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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx英語詞綴整理及配套練習-【精品文檔】Prefixesco-, com-, con-, col-, cor-:together; with 共同, (和)一起co-表示"共同",通常放在元音詞根前cooperation 合作(co+operation 操作共同操作合作)coexist 共存(co+exist 存在)coordinate 協(xié)調(diào):同等的(co+ordin 順序+ate順序一樣同等的引申為平等;協(xié)調(diào))coauthor 合著者com-,con-表示"共同"combine 聯(lián)合,結(jié)合(com+bine 捆捆在一起結(jié)合)co

2、mpassion 同情(com+passion 愛國者同胞)commend 贊揚;推薦(com+mend 信任;命令大家信任贊揚;comparison 比較(com+pari 平等+son一起平等比較)compact 緊密的;合同(com+pact 壓緊全部壓緊緊密的)comfort 安慰(com+fort 加強精神強大安慰)contemporary 同時代的(con+tempor 時間+ary同時間的)conclude 結(jié)束;總結(jié)(con+clude 關閉全部關閉結(jié)束)confirm 堅定;證實(con+firm 堅定)conflict 沖突(con+flict 打一起打斗沖突)col-,c

3、or 在同輔音詞根前,表示"共同"collaboration 協(xié)作;合著(col+labor 勞動+ation共同勞動colleague 同事(col+league 捆綁捆綁在一起的人同事)collect 收集(col+lect 選擇放在一起選擇收集)correct 改正,糾正(cor+rect 正全部改正糾正)correspond 通信;符合(cor+respond 反應共同反應相互通信)in-, im-:in; into 內(nèi)部的,向內(nèi)的impulse 沖動(im+pulse 跳動沖動)implicit 含蓄的(im+plic 重疊+it進入重疊不直說儲蓄的)inborn

4、 天生的(in+born 出生的)inspired 有靈感的(in+spired 有呼吸的有生命的,有靈感的)indoor 戶內(nèi)的(in+door 門門內(nèi)的)in-, im-, il-, ir-:not 否定,相反,不足inhuman 不人道的(in+human 人道的)injustice 不公正(in+justice 公正)incorrigible 積習難改的(in+corrigible 可改正的)inconstant 多變的,無常的(in+constant 穩(wěn)定的)indifferent 冷漠的(in+different 不同的同與不同的“事不關已” 冷漠的)immoral 不道德的(im

5、+moral 道德的)impartial 公平的(im+partial 有偏見的)impolite 無禮的(im+polite 禮貌的)micro-:small表示“微,小”a microcomputer 微型計算機microscope 顯微鏡(micro+scope 看看小東西顯微鏡)macro-:large表示“宏偉,大”macroeconomics 宏觀經(jīng)濟學macrostructure 宏觀結(jié)構(gòu)(macro+structure 結(jié)構(gòu))pre-:before (在之)前prewar: 戰(zhàn)前的preschool 學齡前的(pre+school 學校上學前的)prehistory 史前(pr

6、e+history 歷史)prefix 前綴(pre+fix 固定固定在前面前綴)post-:(在之)后postwar: 戰(zhàn)后的 postpone 推遲(post+phone 放放到后面推遲)re-, retro-:backward; back; behind; again 向后(的),回復(的);再,又reflect 回想;反射(re+flect 彎曲反彎曲反射)retreat 后退,撤退(re+treat 拉拉回來撤退)resist 反抗,抵抗(re+sist 站反著站反抗)retrospect 回顧,回想(retro+spect 看向后看)reunite: 重聚;recommend 贊揚

7、;推薦(re+commend 贊揚一再贊揚)Stem-audi-, -audit-:hear 表示“聽”audience 聽眾;觀眾(audi+ence 表名詞聽的人聽眾)audible 聽得見的;可聽的(audi+ible 能的)inaudible 聽不見的(in 不audi+ible)auditorium 禮堂;講堂(audit+orium 場所聽的場所)-chron-: time表示“時間”chroic 長期的chronicle 編年史(chron+icle 表名詞)-dic-, -dict-: say; speak表示“說話,斷言”dictate v 口授;命令;聽寫(dict+ate

