1、從習(xí)語中看翻譯和文化的關(guān)系以及影響文化的因素The Relation between Translation andCulture from the Aspect of Idioms and the Factors which In flue nee the CultureAck no wledgme ntsThis thesis con cludes my postgraduate study in Henan Normal Un iversity.I wouldlike to express my sin cere appreciati on to the professors in th
2、e College ofForeig n Lan guage, whose precise ness and strict ness set a good example for me in the future academic career. I felt gratitude especially goes to my supervisor ,Guo Yin gzhe n ,whose illu min at ing in structi on and endless assistaneehavegreatlyconduced to the acplishment of thisthesi
3、s.I ' malsovery grateful to the teachers who have taught mein various ways during thecourse of my study for the bachelor' s would like to thankProfessor Guo Yin gzhe nand other professors in the Faultyof Foreig nin stituti on who in spired me a lot.Last but not least, I con tribute this arti
4、cle to my dearfamily for their help duri ng my college life.摘要翻譯是一個復(fù)雜的過程,對于文化翻譯尤其如此。一般來說,翻譯涉及語 言以及文化。譯者應(yīng)該知道外國文化以及文化自己的人民。此外,譯者應(yīng)連續(xù)比較兩種文化之間的等價獲得意義。翻譯的主要任務(wù)是翻譯源語言到目標(biāo)語言。如何消除不同文化之間的語言障礙,如何傳達源語言的意義的重點到底是不同國家 的人。本文說明了不同文化的影響已經(jīng)在翻譯。文能從不同的方面分析:如思維的差異,心理學(xué)的文化之間的差異,不同的宗教、環(huán)境和生活環(huán)境不同的人,等等。翻譯是一個復(fù)雜的過程,它是關(guān)于文化翻譯尤其如此。一般來
5、說,翻譯涉 及語言以及文化。譯者應(yīng)該知道外國文化以及文化自己的人民。此外,譯者應(yīng)連續(xù)比較兩種文化之間的等價獲得意義。翻譯的主要任務(wù)是翻譯源語言到目標(biāo)語 言。如何消除不同文化之間的語言障礙,如何傳達源語言的意義。本文說明了不同文化的影響已經(jīng)在翻譯。文能從不同的方面分析:如思維的差異,心理學(xué)的文化 之間的差異,不同的宗教、環(huán)境和生活環(huán)境不同的人,等 等。關(guān)鍵字:翻譯;文化意識;文化和思維;文化差別;習(xí)語AbstractTranslation is a plex process, especially whenwe translatetheculturaltext. Gen erally speak
6、 ing ,tra nslati oninvo Ives Ian guage as well asculture.A translator should know foreign culture as well as the culture of hisown people. Moreover ,a translatorshould makecontinuous parisons betweenthetwo culturesfor gett ing the equivale nee meaning . The major taskoftranslationis to translate the
7、 source Ianguage to the target IanguageHow toget rid of the Ian guage barrier betwee n differe nt culture, how to convey themeaning of the source Ianguage exactly is the focus of the people in differe ntcoun tries.This thesis illustrate the in flue nces of differe ntcultures haveupon translation.Wen
8、can analysis it from differentaspects:such as thedifferenee of thinking, the psychology of culture, the differeneebetweendifferentreligion,the environment and livingsurro undings of differe ntpeople, and so on.Key Words: translation;the consciousnessof culture; culture and thinking;cultural differe
9、nee; idiomsTable of ContentsAck no wledgme nts I摘要Abstract IIITable of Contents IVIn troducti on1PART ONE THE CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION AND CULTUREThe con cept of tran slati on3The con cept of culture 5PART TWO THE FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE CULTUREReligio n7The psychology of culture 8The way of thinking
10、9differe nt ways of life10Geographical en vir onment14Geographical en vir onment15PART THREE BETWEEN CULTURE AND TRANSLATIONCONSLUSIONS8Bibliography 19In troductio nThis article contains the concept of translationand the concept of aimof translation is to making munication. Human' s social devel
11、opment andprocess need translation andhuman' s social development and progressshould makem uni cati on betwee n differe nt n atio ns, and duri ng the process ofmunication,translationis indispensable.Translation,as an culturalphe nomenon ,th inking activity, related to the era and social backgro
12、und all in is to ren der the meaning of a text into ano ther Ian guage in the waythe author inten ded the text. Tran slatio n is an art that invo Ivesthere-creation of a work in anotherIanguage for readers with adifferentbackground.Culture is a very broad concept, to give it arigorous and precisedef
13、inition is a very difficultthing.Manyphilosophers,sociologists,anthropologists,historians and linguistshave been trying to define theconcept of culture from the perspective of the respectivediscipline.However,so far it still has not have arecognized and satisfactory to statistics, about “culture ” a
14、t least, it has more thantwo hundred kinds of differentdefinition. Broadlyspeak ing, culture is asocial phe nomenon, which is the creatio n of the products for a long time. Butit is also a kind of historical phe nomenon and is the social history , culture refers to a state or national history,geogra
