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1、Mognetizing I020.30.420102030Maonelixing ForForce (Oer$tcd$) DC HYSTERESIS LOOPS ,35ZH115 0.35mm-Tested by Epstein test apparatus Samples were sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stress-rehef annealing at 80O C (1.472*B Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm- <:Z: :'-o190BO.£D.E0歪)uown

2、pc« a a 6050i|TTT : 35ZHII50.35mm 1- 今JmK-908070Indirclion305.00.10203 OS 071.0CORE LOSS(at high frequencies) 35ZH1150.35mmTested by Modiued Hay Bridge tost method. Samples were sheared in tho rolling direction and subjeciod to stress-roliof annealing at 8O0*C (1,472下)Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm

3、;.r? -*-rtrrrt?*o 7 41.0 o?of*L-X /0.0010002002003 OOS 0070.1Induction (Tesla). (X 一二wmHH帀300030005 0007 0.01352H1I50.35mm(Kilolines in7)01020305070100107 5O.1O.0705QInduction0.0102030.5071.023(Kilolines in.*|0.1 02510弓 UJg nsqoouyd 0<a). ( X 10; KJIogaussesi)35ZH1150.35mm2Incremental Indvd (Kilo

4、liiw058 A 51:=0AHim: 4A3 2 a aa07030201 a7 gINCREMENTAL PERMEABILITY35ZH1150.35mmTested by Modified Hay Bridge test moithod. Samples wee sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stress-rehef annealing at 800'C (1,472"F). Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm Fraqiiency 50 Hz0.00010.20.303071.

5、030.001000070.00050.0003000020.0010002 0.0030 005 0.007 0 07 0.1*HtK.003002/m700.000500.000300,000200.000100.00070.00050,00030.00020.00010.000 :7.0005.000*3.0002.0001.000700500300200Incremenfal Induction (Tetlah (X10; Kilogauises.)100129CORE LOSS(at poJydiroctions)3 5ZH115 0.35mm占一 X

6、 二o一 SO匕 cowu-lb=0.001 .020.030 0$ 0 07 OJ0/203Tested by Epstein test apoaralus Samples were sheared at various angles !o 1he rolling direction, subjected to stress-relief annealing at 0OO C 11.472 T), and then lasor-irradiated Assumed d&nsity 7,65 kg/dm88Core81201.0 2Ion (W kg)510no10090so702一

7、3Magnetizing rorcc ( 092 205o0.7305070Magnetizing40352HI150.35mm.IDcntcds)2357102030 SO 70100200300500700 LOGO 2.000 10005.000 7.000 10.000o90807060504030Foret (A m)oorr.£?=og uotnpu-2008W:sno6o-NOE X)0一£匕 U.2匚 np£0.6Core Loss (W/kg>0.0100200502Q3 0.71.0571020(w lb.)llEElm監(jiān):1檸=s=s2

8、nns三5SZmsMa一 mni nsss=sna2iilf miCORE LOSS35ZH125 0.35mmTested by Epstein test apparatus Samplos were sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stress-cohof annealing at 800*C <1.47ZF). Assumed (toncity 7 65 kg/dm '140130120 no100908070605040302571020MQgnctixing Fqccc H=05060 一wo- X)1

9、2二 8C.2.YPC-Mcgnctizing Force571020305070100(Ocrstcdj)23二二;o M » 006004DC MAGNETIZATION &DC PEBMEABILITY35ZH125 0;3SmmTested by Epstein test apparatus. Samples were shewed at vdncius angles to the rollifx, direction. subjected to stress-relief annealing a! 800 C (1.472 F) and then i4)wf-ifr

10、adialod Assumed derisity 7.65 kg/dm 700 1,0002.000 3,0005.000 7.00010.000500300140.000J 30.000120.000110.000100.00090.00090.00070.00040.00050.000 40.000 30.000 20000 10.000El) A 上二 qoUMQdoeoepr->56789。Emng Force>- m)§§§3§5'§2一. 8 S 85Induction (Kilolines in/)3 百 臺I

11、ndudion (Tesla). (X10; KilogQvsses)nuuUu003 08 007 0一Y.;4620 30 503-00 - -S J5 83Tes_ed by EPSQ552appafa-us samples is sheared s -he ro=ng d=ec=on and 5 匸 bsctedo sheas 丄 ehef annea-mg 聳 800c 士a72pAssumed density 765 kQdm Ffegency 50 Hz . . .ii.冷 807 Q ownoso-iz6 一 W51匕 covs?530.5071.0Exciting Power

