1、No, no, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.-And here's the line aga in. - Thank you. Thank you,rm lost! Where's the line?Mr Soil.It just we nt away. What do I do? What do I do?Good job, everybody!-Help! - We'll be stuck here forever!Oh, my. There's quite a gap, Mr Soil.Do not panic. Do not panic!-Sh
2、ould n't we tell the quee n? - 1 don't think we n eedto in volve the quee n in this.We are trained pro fessi on als. Now, stay calm.She's got eno ugh on her p late already, training herWe are going around the leaf.daughter.A-Aro und the leaf? L-I don't thi nk we can do that.Oh, yes.
3、Prin cess Atta, the poor dear.Oh, nonsen se. This is nothing comp ared to the twigOh, win d's died dow n. They'll be here soon.of.-Just be con fide nt, dear. You'll be fine. - There's a gap.That's it. That's it. Good!There's a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?You'
4、;re doing great! There you go. There you go!It's okay, Your High ness. Gaps happen. We just lost aWatch my eyes. Don't look away.few in ches, that's all.Oh. Right.-Ditch Dot! - Yeah, yeah!Hey, come back here!ap hid.I kno w, I know.Your High ness, I can't count whe n you hover like th
5、at.-Dot! - Yes, Mother.Oh, of course. I'm sorry. Go ahead.What did I tell you about tryi ng to fly?Guys, go shade some one else for a while.Not un til my wings grow in.Okay, Atta. Now what do we do?-Right. - But, Mom.Uh. Oh! Don't tell me. I kn ow it. I kn ow it. What is it?Dot, you're a
6、 young queen ant, and your wings are-We relax. - Right.too little to be.Oh, it'll be fin e. It's the same, year after year.I was talkingto Mother. You're not the queen yet,Atta.They come, they eat, they leave. That's our lot in life.It's not a lot, but it's our life.Now, Dot,
7、 be nice to your sister.It's not my fault she's so stressed out.Isn't that right,Aphie? Oh, you're such a cute little-I'm always acti ng like the sky is falli ng. - Look out!-Flik, we don't have time for this. - Exactly! We neverdow n the en tire stalk!you look ing lovely thi
8、s morni ng!-Atta! - Princess Atta! Princess Atta! - Princess Atta!-Oh! - Hey!-Stop that! - What do you thi nk you're doing?-You could have killed somebody over here. - rmsorry!-I'm sorry! - Oh, it's Flik. - Oh.rm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!PI ease forgive me. I
9、'm sorry!-Prin cess Atta! - Flik, what are you doing?Oh! Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvesti ng grain.have time to collect food for ourselves.Because we spend all summerharvestingfor theofferi ng.-But my inventionwill speed up production.- Oh,ano ther inven ti on?-Yeah, andve got somethi
10、ng for you too. - Flik!Since you're gonna be queen, youcould use this tooversee p roduct ion.-Dr Flora, if I may. - This is all very nice, but. - What?-Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew,right? - Flik, please.Wron g! It is, in fact, a telesc ope.No more p ick ing in dividual kern
11、els. You can just cut -It's very clever, Flik, but. - Hello, Prin cess! My, aren'tNot, of course, that you wouldneed a telescopetoHey, Flik! Flik! Wait up!see that.-The food p ile, Your High ness. - Oh, yes, yes.-Is not. - Is too. - Is not. - Is too.-Oh. Hello, Prin cess. - You can call me D
12、ot. Here, youAll right, liste n! The prin cess does n't have timeforforgot this.this!Than ks. You can kee p it. I can make ano ther one.mach in e.You wanna help us fill this thi ng? Then get rid of that -I like your inven ti ons. - Really? Well, you're the first.get back in line and p ick gr
13、ain like everybody else!-rm beginning to think nothing I do works. - This works.-Like everybody else! - Please, Flik. Just go.Great. One success.rm sorry, l-I was. I was really just tryin g.-I'm n ever gonna make a differe nee. - Me, n either.tryi ng to help.rm a royal ant, and I can't even
14、fly yet. I'm too little.Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way eversince I was a pupa.Where were we?-Oh, being little's not such a bad thing. - Yes, it is.-No, it's n ot. - Is too!-Is no t. Is no t. Is not. Oh! - Is too. Is too. Is too.voil a!A seed. I n eed. I n eed a seed. Ahh.This
15、rock will be a tree?Ohh!Seed to tree. You've gotta work with me, all right?Okay.Ah, here, here.You might not feel like you can do much no w.Prete nd. p rete nd that that's a seed.but that's just because, well, you're not a tree yet.-It's a rock. - Oh, I know it's a rock. I kn
16、ow.You just have to give yourself some time. You're still aBut let's just p rete nd for a minute that it's a seed, allseed.right? We'll just use our imagi nati ons.-But it's a rock. - I know it's a rock!Now. Now, do you see our tree?Don't ya thi nk I know a rock whe n 1 s
17、ee a rock?veEveryth ing that made that gia nt tree.spent a lot of time around rocks!is already contained in side this tiny little seed.You're weird, but I like you.All it n eeds is some time, a little bit of sunshine andThey're here.rain, an d.They're here!an thill.Mom! Where are you?No!
