謠。單元教學(xué)活動8Read and match.第八部分是連線的練習(xí)。 學(xué)生只需理解句子的意思就行, 然后從右邊的一欄中選出合適的單詞。單元教學(xué)活動9Look , read and match.第九部分也是簡單的連線活動。如果學(xué)生熟悉單詞的話就能很快完成該練習(xí)。單元教學(xué)活動11Listen, point and say.第十一部分是看圖說話的練習(xí)。 教師對學(xué)生說: “Now we have many pictures. Please look at the pictures and talk about them. You can look at the example. ”教師讓
38、學(xué)生依次說每個(gè)句子,并盡量熟悉這些形容詞。Closure學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載單元教學(xué)活動10Draw, show and tell.第十部分是讓學(xué)生畫出自己的學(xué)校, 也可以是想象中的學(xué)校。 所有的圖標(biāo)都可以是象征性的。畫完之后,教師讓學(xué)生之間進(jìn)行描述,相互介紹自己的學(xué)校。Homework用英語寫一篇介紹自己學(xué)校的小短文。抄寫并背誦重點(diǎn)單詞。任意挑選5 個(gè)形容詞造句。Unit 4Miss, can I ask you a question?教學(xué)目的和要求Teaching aims and demands通過學(xué)習(xí)本單元,學(xué)生能學(xué)會一些課堂提問的話題學(xué)生能積極向老師提出學(xué)習(xí)上的問題,不懂就問初步學(xué)習(xí)如何
39、查字典,查找自己想找的詞匯交際用語Expressions in communicationCan I ask a question?What does this word mean?Who can say a riddle?Whats the English for“ Jian ” ?Whats the Chinese for“ straight hair” ?Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute?May I sit here?May I come in?Who wants have a try?Let me try.Shall I he
40、lp you make sandwiches?重點(diǎn)朗讀詞匯 Key words and expressionsquestion,sure,mean, riddle,picture,Chinese, English,straight,plus,minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town,laugh, sandwich, enjoy所需教具M(jìn)aterials for teaching數(shù)字從 1 到 10 的卡及加、減、乘、除的符號幾本書的側(cè)面,上面標(biāo)有從A 到 Z 的字母,如第七部分的圖單詞圖片和卡片一
41、本英語字典教學(xué)步驟Teaching Procedures學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載Warm up復(fù)習(xí)字母表,說唱不同旋律的字母歌。Presentation上課時(shí),教師對學(xué)生說:“ Today I m goingto letyou ask me lotsof questions.”a) Firstof all,ifyou see this,教師馬上將8-4=? 寫在黑板上說: “ how willyousay it in English? If you don t know how to say it, you can ask me. You say, Miss/ Sir, can I ask you a
42、 question? Then I say,Yes, please. You can say, What sthe English for Jian ? Then I will tell you. Who can have a try?教師鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生詢問一些自己想知道的英語單詞,同時(shí)教師可以讓大家學(xué)習(xí)說:“ What s the Englishfor ?”接著教師說:“ Listencarefully.I llask you a question.What s the Chinesefor banana ? Who can tell me?”教師鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生說出其中文的意思。b)在學(xué)生基本會說以上兩
43、個(gè)句型以后,教師讓學(xué)生隨意提問兩個(gè)方面的問題,可以問中文,也可問英語。c)然后教師說: “ Now please open your books and turn to page 23. Do you knowthese words? If you don t, how will you ask me? Please try it.”教師鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生詢問這些單詞。這個(gè)時(shí)候,教師要教大家說:“ Page 23,Line 5, Word 7 from the top, fromthe bottom, in the middle”之類的說法。經(jīng)過一些朗讀之后,教師讓大家用這些詞來詢問自己不懂的詞。教師邊
44、教邊告訴學(xué)生這些詞的意思。d) 教師引導(dǎo)大家看本單元的主圖。教師說:“ Now let s look at the picture. Whatare the students doing here? Please find the Art room first. What are the childrendoing? 教師問學(xué)生: “ What question did the girl ask? Do you know the Chinese forstraight hair ?教師詢問學(xué)生是否明白。接著,教師引導(dǎo)大家看Maths Room. 教師繼續(xù)問學(xué)生:“ What is the te
