1、The Longman Defining VocabularyWords used in the definitions in this dictionaryAll the definitions in this dictionary have been written using the words in this list. If a definition includes a word that is not in the list, that word is shown in small capital letters.The Defining Vocabulary has been
2、carefully chosen after a thorough study of all the well-known frequency lists of English words. Furthermore, only the most common and entral meanings of the words in the list have actually been used in definitions. We have also used a special computer program that checks every entry to ensure that w
3、ords from outside the Defining Vocabulary do not appear in definitions.Word class restrictionsFor some words in the list, a word class label such as n or adj is shown. This means that this particular word is used in definitions only in the word class shown. So anger, for example, is used only as a n
4、oun and not as a verb. But if no word class is shown for a word, it can be used in any of its usual word classes: answer, for example, is used in definitions both as a noun and as a verb.Compound wordsDefinitions occasionally include compound words formed from words in the Defining Vocabulary, but t
5、his is only done if the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word businessman (formed from business and man is used in some definitions.Prefixes and suffixesThe main list is followed by a list of common prefixes and suffixes. These can be added to words in the main list to form derived word
6、s, provided the meaning is completely clear. For example, the word nervousness (formed by adding -ness to nervous is used in some definitions.Phrasal verbsPhrasal verbs formed by combining words in the Defining Vocabulary (for example, put up with are not used in definitions in the dictionary, excep
7、t in a very small number of cases where the phrasal verb is extremely common and there is no common equivalent. So, for example, give up (as in give up smoking and take off (as in the plane took off are occasionally used.Proper namesThe Defining Vocabulary does not include the names of actual places
8、, nationalities, religions, and so on, which are occasionally mentioned in definitions.Pearson Education Limited 1999 aabbreviation abilityableaboutabove adv, prep abroad absence absent adj accept acceptable accident accidental according to account n achieve achievement acidacrossactactionactiveacti
9、vityactor, actress actualactuallyaddaddition additional address adjective admiration admireadmitadultadvanced advantage adventure n adverb advertise advertisement adviceadvise affectaffordafraidafter adv, conj, prepafternoonafterwardsagainagainstage nagoagreeagreementaheadaimair naircraftairportalco
10、holaliveall adv, pron, determiner, pre-determiner allowalmostalonealongalphabetalreadyalsoalthoughalwaysamongamount namuseamusementamusinganancient adjandanger nangle nangryanimalannounceannoyanother answer anxiety anxious anyanyone anything anywhere apart apartment appear appearance apple approval
11、approve areaargue argument arm narmyaround arrange arrangement arrival arrive art article artificial asas opposed to ashamed askasleep association atatomattackattempt attend attention attitude attract attractive authority autumn available average adj, n avoidawake adj away adv awkward babyback adj,
12、adv, n background backward(s adv badbag nbake vbalanceball nband nbank nbar nbase n, vbasicbasketbath nbattle n beach nbeakbeam nbeanbearbeatbeautifulbeautybecause becomebedbeerbeforebeginbeginning behave behaviour behind adv, prep beliefbelowbelt nbendbeneath beside(s bestbetter adj, adv between be
13、yond adj, adv bicycle nbig adjbillbirdbirthbitbitebitter adjblack adj, n bladeblameblind adjblockbloodblowblueboard nboatbodyboilbombbone nbook nboot nborder nboredboringbornborrowboth bowl n box nboybrain n branch n brave adj bread break v breakfast n breast breath breathe breed brickbridge n brigh
14、t bringbroad adj broadcast v brother brown adj, n brush build v building bullet burnburst v burybusbush business busybut conj butter n button n buy vby prep cake n calculate calm adj cameracapital ncarcardcarecarefulcarelesscarriagecarrycase ncastlecatcatch vcattlecauseceilingcelebratecellcentralcen
15、tre ncenturyceremonycertain adj, determiner chain nchair nchance nchangecharacterchargechase vcheapcheat vcheckcheek ncheerfulcheesechemicalchemistrychequechestchickenchiefchildchildren choosechurch n cigarette cinemacircle ncircular ad j citizencityclaim vclass nclayclean adj, v clear adj, v clever
16、cliffclimb vclock nclose adj, adv, v clothclothesclothingcloud nclub ncoalcoast ncoat ncoffeecoin ncold adj, n collar ncollect vcollegecolourcomb combination combine v comecomfort comfortable command committee common adj communicatecomparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complet
17、e completely complicated compound n computer concern v concerning concert condition n confidence confident confuse confusing connect connection conscious consider consist contain container continue continuous contract n control conversation cook n, v copycorncorner n correct adj, v cost could counci
