1、-31-on which displays are the engine parameters?a - pfdb - ndc - e/wwhat do the visual attention getters consist of?a - a red an amber light below the e/wdisplayb - a red and an amber light in front ofeach pilots.c - a message displayed on pfd1.which computer processes the warnings ?a - sdacb - fwcc
2、 - dmcwhat is the basic role of the dmcs ?a - they compute and generate displays.b - they generate audio warnings.c - they generate amber warnings.where does a warning message appear?a - upper areab - left memo areac - right memo areawhat does a warning message replace?a - memosb - slats/flaps posit
3、ionc - fuel indication.which ecam page is displayed in cruise?a - engine page.b - flt/ctl page.c - cruise page.which ecam page is displayed when the landing gearis selected down in phase 6?a - wheel page.b - cruise page.c - flt/ctl page.what characterizes a primary failure?a - its consequences on ot
4、her systems.b - its absence of consequences on othersystems.c - associated attention getters notactivated.in case of an advisory, what is displayed on thee/wd?a - adv in dual display mode only.b - nothing in single display mode.c - adv in ecam mono display mode only.on which display does the warning
5、 message appear?a - system displayb - engine/warning displayc - status displaywhat happens if the recall pushbutton is pressed?a - warnings are inhibitedb - the status page is displayedc - the warnings are recalledwhat is displayed on the status page?a - memo messagesb - operational status messagesc
6、 - warning messageswhich computer generates the audio signals?a - dmc.b - sdac.c - fwc.what kind of connection is used to transmit thesignals to be displayed on the display units?a - feedback.b - master dsdl.c - message data bus.which mode allows a flight plan check?a - nav mode.b - plan mode.c - ro
7、se mode.how is radar information transmitted from theweather radar transceiver to the dus?a - on arinc 429 and arinc 453 buses.b - on master dsdl and arinc 453 buses.c - on arinc 453 and digital buses.what information does the feedback dsdl transmit?a - critical parameter feed back signals.b - ackno
8、wledgment signals and du failureinformation.c - a and b.what happens if one fwc fails?a - all the warnings are lost.b - only red warnings are lost.c - no warnings are lost.what happens if dmc 1 fails?a - dmc 3 automatically replaces dmc 1.b - dmc 3 must be manually transferred.c - nothing.which dmc
9、output bus is directly wired to the cfdiu?a - an arinc 429 highspeed switched bus.b - an arinc 429 lowspeed unswitched bus.c - an rs 422 bus.how many weather radar arinc 453 input does a dmchave?a - 4 inputs.b - 2 inputs.c - it depends on the selected weather radartransceiver.what happens if fwc1 fa
10、ils?a - fwc2 has to be manually selected.b - dmcs lose half of the warnings.c - fwc2 automatically takes over.the clock provides utc to:a - only the two fmgcs.b - the cfdiu, fdiu and the two fmgcs.c - lower ecam display.the post flight report is made up from:a - only the last leg ecam report.b - the
11、 last leg ecam report and the lastleg report.c - only the last leg report.which action must be taken by maintenance personnelwhen a class 1 failure affects an aircraft system?a - refer to the mel to know if the failureis a go, no go or go if item.b - do not refer to the mel.c - nothing as the failur
12、e can be leftuncorrected until the next scheduledmaintenance check.when does a class 3 failure have to be corrected?a - immediately because it has operationalconsequences.b - before next flight.c - class 3 failures can be left uncorrected.in flight, a class 2 failure has occurred.now, we are on grou
13、nd. where is this failuredisplayed?a - only on the ecam status page.b - in the last leg report, the avionicsstatus and the ecam status page.c - class 2 failures are only displayed inflight.which centralized fault display system functionsare available in flight?a - last leg report and last leg ecam r
