1、Modulel Won ders of the world單元練習1. -your teacher-Yes, she does.A.Do; driveB.Does; drive2.He went to bed after heA.didB.does、單項選擇共io小題;共10分3. We haveC. Do; driveshis work.C. has donemany difficulties these years.home?D. Does; drivesD. have doneA. gone overB.gone onC. gone outD. gone through4. - Keep
2、 quiet, kids. Gran dmain the next room!-OK, Mum.A. sleptB. is sleep ingC. sleeps5. She does n'tlike to read , but she likes to read insile nee.A. loudB. aloudC. quicklyD. quietly6. Li Ping left school in 2021, and since the n hein Beiji ng.A. livesB. livedC. has livedD. will live7. The kids may
3、not go to school in the future. Theyat homeon computers.A. have studiedB. will studyC. studied8. Two weeks later, he me and asked me to meet him.A. repliedB. replied toC. an swersD. replies to9. - Is Kate serious?-I . She n ever means it.A. supposeB. agreeC. believeD. won der10. - What were you doin
4、g whe n we were playi ng basketball yesterday after noon?-I the classroom.A. was clea ningB. have clea nedC. will clea nD. clea n二、單詞拼寫單句首字母填空共10小題;共10分11. The Great Wall is one of the Eight Win the world.12. - Can I smoke here?-You'd better n ot. Look at the s"NO SMOKING".13. Shan gha
5、i is a beautiful city which lies in the epart ofChi na.14. The classroom was nempty, only two stude nts in it.15. You'd better r sile nt, because you don't know anything aboutthis.16. When we get old, it's nto forget thin gs.17. There will be a d on the cards n ext mon th.18. T Joh n fai
6、led to climb to the top several times, he did n'tgive up.19. We should keep s in the readi ng room at the school library.20. I asked him a questi on, but he did n't rto me.三、 單詞拼寫根據(jù)中文提示拼寫單詞共10小題;共10分21.1 like listening to響亮的music.22. Please do not write 低于this black line.23. Spud Webb 逗留in a
7、nother basketball league for about oneyear before the NBA took no tice of him.24. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia is one of the奇觀of thean cie nt world.25. You must 答復to my questions quickly.26. If the teacher asks you aquesti on問 題, youshould n'tkeep 沉默的.27. There're many 標志on the box.28. The
8、sky here is 灰色的.29. The boss shouted an grily,“ Stop talk in g! It is bey ond討論.30. The boy shows great interest in自然scienee.四、 翻譯根據(jù)中文提示完成句子共5小題;共10分31. 在我看來,對我們來說保護地球很重要。, it's importa nt for us to protect the earth.32. 一半多的the students pass the exam.33. 我確定每天數(shù)百萬的人收發(fā)電子郵件。I'm sure people rec
9、eive and send emails everyday.34. 他們正在修建一條隧道,它將穿過這座山。They are building a tunnel, and it will themou ntai n.35. 我們不知道這些世界奇跡是怎樣建成的。Wedon'tknowhowthesewerebuilt.五、完形填空共10小題;共15分When you hear the word "pyramid金字塔 ",you will probably think of thepyramids in Egypt. But do you know there is a
10、 36in Paris, France? Thepyramidhasbeen37as the"LouvrePyramid"si neeitwas the mainentrancetothefamous LouvreMuseum.In the 1980s, the38Preside ntin vitedPei,theChin ese-bor nAmerica narchitect建筑師to39a newentrance to the Louvre Museum. When Pei 40showed his pyramid desig n, itwas a _41shock t
11、o all. Most people thought Pei's moder n pyramid woulddestroy the look of the museum.Since it was built 421989, most people have 43theiropinions although some still think it is an ugly scar on Paris' face.The Louvre Pyramid is 71 feet high, and around 44 are threesmaller pyramids and seve n
12、tria ngular三角形的 foun tai ns.45from thestone Egyptian pyramids, the pyramid is a large metal and glass one. It makes it more convenient to visit the museum.36.A. pyramidB. museumC. schoolD. library37. A. likedB. knownC. fou ndD. caught38. A. America nB. Chin eseC. FrenchD. Japanese39. A. destroyB. be
13、lieveC. desig nD. support40.A. secondB. lastC. thirdD.first41. A. smallB. greatC. littleD.weak42.A. atB. onC. forD.in43.A. changedB. keptC. throw nD.min ded44.A. itsB. itC. theirD.them45.A. In terest ingB. Importa ntC. Won derfulD.Differe nt六、閱讀理解共16小題;共32 分The Great Wall of China was built over a p
14、eriod of 2,000 years, ending in the Ming Dyn asty of the 17th cen tury. It sta nds as one of the won ders of the world and it's great pride for China.The Great Wall of China is about 5,500 miles long and passes through 10 Chinese provinces.At first, it was built to keep out the Mongols and other
15、invading tribes 入侵部落 from the north. As time goes by, less than half of it rema ins sta nding and thousa nds of visitors climb up the wall every year.More than 400 world leaders have visited the Great Wall in the past decades幾十年 ,i ncludi ng Quee n Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher, Nels on Man dela and