45、acher doing? What questions did the students have?教師用同樣的方法帶學(xué)生看Dancing Room 和 Language Room。e) 教師問起有關(guān)游戲時(shí)說:“ Do you know the riddleshere? What s the firstone?教師讓大家猜謎語:It s round. You can see it in the evening in the sky.( moon)It s long and green. Old people like it ( bean)It s long and yellow. Monkey
46、s like to eat it.( banana)It s orange, It s long. Rabbits like to eat it.( carrot)It s white or brown. Many children like to eat it.( chocolate)f) 完成這些問答之后,教師讓學(xué)生合上教材一起聽兩遍錄音。之后,教師問大家: “ Doyou understand what they say? Now open your books and say the dialogues in pairs.”教師讓學(xué)生兩人一組再進(jìn)行練習(xí)。Practice單元教學(xué)活動2T
47、ry it yourself.第二部分是讓學(xué)生繼續(xù)說和猜謎語。教師對學(xué)生說:“ Who can make your own riddleand say it out?”教師鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生自己編謎語說出來讓大家猜。如果教師感覺大家學(xué)起來確實(shí)有困難, 就先讓學(xué)生兩人一組自編一些謎語,最后再找?guī)讉€(gè)同學(xué)說,實(shí)在編不出來,教師可以給出自己事先準(zhǔn)備好的謎語。讓大家猜。 如果學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載a) What do you call a dog lying in the sun? ( a hot dog )b) What becomes higher when the head is off? ( a pillo
48、w )c) What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? ( blackboard )d) What is more useful when it is broken? ( an egg )e) What room can no one enter? ( mushroom )f) What am I if I drop into the water? ( waiter)g) What goes up and never comes down? ( people s age )h) What is the largest a
49、nt in the world? ( elephant )i)What do you callyour father-in-law s onlychild s mother-in-law?( mum)單元教學(xué)活動3Pairwork.第三部分是句型練習(xí)。學(xué)生用Can I ?的句型征求別人的意見。教師首先讓大家先將問句與答語配上對,然后再讓學(xué)生兩人一組進(jìn)行問答。待學(xué)生比較熟練之后,教師讓學(xué)生將下面所給的短語替換進(jìn)去。為了檢查學(xué)生練習(xí)效果,教師讓學(xué)生在全班范圍內(nèi)問一些句子,教師或其他同學(xué)均可以回答。單元教學(xué)活動4Listen, practice and act.第四部分是小小對話。第一和第二個(gè)對話都
50、是練習(xí)“May I ?”教師可以讓學(xué)生兩人一組造一些相關(guān)的句子。比如: May I open the window? May I sit down? May I go home now? May I have a cake? May I play the game now? May I have the book back? May Igo out now? 教師關(guān)鍵是要讓學(xué)生進(jìn)行大量的練習(xí)。第三個(gè)對話很容易,也正是學(xué)生經(jīng)常在課堂上用的。教師可以設(shè)想一個(gè)情景,讓學(xué)生來做。比如教師說:“ Who can come to theblackboardand draw withoutusing his
51、 or her hands? 學(xué)生此時(shí)可以運(yùn)用句子:“ Miss,letme try. Sir, let me try.最后,教師再設(shè)想幾個(gè)詢問中文和英語的例子,比如:“ What sthe Chinese for address ? ”“ What s the Chinese for balcony ? ”“ Whats theChinese for jungle ?教師可以把第七部分要學(xué)生知道的詞都通過這種方式問出來,好讓學(xué)生知道。單元教學(xué)活動5Read, check and learn.第五部分是讓學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)以前所學(xué)過的詞。兩個(gè)學(xué)生在一起,由一個(gè)學(xué)生先開始讀,如果該學(xué)生碰到不會讀的單詞時(shí),
52、他/ 她就應(yīng)該說: “ Excuse me, what does this word mean?另一個(gè)同學(xué)該回答: “ Itmeans Eyu . ”如果該同學(xué)也不會,就應(yīng)該說:“Sorry!I don tknow. We can ask the teacher.”教師讓學(xué)生這樣來進(jìn)行練習(xí),直到大家都知道這些單詞的英文和中文。單元教學(xué)活動7Read, write and check.第七部分是教學(xué)生如何查字典的內(nèi)容。教師首先要讓學(xué)生知道字母的排序。所以,教師要先考考學(xué)生是否能默寫英語的字母表,并查看他們寫的順序是否正確,然后再問學(xué)生這些書中缺少哪些字母。教師問大家:“ Ifyou want to lookup these words, which books shouldyou look inside? Lets see the first one. Comic
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