8、 說話口授,命令)dictator n 發(fā)命令者;獨裁者(dictate+or發(fā)命令者)diction n 措詞;詞語的選擇(dict+ion說話狀態(tài)措詞)dictionary n 字典(diction+ary措詞的書字典)contradict n 反駁;否認(contra 反+dict反說反駁)contradictory a 矛盾的,對立的(contradict 反駁+ory)predict v 預言;預告(pre 預先+dict)prediction n 預言;預告(predict+ion)dedicate v 獻身于,致力于(de 加強+dic 說+ate再說努力獻身)predicate

9、 v 斷定,認定(pre+dic+ate預先說斷定)predication n 認定,斷定(predicate+ion)-gram-, -graph-:write; wirting表示“寫,圖”grammar n 語法,文法(gram+mar寫的規(guī)則語法)diagram n 圖解,圖表(dia 交叉+gram交叉畫圖)biography n 傳記(文學)(bio 生命+graph+y寫生命傳記)biographer n 傳記作家(biography+er)autograph n 親筆字(auto 自己+graph自己寫的字親筆字)-log-, -ology-:study; the scienc

10、e of表示“科學,學科”"geology n 地質(zhì)學(geo 地+log+y)psychology n 心理學(psych 心理+o+log+y)physiology n 生理學(phys 身體,物質(zhì)+io+log+y)-metre-, -meter-:measure表示“計量,測量等”diameter n 直徑(dia 對面+meter-量到對面的線直徑)thermometer n 溫度計(thermo 熱+meter)symmetry n 對稱;勻稱(sym 共同+metry兩過測量一樣對稱)asymmetry n 不對稱(a 不+symmetry)-phon-:sound表示

11、“聲音”phonetics n 語音學(phon+etics 學科)symphony n 交響樂(sym 共同+phony所有樂器一起響交響樂)microphone n 麥克風(micro 小+phone小聲音變大聲音)-scope-:instrument for seeing or observingmicroscope 顯微鏡(micro+scope 看看小東西顯微鏡)telescope n 望遠鏡(tele+scope 看看遠方望遠鏡)kaleidoscope n 萬花筒-scrib-, -script-:write; writing表示“寫”"script n 原本,腳本de

12、scribe v 描寫,敘述(de 著重+scribe著重寫描寫)inscribe v 銘刻(in 進入+scribe刻寫進去銘刻)manuscript v 手抄本;原稿(manu 手+script)prescribe v 開藥方;命令(pre 預先+scribe預先寫好藥量)transcribe 抄寫,轉(zhuǎn)錄(trans+scribe 寫把寫的東西移到另一張紙上抄寫)-spect-:see; look at表示“看”"expect v 期待,盼望(ex 出+spect看出去期待)inspect v 檢查;視察(in 內(nèi)+spect看進去視察)perspective n 看法;眼界;透

13、視(per 全部+spect+ive全部看到透視,看法)prospect n 展望,前景(pro 向前+spect向前看展望)respective a 各自的(re 回+spect+ive回頭看自己各自的)retrospect v 回顧,回想(retro 向后+spect 看向后看回顧)Suffixes-er(1)表名詞,“人”singer n 歌唱家(sing 唱歌)leader n 領袖(lead 領導)writer n 作家(write 寫)insider n 局內(nèi)人(inside 內(nèi)部)banker n 銀行家(bank 銀行)teenager n 青少年(teenage 十一到十九歲

14、)southerner n 南方人(southern 南方的)villager n 村民(village 村莊)(2)表名詞,“物品,機器”washer n 洗衣機(wash 洗)lighter n 打火機(light 點火)heater n 加熱器(heat 加熱)boiler n 鍋爐(boil 煮)(3)表名詞,“反復做”mutter v 喃喃自語chatter v 喋喋不休(chat 聊天+ter)stutter v 口吃waver v 擺動(wave 波動)batter v 連打,不斷打(bat 打+ter) -tion, -ation:the act, state, or resu

15、lt of doing something:名詞字尾 行為狀態(tài)the completion of the task (=act of finishing it)his election (=he was elected) to the postYoung children demand a lot of attention.ExaminationCombination。華麗的分割線。Exercise 1Try to guess the meaning of the italicized word in each of the following sentences according to w

