1、 鐵路專用英語(yǔ) 專業(yè)詞匯中英對(duì)照翻譯-鐵路工程詞匯線路工程 railway line engineering 鐵路勘測(cè) ;鐵道勘測(cè) railway reconnaissance 鐵路選線 ;鐵道選線 railway route selection;railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection 經(jīng)濟(jì)勘察 economic investigation 地質(zhì)調(diào)查 geological survey;geologic survey 方案比較 projec
2、t comparison 鐵路勘探 ;鐵道勘探 railway exploration 鐵路測(cè)量 ;鐵道測(cè)量 railway survey 線路測(cè)量 route survey;profile survey;longitudinal survey 曲線測(cè)量 curve survey 既有線測(cè)量 survey of existing line;survey of existing railway 鐵路線路圖 ;鐵道線路圖 railway map 定線 location of line 鐵路設(shè)計(jì) ;鐵道設(shè)計(jì) railway design 線路設(shè)計(jì) track design 平面設(shè)計(jì) plane de
3、sign 縱斷面設(shè)計(jì) longitudinal section design 橫斷面設(shè)計(jì) transverse section design 曲線設(shè)計(jì) curve design 車站設(shè)計(jì) station design 站場(chǎng)設(shè)計(jì) design of stations and yards 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)設(shè)計(jì) standard design 線路等級(jí) line grade 鐵路限界 ;鐵道限界 railway clearance 建筑限界 construction clearance 設(shè)計(jì)規(guī)范 code of design 設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) design standard 鐵路線路 ;鐵道線路 railway lin
4、e 鐵路曲線 ;鐵道曲線 railway curve 緩和曲線 transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve 小半徑曲線 small-radius curve 曲線半徑 curve radius 曲線超高 superelevation on curve;cant;elevation of curve 欠超高 inadequate superelevation;deficient superelevation 未被平衡加速度 unbalanced acceleration 豎曲線 vertical curve 坡道 gradien
5、t 坡度 grade;gradient;slope 限制坡度 ruling grade;limiting grade 坡度折減 grade compensation;compensation of gradient;gradient compensation 避難線 refuge siding;catch siding 雙線插入段 double track interpolation 鐵路連接線 ;鐵道連接線 railway connecting line 隧道內(nèi)線路 line in tunnel 橋頭引線 bridge approach 站線 siding 站線長(zhǎng)度 length of st
6、ation line 鐵路標(biāo)志 ;鐵道標(biāo)志 railway sign 警沖標(biāo) fouling point indicator;fouling post 線路中心線 track center line;central lines of track 線間距離 ;線間距 distance between centres of lines;distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks 線路試驗(yàn) ;線路實(shí)驗(yàn) track test;road test;running test 路基 subgrade 鐵路路基 ;路基;鐵道路基 railw
7、ay subgrade;subgrade 軟土路基 soft soil subgrade 沙漠路基 desert subgrade 凍土路基 permafrost subgrade 膨脹土路基 subgrade in swelling soil zone 路基基床 subgrade bed 路堤 embankment;fill 高路堤 high-fill embankment 路塹 cut;road cutting 深路塹 deep cutting 路肩 road shoulder;subgrade shoulder 邊坡 side slope 護(hù)坡 revetment;slope prote
8、ction;pitching 路基滑動(dòng) subgrade slip 滑坡防治 landslide preventive treatment 路基排水 subgrade drainage 塑料排水板 plastic drainage board 路基加固 subgrade strengthening 土工織物 geotextile 擋土墻 ;擋墻 retaining walls 錨定板 anchor plate 錨桿 anchor bolt 抗滑樁 antiskid pile;anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile 加筋土 reinforced earth 植被
9、 vegetation 路基防護(hù) subgrade protection 防護(hù)工程 protective engineering 防護(hù)林 protection forest 防沙 sand proof 固沙 stabilization of sand 輸導(dǎo)砂 sediment transport 路側(cè)建筑物 roadside structure 排水溝 weeper drain;weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch 擋風(fēng)墻 wind-shield wall;wind-break wall 隔聲墻 sound-proof wall 防雪柵 snow fenc
