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1、102016 年上半年英語學(xué)科知識與教學(xué)能力·初級中學(xué)真題試卷( 時間120 分鐘滿分 150 分)一、單項選擇題 (本大題共 30 小題 , 每小題2 分, 共 60 分)在每小題列出的四個備選項中選擇一個最佳答案。1. walnut treesenvironment stresses such as drought by producing significantamounts of a substance similar to aspirin.a. turn tob. confirm toc.contribute tod. respond to2. john f el tgr

2、eatabouthi s upcomi ng tr i p t o s i dney;i ndeed,he coul d har dl y contain hisenthusiasm.a. unrestb. uncertaintyc.anxietyd. excitement3. the professor s classroom manner was quite,never revealing the warmth and playfulness she showed in private.a. livelyb.amiablec.formald. cheerful4. agai n asi n

3、 t hi s exper i ment ,he di dn tl ose heart .a. he failedb. did he failc. he did faild. had he failed5. taiwan liesthe east of fujian and is larger thanisland in china.a. t o;anyb.i n;anyc.t o;any ot herd.i n;any ot her6. johnson i s a man ofgr eatexperi ence,much can be l ear ned.a. for whomb. for

4、whichc.from thatd. from whom7. which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal cases?a. his brother is mybestfriend.b. they help oneanother intheir work.c. they have been in thecountrysiderecently.d. she thought herselfbetterthan anyoneelse.8. the phrase “” exemplifiestheincomplet

5、eplosionat thejunctionof words.a. good morningb. black shirtc.delicious cherryd. beautifuljacket9. the synonymous pair“” differ in degree of formality.a. pass away and pop offb. accuse and chargec. prison and jaild. tap and faucet10. when usi ng t he i mper at i ve “ tur n i toff ”t o gi ve an or de

6、r ,t he speaker hi ghlight s theof theutterance.a. locutionary actb. illocutionary actc. perlocutionary actd. indirect speechact11. fluentand appropriate language use requires knowledge ofand this sug- gests that we should teach lexical chunks rather than single words.a. connotationb. denotationc. m

7、orphologyd. collocation12. “ underlining all the past form verbs in thedialogue ” is a typical exercise focusing on.a. useb. formc.meaningd. function13. which of the following activities may be more appropriate to help studentspractice anew structure immediately after presentation inclass?a. role pl

8、ay.b. group discussion.c.pattern drill.d. written homework.14. when teaching students how to give appropriate responses to a congratulation or anapol ogy,t he t eacheri s pr obabl yt eachi ng at.a. lexical levelb. sentence levelc. grammatical leveld. discourse level15. which of the following activit

9、ies can help develop the skill of listening for gist?a. listen and find out where jim lives.b. listen and decide on the best title for the passage.c. listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.d. listen to pairs of words and tell if they are the same.16. whenan efl teacherasks hisstudents “

10、 howdo you know thatthe authorliked thepl ace si ncehedi dnott ellusexplici t l y?”,he / shei s hel pi ngst udent st or eachcomprehension.a. literalb. evaluativec.inferentiald. appreciative17. which of thefollowingtypesof questions are mostly usedfor checking literal com- prehension of thetext?a. di

11、splay questions.b. rhetorical questions.c. evaluation questions.d. referential questions.18. which of the following is a typical feature of informalwriting?a. a well-organized structure ispreferred.b. short and incomplete sentences are common.c. technical terms and definitions are required.d. a wide

12、 range of vocabulary and structural patterns areused.19. peer-editing during class is an important step of theapproach to teaching.a. genre-basedb. content-basedc. process-orientedd. product-oriented20. portf olios,daily report s and speech deliver i ng ar e ty pi calmeans of.a. norm-referenced test

13、b. criterion-referenced testc. summative assessmentd. formative assessment閱 讀 passage 1,完成第21 25 小 題 。passage 1sant e fe, new mexi co mul t i milli onai r e forr est fenn has al ways l oved a good ad- vent ur e. as a small chil d bef ore ei ght , he and hi s br ot her, s ki ppy spent summer vac a- t

14、ions making exploration in yellowstone national park.as a t een,fenni dolizedt hedecor at edwor l d warf i ght er pilot , calledrobi n olds and latteremulatedhishero duringthe vietnam war as an air fighterpilotto go tonew mexi coandsett l edt her easanart sandant i quesdeal er ,hunt i ngdownval uabl

15、 e pai nt i ngs,rugs,war memor abilia,and ot her ant i que t o sell.i n 1998,fenn was di agnosed wi t h t ermi nalki dney c ancer .as he had al ways been doi ng,he concei ved a gr and advent ur e t hat he assumed woul d be hi s l astone. “ iwan-t ed t o cr eat e some exci t ement ,some hope,bef or e

16、 idi ed,” says fenn,82,addi ng t hat he alsowanted to “ get kidsoutof thegame room and offthe couch.” with thoseideasi n hi s mi nd,he st art ed t o devi se a tr easur e hunt .li tt l e by litt l e,fenn began st ocki ng a smallbronze chest wi t h gol d coi ns, prehi s-t ori c br ac el et s and ot he

17、rval uabl e t hi ngs.whenhi s canc erwenti nt o r emi ssi on i n 1993,he decided he would carry out his plan anyway.i n 2010,fenn t opped offt he c hestwi t h j ewel s and val uabl e st ones and hi di tsome-wher e deepi nt herockymount ai ns,nort hofs ant efe.lat er t hatyear ,hewr ot ea poem f orhi