16、ord analysis:1. In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank.a. many years ago b. looking around c. looking back分析:retrospect 回顧,回想(retro+spect 看向后看)2. He lost his spectacles.a. glasses b. shoes c. pants分析:(spect+acle看的東西眼鏡)3. He inspected their work.a. spoke highly of b. ex

17、amined closely c. did not examine分析:inspect v 檢查;視察(in 內(nèi)+spect看進去視察)4. I am going to buy a microbus.a. big bus b. medium-sized bus c. small bus分析:micro- 微小5. He lived a hard life in pre-liberation days.a. before liberation b. after liberation c. since liberation分析:pre-:before (在之)前Exercise 2Complete

18、 the following sentences according to word analysis:1. If you have auditory trouble, you have trouble in the ears .2. What he has said is illogical. Here illogical means not logical.3. An irregular verb is a verb which is not regular.4. A predictor is one who can say something in advance.5. A prepos

19、ition comes before a noun.6. If they are co-producers, they produce something together .Exercise 3Following is a list of words containing some of the stems and affixes introduced in this section. Definitions of these words appear on the right. These words are probably unfamiliar to you. It is Not th

20、e purpose of this exercise to teach you the definitions of all these words. Instead, the exercise is designed to serve as a review of stems and affixes defined in this section and as a way for you to practice using the skill of word analysis to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words.Group 11. c micr

21、oscope a. the science of hearing2. d phonoscope b. the act or sense of hearing3. b audition c. an instrument used to make small object large enough to see or study4. a audiology d. an instrument which tests the quality of strings for musical instrumentsGroup 21. b聽力表,測聽計 audiometer a. an instrument

22、that records or reproduce sound2. a 留聲機 gramophone b. an instrument for measuring hearing3. c天文,航海用的精密時計,精密的時鐘 chronometer c. an instrument for measuring time accurately4. d年代學;年代記 chronology d. the science which measures time and gives dates to eventsGroup 31. b顯微圖 micrograph a. an instrument used

23、to make weak sounds louder2. c極微時間測定器 chronoscope b. an instrument for doing extremely small writing3. d表音符號 phonogram c. an instrument used to measure small periods of time4. a擴音器,麥克風 microphone d. the sign or symbol representing a sound or wordGroup 41. c音韻學 phonology a. an instrument to help the

24、partially deaf hear2. a助聽器 audiphone b. long-lasting; habitual3. b慢性的; 習慣性的 chronic c. the study of speech sound4. d年代記編記錄 者 chronicler d. one who studies historyPrefixessuper-:more, larger, greater, or more powerful 表示“超級,超過,過度”supersized 超大型的(super+sized 有范圍的)supernatural 超自然的(super+natural 自然的)su

25、perfluous 多余的(super+flu 流ous流出太多)supersensitive 過度敏感的(super+sensitive 敏感的)supercharge 負載過重(super+chrage 收費,負擔負擔過重) 表示“在上面”supervise 臨視(super+vise 看在上面看臨視)superstructure 上層建筑(super+structure 結(jié)構(gòu))superficial 膚淺的(super+fic 做ial在表面上做)superstition 迷信(super+stit 站+ion站在人理智之上的東西迷信)ante-:before anti-, post-,

26、 pre- 表示"前面,先"antedate 提前寫日期;先于,早于(ante+date 日期提前寫日期)anterior 前面的(ante+erior的 前面的)antecedent(aute+ced 走+ent走在前面的事 前事)anticipate vt. 預期,期望;占先,搶先 circum-:around表示"環(huán)繞,周圍"circumscribe 限制(circum+scribe 寫規(guī)定范圍限制)circumspect 小心謹慎的(circum+stance 站站在周圍環(huán)境)circumvent s:km'vent 回避(circum+

27、vent 走繞圈走回避)contra-, anti-:acting against something, or opposite to something表示"反對,相反"contrary 相反的(contra+ary相反的)contradict 反駁;矛盾(contra+dict 說反著說反駁)antiwar 反戰(zhàn)的(anti+war 戰(zhàn)爭)antinuclear 反對使用核武器的;anti-American 反美的inter-: between or involving two or more different things, places, or people in