18、 No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh!-They're coming! - Run!Oh, no.-Dot! Dot! - Mom! - Sin gle file!Prin cess Atta! Prin cess Atta!-Mom! - Tha nk heave ns!Prin cess Atta!-Food to the offeri ng stone. - Okay, every one, sin glefile.They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat, they leave.Food to t
19、he offeri ng stone and into the an thill. Nowlet's go!Go, go, go, go!Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me.Comi ng through. Excuse me. Excuse me.Sorry, sorry. Comi ng through.Prin cess Atta, there'sCome on. Keep movi n', kee p movi n'! Good.someth ing I n eed to tell you.Okay. T
20、hat's every one.-Not now, Flik. - But, Your Highness,it's about the offeri ng!Hey! Hey, wait for me!-Hey, what's goin' on? - Yeah, where's the food?Get the food to the offering stone, then into theIf it was up there, would I be coming dow n here.Boo!to your level, look ing for it
21、?Where's the food? Huh?-Uh, I. - Why am I even talki ng to you?Hopper.So, where is it?Where's my food?You're not the quee n. You don't smell like the quee n.Sh-She's lear ning to take over for me, Hopper.Oh, I see. Un der new man ageme nt. So it's your fault.-L-l-Is n't i
22、t up there? - What?No, it was n't me. It was.-The food was in a leaf sitt ing on top. - Excuse me.Uh-uh-uh. First rule of leadersh ip: Everyth ing is yourAre you sure it's not up there?fault.-Are you say ing rm stup id? - No.But-But l. - It's a bug-eat-bug world out there,Prin cess.Do I
23、look stupid to you?one of those circle-of-life ki nd of things.-What did you do? - It was an accide nt?Let's just think about the logic, shall we? Let's justthi nk about it for a sec ond.Now, let me tell you how things are supposed towork.that I would n't kill you, I would kill you.The s
24、un grows the food. The ants p ick the food.-And believe me, no one app reciates that more tha n I-The grassh oppers eat the food. - And the birds eatthe grassh oppers.Hey, like the one that n early ate you, you remember?You remember?-Oh, you should've see n it. - Molt.do. - Shut up!I don't w
25、ant to hear another word out of you whilewe're on this isla nd.Do you un dersta nd me?-I said, do you understandme? - Well, how can Ian swer? You said I could n't say ano ther word.This blue jay. He has him halfway down his throat,okay? And Hopp er. Hopp er's kick in' andRemember Ma!