15、phy,localc on diti onsand customs, traditi ons, lifestyles,literature and art, behaviorstandards,way of thinking, values, etc. Whenwe tran slate someth ing, thebackgro und of the culture and the backgro undof history should be considered. Therelationbetween culture andtran slatio n is very close in
16、a great exte nt.In thiscon text, we an alysisthis problem from differe nt aspects: the way ofthi nking, the psychology of thinking, and the customs and habits in differe ntn ati on s. If the backgro und of culture and history is igno red, the truly meanin gof the con text will be lost.PART ONE THE C
17、ONCEPT OF TRANSLATION AND CULTUREOne linguistin China has said: “what is the most difficult thing duringthe process oftransla tion , it is the differencesbetween two cultures. ”Nida has mentioned this too: “translationis the munication between twodifferentcultures.”And we can notignore the importane
18、e ofthebackgro und of culture and the backgro und of history if we want to translate apiece of text which contains the information about culture or some thi ng tran slati ng some thing, masteri ng the kno wledge of culture and history isindispensable. There are too much factors which can in flue nee
19、 the culture ofthe source Ian guage.Zhu Guangqian, one writer in modern times, thinks the associate meanin gis the most difficult thing whe n we tran slate one Ian guage into ano therla nguage. Because in the dict ionary you can not find the truly meaning un der acerta in con text.But for literary s
20、tudy, it is one importa nt factor you can not ignore. Thisrequires us to know the custom and habit of the country we want to translatetheIanguage of it. Or wewill find wedo not know howto translatewhe n we aregive n a piece of text. We can take a poem as an example. For example the poem:靜夜思“窗前明月光,疑是
21、地上霜。舉頭望明月。低頭思故鄉(xiāng)?!盪sing En glish, we can not convey the esse nee of this poem without thebackgro und of old Chin ese and the thought whe n the author write this poem. An dthere are so many versi ons of it. For in sta nee:(1) In the still of the ni ght : I descry bright moon light in front of mybed. I
22、suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tileback my head. Year n, while stoopi ng, for my home land more.(2) A tranq uil ni ght: before my bed I see a silver light, Ithi nk the ground is covered with hoar frost. Raising myhead, I find the fullmoon bright; and bowing
23、down, in thought of homeI ' mlost. And there are lots of other versionstranslatedby other translators. Nomatter which versionthe emoti on of theauthor must be con sidered, or they will rui n the esse nee of the poem. Tyler,o ne an thropologist in En gla nd, whose book primitiveculture raises the
24、 con ceptof culture and describes it as“ culture is aki nd of plex abilities an dhabits, which in cludes kno wledge, faith, art, moral, law and custom ” . Thus we can know the wide coverage of culture, it isa plex system. Language, as a ponent of culture, reflect the phe nomenonof a resourceful cult
25、ure.Translation is so difficult as Ianguage reflect the culture, which conveys tomuch cultural content and limited by culture. Oncelanguage entered the human s life as a tool of munication, the problem ofcultural connotation and the ability of express someth ing will arise. This notonly requiresthe
26、translator master the knowledge of bilingual ability butmultilingual ability, especially they must know the con scious ness of twodiffere nt culture, religious culture and the geographic features, thehistorical customs and traditi ons, the process of forming culture, etc. Forthese factors, the Iangu
27、age cultures of differentnationsreflect theirownn ati onal features and the backgro und of the n ati on.The con cept of tran slati on There are many different En gl ishDicti onary it means Or recreating accordingdefinitionsof translation,in The Oxford“ to turn from one Ian guage into ano ther”the or
28、iginaltext. Webster ' s Third NewIntern ati onal Dictio nary of the En glishLa nguage gives us the defi niti onof translation is “to turn into one' s own or another la nguage” . While the definition in Columbia Encyclopedia isthat translation is the art of repos ing a work in ano ther Ian gu
29、age withoutlos ing its orig inal flavor.“ Tran slati on is the replaceme nt of textualmaterial in one Ian guage by equivale nt textual in ano th erla nguage.(,1994) ” . “ Tran slatio n con sistsin reproduci ng in the receptorla nguage the closest n atural equivale nt of the source Ian guage message,