14、eport.b - avionics status, last leg report, systemreport/test.c - current leg report, current leg ecamreport.when you make a print of the previous legs report?a - you print only the page displayed on themutipurpose control anddisplay unit, even if the reportcontains several pages.b - you print all t
15、he report, even if itcontains several pages.c - you print the sum of the failure datadelivered by the bites and thewarning messages delivered by the ecam.which centralized fault display system functionsare available in back-up mode, on ground?a - none.b - system report/test for main systems.c - last
16、 leg report and last leg ecam report.when is the last leg report transfered to theprevious legs report?a - at first engine start + 3 minutes.b - at touch down.c - after touch down when the aircraft speedhas been below 80 knots for 30 seconds.when is the leg number incremented?a - at ground/flight tr
17、ansition.b - at flight/ground transition.c - both.(m) implies:a - to refer to another mmel part.b - a maintenance procedure described in themmel.c - a mechanical problemcompared with the airbus mmel, an airline mel canbe:a - in contradiction.b - less restrictivec - more restrictivewhich item is used
18、 if several task numbers arerelative to a same "warning/malfunction" and "cfdsfault message" association?a - the obsv index.b - the identifiers item.c - page block 201.when do you use the data loader selector?a - for the up loading function only.b - for the down loading function
19、only.c - for the up and down loading functionswhat is the purpose of the dfdrs?a - condition monitoring of the engines.b - to record mandatory parameters.c - to record parameters in a solid statememory for ground maintenance.which one is an fdiu function?a - to compare the data recorded by thessfdr
20、with the data sent by the fdiu.b - to compare the data recorded by the qarwith the data sent by the fdiu.c - a & b.how is the ssfdr energized?a - directly from the busbar.b - through the fdiu.c - through the power interlock circuit.which are the main functions of the aids?a - recording of the ma
21、ndatory flight datarequested by the airworthiness authority.b - trouble shooting of avionics computers only.c - engine condition, apu condition andaircraft performance monitoring.how does the aids operate?a - manually through the mcdu only.b - manually through the mcdu andautomatically through the d
22、mu.c - fully automatically through the dmu.the line, providing manual start and stop as wellas status indication of the dar, is displayed atthe bottom of the aids mcdu menu page if:a - a dar is installed.b - the dmu is equipped with a pcmciainterface.c - both.how are the standard headers?a - specifi
23、c for each report.b - similar for all the reports.c - similar only for the engine reports.which reports can be manually generated?a - engine report on request <05> and enginerun up report <11>.b - engine report on request <05> and loadreport <15>.c - all.which tool enables th
24、e sar configuration and thestandard reports adjustment?a - the mcdu.b - the data loader.c - the gse.-00-how does electrostatic electricity build up ?a - by touching electrical circuits undertension.b - by rubbing materials with each other orseparating plastic sheets or tapes.c - by moving metals ove
25、r plastic surfaces.how is electrostatic discharge sensitive equipmentidentified ?a - by a circular red label.b - by an orange triangular label.c - by a black-and-yellow label.which are some basic precautions to be taken inthe case of electrostatic discharge sensitiveequipement ?a - cover the unit wi
