



1、地面磚、花崗巖鋪貼施工方案Construction Scheme of Floor tile and Granite tile Installation一、準備工作 Preparations1.彈水平線,確定室內地磚完成面士 0.00 標高。The horiz on tal li ne, make sure in door floor tile fin ish surface elevati on of+ /-0.00.2.水電管線已安裝完畢。Water and electricity line already deployed.二、準備材料 Preparati on of materials

2、1. 425 水泥及中砂,白水泥。425 ceme nt and medium sand and white ceme nt.2. 800*800*25 花崗巖,600*600*25 花崗巖,600*600*12 地磚。800 * 800 * 25 gra nite, 600 * 600 * 25 gra nite, 600 * 600 * 12 floor tile. 二、施工方法:con structi on procedure1、工藝流程 construction process材料準備T彈樓地面面層標高控制線T基層處理T彈線找中 找方鋪貼基準控制標筋鋪貼面層鋪貼踢腳板養(yǎng)護與 成品保護P

3、repare materialBomb the ground floor surface elevation control lineTBase treatmenTBomb lineTLay up the benchmark control standardscreecHlay up surface course Lay up the baseboard Maintenance andprotection for the final product2、鋪貼順序:Tile in stallation order(1) 、大面積施工時,應用分段順序鋪貼。Large area con structi

4、 on, segme nted order pav ing(2) 、對于整個樓層,要先鋪貼獨立房間,再鋪貼通道或走廊。For the entire building, first tile separate rooms, then passgeways orcorridors.(3) 、對于一般房間采用退步法先由房間中部向兩側鋪貼。對于 有獨立柱的大廳,要先鋪貼柱間部分,然后再向兩邊展開。For General rooms, use regression method by laying up from thecentral to both sides. For the great hall

5、with independent column, firsttile colu mn secti on, the n expa nd to both sides.(4) 、所有房間先鋪貼整塊板材,非整塊板材最后鋪貼。地面鋪貼完后再鋪貼踢腳板。All the rooms firstly paved with block plate ,or tile at last. Skirti ngboard tiled after the ground .3、鋪貼方法:Tile in stallation method(1)、以提前做好的標筋為基準,首排板材兩邊掛線,首排鋪貼 好后可單邊掛線。Baseed

6、on marking screed made before, the first row plate hang line onboth sides , after the first raw is tiled , it can be hang line on one side.(3)、結合層與板材面層應分段同時鋪砌。先進行試鋪,將干硬 性水泥砂漿攤鋪到鋪貼部位刮平, 其厚度要適宜, 然后將板材平 鋪到干硬性水泥砂漿上 (干硬程度以手捏成團 ,落地即散為宜 ), 用橡皮錘用力敲擊板面,使攤鋪的干硬性水泥砂漿結合層密實, 并且使板材表面低于地面標高控制線 2-5mm。Combined course

7、 and plate surface course should be tiled at the same time.First trial laying, flat the rigid cement mortar to the paving part, and itsthickness should be appropriated. Then tile the plank to dry, rigid cementmorta (Advisable degree of dry is can be kneaded together, and scatteredwhen dropped on lan

8、d ). Use a rubber mallet hard strike the board to makethe paving dry rigid cement mortar layer combination is close-grained, andmake the surface 2-5 mm below the ground elevation control sheet.(4)、試鋪合適后,將板材揭起,在密實的干硬性水泥砂漿結合 層上撒布一層干水泥面并用噴壺淋水一遍, 或澆一層水泥漿作粘 結,然后將板材再原位置再次安放。After appropriate trial paving,

9、lift up the plate.Spread a layer of drycement to the dry, rigid close-grained cement mortar,and wet it onceby the watering can, or water a layer of cement paste for mud bonding,then put the plate back at the position.再次安放時, 板材四角要同時下落, 放穩(wěn)后用橡皮錘敲擊板面使其平整并與結合層能緊密年粘接牢固,板材表面與地面標高控制線吻合便完成一塊板材鋪貼,再依次鋪貼下一塊。Whe