10、e;snow guard 軌道理論 track theory 軌道設(shè)計(jì) track design 軌道參數(shù) track parameter 軌距 track gauge;rail gage;rail gauge 軌距加寬 track gauge widening 軌底坡 cant of rail;rail cant 軌道力學(xué) track dynamics;track mechanics 軌道強(qiáng)度 track strength 軌道阻力 track resistance 道床阻力 trackbed resistance;ballast resistance 扣固力 fastening force
11、 鋼軌應(yīng)力 rail stress 軌道承載力 track bearing capacity 軌道穩(wěn)定性 track stability;stability of track 軌道試驗(yàn) ;軌道實(shí)驗(yàn) track test 輪軌關(guān)系 wheel-rail interaction;wheel-rail relation 輪軌動(dòng)力學(xué) wheel-rail dynamics 輪軌作用力 wheel-rail force 輪軌接觸 wheel-rail contact 接觸應(yīng)力 contact stress 軌道結(jié)構(gòu) track structure 軌道 track 鐵路軌道 ;軌道;鐵道軌道 railw
12、ay track;track 線路上部建筑 ;軌道 track superstructure;track 重型軌道 heavy track 寬軌枕軌道 broad sleeper track 板式軌道 slab track;slab-track 整體道床軌道 monolithic roadbed track 防振軌道 anti-vibration track 高架軌道 elevated track 無(wú)縫線路 jointless line;continuously welded rail track;jointless track 橋上軌道結(jié)構(gòu) bridge deck track structu
13、re 隧道內(nèi)軌道結(jié)構(gòu) track structure in tunnel 鋼軌 steel rail 重型鋼軌 heavy rail 長(zhǎng)鋼軌 long rail 焊接長(zhǎng)鋼軌 long welded rail 縮短軌 shortened rail;standard shortened rail;fabricated short rail used on curves;standard curtailed rail 熱處理鋼軌 heat-treated rail 合金鋼軌 alloy steels rail 舊鋼軌 used rail 鋼軌鋼 rail steel 鋼軌螺栓孔 rail bolt
14、hole 軌縫 rail gap;joint gap 鋼軌焊縫 rail welding seam 鋼軌接頭 rail joint 異型接頭 compromise joint 伸縮接頭 expansion joint 焊接接頭 welding joint;welded joint 絕緣接頭 track section insulator;insulated joint 膠接接頭 adhesive joint 魚尾板 fish plate 魚尾螺栓 fish bolt 扣件 fastening;rail fastening 彈性扣件 elastic fastening;elastic rail
15、fastening 彈條式扣件 elastic rod type fastening 分開(kāi)式扣件 separated fastening;separated rail fastening;indirect holding fastening 扣板式扣件 clip fastening 剛性扣件 rigid fastening 墊圈 ring 道釘 spike;track spike;rail spike;dog spike 螺紋道釘 threading spike;screw spike 墊板 tie-plate;tie plate 橡膠墊板 rubber tie-plate;rubber ti
16、e plate 防爬器 anticreeper;anti-creeper;rail anchor 軌距拉桿 gauge tie rod 軌下基礎(chǔ) underrail foundation;sub-rail foundation;sub-rail track bed 軌枕 sleeper;tie;cross tie 木枕 wooden sleeper;wooden tie 混凝土枕 ;砼枕 concrete sleeper;concrete tie 軌枕板 ;寬軌枕 sleeper slab;broad sleeper 鋼枕 steel sleeper;steel tie 合成軌枕 compos
17、ite sleeper 縱向軌枕 longitudinal tie 岔枕 points sleeper;switch tie;turnout tie 橋枕 bridge tie;bridge sleeper 軌排 track panel;track skeleton 枕下膠墊 rubber pad under sleeper 道床 track bed;ballast bed 碎石道床 ballast bed 整體道床 monolithic track bed;solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed 瀝青道床 bitumi
18、nous raodbed;asphalt roadbed;asphalt cemented ballast bed 石棉道床 asbestos ballast 道碴 ballast 道床覆蓋 ballast cover 軌道附屬設(shè)備 track auxiliary equipment 鋼軌涂油器 rail lubricator 融雪器 snow melter 復(fù)軌器 replacer;re-railer;rerailing device 脫軌器 derailer 車擋 bumper;bumper post 道岔 switch;point;turnout;switches and crossin