26、th plastic material.b - do not touch connector pins, placeprotective caps on them.c - test circuits with dielectric testers ifnecessary.-24-the static inverter operates:a - permanentlyb - when on batteries onlyc - when one engine generator failsac ess bus is normally supplied by the:a - ac bus 1b -
27、ac bus 2c - emergency generatordc bat bus can be supplied by the:a - dc bus 1 or batteriesb - dc bus 1, dc bus 2 or batteriesc - dc bus 2 or batteriesac transfers enable ac buses:a - to be connected in parallelb - to be supplied by any generator orexternal powerc - to be supplied by apu gen or ext p
28、wr onlyhow is idg1 disconnected?a - automatically, when an overspeed isdetected.b - automatically, when a faulty parameteris detected by the gcu.c - by pressing the idg1 guarded pushbutton.when does the cooler bypass valve open?a - when an overtemperature is detected.b - during cold conditions opera
29、tion.c - when the filter is clogged.when does the idg fault light come on?a - in case of overheat or low pressuredetectionb - in case of overheat and high pressuredetectionc - in case of overheat or high pressuredectectionwith the gen 1 and 2 on line, when does the gen 1fault light come on?a - as so
30、on as the gen 1 line pushbutton isreleased out.b - when any gen 1 parameter is not correct.c - when any gen 1 parameter is not correctand the gen 1 pushbutton is released out.when released out, what does the gen 1 linepushbutton enable?a - to close glc 1 and supply the fuel pumpsfrom the ac normal b
31、us.b - to open glc 1 and supply the fuel pumpsfrom gen 1.c - to close the btc and supply the fuelpumps from the ac normal bus.what is the condition of the exciter field when thegenerator starts running?a - not electrically supplied.b - reduced.c - increased.what happens when a generator fault is det
32、ected?a - the exciter field is no longer suppliedand the gcr trips.b - the exciter field is still supplied andthe gcr stays closed.c - the exciter field is increased and thegcr trips.what is the configuration of the electrical networkwhen a zone 1 differential protection has occuredon gen 1?a - the
33、whole electrical network is stilloperational.b - ac bus 1 is lost.c - ac bus 2 is lost.what is the configuration of the electrical networkwhen a zone 2 differential protection has occuredon gen 1?a - the whole electrical network is stilloperational.b - ac bus 1 is lost.c - ac bus 2 is lost.how is a
34、differential protection trip reset?a - at any time from the front face of the gcu.b - at any time from the corresponding gen pushbutton.c - two reset actions maximum from the corresponding gen pushbutton.what happens if an overload warning occurs?a - the gcr and pr relays stay energized.b - the gcr
35、and pr relays are de-energized.c - the gcr relay stays energized and pr relay is de-energized.what happens if a parallel feeder becomes open?a - the gcr relay and the glc stay closed.b - the gcr relay stays closed and the glc opens.c - the gcr relay and the glc are opened.what is the configuration i
36、f both btcs are open?a - apu gen supplies ac bus 1 and ext pwrsupplies ac bus 2.b - apu gen supplies ac bus 1 and gen 2supplies ac bus 2.c - gen 1 suppplies ac bus 1 and gen 2supplies ac bus 2.what is the configuration if btc 1 is open and btc2 is closed?a - gen 1 supplies ac bus 1 and ext pwrsuppli
37、es ac bus 2.b - apu gen supplies ac bus 1 and ext pwrsupplies ac bus 2.c - ext pwr supplies ac bus 1 and gen 2supplies ac bus 2.what is the configuration if both btcs are closed?a - gen 1 supplies ac bus 1 and gen 2supplies ac bus 2.b - apu gen or ext pwr or one gen suppliesac bus 1 and ac bus 2.c -
38、 apu gen supplies ac bus 1 and ext pwrsupplies ac bus 2.when does the apu gen fault light come on?a - when the apu is shut down.b - when a fault is detected.c - both.where is the apu generator oil outlet temperaturesignal sent to?a - to the ecb.b - directly to the gcu.c - to the gcu through the ecb.