10、n placed aga in, four corn ers of the pla nk should be dropped at thesame time. After layed down steadily ,use a rubber hammer to strike it tomake it flat and bonded firmlywith the combined course .The plank pav ingis done whe n the pla nk surface is coin cided with the elevatio n of the ground con

11、trol, the n pave the next one .鋪貼時要隨時找平找直,做到四角平整,縱橫縫隙對齊。When pav ing ,be sure that it is flat and straight. Make sure the four cornersflat, and vertical and horizontal crack aligned.三、質量要求 Quality requirements1、大理石,花崗石 Marble, granite1.1 主控項目 Dominant item(1)面層與下一層應結合牢固無空鼓。Surface course should be c

12、ombined firmly with the next one , withoutany gaps.(2)四角平整,縱橫縫隙對齊、無色差。Four corners flat, vertical and horizontal crack aligned, colorlessdiffere nee.1.2 一般項目 Ge neral item(1)大理石,花崗石面層的表面應潔凈,平整,無磨痕,且應 圖案清晰,色澤一致,接縫均勻,周邊順直,鑲嵌正確,板塊 無裂、掉角、缺棱等缺陷。The surface of Marble and granite should be clean,flat, no g

13、rinding mark,and clear pattern , consistent color, juncture uniform, straight surrounding,right Mosaic, plates without broken corners, no crack defects such as lackof edges.(2)踢腳線表面潔凈,高度一致,結合牢固,出墻厚度一致。The surface of the baseboard should be clean, and consistent inheight, firmly combined, and with co

14、nsistent wall thickness.(3)樓梯踏步和臺階板塊的縫隙寬度應一致,齒角整齊,樓層 階段相鄰踏步,高度差不應大于 10mm。The stair tread and step plate should be consistent in gap width, andtidy tooth angles. The floor stage should be adjacent to the tread ,ang the height difference should be no more than 10 mm.(4)大理石和花崗石面層的允許偏差應符合:The deviation

15、of marble and granite surface layer should be allowedto meet:、表面平整度:1.2mm、縫格平直:1.2mm接縫高低差:0.8mm踢腳線上口平直:1.2mm板塊間隙寬度:1.2mm Surface evenness:1.2mm Seam case straight 1.2mm Juncture height differenee Skirting line flat side : 1.2mm Plategap width: 1.2mm2、地面磚Floor tile2.1 主控項目: Dominant item(1 )面層與下一層的結合

16、(粘結)應牢固,無空鼓。Surface course should be combined firmly with the next one , withoutany gaps.2)四角平整,縱橫縫隙對齊,無色差Four corners flat, vertical and horiz on tai crack alig ned, colorlessdiffere nee.2.2 一般項目:Ge neral item(1)磚面層的表面應潔凈,圖案清晰,色澤一致,接縫平整,深淺 一致,周邊順直,板塊無裂紋,掉角和缺損等缺陷。The surface of brick layer should be

17、 clean,flat, no grinding mark, and clearpatter n , con siste nt color, jun cture uni form, straight surro unding, rightMosaic, plates without broken corners, no crack defects such as lack ofedges.(2) 面層鄰接處的鑲邊用料及尺寸應符合設計要求, 邊角整齊,光滑。The edge materials and dime nsions of surface course adjace nt sidesho

18、uld meet the design requirement, with tidy corners and smooth.(3)地板磚間隙寬度:1.2 以內伽。Floor brick gap width: less than 1.2 mm.(4) 踢腳線表面應潔凈,高度一致,結合牢固,離墻厚度一致。The surface of the baseboard should be clean, and consistent inheight, firmly comb in ed, and with con siste nt wall thick ness.(5) 面層表面的坡度應符合設計要求,不倒流水,無積水,與 地漏,管道結合處應嚴密牢固無滲漏。The slope of surface course shouldneet the desig n requireme nt, oninverse flow, no no stagnant water.The junction with floor drain,and pipeshould be closely solid with no leaka


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