12、 (VA IVA lb.)EXCITING POWER35ZH125 035mmTested by Epstein test apparatus Samples were sheared in the rolling direction and subjected tostress*(olief annealing density 7.65 kg/dm1at 800*C (1.472*F). Assumed20305070100200300500700 1.000ltH=s£es=ilsK三三IlEsUMmEB,三 三_二三三=三蘭三=三三塵君三s=s_mmlm三三三三21§

13、;霆_£=|=二二一二一二二三三=三2= WMMMHMMMfl mxv 9 匸illMagnetizing Farce0.30405Magnetizing For ce (/35ZH1250.35mm8120(Oersteds)12012006070809】0noioo70 DC HYSTERESIS LOOPS35ZH125 0.35mm3020Tested by Epstein test apparatus Samples were sheared In the rolling direction and subjected to stress-relief annealing

14、at 800*0 (1.47?F) Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm'-一-k m)10100707一立 6 一X- -$ 匕 U9unpw060605050. loss (W kg)1.0 2571020MOW lb)130wiwiBBUHIEi旦G.G.9.SO一立)uownpu-小30CORE LOSS35ZH135 0.35mm-Tostod by Epstom tost apparatus. Sanplos wore shewed in the rolling directio

15、n and subjected to stress-relief annealing at 800 C (1,472*0 Assumed density 7 65 kq/d203Magnetizing Force H0.5071.02030203050701005070Mognetizing Force 卜140.000130.00035ZH135 0.35mm:x::DC MAGNETIZATION & DC PERMEABILITYTested by Epstein test apparatids Samples were sheared at vario

16、us angles to lhe rolling direction, subjected to stress-relief annealing at fiOO C (1.472 F). and then laser-irradiated. Assumed density 7 65 kg/dm120.000 110.000 100,000 90.000 ao.ooo 70.000 60.000 so.ooo40.00030.00020.00010.000I <A m)200300500 700 1.0002.000 10005.000 7.000 10.000005 007 0.1020

17、305071.0Exciting Fcxce (A ir35ZHI350.35mmExciting Focce (A n23ajo?8765222 1 1 Wno6o=>!O-Jd o-芒)w 弓 pcL0O.9 ;mt. q7 6 51 a o aSO 701002030三二二X三二z:三= 至三至二三三z 去才£:£=二£:一HHn 3 HHMMM ss=_s三三三gstil !:s=EXCITING FORCE35ZH1350.35mmTested by Epstn teit apparatus. Samples were sheared in he

18、rolling directioa and subjected to st/ess-(eliof annealing at 8O0wC (1.472T) Assumed density 7.G5 kg/dm Freoibcn-cy 50 Hz)0三一三:I三3706050401O.OCX).sco-v) UQUvnpu005 007 0.102030 5071.0Exciling Power (V/Exciting Power (VA kg'§EXCITING POWER35ZH135 0.35mmTested by Epstein test apparatus. Samse

19、s were Sheared in the rolling direction aM Subjected td stross-wlief annealing at 800 C (1.472 F Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm IMa9netizing Force (Oers0010203040.5(0.9o?:w&l.<iir-Tteoho-亡uo-Mnpu-eds)60 7080 91.011 I 2120HO1009080.£-lo一N uownpu- 706050DC HYSTERESIS LOOPS(Bm IS. btyto)35ZH135

20、 0.35nnmTested by Epslem test apparatus Samples were sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stiess-celief annealing at 800*C (1.472*F) Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm ' : .mm. !zxz ins!鼻 h ft n1 -403020. 、;“】7090100100.205Core I05o02o01a05071.02222.084§o5Core Loss (W k35ZI35035mm130?6

21、 一乂二on) UCMUnpu-142071.0257102030as (W lb)70h.E左o豆)swnpcI20CORE LOSS35Z1350.35mmTested by Epstein test apparatus、 Samples were sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stress-relief annealing at 8009 (1.472*0 Assumed density 7 65 kg/rim三一三iii!Iili!og56050407100303521350.35mm03Qa?oVor:o0203A

22、Aiognelixing Force H203070100Jtt70100203050Mognetixing Force H51020305070100(Oersteds)23OJS:0.15AwircrO-04I 0 07 .TH44TH4140.000130.000120.000 no.ooo 100.000 90,000 80.000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40.000 30.000 ZJ.WU 10.000:0J3;042-OJI0.1000935Z135 0.35mm0 OS0.01:DC MAGNETIZATION & DC PERMEABILITYTe

23、sted by Epstem test apparatus Samples were sheared a various angles io the colling direction, subjected to stress-relief annealing at 0OO C 0,472 F)and then laser-inadiated. Assumed density 7 65 kg/dm<3EO工上三 qDOEUd200300500 700 1,0002.000 3.000 SOW 7.00010.000(A m)00020.0050.013Magnetizing Force