19、gs 單開(kāi)道岔 single point;simple turnout;lateral turnout 雙開(kāi)道岔 double turnout 三開(kāi)道岔 three-throw turnout;symmetrical three throw turnout;three-way turnout 交分道岔 slip switch 高速道岔 high-speed switch 切線型道岔 tangent turnout 道岔設(shè)計(jì) turnout design 過(guò)岔速度 switch crossing speed 轍叉 frog;crossing 整鑄轍叉 integrated cast frog 錳
20、鋼轍叉 manganese steel frog crossing 焊接轍叉 welding frog crossing 組合轍叉 combined frog;assembled frog 可動(dòng)心軌轍叉 movable point frog;movable-point frog 可動(dòng)翼軌轍叉 movable wing rails;movable-wing frog 尖軌 switch point;point tongue;switch rail;tongue rail;blade 滑床板 slide chair;slide plate;switch plate 基本軌 stock rail 翼
21、軌 wing rail 護(hù)輪軌 guard rail 導(dǎo)曲線 curve of turnout;lead curve 道岔附帶曲線 curve following turnout branch line 交叉 crossing 渡線 track cross-over;crossover 通過(guò)道岔 passing switch 鐵路道口 ;鐵道道口 railway crossing 平交道口 level crossing 道口板 crossing slab 道口路面 crossing road surface 立體交叉 ;立交 grade separation 線路施工 track constr
22、uction 石方工程 rock excavation 土方工程 earthwork 填方 filling 挖方 cutting 土方調(diào)撥 mass dispatching 線路施工機(jī)械 track construction machinery and equipment 軌道施工 track construction 軌道工程 track construction 軌道鋪設(shè) track laying 鋪碴 ballasting 軌枕鋪設(shè) sleeper laying 鋪軌 rail-laying 軌排組裝 track panel assembling 軌排裝運(yùn) track panel loa
23、ding 軌排基地 track panel base 鋼軌焊接 rail welding 鋼軌熱處理 rail heat treatment 鋼軌鋪設(shè) rail laying 鋼軌鎖定 rail locking 道岔鋪設(shè) switch laying 軌道施工機(jī)械 track construction machinery 鋪軌列車 tracklaying train;track laying train 鋪軌機(jī) rail-laying machine;track laying machine 鋼軌焊接車 rail welding car 焊軌機(jī) steel rails weldeding mil
24、l;rail welding machine 軌排組裝機(jī) track panel assembling machine 軌排運(yùn)送車 track panel transport car 鋪枕機(jī) sleeper-laying machine 鋪碴車 ballasting car 鋪碴機(jī) ballasting machine 鋪道岔機(jī) turnout-laying machine 焊接長(zhǎng)鋼軌運(yùn)送車 welding long rails transport car 動(dòng)力穩(wěn)定車 dynamic track stabilizer 線路狀態(tài) track state 路基病害 subgrade defect
25、沉降 settlement 坍方落石 ;危石 collapse rock 翻漿冒泥 frost boiling;mud-pumping 路基壅水 subgrade water damming 路基滲流 subgrade seepage flow 路基沖刷 subgrade erosion 振動(dòng)液化 vibration liquifaction 凍融 freezing and thawing 凍脹 frost heaving 凍害 freezing damage;frost heaving 雪害 snow damage;snow blockade;snow drift 沙害 sand damag
26、e 軌道狀態(tài) track condition 軌道變形 track deformation;track disorder;track distortion 軌道不平順 track irregularity 低接頭 depression of joint 三角坑 warp;twist 鋼軌爬行 rail creeping 漲軌跑道 ;鋼軌鼓曲 buckled track;rail buckle 鋼軌疲勞 rail fatigue 鋼軌傷損 rail failure;rail defects and failures 鋼軌斷裂 rail fracture 鋼軌裂紋 rail crack;rail
27、crackes 軌頭剝離 rail head shelling;gage line shelly cracks 鋼軌銹蝕 rail bubble;rail corrosion 鋼軌磨耗 rail wearing 波形磨耗 ;波浪磨耗 undulatory wear 螺孔裂紋 bolt hole crack 轍叉?zhèn)麚p ;轍叉損傷 frog failure 木枕開(kāi)裂 wooden sleeper cracking 軌枕傷損 ;軌枕傷損 sleeper damage 道床臟污 ballast contamination 線路養(yǎng)護(hù) track maintenance 線路維修 track mainte
