1、中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化弘揚優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化創(chuàng)立校園德育特點-開發(fā)區(qū)中心學校展開“中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育”實行方案為傳承和弘揚中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化弘揚偉大民族精神提升學生文化修養(yǎng)推動全區(qū)校園文化建設向縱深發(fā)展依據(jù)市教育局對于在全市中小學展開“中華優(yōu)異 傳統(tǒng)文化”教育實行建議,棗教文,2014?110號,的要求決定以中國傳統(tǒng)文化教育為內(nèi)容進行德育特點化學校創(chuàng)立活動現(xiàn)擬訂以下實行方案:一、指導思想展開中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育是增強中小學生思想道德建設踴躍培養(yǎng)和踐行社會主義核心價值觀的重要措施建設優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化傳承系統(tǒng)弘揚中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文 化努力踐行“厚于德、誠于信、敏于行”的精神確定現(xiàn)代的教育理念堅持育人 為本立德樹人培養(yǎng)
2、學生優(yōu)異的思想道德素質(zhì)促使學生全面發(fā)展。二、工作目標中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化是中華民族語言習慣、文化傳統(tǒng)、思想觀點、感情認可的集 中表現(xiàn)凝集著中華民族廣泛認可和寬泛接受的道德規(guī)范、思想品行和價值取向 擁有極為豐富的思想內(nèi)涵。在實行過程中分學段有序穩(wěn)步推動。,一)近期目標:完成共鳴商討細化詳細操作方案。,二,中期目標:經(jīng)過進行中華傳統(tǒng)文化建設活動增強學生的道德涵養(yǎng)和人文 涵養(yǎng)使學校形成優(yōu)異的教風、學風、校風。,三,遠期目標:attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well asthe skilled technician job
3、s to be chosen. It is also after completionof the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implementquality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) ac
4、cording to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of gra
5、ss seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub . E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, treerich side from o
6、utside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward.- Slope plant should be planted fro
7、m top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should
8、 be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must behydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench
9、and soil compaction in layers.,1,經(jīng)過朗讀經(jīng)典文化使學生嫻熟背誦三字經(jīng)、千字文、弟子 規(guī)、大學、笠翁對韻、論語等經(jīng)典篇目。,2,經(jīng)過展開中國傳統(tǒng)文化教育為學生的終生學習打下優(yōu)異的基礎為學生 一世優(yōu)美的人品確定基礎,經(jīng)過社會反應學生在家庭、社會上的表現(xiàn)學生明確知道應做一個如何的社會人。,3,培養(yǎng)和造就一批師德崇高教課風格獨到擁有人文修養(yǎng)的名教師。,4,形成穩(wěn)固的可連續(xù)發(fā)展的“中國傳統(tǒng)文化教育模式”使學校在辦學思想、學科教課、學校管理、校園文化等方面的獨到性獲取社會的認可。三、學習內(nèi)容與門路,一,學習內(nèi)容:1、低年級。以培養(yǎng)學生對中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化的和藹感為要點展開啟
10、發(fā)教育培養(yǎng)學生熱愛中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化的感情。認識常用漢字學習獨立識字初步感覺漢字的形體美,朗讀淺顯的古詩獲取初步的感情體驗感覺語言的優(yōu)美,認識一些愛國志士的故事知道中華民族重要傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日認識家鄉(xiāng)的生活風俗理解自己是中華民族的一員,初步認識傳統(tǒng)禮儀學會待人接物的基本禮儀,初步感覺經(jīng)典的民間藝術(shù)。引導學生孝順父親母親、敬愛師長、友善 attention to the relationshipbetween plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion o
11、f the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensurecomplete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting pr
12、oject co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed shou
13、ld be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion,be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub . E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform
14、 mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a diff
15、erent color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of theGreen Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe c
16、lamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.同學、禮貌待人養(yǎng)成節(jié)儉節(jié)儉、
17、吃苦耐勞、言行相符的生活習慣和行為規(guī)范 培養(yǎng)熱愛家鄉(xiāng)、熱愛生活、親密自然的感情。2、中高年級。以提升學生對中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化的感覺力為要點展開認知教育指引學生感 受中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化的豐富多彩。嫻熟書寫正楷字理解漢字的文化含義領(lǐng)會漢字優(yōu)美的構(gòu)造藝術(shù),朗讀古代詩文經(jīng)典篇目理解作品粗心領(lǐng)會其境界和感情,了解中華民族歷代仁人志士為國家興盛、民族團結(jié)作出的犧牲和貢獻 ,知道重要傳統(tǒng) 節(jié)日的文化內(nèi)涵和家鄉(xiāng)生活風俗變遷,感覺各民族藝術(shù)的豐富表現(xiàn)形式和特點嘗試運用喜歡的藝術(shù)形式表達感情,培養(yǎng)學生對傳統(tǒng)體育活動的興趣喜好。指引學生 學會理解別人懂得感恩逐漸提升鑒別是非、善惡、美丑的能力開始建立人生 理想和遠大理想