30、 firsti n terms of meaning and sec on dly in terms of style. (Eugene Nida, 1969)” . Translation is an old and youngwork, which einto exist since the old times and it bees so hot in moder n times.Translationis the need of human s development and progress. The conceptof tran slati oncan be defi ned fr
31、om two aspects: broad sense and n arrow sen se. Gen eralizedtra nslati on refers to the Ian guage and the Ian guage,Ian guage variati on an dla nguage varia nts, such as Ian guage and nonv erbal code conversion which conveythe basic information.Extension of theconcept is quite broad,includinghistran
32、slation between differentIan guages, tran slati on betwee n Ian guagevariati on, Ian guage and other symbols of the muni catio n conv ersi on, etc. Thec ontents of tran slati on rules only emphasizes the“ basicinformation”,does not emphasize“ pletelyloyal ” .Sometranslationtheorists put forward theu
33、n dersta nding and tran slatio n theory, sothe Ian guage and thinking are also in cluded in the gen eral tran slati on.Narrow sense tran slati on is a lin guistic activity, which is a ki nd ofIan guageto express the content of the faithfully expressed in ano therIan guage. Thisdefinitionemphasizes“t
34、ranslationis a Ianguageactivity ” . Thenature of translation determines the narrow sense ,which indicates that it is ahuman s municative approach in Ianguagemunication, which emphasis on “one Ianguage to anotherlanguage”,which ruled outun ificati on betwee n differe nt varia nts oftra nslati onbetwe
35、e n Ian guages,which emphasis on“faithfully” ,avoidingthe confusionof thetran slatio n and in terpretati on or rewrite. Forexample: ” Sent some on eto Cove ntry ” refers to “reject some one . The Cove ntry is a small tow n inUK, where the peoplehate soldiers very much, so whe n the soldierwas sent a
36、fter Cove ntry, there will be people from the group. Look at thissentence “ 1 will be with you from the egg to apples ” , if translated into “I will eat eggs and appleswith you” .It sounds obviously puzzling. Be tran slati on should“ I will always be with you” ? This is because “ inthewest, people a
37、lways eat eggs, bread and drink milk for breakfast, and fin ally adish always en ded up with desserts in clud ing apple ” . Then, from the egg tothe apple, from daw n to dusk, from the beg inning un til after the most. Aga in, such as, “ fishery occupies an importa nt positi onin theBritish Isles, s
38、othat the British fish (fish) is monly used to represent all kinds ofpeople, poor fish (poor), a strange fish (eccentric) ” . If thetra nslatio nwere tran slatedin to the big fish, small fish and poor fish, can every pers on can really un dersta nd the meaning of it, sometimes may eve n make ajoke.T
39、ran slati on is not simply a matter of seek ing other words with similarmeaningbut of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another Ianguage. Differentlanguages, may use differentlinguisticforms.Tran slatio n is also the sociala nd psychological activities. One should be familiar with one'
40、; s own culture and be aware of the source Ian guageculture before the attempti ng to build any bridge with an alie n culture thatrequires that its messagebe conveyed in anything but a alien way. That cultureexpresses itsidiosyncrasiesin a way that is“cultu re- bound” cultural words, proverbs and of
41、 course idiomaticexpressi ons,whose origi n and use are intrin sicallyand uniq uelybound to theculture concern ed. So we are called upon to do a cross - culturaltran slati on whosesuccess will depe nd on our un dersta nding of theculture we are work in gwith.The con cept of cultureIn dicti onary the
42、 defi niti on of it is the quality in apers on orsociety that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excelle ntin arts, letters, mann ers, scholarly pursuits, etc. Or a particular form orstage of civilization, as that of a certainnationor period. Orthedevelopme nt or improveme nt of the mind
43、by educati on or training. Or thebehaviors, beliefs or characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or agegroup.Culture is a very broad concept, to give it a rigorous andprecise defi niti onis a very difficult thi ng. Many philosophers,sociologists,a nthropologists,historia nsand lin guistshave b
44、ee n tryi ngto defi ne thec on cept of culture from the perspective of the respective discipli ne.However, so far it still did not havea recog ni zed and satisfactoryto statistics, about“culture ” at least, it has more thantwo hundredkinds of differe nt defi niti ons. Broadly speak ing, culture is a
