



1、電子產(chǎn)品購銷合同甲方儒方):Armor (buyer) :乙方(供方):B (the) :經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商,就甲方向乙方立購指泄品牌電子產(chǎn)品相關(guān)事宜約左如下:Both p a rties co n s ult a t i on, party a shal 1 o rd e r s p e ci f i e d br a n d electron i c prod uc trel a t cd matters agreed as f ollow s :第一條定購產(chǎn)品(以下簡稱“電子產(chǎn)品”):Article 1 orde r p r o d u c ts (herein a fter r eferr

2、e d to as the ne 1 ectronic pr o du c tsu)序號產(chǎn)品名稱規(guī)格型號配迓說明廠商單位數(shù)址口價總金額Serialproduc tsp e cif i c a tio nConfigurat i on i ns t ruma n u fa c t u re runitnumbun i tTo t alnumbnam cc t ion sseram o untc r123價款總計:大寫:小寫:(含1Tota 1ca p ita7 %增值稅)1 :1 o we r ca s e price: contain 17% VAT )Small:(to備注:交貨地點:無錫交

3、貨期:Not e :f o r de 1 i v er y I ocation: Wu x ideliv e ry t i me:第二條質(zhì)量要求及技術(shù)標準:A r t icl e 2 the q u al ity r e q u i rements and t echnic a I st andard: 按照本合同第一條約左的規(guī)格型號和配宜說明提供電子產(chǎn)品,質(zhì)量標準按照生產(chǎn)廠商技術(shù)標準。A r tic 1 e 1 i n a c cord a nee wi t h t he prescr i bed s p e c i f i c a tions an d con f i gur a tion

4、 t h a t pro vid e s electr o nic p r o d u c ts, quality s ta n da r d ac c ord i n g t o ma n ufact u rer t e c hnica 1 s t an d a r d s第三條包裝與運輸:Pack a ging an d shipp i ng: art i cle3- 1包裝方式:紙箱3 -1 pac k i ng: c art o ns3- 2運輸安排由供方負責供方代辦運輸至噩方指定地點:甲方辦公地點,運輸費用由供方承擔。3 2 tra n s portatio n arr a ngem

5、ent is r e s p onsib 1 e by t h e su p p 1 i er. and th e s upplie r for tr a n sp o r t a t i on to t h e d esi g nated place: p a rty a 1 o cation, transp o r t costs by t he supp 1 ie r .第四條價款約定:Ar t i c le 4 pr i c e:4- 1需方預付貨款3 0%,貨到需方即付淸余下貨款4 1 the bu y er p repai d 3 0 %, g o o ds to t h e bu

6、yer i s p a i d the money4- 2支付方式:支票、網(wǎng)銀4- 2 paym e nt: check, net第五條收貨和驗收條款:Art icle 5 rece i v ing and a c c e pt anc e :5- 1驗收標準:按照本合同第二條約左的質(zhì)量要求及技術(shù)標準。5 1 accepta n ce cri t er i a: acco r d i n g t o th i s co n t r act 2 th e p r es c r i b ed q u ality req u irements and t e chni c al s t a ndar

7、 d s.5- 2乙方在交貨地點有辦事機構(gòu)的(以乙方確認書為準),甲方在電子產(chǎn)品運輸至交貨地點收貨同時進行 驗收;乙方在交貨地點沒有辦事機構(gòu)的,甲方在電子產(chǎn)品運輸至交貨地點之日起三日內(nèi)進行驗收。驗收中存在 異議的,甲方向乙方出具書而異議理由,由乙方協(xié)同生產(chǎn)廠商按照本合同第二條質(zhì)量要求及標準進行檢査。 5-3電子產(chǎn)品運輸至交輕點后三日內(nèi)甲方未提出書而異議理由的,視為驗收合格。5 2 inp la c e of d el i ver y by p art y b (offic e s),p ar t y a s h all p r evail in the sa1 e s of elec tro