18、熱愛祖國河山、悠長歷史和可貴文化。,二,教育門路:以講堂教課為主陣地聯(lián)合專題活動和社會實踐等門路保證教課成效。以講堂教課為主渠道全面展開傳統(tǒng)文化經(jīng)典活動課時安排為每周1節(jié),在校本課程中設置,以人文化管理為手段增強對創(chuàng)立活動的檢查與指導,以宣傳教育活動為載體創(chuàng)造傳統(tǒng)文化教育的氣氛如:利用廣播、板報、墻報、手抄報等進行傳統(tǒng)文化、思想的宣傳經(jīng)過各樣節(jié)日、紀念日進行教育經(jīng)過觀看錄像片、主題班隊會、念書教育活動、演講比賽、知識比賽等形式使學生的思想獲取升 華,經(jīng)過社會實踐活動展開觀光、檢查、接見等形式使學生的行為獲取查驗。詳細 安排以下:attention to the relationship bet
19、ween plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design dra
20、wings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plansand scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting pro
21、jects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub .
22、E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, treerich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order
23、 from the Center outward.- Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to
24、 the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostati
25、c test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.1、學科浸透。充足發(fā)揮學科教課的主渠道作用在各門課程中包含著豐富的中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng) 文化和傳統(tǒng)美德在教課過程中要注意發(fā)掘本學科中包含的傳統(tǒng)文化要素在傳授學科知識、培養(yǎng)能力、指導方法的同時浸透中華文明成就、傳統(tǒng)美德教育使學生感覺、認可、接受中華優(yōu)異文化和傳統(tǒng)美德。在語文、道德,政治,等學科教課中要依據(jù)教課內(nèi)容和教課時間適合拓展教課內(nèi)容中波及的中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化內(nèi)容 增強對中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化的學習指引及對傳統(tǒng)文化包含的民族精神
27、生朗讀興趣增強朗讀成效。同時鼓勵師生共誦、親子共讀使朗讀活動成attention to the relationship betweenplants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is alsoafter completion of the various types of finishing job, itshould thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensurecomplete. Main points are
28、as follows: fully grasp the design intent anddesign drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2)according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparationof engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) c
29、onstruction managementcombined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersi
30、on, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub . E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block plantin
31、g time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward. -Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of wat
32、er-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design
33、requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.為校園文化、家庭文化的有機構(gòu)成部分。以“朗讀、立德、成才”為目標廣 泛展開“人人誦經(jīng)典、爭做道德人”主題教育活動把弘揚優(yōu)異文化與傳統(tǒng)美德的 內(nèi)容和要求表現(xiàn)到素質(zhì)教育之中表現(xiàn)到思想道德教育之中。要把學習傳統(tǒng)文化納 入校園文化建設活動計劃列為校本課程安排好課時落實好教師。利用每天晨 讀、師生共讀、集體朗誦等形式進
34、行朗讀力求每天清晨朗讀10分鐘、每周一次 集體朗誦、每學期一次朗讀比賽。同時要把朗讀活動與“大批閱讀”語文教改實 驗、念書活動、“書香班級”創(chuàng)立、課題研究活動相聯(lián)合經(jīng)過聲樂、舞蹈、器 樂、美術(shù)、書法、篆刻、拍照、剪紙評選等形式學習傳統(tǒng)文化、弘揚中華麗德。3、活動引領(lǐng)。建設以社會主義核心價值觀為主流的多元校園文化、班級文化舉辦學習漢字 書寫、成語比賽、經(jīng)典文章比賽、主題班會、專題演講、書法繪畫、專家講座等多 種形式的主題教育活動。要融中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育于傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日文化、風俗文化、 慶典文化之中如各樣傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日、法定假日、重要歷史事件紀念日等。經(jīng)過學生喜 聞樂見的形式吸弓I學生踴躍參加勇敢實踐踴躍體
35、驗。倡議知行合一解行相 應。鼓舞學生參加家務勞動、社會實踐、志愿者服務等活動指引學生踐行中華優(yōu) 秀傳統(tǒng)美德培養(yǎng)中小學生的實踐能力。4、環(huán)境浸潤。attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project ma
36、nagement to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling plans. (3) the materi
37、als and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass seed sow should be appl