45、socialphenomenon, is the creation of the products for a long time. But it isalso a kind of historical phe nomenon, is the social historyrema ins.Rather,culture refers to a state or n ati onal history, geography, local conditionsandcustoms, traditions, lifestyles, literature and art,behavior sta ndar
46、ds, way ofthi nking, values, etc.About the relati on ship betwee n tran slati on and culture, Bass nett thinktherelati on betwee n culture and tran slati on is the relatio n betwee n the body an dheart., culture is the body, la nguage is the heart. As surge ons do s urgerycan ' t ignore the body
47、 surrounding tissue, the translator can not ignore thefactors of culture when they translate somematerial. Hatmi and Mason believethat tran slati on is a dyn amic muni cative process, the translatorshould notonly understandtwo Ianguages themselves,theyshould have two more culturalhorizons, the trans
48、lator should be acted as the role of the coord in ator(mediator)betwee n the orig inal author and thereader .An yhow, the tran slators emphasize the cultural factors of tran slatio n scholarsstressed. The tran slator should be familiar with two cultures, in troduce theprimitive cultural factors in t
49、he tran slati on activity. Whether translators ' understanding of the original is correctly or not, largely depe nds onhis un dersta nding of the culture, the success oftran slatio n, is mai nly rePART TWO THE FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE CULTURE Religio nEvery one kno ws, Bible plays the role of the
50、 source in western' s life.Some statisticshows most America ns still have faith in the church. The British law protectsreligious freedom. Every one has the freedom to believe any church, or not to believea ny religi on at all. There is no in terfere nee from the state or the mun ity.Most of the
51、world ' s religions have followers inBritain,but the majorityof the British people believe Christianity.The firstChristianchurch wasestablished at Can terbury in 597. While the Chin ese areun der the in flue nee of Con fucia n School in great exte nt. Though the Buddhism,which spreads very well
52、inChi na,is till a polytheism. This isdiffere ntfromwesterners ' religious faith.In China, people have faith in the Buddhism and Taoism, so there phrase arises,such as“YuDi”“FoZi” and so on. While the westerners havefaith in Christian, so therearises the word “God .InChinese,“謀事在人,成事在天” ,In En g
53、lish there are twodiffere nt versions, (1)“ manpropose, heaven disposes ” or “ man dropose , god disposes ” . Their differenee lies in the different translations of the word “天”?!疤臁?has the strong col or of Buddhism and Taoism. While the word of“God has the oblivious color of latter tran slati on ve
54、rs ion is easyto un dersta nd and accept for thewester ners, but can not convey the esse nee of conno tatio n of it in China. Thereligi on has great in flue nee on En glish, it expresses in such phrases as “It is in God s hand” (聽天由命),etc. Whertranslation,it is very necessary for us to master the ba
55、sic knowledgeofreligion.Wecan take the example of “臨時抱佛腳” .Ifwe translatedit into “to embrace Buddha s feet in one' s hour of need” . It is very eccentric for the westerner. Why we need to embrace theBuddha' s feetsometimes? What is the use of thisstrange act? If we can deal it a little, it
56、is ano ther mea ning for thewesterner. We can tran slate it into“ toembrace Buddha' s feet in one ' s hour of need -seek helpat the last moment . So the westerners always say “ God “ Holy ”“ Goddess' etc.While we Chinese choose to take theHeaven as our faith. Thistruly givesus ano ther e
57、xample of the differe nt religious belief.Religious culture is an importa nt part of huma n culture,which is made up ofethnicculture which is formed by the religiousbeliefs,awareness,etc. Fang Wenhua thinks differentreligionpen etrati onand melt in theirown Ian guage to express, only a deepunderstan
58、ding of many of thedifferencesbetween Chinese and westernculture, unique culturalconnotation ofunderstanding Ianguage, to avoidwrong translation,mistranslation,making thetranslationreally play therole of cultural exchange. Chinese culture isextensive and profound, has a long history, in China ' s tr aditional culture,owing to the popularity of Taoism and Buddhism, there are many “the jadeemperor, the view sound, bodhisattva. ” terms. Westerners believedin Christthought that godcre
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