28、tra-, intro-:表示“在之間,相互”international 國際的(inter+national 國家的)interpersonal 人與人之間的(inter+personal 個人的)interchangeable 可互換的(inter+changeable 可改變的)interrelate 相互關連(inter+relate 關連)intro-, intra- (formal or technical):within表示“向內(nèi),入內(nèi)”introduce 引入,介紹(intro+duce 引引進)introspect 內(nèi)省,反?。╥ntro+pect 看向內(nèi)看內(nèi)省)post-:

29、 表示“在后面”postwar 戰(zhàn)后的(post+war 戰(zhàn)爭)postpone 推遲(post+phone 放放到后面推遲)postgraduate 大學畢業(yè)后的(post+graduate 畢業(yè))postface 刊后語(post+face 臉;前面后面的臉刊后語)posterior 較后的(posterity 表名詞后面的人子孫) 表示“郵件,郵政”postage 郵資(post+age 錢;狀態(tài))postoffice 郵局(post+office 辦公室)postcard 明信片(post+card 卡片)postal 郵政的(post+al)trans-: 表示“橫過,越過”tran

30、scontinental 橫貫大陸的(trans+continental 大陸的)transcend 超越,勝過(trans+scend 爬爬過超越)transmit 傳送,傳播(trans+mit 送橫著送消息傳播)transparent 透明的(trans+par 平等ent橫穿過去看得一樣清楚透明的) 表示“變換,改變,轉(zhuǎn)移”tranplant 移植(trans+plant 種轉(zhuǎn)移過去移植)transaction 交易;辦理(trans+action 行動交換行動交易)transcribe 抄寫,轉(zhuǎn)錄(trans+scribe 寫把寫的東西移到另一張紙上抄寫)sub-, suc-, su

31、p-:under; behind 表示“在下面,次一等,副手”submerge 沉沒,淹沒(sub+merge 淹沒淹沒下去)subordinate 附屬的(sub+ordin 順序ate順序在下附屬的)subcontinent 次大陸(sub+continetn 大陸)subtropics 亞熱帶(sub+tropics 熱帶)subtitle 副標題(sub+tropics 熱帶)Stems:-ced-:go, move表示“行走,前進”cede 割讓,放棄(cede 走走開割讓)accede 答應,同意(ac+cede和別人走在一起答應)antecede 先行,先于(ante 前cede

32、走在前面先行)antecedent 先行的;以前的(antede+ent)proceed vi. 開始;繼續(xù)進行;發(fā)生exceed vt. 超過;勝過-duc-,-duct-:lead 表示“引導,帶來”abduct v 誘拐(ab 離開+duct引開誘拐)eduction n 引出;推斷(e+duct+ion)deduce v 推論,演繹(de 向下+duce 引向下引推論)introduce 引入,介紹(intro+duce 引引進)produce v 生產(chǎn)N.農(nóng)產(chǎn)品(pro 向前+duce引向前生產(chǎn))reduce v 降低,減少(re 回+duce往回引減少)semiconductor

33、半導體(semi+conductor 導體)conduct vi. 導電;帶領 vt. 實施-flect-:bend bend,表示“彎曲”reflect n 反射;沉思(re 反+flect_彎曲返回反射)reflection n 反射;思考(reflect+ion)flexble a 易彎曲的; 靈活的(flex 彎曲+ible 能的)-mit-, -miss-:send,cast,表示“送,放出”omit v 省去,略去(o 出mit送出省略)omission n 省略(o 出miss+ion放出去省略)permission n 允許(per 始終mission始終放入允許)promis

34、e n 答應;保證(pro 前面mise在做事前送出的話允諾)admit v 許可入學等;承認(ad+mit送來許可進入)commit v 委托;委任(com 共同mit共同送委任)committee n 委員會(commit+t+ee)submit v 使屈服;提出(sub 下面mit送下去屈服)transmit v 寄送;傳達(trans 橫mit橫送過去傳達)mission n "派遣;使命(miss+ion,送出派遣)"commission n 委員會;委任(com 共同miss+ion共同送出選出的人委員會)dismiss v 解散;罷免(dis 分開miss分開

35、送解散)-part-, -port-=part, divide,表示“部分,分開”partial a 部分的;有偏見的(part+ial)impartial a 公正的(im 無+partial 有偏見的無偏見的)particle n 微粒,極少量(part+icle 小東西一小部分少量)particular a 特別的;各自的(part+icuar 有的有自己的部分特別的)apartment n 公寓(a+part+ment樓房分出的一部分公寓)counterpart n 相對物;副本(counter 相對應+part對應的一部分對應的人或物)participate v 參加,參與(part