16、US preside nts Richard Nixon, Ron ald Reaga n and George H.W. Bush.Many people think that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object which can be see n from space .In fact, NASA美國宇航局 says that the wall is verydifficult to see from orbit, even un der good con diti ons.46. The Chin ese people
17、 fini shed buildi ng the Great Wall.A. i n the Tang Dyn astyB. in the 17th cen turyC. before the 17th cen turyD. 2000 years ago47. How many provi nces does the Great Wall pass through in the passage?A. 10.B. 17.C. 8.D. 5.48. The Great Wall of Chi na was built toat first.A. make the country beautiful
18、B. attract thousa nds of visitorsC. keep the country safeD. become a road leadi ng to other coun tries49. Which of the followi ng is NOT me ntio ned about the Great Wall?A. It's about 5,500 miles long.B. Three America n preside nts have visited it.C. It is one of the won ders of the world.D. Tho
19、usa nds of people died whe n it was built.BThe tallestbuildi ngin the Un ited States, the One World Trade Cen ter,opened on November 3, 2021 in New York. The building is 1,776 feet tall, making it the 3rd tallest building in the world. It has 104 floors. The building stands in the area where the twi
20、n towers of the World Trade Cen ter once stood. On September11, 2001, a group of terrorists destroyed these twin towers and killed nearly 3,000 people. It took 8 years to build the new One World Trade Center. Does the height of the build ing in feet reminds you of someth ing in history? The nu mber
21、is the year when the United States declared宣布its independence獨立from GreatBrita in.One problem with such a tall buildi ng is how to clea n the win dows. Well, aplatform 平臺 hangs from ropes,and workers on the platformclean windows. OnNovember 12, while two men were busy cleaningwindows, a rope of the
22、platformbroke near the 68th floor. The two men were saved by cutting a hole in the glass win dow.The two tallest buildings in the world are the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAEand the Makkah Royal Clock Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.50. When did the One World Trade Ce nter ope n?A. September 11,2001.B. Sep
23、tember 11,2021.C. November 3, 2006.D. November 3, 2021.51. Who destroyed the twin towers of the World Trade Cen ter?A. A group of young men.B. A group of terrorists.C. A group of workers.D. A group of soldiers.52. "The nu mber" in the first paragraph refers to.A. 8B. 104C. 1,776D. 3,00053.
24、 How were the workers on the platform saved whe n a rope broke?A. By calli ng for help.B. By using a new rope.C. By jumping off the platform.D. By cutt ing a hole in the glass win dow.CI am off on a trip on my own. Yes ! Alon e! I can't wait to get going toEurope to see some cities I really want
25、 to visit. It is great because I can choosewhat I want to do in each city. I am going to travel by train on the Eurorail.The train trip was fast and the views of the coun tryside were amaz ing. NowI am in Salzburg, Austria. The quiet hills of Austria are a great place to relax.The movie The Sound of
26、 Music was filmed around this area. Mozart, the famous musicia n, was from here. I liste ned to some of his classical music.The train ride to Amsterdam was a long one. It gave me time to write somepostcards to send back home. Amsterdam is a fun city, full of friendly locals andmany tourists. I spent
27、 the whole day visitingthe art museums here. The museumabout the famous Dutch artist Van Gogh is filled with history and beautiful art. Itook a boat ride and saw local people in traditi onal dress. I even got to taste some delicious Dutch cheese.Cope nhage n, Denm ark, is one of the safest places in
28、 the world. I spe nt a busy and nice day at the Tivoli Amuseme nt Park. It is a huge park which even has con certs and dance shows. Hans Christia n An ders on, a famous writer of childre n's books, was born in this city. I found a lovely bookshop and bought two of his fairy tale books, The Littl
29、e Mermaid and The Ugly Duckling .My travels alone are done! What an adve nture this trip has bee n! I love it.54. The passage is probably take n from thepart of a magaz ine.A. FoodB. TravelC. SocietyD. Busin ess55. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Salzburg is famous for An
30、 ders on, the great writer.B. The movie The Sound of Music was filmed in Austria.C. Local people in Cope nhage n like weari ng traditi onal dress.D. Amsterdam has a park which has con certs and dance shows.56. Which of the followingwords best describes the writer'sfeeli ng about thetravel?A. Bor