8、n i c pr o du c t sto de I i v ery1 oca t i o nrec eiv i n g sim u ltaneousl y a c cepta n ce , Pa r t ybi n de 1 ivery place no age n c i e s,party ain elec tronic produc t s t o t h e date of del i ve ry placewit h i n t h ree d ays.A c ceptanc eof t h e existingob j ecti on, p ar t y a shall i s

9、sue aw ritten ob j e c t i ons by pa r t y b, colla bora tive manuf actur ers acco rding to this c o n tr a ct 2 check the qualit y r e quirement and stand a rd 5 -3 elect r onic product trans p orta t io n a nd d e 1 i v er y locati ons wi t hi n t hree days af t e r party a without written objecti

10、o n s, as the r e a s on fo r accepta n ce.第六條保修:Art i c le 6warranty :6- 1保修范用:按照生產(chǎn)廠商的保修范囤。6 1 warranty scope: according to m a n u f a cturer' s warr a nty s c ope .6- 2保修期限:自乙方將電子產(chǎn)品運輸至交貨地點之日起_(12)個月。6 2 guaran t ee dea d li n e: p a r ty b w i 1 1 el e c t r oni c p r oduct tran s p ortat i o

11、n to t he date of del i very locatio n (12) mo nths 第七條違約責任:Artic I e 7 I i ab i I ity fo r bre ach:7- 1甲方延期付款的,乙方交付電子產(chǎn)品的時間可相應(yīng)順延,甲方按照延期支付金額的0.5%/日向乙方支付 滯納金,直至款項付淸之日。甲方延期支付超過三十日的,乙方有權(quán)選擇解除合同,甲方按照合同滯納金標準 向乙方支付違約金(支付至乙方提岀解除日),向乙方返還電子產(chǎn)品,甲方已經(jīng)支付的款項作為賠償,如不足 以彌補乙方的損失的,由甲方另行賠償。7-1 party a and p a rty b consi

12、gn the d e ferred p a ymento f e 1 ectroni c products, party amaypostpone d e f err e d paymen t i nacc or dance withthe amount of 0.5 % of pa y ment to party bday, u n ti 1 the d a te of paymen t More tha n 3 0 of t he d e ferre d payment o f party a, part y b has the right to t e rminatethe contra

13、c t , p a rty a s h allc h oo s e to part y b in ac c or d an ce w i th t h e contract, f i ne fo rdelay i ng paym e nt standa r d pay liqui d ated damages pai d to party b (d a y), pu t s f o rward to rem o ve the r eturn to p a rt y b , pa r ty a ha s el e c t r on i c products a s c o mpen s ati

14、o n for paym e nt made to c ompensate p a rt y b , s uc h as the loss of comp e nsa t i on by part ya, se p ara t ely.7- 2乙方按照本合同約泄的時間、地點、質(zhì)量要求和技術(shù)標準向甲方提供泄購產(chǎn)品,如延期交付的,按照未交 付產(chǎn)品金額的0. 5% /日向甲方支付滯納金。因乙方延期到貨給甲方造成的損失由乙方賠償。(因甲方未按 期支付價款導致延期交貨的除外)7-2 ac c ording t o thi s c o nt r a c t , the t ime and pla c e

15、o fthe qualityr e quirem e nts an d to pro vide technical s t andardsf orprod ucts, such a s def erred del i very, ac c o rdin gto n o t deliv erable amou n t> pay t opartya the 0 5 % / p ayment P ar t y bto party a dueto de 1 a y arriv al d amage c omp e nsati o nby part y b. Party fa i 1 stop a

16、y (e xc e pt in t h edelive r y price),7-3甲方未按合同約左收貨、驗收或無正當理由提出異議拒絕收貨的,乙方將電子產(chǎn)品運輸至交貨地點之 日視為甲方收到貨物和驗收合格的時間,由此造成的損失由甲方負責。7 -3 party fai 1 s to c on t r a ct recei v i ng, a ccep tanceor w i thout warr a n t o b ject i o n refu s e d to rec e iv i ng p arty b will e lectron i c pr o d uct tr a n s port