36、i+cip 進入+ate進入一部分參加)partner n 合作伙伴(part+ner 人)portion n 部分,一般(port+ion一部分)-sequ-, -secut:follow 表示“跟隨”sequence n 連續(xù)(sequ+ence跟隨連續(xù))sequential a 連續(xù)的(sequ+ent+ial)consequence n 后果,結(jié)果(con 共同+sequ+ence隨之而來的全部東西后果)subsequence n 隨后發(fā)生(sub 在后面+sequ+ence隨在后面的)consecutive a 連貫的,連續(xù)的(con 全部+secu+tive一個接一個跟隨)-spi

37、r-:breathe,表示“呼吸”spirit n 精神;情緒(有呼吸有精神)spirited a 精神飽滿的conspire v 同謀(con 共同+spire同呼吸同謀)inspiration n 吸氣;靈感(有靈氣)-tele-:far表示“遠”,引申為“電”,電從遠方來teleraph v 打電報(tele+graph 寫用電寫電報)telegram n 電報(tele+gram 寫,畫)telephone n 電話(tele+phone 聲音遠方聲音傳過來)telescope n 望遠鏡(tele+scope 看看遠方望遠鏡)television n 電視(tele+vis 看+io

38、n看遠方通過電看電視)-vent-, -vene-:come表示“來”venture v n.冒險,冒險做(vent+ure 來到危險冒險)event n 事件(e 出+vent出來的事事件)invent v 發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造(in 進+vent走進來發(fā)明出)prevent v 防止,阻止(pre 預先+vent預先來到搶先一步,防止別人)avenue n 大路,道路(讓人可以走來走去)-voc-, -vok-:call, voice,表示“叫喊,聲音”vocal a 聲音的vocation n 職業(yè);使命(voc+ation受到召喚有職業(yè))vocabulary n 詞匯(vocabul=vocab

39、le 詞+ary詞匯)advocate v 擁護;倡議(ad 增強+voc+ate增強聲音擁護)provoke v 觸怒,煽動(pro 前面+vok+e到別人面前喊激怒)Suffixes:-able, -ible:capable of; fit for 表形容詞,“可的,能”knowable a 可知的inflammable a 易燃的(inflame 點燃)conceivable a 想象得出的(conceive 設想,想象)invincible a 不可征服的(in 不+vinc 戰(zhàn)勝+ible)feasible a 可行的,合理的(feas 做+ible可 做的)irresistible

40、 a 無法抵抗的(ir 不 +resist 抵抗+ible)。華麗的分割線。Exercise 4Try to guess the meaning of the italicized word or phrase in each of the following sentences according to word analysis:1. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a porter.a. one who sells tickets b. taxicab c. one who carries

41、 luggage分析:porter n 搬運工(port+er)2. No matter what Fred said, Noam contradicted him.a. said the opposite b. shouted at him c. did not listen to him分析:contradict 反駁;矛盾(contra+dict 說反著說反駁)3. The doctor is a specialist in the human respiratory system.a. digestive b. nerve c. breathing分析:respiratory a. 呼

42、吸的 (spir=breathe,表示“呼吸”)4. He circumvented the problem.a. went around; avoided b. solved c. Described分析:circumvent 回避(circum+vent 走繞圈走回避)5. They imported Japanese cars.a. sold cars to Japan b. bought cars from Japan c. did not buy cars from Japan分析:imported adj. 進口的 (import v 進口;意味著(im 進+port拿進港口)6.