18、 s sel f - published memoi r ,the thr illof thechase.i tcont ai ned ni necl ues a-boutt he tr easur e box s wher eabout s.one st anza r eads like t hi s:begi n i twher e warm wa-t er s hal t / and t ake i ti n t hecanyon down / notf ar ,butt oo f art o wal k / puti n bel ow t hehome of brown.a f ew

19、mont hs l at er ,a st ory about t he tr easur e appear ed i n a magazi ne.s i nce t hen,fenn has received thousands of e-mails from treasure hunters. somerequestmore cluest o t he box.but most l y “peopl e t hanked me f or br i ngi ng t hei rf amily t oget her ,”he says with a self-comforting smile

20、onhis face.i n apr il,fenn t ol d a crowd atan al buquer que bookst ore t hatt wo gr oups of tr eas-ure hunt er s had gott en wi t hi n 500 f eetoft he chest .“ they wal k ed r i ghtby i t ,”he sai d.fenn isconfidentthatthetreasurewillbe unearthedeventuallyand says itwilltake therightcombinationof c

21、unningand perseverance.“ itwillbe discovered by someone who has read the clues carefullyand successfully. but nobody is going to happen uponi t ,”he pr edi ct s.he hopes that whoever finds the loot will relish the riches and theadventure of finding them.21. who was a fighter pilot during the vietnam

22、 war according to the passage?a. skippy.b. robin olds.c.sante fe.d. forrestfenn.22. which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase“ toppedoff ” in paragraphfive?a. filled.b.covered.c.fixed.d. decorated.23. why did fenn design a treasure hunt after he was diagnosed withcancer?a

23、. he enjoyed adventures and couldnt help doingit.b. he wanted to help himself and game- and telly-addicted kids.c. he wanted to get the kids out of the game room to play withhim.d. he t houghti tcoul d br i ng hi m hope,exci t ementand a l ongerlif e.24. what did fenn enjoy most from treasure hunter

24、s according to the passage?a. their requests about moreclues.b. their tremendous interest in the game.c. their news about getting their family closer.d. their numerous emails about theirperseverance.25. what does the underlined word“ it ” in the last but two paragraph refer to?a. the riches.b. the t

25、reasure.c. the adventure.d. the treasurediscovery.閱 讀 passage 2,完成第26 30 小 題 。passage 2the ancientgreekphilosopherpythagorasisbestknown todayforhis mathematicalt heor em,whi ch haunt s t he dr eams ofmany geometryst udent s,but f or cent uri es he was alsocelebratedas the fatherof vegetarianism.a me

26、atlessdiet was referred to as a“ py-t hagor ean di et ”f oryear s,up unt ilt he moder nveget ar i an movementbegan i nt he mi d-1800s.while pyt hagor aswasanear l ypr oponentofameat l essdi et ,humans havebeen vegetarians since well before recorded history. most anthropologistsagree thatearlyhu- man

27、s woul dhaveeat enapr edomi nant l ypl ant - baseddi et ;aft erall,pl ant scan tr un away.addi t i onally,ourdi gest i vesyst ems r esembl e t hose ofher bi vor es cl osert han car -ni vorous ani mal s.pr ehi st ori cmanat emeat ,ofc our se,butpl ant sf ormed t hebasi sofhis diet.pyt hagor asandhi s

28、manyf ollower spract i cedveget ar i ani smf or sever alr easons,mainlydue toreligiousand ethicalobjections.pythagoras believedalllivingbeings had soul s.ani mal swer enoexcept i on,someat andf i shwer ebani shedfr omhi st abl e.str angel y enough,he al so bani shed a veget abl e t hat has a pl ace

29、of honor on most vege- t ar i an menus t oday, t he humbl e bean. hi s f oll ower s wer e f or bi dden t o eat or even t ouch beans, because he t hought beans and humans wer e cr eat ed fr om t he same mat er i al . fava beans wer e espec i all y bad, as t hey have holl ow st eams t hat coul d all o

30、w t he soul s of the dead to travel up from the soil into the growing beans.whilet heedi ctagai nstbeanswaslift ednotl ongaft er pyt hagor asdeat h,hi s followers continued to eat a meatless diet. hisprinciplesinfluencedgenerationsofaca-demi cs and r eligi ous t hi nker s,andi t was a gr oup of t he

31、se like- mi nded i ndi vi dual s who founded the vegetariansociety in english in the mid-1800s. the virtues of temper-ance,abst i nence and sel f - contr olwer e allt i ed t o veget ar i an i deal s,while l ust ,dr unken-ness and generalhooliganismallresultedfrom a diettoo richin meat products.notab

32、le ear l y veget ar i ans i nc l udedl eo tol st oy,geor ge ber nard shaw,mahatma gandhiand a-mer i canbr onsonal cott ,atr anscendent alistt eac her ,ref ormerandt he f at herof “ littl e women” author louisa may alcott.itwasnt untilthe 1960sthatvegetarianismmoved intomainstreamamerican lifeand the

33、 movement sgrowth pickedup speed in the 1970s when a younggraduate studentnamed fr anci s moor e lappe wr ot e a book c alled di et f or a small plan et. i n i t ,she ad-vocat ed a meat l ess di etnotf oret hi calormor alr easons,but because pl ant - based f oodshave muchl essi mpactont he envi ronmentt hanmeatdoes.today,many v


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