18、l n count v country n countryside courage course n court n cover cow n crack n, v crash n, v crazy cream n creature crime criminal criticism criticize crop n cross n, v crowd cruel crush v crycup n cupboard cure curlcurrent n curtain n curve custom n customer cutcycle v daily adj, adv damage dance d
19、anger dangerous dark date n daughter day dead adjdeathdebtdecay deceive decide decision decorate decoration decrease deep adj defeat defence defend definite definitely degree delay deliberate adj deliberately delicate deliver demand department depend dependent depth describe description desert n des
20、erve design desirable desiredeskdestroy destruction detail n determination determined develop dictionary die v difference different dig vdinnerdirectdirectiondirtdirty adjdisappointdisappointingdiscoverdiscoverydiscussdiscussiondisease ndish ndismissdistancedistantdividedo vdoctor ndocument ndog ndo
21、llardoordouble adj, v, pre-determiner doubtdown adv, prepdraw vdrawerdreamdress n, vdrinkdrive n, vdropdrug ndrum ndrunk pastpart, adjdryduck ndull adjduringdust nduty eacheagerearearlyearnearth neasteastern easy adj eateconomic edge n educate educated education effect n effective efforteggeighteith
22、erelbowelect v election electric electricity electronic else embarrass embarrassing emotion emphasize employ v employer employment empty adj, v enclose encourage endenemy energy engine engineer n enjoy enjoyable enjoyment enoughenterentertain entertainment entrance n envelope environment equal adj,
23、n equipment escape especially establisheven adj, adv eveningeventevereveryeveryone everything everywhere evilexact adjexactly examination examine example excellentexcept conj, prep exchangeexciteexcitingexcuseexerciseexistexistenceexpect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosionexpr
24、ess vexpressionextreme adjeye facefactfactory fail vfailure fair adj fairlyfaithfaithful adj fallfalse familiar family famous farfarmfarmer fashion n fashionable fast adj, adv fasten fatfather n fault n favourable favourite adj fear n feather n feature n feed v feel v feeling(s female fence n feverf
25、ewfield n fifthfightfigure n fill vfilmfinal adjfinallyfinancialfind vfind outfine adjfinger nfinish vfirefirm adjfirst adj, determiner fishfit adj, vfivefix vflag nflame nflash n, vflat adjfleshflightfloat vfloodfloor nflour nflowflower nfly n, vfoldfollowfondfoodfoot nfootballfor prepforceforeignf
26、oreignerforgetforgive fork nformformalformer fortunate forward(s adv four(th frame n freefreedom freeze v frequent adj fresh friendly frighten frightening fromfront adj, n fruit nfull adjfunfuneralfunnyfur nfurniture further adj, adv future gain v game n garage n garden gas n gategather v general ad
27、j generally generous gentle gentleman getgiftgirlgive v gladglass adj, n gluego vgoatgodgoldgood goodbye goods govern government graceful gradual graingram grammar grand adj grandfather grandmother grandparent grass n grateful grave n great adj green greet greeting grey adj, n ground n group n growg
28、rowth guard v guess v guest n guideguiltygun n habit hair half hall hammer n hand n handle hang v happen v happy hard hardly harm harmful hat hate v hatred have he head n health healthy hear heart heat heaven heavy adj heel n height hello help helpful her(s here herself hide v high adj, adv hillhimh
29、imself hishistorical history hithold vholeholiday n hollow adj holyhome adv, n honest honour n hook n hope hopeful hornhorse n hospital hot adj hotelhourhouse n how adv human humorous humour hundred(th hungry hunt vhurryhurt v husband n ice n idea if ignore ill adj illegal illness image imaginary im
30、agination imagine immediatelyimportance important impressive improve improvement in adv, prep include including income increase independent indoor(s industrial industry infect infection infectious influence v inform information injureinjuryink ninnerinsect inside instead institution instruction inst
31、rument insult vinsulting insurance insure intelligence intelligent intendintention interest interesting international adj interruptintointroduce introduction inventinvitation invite vinvolveinwardsiron adj, n islandit pronitsitself jaw jewel jewellery job join joint joke journey n judge judgement ju
32、ice jump just adv justicekeen keep v key n kick kill v kilo kilogram kilometre kind king kiss kitchen knee n kneelknife n knock v knot know v knowledge lackladylakelamblamplandlanguagelargelast adv, determinerlatelatelylaughlaughterlawlawyerlay vlayer nlazylead vleaf nlean vlearnleastleatherleave vl
33、eftleg nlegallendlength adv, pron, determiner lesslessonlet vlet go ofletterlevel adv, adj, nlibrarylidlielie down lifeliftlightlike prep, v likely limitline nlionlipliquid list nlisten v literature litrelittlelive vloadlocal adj locklonely long adj, adv look n, v look after look for look sth up loo
34、se adj lord n loselosslotloudlovelow adj lower loyalloyalty luck n lucky lung machine n machinery magazine magicmailmain adj make v make into make up v maleman n manage manager manner manymap nmarch v markmarket n marriage married marrymass n match material n mathematics mattermay vmemealmean v mean