28、nance;maintenance of track 日常維修 routine maintenance;current maintenance 狀態(tài)修 repairing on condition;repair according to condition 巡回檢查 inspection tour 軌道檢測(cè)機(jī)具 track detection equipment 道尺 track gauge 軌道檢測(cè) track detection 災(zāi)害檢測(cè)裝置 disaster detector 超聲波探傷儀 ultrasonic flaw detector 鋼軌探傷車 rail detecting car
29、;rail flaw detection car 軌道檢查車 ;軌檢車 track inspection car;track recording car 高速軌道檢查車 ;高速軌檢車 high-speed track inspection car 養(yǎng)路作業(yè) track maintenance operation 起道 track lifting;raising of track 墊碴起道 ballast filling track lifting 改道 track realigning;gage correction;gaging of track 撥道 track lining 搗固 tam
30、ping 除草 weeding 除草劑 herbicide 除雪 snow clearing 防凍 anti-freezing 融雪 snow melt 融雪劑 snow melt agent 鋼軌加熱 rail heating 鋼軌打磨 rail grinding 鋼軌矯直 straightening of kinked rail 鋼軌更換 rail replace 鋼軌探傷 rail detecting 鋼軌焊補(bǔ) rail repairing welding 軌縫調(diào)整 rail gap adjusting 應(yīng)力放散 stress-relieving 鋼軌溫度 rail temperatur
31、e 鋼軌涂油 rail lubrication 軌枕更換 sleeper replacement 扣件作業(yè) fastening operation 軌枕修補(bǔ) sleeper mending 枕木防腐 timber sleeper treating 道岔養(yǎng)護(hù) switch maintenance 道岔更換 switch replacement 轍叉焊補(bǔ) frog welding and repairing 道床作業(yè) ballast operation 道碴清篩 ballast screening 道碴更換 ballast replacement 道床整形 ballast trimming 曲線養(yǎng)
32、護(hù) curved track maintenance 線路管理系統(tǒng) track management system 養(yǎng)路組織 track maintenance organization 養(yǎng)路計(jì)劃 track maintenance planning 維修天窗 maintenance time 維修周期 maintenance period 養(yǎng)路安全 track maintenance safety 列車接近警報(bào)器 ;列車接近報(bào)警器;列車接近報(bào)警裝置 train approach warning device 養(yǎng)路質(zhì)量 track maintenance quality 養(yǎng)路機(jī)械化 track
33、 maintenance machinization 線路中修 intermediate repair of track 起道修 ;線路中修 track raising repair;track intermediate overhaul 線路大修 major repair of track 線路更新 ;線路大修 track renewal;track overhauling 線路修復(fù) track restoration 鐵路搶修 ;鐵道搶修 railway emergency maintenance 養(yǎng)路機(jī)械 track maintenance machine 起道機(jī) track lifti
34、ng machine 撥道機(jī) track lining machine 起撥道機(jī) track lifting and lining machine 搗固機(jī) tamping machine 搗固車 tamping wagon 道床夯拍機(jī) ballast compactor 配碴整形機(jī) ballast distributing and trimming machine;ballast distributing and regulating machine 道碴清篩機(jī) ballast cleaner 扒碴機(jī) crib ballast raker;crib ballast removers 道碴更換機(jī)
35、 ballast replacement eqnipment 道床清掃機(jī) ballast cleaning machine 軌枕更換機(jī) sleeper replacement equipment 鋼軌更換機(jī) rail replacement equipment 鋼軌打磨機(jī) rail grinding machine 鋼軌打磨車 rail grinding wagon 直軌器 rail straightening tool;rail straightener 鋸軌機(jī) rail saw;rail cutting machine;rail sawing machine 鋼軌鉆孔機(jī) rail dril
36、ling machine 鋼軌加熱器 rail heater 軌縫調(diào)整器 rail gap adjuster;rail puller 道釘機(jī) spike driver 除雪機(jī) snowbreaker;snow removing machine;snow remover 除雪車 snow-fighting vehicle;snow plow;snow plough 除草機(jī) weeder;weed cutting machine;weed cutter 清溝機(jī) ditcher 碎冰機(jī) ice crusher 養(yǎng)路機(jī)具 track maintenance implements 液壓機(jī)具 hydrau