38、ied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed.Grass seed Sub . E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-rich side from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on modeling spell planting, p
39、lanting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward.- Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block planting. ? subsidiary f
40、acilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLOSS, lip clearance accu
41、racy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.經(jīng)過各學校宣傳欄、黑板報、校報???、校園網(wǎng)站等多種形式宣傳中華優(yōu)異傳 統(tǒng)文化。充足利用家長學校教育平臺倡議家長經(jīng)過以身作則形成愛國守紀、遵 守公德、珍愛親情、節(jié)儉持家、鄰居友善的優(yōu)異家風共同創(chuàng)建弘揚傳承中華
42、優(yōu)異 傳統(tǒng)文化的優(yōu)異氣氛。踴躍拓展家庭和社會教育資源堅持學校教育與家庭教育、 社會教育的密切聯(lián)合形成學校、家庭、社會互相支持、互相配合相輔相成的大教 育系統(tǒng)。四、保障措施,一,增強組織領(lǐng)導。成立“中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化”教育工作領(lǐng)導小組校長杜占強任組長張濤明、 程曉梅為副組長張再兵、劉順敏、程紅霞、亢向明為成員領(lǐng)導小組下設辦公室 程曉梅兼任辦公室主任詳細負責平時工作展開。要著重過程檢查、學期評選 完美主題教育活動制度確實增強實效。,二,增強隊伍建設。要以語文、道德,政治,等學科教師為主其余學科教師為輔進行學科浸透 培養(yǎng)成立一支中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育師資隊伍。經(jīng)過展開中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育專 題培訓、骨干
43、教師專題研修、參加市教育局國學導師培訓等多種形式增強科任教 師教課能力。同時組織學校管理人員和優(yōu)異教師赴先進地域和學校溝通學習增 進對中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育的感性認識學習借鑒外處的成功經(jīng)驗。attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion of the various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement
44、quality and project management to ensure complete. Main points are as follows: (1) fully grasp the design intent and design drawings confirmed on the basis of the construction site. (2) according to various criteria (and planting project co-ordination) preparation of engineering plans and scheduling
45、 plans. (3) the materials and materials used for quality management. (4) construction management combined with tree planting projects. ? Lawn planting seeds: designing Proportioning of grass seed, grass seed mix, sow grass seed should be evenly distributed not less than 35g per square metre. Grass s
46、eed sow should be applied before the foot base fertilizer and water immersion, be slightly dry sow grass seed. Grass seed Sub . E, growing hedge plants, spaced evenly, tree-richside from outside, seedling height, trunk size, uniform mix. In the nursery pruned hedges, planting should be based on mode
47、ling spell planting, planting depth should be consistent. F, block planting time or group planting time, plant back in the order from the Center outward.- Slope plant should be planted from top to bottom. Large block graft or a different color when color bunch planting should be partitioned block pl
48、anting. ? subsidiary facilities of the Green Project: a green space of water-supply and irrigation construction shall conform to the following provisions: (1), the water supply pipe should be based on a solid and compact. (2), pipe clamps, interfaces should have a firm, tight, clean pipe end not FLO
49、SS, lip clearance accuracy. (3), the piping should comply with the design requirements and after installation must be hydrostatic test. (4), should be carried out after the pipeline trench and soil compaction in layers.,三,完美考評體制。把中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育作為學校德育工作的有效抓手融入平時教課中納 入學校量化管理系統(tǒng)常抓不懈。,四,加大經(jīng)費投入力度各學校在研究教師培訓、器械
50、、資料、教材等方面供 給條件保障中華優(yōu)異傳統(tǒng)文化教育實行的順利進行。,五,不停學習其余學校的先進經(jīng)驗調(diào)整方案改良方法環(huán)繞德育科研課 題組織系列商討活動。,六,做好資料的采集與整理增強過程管理。attention to the relationship between plants and soil, as well as the skilled technician jobs to be chosen. It is also after completion ofthe various types of finishing job, it should thoroughly implement quality and project management to ensure comple
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