35、ing n means measure measurement meatmedical adj medicine meet v meeting meltmember memory mental mention v message metal n method metre middle might v milemiliary adj milk n million(th mindmine n, pron mineral minister n minute n mirror n miss v mist n mistake n mix v mixture model n modern adj mome
36、nt money monkey n month moon n moral adj more morning mostmother n motor adj, n mountain mouse mouth n move v movement much mud multiply murdermuscle n music musician must v my mysterious mystery nailnamenarrow adjnastynationnational adjnatural adjnaturenavynear adj, adv, prep nearlyneatnecessarynec
37、kneedneedle nnegative adj neithernerve nnervousnet nnetwork nnevernewnewsnewspaper next adj, adv nicenightnineninthno adv, determiner noise nnone pron nonsenseno onenornormalnorthnorthernnose nnotnote nnothingnoticenoticeablenounnownowherenumber nnurse nutobeyobject n obtain occasion n ocean o clock
38、 ofoff adv, prep offence offend offensive adj offer officeofficerofficial oftenoil noldold-fashioned on adv, prep once adv oneoniononlyopen adj, v operate operation opinion opponent opportunity oppose as opposed to opposite opposition ororange orderordinary organ originoriginal otheroughtour(sout ad
39、j, adv outdoor(s outeroutside over adv, prep oweownowneroxygen pack v package page n pain npainful paintpainting pair npale adj pan npaper n parallel adj, n parent park parliament part n participle particular adj partlypartner n party n pass v passage passenger pastpath pattern n pause pay payment p
40、eace peaceful pen npence pencil n people n pepper n per cent perfect adj perform performance perhaps period n permanent permission person personal persuade pet npetrol photograph phrase npick up picture n piece n pig n pile n pilot n pinpink adj, n pipe n pityplace plain adj, n plan plane n plant pl
41、astic plate n play pleasant please pleased pleasure n plenty pron plural pocket n poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole n police n polish v polite political politician politics pool n poor popular population possess possession possible adj possibly possibility postpot npotatopound n p
42、ourpowder n power n powerful practical practice practise praiseprayprayerprefer preparation prepare present adj, n preserve v president press v pressure n pretend pretty adj prevent previous price n priestprince principle printprison prisoner private adj prize n probably adj problem process nprofess
43、ion profit n programme progress n promise pronounce pronunciation proof n proper property proposal protect protection protective prove provide public pullpump punish punishment pupil pure purple purpose n push put quality quantity quarrel quarter n queen n question quick adj quiet adj, n quite rabbi
44、t n race radio n railway rain raise v range n rank n rapid adj rare rat n rate n rather raw reach v react reaction read v ready adj real really reason reasonable receive recent recently recognize record n, v redreduce reduction refusal refuse v regard v regular adj related relative relation relation
45、ship relaxremainremark n remember remindremove v rentrepairrepeat vreplacereplyreport represent representative n request n respect responsible restrestaurant restrictresultreturn n, v rewardricerichridride riseriskriverroadrobrock nroll vromantic adjroof nroom nroot nrope nroserough adjround adj, ad
46、v, prep rowroyal adjrub vrubberruderuin vrulerulerrunrush v sadsafe adj safety sailsalesalt n same sand n satisfaction satisfactory satisfy save v say v scale n scatter v school nsciencescientificscientistscissorsscreen nscrewseasearchseason nseatsecond adv, n, determiner secretsecretarysee vsell vs
47、endsense n sensible sensitive sentence n separate adv, v seriesseriousservantserveservice n set n, vsettle v seven(th severalseveresex nsexualshadeshadow n shakeshallshame n shapesharesharp adj shesheepsheetshelfshell nsheltershine vshinyship nshirtshock n, v shocking shoe nshoot vshopshore nshort a
48、dj shoulder n shout show n, v shut shy sick adj side n sideways sight n sign signal silence n silent silksilly silver similar simple since sincere n sing single adj singular sink v sister sit situation six(th size n skilful skill skin n skirt n sky n sleep slide v slight adj slippery slope slow smal
49、l smell smile smokesosoap nsocial adjsocietysock nsoftsoil nsoldier nsolidsolutionsolvesome pron, determiner somehowsomeonesomethingsometimes somewheresonsongsoonsore adjsorrysort nsoulsound n, vsoupsour adjsouthsouthernspace nspeakspecial adjspecificspeechspeed nspell vspendspin vspirit nin spite o
50、fsplit vspoil vspoon nsport n springsquare adj, n stage nstairstampstand v standard star nstartstatestatement station nstaysteady adj steal vsteam nsteel nsteep adj stem nstepstickstickystiff adjstill adj, adv stingstitchstomach n stone nstopstorestorm nstorystraight adj, adv strangestream nstreetst
51、rengthstretch vstrictstrike vstring nstrongstructure n strugglestupid style n subject n substance succeed success successful such suck v sudden suffer sugar n suggest suit suitable sum n summer sun n suppose sure adj surface n surprise surprising surround v swallow v swear sweep v sweet swell v swim swing sword sympathetic sympathy system table n tail ntake v talktalltastetaxtaxi nteateach team n tear technical telephone television telltemper n temperatu
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