39、with the main landing gear not compressed, andafter ac bus 1 and 2 failures, when does the ratand emer gen fault light come on?a - when the static inverter is lost.b - when the ac and dc ess buses are lost.c - when the ess tr is lost.when does the csm/g supply the dc and ac ess buses?a - when ac bus
40、 1 or 2 is lost.b - when the emergency generator parametersare correct.c - as soon as bat 2 is lost.after activation of the blue pump what happensduring the emer gen test ?a - the ram air turbine is extended.b - the emergency generator comes on line.c - the rat is extended and the emergencygenerator
41、 comes on line.on ground, in a cold aircraft configuration whatdoes the activation of the rat & emer gen man onpushbutton cause ?a - ram air turbine extensionb - nothingc - emergency generator activationhow is the rat extension system controlled?a - by means of two solenoids energized atthe same
42、 time.b - by means of two solenoids.c - by means of one solenoid only.what are the rat solenoids supplied by?a - battery or hot bat bus.b - dc bat bus.c - dc bus 1 or 2.what is the solenoid control valve normallysupplied by when the constant speed motor/generatoris on line?a - the csm/g pmg.b - batt
43、ery 2.c - the dc bat bus.what does the csm/g control unit control when afault has been detected?a - the solenoid control valve, the exciterfield and the glc to off.b - the exciter field to on, the glc to offand the generator speed to low speed.c - the solenoid control valve to off, theglc to on, the
44、 exciter field to off.in emergency configuration with an aircraft speedbelow 50 kts, what is the condition of the aircraftelectrical network?a - ac ess bus, dc ess bus and ac staticinverter bus are supplied.b - dc ess bus, ac static inverter bus anddc bat bus are supplied.c - ac ess bus, ac static i
45、nverter bus anddc bat bus are supplied.to which computer is a static inverter fault signalsent to?a - ground power control unit.b - generator control unit.c - battery charge limiter.in the normal configuration, which of the followingsupplies the ac ess bus?a - ac bus 2.b - emerg. generator.c - ac bu
46、s 1.what happens with the aircraft electrical networknormally supplied, and the ac ess feed pushbuttonreleased out (altn)?a - ac ess bus is supplied by the emerg gen.b - ac ess bus is supplied by ac bus 1.c - ac ess bus is supplied by ac bus 2.with the engine generators on line, what does theext pwr
47、 on light indicate when lit?a - the external ground cart is supplyingthe ac bus 1 and 2.b - the external power contactor iscontrolled to close.c - the external ground cart is supplyingthe ac/dc ground service buses.what does the ext pwr avail light indicate when lit?a - the ground power control unit
48、 hastripped the external ground cart.b - the external ground cart is connected tothe aircraft network.c - the external ground cart can beconnected to the aircraft network.the ground cart is running and switched on, the extpwr pushbutton is pressed in and there is noindication. what does that configu
49、ration mean?a - the gpcu is supplied and the epc is open.b - the gpcu is not supplied and the epc isopen.c - the gpcu is supplied and the epc isclosed.what is the indication on the external powerreceptacle when the ground cart is connected to theaircraft network?a - not in use light on and avail lig
50、ht on.b - not in use light off and avail light on.c - not in use light off and avail light off.what does the pin monitoring relay (pmr) within theground power control unit ( gpcu ) monitor?a - the voltage and frequency.b - the correct phase sequence.c - the pin dc voltage at the external powerrecept
51、acle.is the ground power control unit supplied inflight?a - yes from the dc bat bus.b - no.c - yes from the dc ground service bus.when the aircraft is on ground, with the externalground cart connected, where is the ground powercontrol unit supplied from?a - the ground cart and the dc bat bus.b - the
52、 dc bat bus only.c - the ground cart only.which power source supplies the ess tr?a - ac bus 1 or ac bus 2.b - ac bus 1 and ac bus 2.c - ac ess bus or emergency generator.which equipment controls the battery contactor?a - gcub - bclc - static inverter.what is the dc ess network power source if tr 1 h
53、asfailed?a - ac ess busb - dc bat busc - csm/gwhat is the dc ess bus supply if tr 2 has failed?a - tr 1b - ess trc - bat 2what are the protections for a transformerrectifier unit?a - overheat and minimum current detection.b - overheat and overvoltage detection.c - overheat and overcurrent detection.
54、how can a tranformer rectifier unit be reset?a - either from the battery charge limiteror a pushbutton in the avionics bay.b - either from a pusbutton in the avionicsbay or automatically at power up.c - either from the centralized faultdisplay system or a pushbutton in theavionics bay.when is the tr
55、2 minimum current detection systeminhibited?a - on ground when the aircraft electricalnetwork is supplied by the apu generator.b - on ground when the ac and dc grnd fltbuses are only supplied by externalpower.c - on ground when the ac and dc grnd fltbuses are supplied by external power.in cold aircraft configuration (no ac and dcsupply), where is (are) the battery indication(s)displayed?a - on the ecam.b - on the elec pwr control panel.c - there is no indication.when does the bat fault light come on?a - when the bat pushbutton is set to off.b - when the discharge current is too high.c -
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