31、ed.B. Brave.C. Lon ely.D. Excited.successful tradi ngDubai is a city of bigbus in ess,expe nsivehotels,),and shopp ing malls. In the early 20th cen tury, Dubai was aport. People from the world stopped in Dubai to do bus in ess.But it was still a small city, and most people lived as fisherme n and bu
32、s in essme n.Then in 1966, oil was discovered. This brought a lot of money into the area, andsoon Dubai bega n to cha nge.Today Dubai is one of the world's most importa nt bus in ess cen ters .In fact,each year the city gets its money mai nly from bus in ess, not oil.RecentlyDubai has attractedm
33、ore and more visitorsfromabroad. They come to relax on its beaches, and every year, millio ns visit just to go shopp ing!also has many man-made islands. 棕桐樹and is very beautiful.One ofThecity is stillan amazing mix 混合體 of peoplefrom differe ntcoun tries.The people from150 countriesliveand work in Du
34、bai,and foreignersnow outnumber Dubai n atives本地人by eight to one!Many people welcome the city's growth. But an increasing number of Dubain atives worry about the speed of cha nge. As a Dubai n ative says, "We must always remember where we came from. Our kids must know we worked very, very h
35、ard to getwhere we are now, and there's a lot more work to do."57. Why did people stop in Dubai in the early 20th cen tury?A. To relax.B. To buy oil.C. To go shopp ing.58. Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A. Dubai has created many man-made isla nds.B. There are many foreigners working in
36、 Dubai.D. To do bus in ess.C. Many intern ati onal visitors come to Dubai every year.D. Dubai now gets money mai nly from selli ng oil.59. What does the un derl ined word "out nu mber" mean?A. To be smaller in size tha n ano ther group.B. To be more in nu mber tha n ano ther group.C. To be
37、 bigger in area tha n ano ther group.D. To be smaller in area tha n ano ther group.60. In the last paragraph, what does the un derl ined part mean?A. We should always visit Dubai.B. We should lear n from foreig ners.C. We must always remember our past.D. We must only think about the future.61. What&
38、#39;s the main idea of the passage?A. Dubai is grow ing very fast.B. Dubai was a big city before 1966.C. Many tall buildi ngs are built i n mon ths.D. Many tourists come to relax on Dubai's beaches.七、短文7選55選5等共4小題;共8分Dubaiis also one of the world's fastest growing cities. Many tall buildi ng
39、s are built in mon ths. The city these, the Palm Jumeirah, is like a palm tree Hello,boys and girls.rmNancy. Doyouhavea beautifulschool?Myschool is not big but very beautiful.Thereare two buildingsinour school.Myclassroom is in Buildi ngA.There are five floors in Buildi ng A. 62.On the other floors,
40、there are some classrooms for stude nts.Ourschool libraryis inBuildi ng B. Ithas,twofloors.There is abighall on the ground floor. 63.On the first floor, there are threereadi ng rooms. The two big ones are for stude nts and the small one is for teachers.Those for studentsare open from 12:00 p.m. to 2
41、:00 pm and from 4:00 p.m. to7:00 p.m. 64.We have less ons from Mon day to Friday. We lear n many subjects at school,like En glish, Chin ese, Maths,Scie nee.History, Geography and Art.65.My home is far away from the school. My mother drives me to school every day. It takes us about half an hour to ge
42、t there.A. The teacher's readi ng room is ope n from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.B. We ofte n have some meeti ngs or in teresti ng activities there.C. I ofte n go to school by bike.D. My favourite subject is Geography because I like travelling and I want toknow more about other places in the world.E.
43、On the ground floor, there is an art room, a computer room and some officesfor our teachers.八、閱讀與表達問答式共5小題;共10分A woma n from Chicago, n amed Judy Gree n, borrowed her n eighbour's car one after noon.On the back seat of the car was a beautiful prese nt box, and shewon dered what might be in sidei
44、t. It was a cold and snowy day and, as Judy wasdrivingalong, she hit a pieceof ice. The car turned round fastandrushedstraight to a tree. Luckily, Judy did n't hit it. However, whe n she tur ned to look at theback seat, shesaw thatthe present box had fallen on thefloor. Judyope ned up the box an
45、d saw a beautiful vase花瓶,broke n into several pieces.Judywas afraid to see what she had done. How could she tell herneighbour that she had broken the vase? Then she noticed thatthe name of thestore was written on the side of the box. So she drove to the store and bought a vase that looked like that. It cost a lot of money, but she knew it was the right thing to do.Afterbuying the vase, Judy decided thatsh
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