43、 He goes to work by subway.a. underground railway b. railway above the ground c. railway between two hills分析:subway n. 地鐵 (sub-表示“在下面)7. If the temperature is sub-zero, the temperature is .a. above zero b. below zero c. at zero8. A supermarket is a self-service store selling food, household goods, e

44、tc.a. small b. medium-sized c. largeExercise 5Complete the following sentences according to word analysis:1. An anti-tank weapon is a weapon against tanks.2. Interstate trade is trade between/among states.3. If you submerge an object, you put it in/ below the surface of water.4. A transatlantic trip

45、 is a trip that goes across the Atlantic Ocean.5. Intra-family affairs are the affairs in the family.6. Ante-Christmas means before Christmas.7. Supersonic 超聲波speed is the speed which is greater/faster than the speed of sound.8. Postgraduate students are those who study after taking a first academic

46、 degree.Exercise 6Analyze the following words according to word-formation:1.support: v.支持(sup+port 帶帶來支持)2.postscript: n (信等)附言(post 后+script寫在后面附言)3.telephone: n 電話(tele+phone 聲音遠方聲音傳過來4.telegram: n 電報(tele+gram 寫,畫)5.television n 電視(tele+vis 看+ion看遠方通過電看電視)Exercise 7Put the letter of the suitable

47、definition next to each word:Group 11. d anteroom a. capable of being carried easily2. b flexible b. able to bend without breaking; not stiff3. a portable c. something which happens or exists before another thing4. c antecedent d. a room forming an entrance to another oneGroup 21. a superscript a. l

48、etter or symbol written above or to the side of another one 2. d transport b. a boss3. c transmit c. to carry from one place to another over a distance4. b supervisor d. to send from one person or place to anotherGroup 31. b revoke a. to come together as a group2. a convene b. to call back; cancel3.

49、 d telemeter c. to draw a line around4. c circumscribe d. an instrument for measuring the distance of an object far from the observerGroup 41. c subsequent a. the examination of ones own thought2. a introspection b. to come between points of time and events3. b intervene c. following in time, order

50、or place4. d consequence d. a logical result or conclusionPrefixesnon-:no; not 表示”不,非”nonexistent a.不存在的(non+existent 存在的)nonsmoking a.不準吸煙的(non+smoking 吸煙的)nonstop a.直達的(non+stop 停止不停直達的)a-, an-:no; without; lacking 表示"不,無"amoral (=not moral)非道德的,沒有是非觀念的atypically (=not typically) 非典型地ana

51、rchism 無政府主義(an+arch 統(tǒng)治+ism無統(tǒng)治無政府主義)anharmonic 不和諧的(an+hamonic 和諧的不和諧的)anonymous 匿名的(an+onym 名字+ous匿名的)un-:no; not 表示“不,無,非,沒有”unreal 不真實(un+real 真實的)unequal 不平等的(un+equal 平等的)unfortunate 不幸的(un+fortunate 幸運的)unconditional 無條件的(un+conditional 有條件的)unlimitted 無限的(un+limited 有限的)unworldly 非塵世的(un+worl

52、dly 世俗的)uneducated 未受教育的(un+educated 有教養(yǎng)的)uncivilized 未開化的(un+civilized 文明的)undecided 未決定的(un+decided 決定的)bene-:well表示"善,好"benefit 好處,利益(bene+fit 做做事后的好處利益)beneficent 仁慈的,善行的(bene+fic 做+ent做好事的)benediction 祝福(bene+dict 說+ion說好話)bi-:two 表示"兩個,兩"biweekly 雙周刊(bi+week 星期+ly兩星期)biling

53、ual 雙語種的(bi+lingu 語言+al雙語的)biannual 一年兩次的(bi+ann年+ual一年兩次的)mis-:wrongly; bad(ly);wrong(ly) 表示“錯誤,壞”mistake 錯誤(mis+take 拿拿錯錯誤)misspell 拼寫錯誤(mis+spell 拼寫)misunderstand 誤解(mis+understand 理解)misdoing 壞事(mis+doing 做事)misrule 對施暴政(mis+rule 統(tǒng)治統(tǒng)治不善)misfortune 不幸(mis+fortune 幸運的)mistrust 不信任(mis+trust 相信)mon

54、o-:one; alone 表示“單個,一個”monarch 'mnk 君主,獨裁者(mon+arch 統(tǒng)治者一個統(tǒng)治者)monogamy m'ngmi 一夫一妻制(mono+gamy 婚姻)monologue 獨白(mono+logue 說話一個人說話獨白)monopoly m'npli 壟斷(mono+poly獨家賣壟斷)monotonous m'ntns 單調(diào)的(mono+ton 聲音+ous一個聲音單調(diào)的)poly-:many 表示“多”polyandry pli'ændri 一妻多制(poly+andry 男人)polysyllabic 多音節(jié)的syn-, sym-:with; t


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