37、lic tool 軌道車 track car 上下道裝置 up and down track device 發(fā)電車 mobile power plant car;generator car 綜合養(yǎng)路機(jī)械 comprehensive track maintenance machine 機(jī)械化養(yǎng)路基地 mechanized maintenance base 工務(wù)部門 maintenance of way branch 大修隊(duì) capital repair brigade 工務(wù)段 engineering district;maintenance of way section;track divisi
38、on;track district;track maintenance division 養(yǎng)路員工 track maintenance worker 工務(wù)修配廠 maintenance of way shop 焊軌廠 rail welding plant 枕木防腐廠 timber sleeper treating plant 采石場(chǎng) quarry;stonepit鐵路專業(yè)英語(yǔ)詞匯 _ elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架鐵路mine railway 礦區(qū)鐵路funicular (railway) 纜索鐵路,登山鐵路light
39、 railway line 輕便鐵道urban railway 市區(qū)鐵路railway network 鐵路網(wǎng)railway transport 鐵路運(yùn)輸trial run 試車open to traffic 通車porter 搬運(yùn)工人ticket inspector 查票員ticket 車票single ticket, oneway ticket 單程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 來(lái)回票platform ticket 站臺(tái)票railway station 車站station hall 車站大廳information desk 服務(wù)臺(tái)waiting room
40、 候車室passenger station 客車站time-table 時(shí)刻表arrival time-table 到站時(shí)刻表departure time-table 發(fā)車時(shí)刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票員ticket office, booking office 售票處junction 樞紐站rail and water terminal 水陸聯(lián)運(yùn)站platform bridge 天橋luggage barrow 推行李車enquiry office, information desk 問(wèn)訊處way station 小站label 行李標(biāo)簽luggage off
41、ice 行李房left-luggage office 行李暫存處platform-ticket 驗(yàn)票口barrier 柵欄門platform 站臺(tái)(electric) platform truck 站臺(tái)車platform tunnel 站臺(tái)地道platform roofing 站臺(tái)頂棚station-master 站長(zhǎng)terminal; terminus 終點(diǎn)站escalator 自動(dòng)扶梯The train leaves the station at., The train is due out at. 火車在(某時(shí))離站to have one's ticket punched (給檢
42、票員)檢票10 minutes behind schedule 晚點(diǎn)十分鐘to change trains at. 在(某地)換車The train is due at. 在(某時(shí))到達(dá)to break the journey 中途下車dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐車pantry 餐車食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞車carriage, coach, car 車廂roof 車頂concertina walls (車廂通道兩側(cè)的)伸縮篷step; foot board (車廂門口的)踏板ga
43、ngway (車廂的)通道lidded ashtray 帶蓋煙灰盒tank wagon 罐車mixed train 混合列車freight train, goods train 貨物列車engine, locomotive 機(jī)車window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train 客車express train, express 快車refrigerator wagon 冷藏車car attendant; train attendant 列車員guard, conductor 列車長(zhǎng)slow train, way train 慢車covered wagon van, box car 棚車ordinary train 普通列車sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 軟臥客車up train 上行車livestock wagon 牲畜車sleeping car, sleeper 臥車down train 下行車luggage van, baggage car 行李車rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬臥客車ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semi
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- 特殊施工方案
- 昆明石方爆破施工方案
- 二零二五年度文化旅游地產(chǎn)項(xiàng)目房屋及土地所有權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)議
- 二零二五年度高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)安置與就業(yè)服務(wù)保障合同
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