17、a t ion an d deliver y I o c a t ions, a s pa r t y a receiv e s goods an d accept a nee of t ime, which caused b y part y a i s r e spons i b le for the loss 7-4除本合同約左外,任何一方擅自解除合同,應(yīng)當按照本合同總價款的0.5%向另一方支付違約金,由此給另一方造成的損失,由擅自解除合同一方負責賠償。7- 4 exc e pt th i s c o ntra c t wi t h ou t a uthoriz a t ion, an

18、y pa r t y shall cancel the cont r a ct. and in accor dance with t he c ontract the total pr i c e to p a y 1 i quidat e d damag e s to th e ot h e r p a rty 0. 5 %, th u s ca u s i ng 1 oss e s to t he o thcr p a rty. the p art y r e s p on sible for authorizatio n to ter minate t h e con t ract.第八

19、條不可抗力:Article 8 t h e force majeure:8- 1戰(zhàn)爭、動亂、瘟疫、地震、臺風、洪水、物體墜落或英他非合同雙方責任造成的爆炸、火災、意外事故 和自然災害。任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同時,應(yīng)在不可抗力事件發(fā)生后3日內(nèi)通知對方,盡力 減少損失。不可抗力造成的損失,由雙方自行承擔。8 1 w a r , u n re s t , pl a gue, e a r t h q ua k e, typ h oon, flood, falling objects o r othe r tha n the c o n tra c t c au s e d by e xpl

20、os i on, fi r e , accideni s and natu r a 1 disaste r s. D ue to t he fo r ce m ajeurecausesany p a rty i s unable to perform a co n t r act d ue t o f o r ce ma j cure, shoul d be i n 3 days a fte r th e e v ent not i f i c atio n , try t o reduce t he 1 o ss. The los s c a used 1 / 1by f o rc e ma

21、j e u re, shall b e borne by bot h p a rtics.第九條爭議解決:Arti cle 9 dis p ut e r e so luti on:雙方發(fā)生爭議的,應(yīng)協(xié)商解決,協(xié)商不成的.由乙方所在地有管轄權(quán)的人民法院哉決。The d i spute s hall b es e t tl e d thr o ugh friendly nego t i atio n , and t hro u gh consult a tion by the pa r t y, the p e opl e f s c ou r ts have ju r i s die t ion

22、 o v e r the loc a 1 r u li n g 第十條其他:Art i cle 10 other:10-1雙方應(yīng)對合同履行過程中的技術(shù)信息和商業(yè)秘密承擔保密責任,如因任何一方未盡此義務(wù)導致他方經(jīng)濟 損失,應(yīng)予賠償。10 1 t o c o n t r act bo t h sides in t he pr o ce s s of i n fo r m a t i o n technology and comm e rcial secret lia b il i ti e s for any p a r ty, su c h as the ob 1 i gation s uch

23、a s econ om i c 1 o s ses caus e d shall compe n s a t e .10-2本合同未盡事宜或合同變更,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致后簽訂補充合同,效力與本合同一致。1 0 2 is s ue s unmen t ioned in t he c o n t ract or c o nt r act v a r i at i on, i s r eached t h r o ug h c o nsult a tion, t he eff e c t of the cont ract s i gned the contract agr e ement.10-3因生產(chǎn)

24、廠商產(chǎn)品調(diào)整或國家政策原因?qū)е庐a(chǎn)品調(diào)整的,乙方應(yīng)盡快通知甲方并變更合同約定。103 for manu fa c t u rers p ro d u c ts or nat i onal po 1 icy adjustment o f produc t causes, p arty b shall in f orm party a a nd chan g e the contra c t.1 0-4本合同附件應(yīng)經(jīng)雙方確認后成為本合同不可缺少的組成部分,效力與本合同一致。10-4 app en d ix oft hi sc o n t r a ct shall b econfirm e d by b othpa r ties t othisc ontr act a f tert he i ndi sp e n s able par tofth i sco ntrac t,th eeffe c tive n e ss and consistent10-5本合同一式二份,雙方各執(zhí)一份,經(jīng)雙方簽字后即生效,傳真件亦適用。10-5 t hi s c ontract i ndupli cate, bot hcopi e s,af t er it


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