26、scream in', okay?Hey, I'm a comp assi on ate in sect.okay?There's still a few mon ths till the rains come.Aw, come on. It's a great story. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,ow.so you can all just try aga in.But, Hopper, since it's almost the rainy seas on.I swear, if I had n't pro mised Mot
27、her on her deathbed.And rm scared, okay? rm not goin' any wheren ear,we n eed this time to gather food for ourselves.-Huh? - No! But-But-But.Liste n, if you don't kee p your end of the barga in, the nI can't guara ntee your safety.We'll be back at the end of the seas on whe n the las
28、t leaf falls.You ants have a nice summer. Let's ride!Some one could get hurt.What's the matter? You scared of grassh opp ers?-Dot! - You don't like Thum per?Leave her alone!Flik, what do you have to say for yourself?Sorry. L. I'm sorry for the way I am.I did n't mea n for things
29、to go so wrong.I esp eciallydid n't want to make you look bad,You want her? Go ahead. T ake her.Prin cess.No? Then get back in line.-Well, Flik, ya did. - I was just trying to help.And there are in sectsout there that will take adva ntage of you.So let's double the order of food.month digg i
30、ng in the tunn els.Then help us. don't help us.-Hel p? Hel p? Hel p? - Flik, you are sentenced to oneIt seems to me that you ants are forgettingyour p lace.Leave the isla nd?Excuse me, Your High ness. Need I remind you of Flik'stunn el-with in-a-t unnel p roject?Now, why did n't I thi nk
31、of that? Oh! Because it'ssuicide!-Hel pers to help us. That could. That's it! That's. Wecould. - It took the whole engin eeri ngdep artme nt.-She's right! We n ever leave the isla nd. - Never leave!There's sn akes and birds and bigger bugs out there!Exactly! Bigger bugs!-Send him
32、 to Health and Ant Services. - Heave ns, no!We could find bigger bugs to come here and fight.two days to dig him out.and forever rid us of Hopper and his gang!We could leave the island. The river bed's dry right now. We'd just walk right across the river bed.-Ludicrous! - Who would do a craz
33、y thi ng like that?We could go get help ers. We could! We could leave.Sure. We could go find helpers to help us. ril volun teer. I'd be very happy to volun teer.-It's perfect! - P erfect? What's so perfect?You got a lot of spunk, kid, but no on e's gonna help a bunch of ants.Your Hig
34、h ness,don'tyou see? We could sendsome one to get help!At least we could try. Oh, l-I could. I could travel to the city! I could search there!pro mise. - Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. No,forget it. Forget it.If you went, you'd be on that silly search for weeks.-Royal huddle. - Grea
35、t idea, Prin cess. It's p erfect.-Oh, but I should p robablyhelp rep air the damage-Exactly. - Wait a minute.before I go, don't you thi nk? - No! No, no! Justgo.While wekee pharvesti ngto meetHopp er's-Just go. - Just leave!-What did we just decide here? - To let Flik leave.-You see, wit
36、h Flik gone, hecan't. - Hecan't messHey.anything up!Don't worry! The colony is in good hands!Flik, after muchdeliberation,we havedecidedtoBye, now.grant you your request.All right.-Really? - Really? - Uh, really.Hey, fellas. Beautiful mornin', huh?dema nds.Oh, tha nk you, Prin cess.
37、Thank you so much for thischanee.-My dad says he gives youhour before you comeback to the isla nd crying. - Does he, now?L-l-I won'tlet you down, I promise, I promise,-My dad does n't think that. - He does n't, huh?That's right.-Naw, he's bett in' you're gonna die. - Oh.H
38、ere I go. For the colony, and for oppressed ants-Yeah, he says if the heat does n't get ya, the birds will.everywhere!-Well, I think he's gonna make it.Whoa-oh.-Nobody asked you, Your Royal Shortness. - Yeah,Dot. What do you know?-Wow! - Hey!Hey, hey, hey. Ease up, all right? Come on.-Hey, h
39、ey, hey! - Bye, Flik!She's en titled to her opinion too.Wow!Ohh.Wow. Ohh!So go, already.Whoa!-Hey! - The city's that way.Good luck, Flik!-I know. - You're supposedto look for bugs, notBye! Whoa-oh!dan deli ons.Flik!You leave him alone. He knows what he's doing.rm okay!Uh, no refunds
40、after the first two minu tes.-Your dad's right. He's gonna die. - You just watch.Popcorn! Stale popcorn!He's gonna get the bestest, roughest bugs you'veever seen!We're losi n' the audie nee! You clow ns get out therenow!Get back! Get back! Get back, you horrible beast!-I hate
41、 p erform ing on an empty stomach! - Do yourI have no fear!act, Heimlich.-Ooh! - Oh, my good ness.-Then you can eat. - P .T., what's the point?Oh, no!-Not now, Slim. - What's the point of going out there?They'll only laugh at me.-Oh, I'm so sorry, Dim. An owie? - Owie! Owie, owie.-Th
42、at's because you're a clow n! - No, it's because rmPlease show Rosie the owie. All right, Dim. It's okay.a prop!I have bee n in outhouses that did n't st ink that bad.You always cast me as the broom, the po le, the stick, asp li nter.This is ridiculous. What a disa ppoin tme nt!Y
43、ou're a walk ing stick. It's funny!-Oh, no! - You! Come here! I want my money back!-Now go! - You p arasite.-They are poo-poo heads! - Not aga in.Sprin g's in the air.Judgi ng by your breath, you must have bee n buzz in'around a dung hea p all day.And rm a flower with nothinginterest
44、ingto say. Abee!Come on, Fran cis. You're maki ng the maggots cry.I am a cute little bumblebee!All right, we're dyin' out there. Gyp sy, quick! You andMa nny.Here I come!He's in a tran ce.Slow dow n, you flowers!-Well, get him out of it! You and your husba nd are upCandy corn! Here.
45、Here. Let me help you to finish it.now. - Manny, we're on.Hey, cutie! Wanna p oil in ate with a real bug?Oh? Yet aga init is up to me to rescue thep erforma nee.Ooh, come to Papa, yeah!Gyp sy, come.So, bein' a ladybug automatically makes me a girl, isthat it, fly boy? Huh?-The stage is the o
46、ther way, dear. - Yes, of course.-She's a guy! - Fran cis, leave them alone.Any time,p al! rm gonna p ick the hairs out of yourhead one by one!Coming. Coming. Tuck, Roll, let's get moving, guys.-Take your best shot! - You n ame the p lace!We're up n ext.-Oh, yeah? - Yeah, 'cause whe
47、n you get there, you areDon't you un dersta nd? We are up!dead!"U p-a."-Fran cis, let me han dle this. That's no way to sp eak toa lady. - I heard that, you twig.-Hey! - Hey! They don't un dersta nd me.Ladies and gen tleme n, allow me to p rese nt Manto theI sum mon the voice o
48、f Con fucius.Magnificen t.Get off the stage, you old hack!and his lovely assista nt. Gyp sy!I dema nd to know who said that!From the most mysterious regi ons of un charted Asia.How dare you!I give you the Chin ese Cabin et.In grates!of Metam orp hosis!Manny? Ma nny!Rosie, whole troupe. On stage! Fin
49、 ale! Now!I only got hours to live, and I ain't gonna waste it-O-Okay, I just n eed a little time to. - Now!here.Come on.Our p ill bugs' only hope of survival is.rve just about had it with these losers!our mistress of the high wire, Rosie!Flam ing death!Secured to a web line of exact len gth
50、.I hold in my hand the match.Rosie will plum met dow n to these two p osts.the match that decides whether two bugs live or diespinning a web of safety in less tha nsec on ds!this very eve ning.Not good eno ugh, you say? Well, what if they wereIn a mome nt, 1 will light this trail of matches.all.lead
51、i ng to a sheet of flypaper dowsed in lighter fluid!bli ndfolded!Aimed directly at the flypaper are Tuck and Roll.Ladies and gentlemen,may I suggestthat those ofyou.the p ill bug cannon balls!with weak con stitutio ns leave the aren a.The cannon will be triggered by Dim, trained to jumpat the sound
52、of this bell.for this act is so dan gerous.set to go off insec on ds.that if the slightest thing should go wron g.-No! - Go? Okay, through the tunn el.No, Harry, no! Don't look at the light!Whoa!1 can't help it! It's so beautiful!-Okay, that's done! - Whoa!Try not to look like a coun
53、try bug.-P. T! - Oh, no!Ble nd. ble nd in.Rosie!Hey, buggy!-We n eed some water!- Water, water, water, water,What do you exp ect? The guy's a tick.water!Wow! The city!Get me outta here!Wow!Wow!Whoa-whoa-whoa! Hey! Whoa-whoa-whoa!-It's the web. I'm sorry. It's. - You're all fired.
54、Making all stops to the sep tictank,in cludi ng-We got the water! - Here we come, P. T! - We'll savesta nding water.you.empty bea n can and dead rat.Whoa! Bur n 'im aga in!-Watch your stingers.All aboard!-Whoa! - Hey,watch it.Yo! Two Black Flags over here!-Hey! - Get out of the way! - Oh, so
55、rry.-All right. - Hair of the dog you bit.-Watch where you're goin'! - I'm sorry. I did n't meanto do that. I did n't mean Hey, who ordered the poo-poo p latter?Oh, sorry!Here ya go, slick. Enjoy.Oh. I'm really, really sorry.Hey, I said no salt!That was an-an-an ac-ac-accide
56、nt.-Buzz off! - Oh, pardon me, sir. L-I was won deri ng if Icould talk to you for a mome nt.-Hey, let go of me! - I'll show ya who's tough!I rep rese nt a colony of-of an ts,-And stay out! - Tough bugs!and rm look in g.rm look ingfor tough bugs, you-I knew an old lady who swallowed a fly. - Wow!know, mean bugs, the sort of bugs.-Move it! - Whoa!Fired by a flea. how humiliat ing!Hey, waiter! I'm in my soup!Let's face it: We sti nk.rve bee n work in' out. Feel my wing.-You fired
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