24、(Oersteds)0020.050.160.000/ZOLO640CO48zX01.0070.50705o.o0.01zZ 32,CC0JO 40.CC00.00512/0.1-.Q09;/ 008:-尸f夕' 才 / / / / / / O.M r-003(at low induction)35Z135 0,35mm0.0020.0010.1癥閆丄;托卡一* f 4 / -:二:訓(xùn):二淚;:;閔 門10070503020DC MAGNETIZATION DC PERMEABILITY.q,Tested by Epstein test apparatus. Samples were

25、sheared in the colling direction and subjected to stroas-rehof annealing at 8009 <1.472*A. Asiurnod dervsity 7.65 kg/dm*.020.303071.023 S 710M.agndti2ing For“ (A m)3020cu- foE uo*5npu_o1 7 514435ZI350.35nnm93oI/oOSaaoaAoso 一迂-ED U2UAPU-Exciting Force (A in.0507Exciting Force (A hi)nEXCITING FORCE

26、2003005001.0002.000 3,0005,00010r00035Z135 0.35mmTested by Epstei n test apparatus Sampies were sheared in the rolling dkrecteon and subjected to stress-fGliof annealing at 800 C (1.472*B Assumed d&nsity 7.65 kg/dm'. Frequoncy 50 Hz.Gu二USOM Gownpi201000POn 1 li8070605040Exciting Pow070706060

27、5071.00203020305071.0Exciting Pow<jr (V35Z1350.35mmI150er (VA lb.)7102030070100200300150140EXCITING POWER35Z135 0.35mmTested by Epstein test apparatus. Samples wece sheared in the rolling direction and subjected to stress-relief annealing at 800'G (1.472 F). Assumed density 7.65 kg/dni'.&

28、#163;笳Jo至)&一unpc70.-150X) 305070100200300500700 1.000150150kg)3521350.35a)m0?Magnetizing Force (Oerste<0.304050<201010T 5TwfaT 5Twfa4040Magnetizing Force (A m120507 08 09 1.0 1.1 1.221456Induction (KilolCORE LOSS10 7 2 丁0.2 y0.001005 007 0.1Induction (Tesla). (X 10;0002 0 0030005 0007 0.01

29、(at high frequencies) 35Z1350.35mm MWIeBuTested by Modified Hay Bridge test method. Samples wore sheared in tho rolling direction and subjected to stress-cel iof annealing a1 800*C (I.-47ZF) MSum&d density 7.65 kg/dmKilogousses)Induction (Kilolinei ii352135L0.35fnmJInduction (Kilolinei iiInducti

30、on (Kilolinei ii0.01lH) As.qoQENd u<Q0.0010 000707 a007020.30.5071.020.00O40.00020.00010.001-i?卜桃*In7;In7;|in&.:.#.:.#000200050.010.02005Induction (Teilo). (X10; K203050701005005.000HzAC PERMEABILITYBridge test methodTostod by Modified HaySamples were sheared in the rolling direction and subj

31、ected to stressnelief annealing at 600*C (1.472*F). Assumed density 7 65 k()/dnV如, TODHz 200Hz 400妝(at high frequencies)35Z1350.35mmjlogausses.)70,00050.00030,00020.00010,0007.0005.0003.000ZOOOLWV700500300200100Incremental Induction (Kilolines rn.1)0.10.2030.5071.023S10 20(EH)上三qoQEJodotGEOlw0.00010

32、.0010.00070.0005000030.00020.0010002 0.0030.005 0 007 0.M 0.1INCREMENTAL PERMEABILITY35Z135 0 35mm7- o002QTested by Modified Hay Bridge tost method Samples w<k& sheared in the rolling direction and subiested to strass-relief annealing at 800* C (1.477F). Assumed don&ity 7

33、.65 kg/dml Frequency 50 Hz.700,000500.000300,000200,0000705Q oo QHi* h80A./ triHi* h80A./ triIncremental Induction (Teilo). (X10; KiloautMi)100,00070.000SO.OOO30.00020.00010,0007.00050003.0002.0001.000700500300200100Egx-sqD3UJJddocUEug0203050.71.01500.0010.020.03 OOS 007 0.1UJ35ZI350.35mmi.sp(at pol

34、ydirections)35Z1350.35mm1 7I 6-. .CORE LOSSTested by Epstein test apparatus Samples were sheared at various angles to the rorilng direction, subjected to $©鴨"1叩 ennwling at 80O'C (1.472 F) and thoe lasot-irradiated Assumed density 7.65 kfl/dmJ.124. 0.1 02 :I120Core Loss (WTbJ1030110225

35、1I 卩 TraniverMh toII ' rolling direcli(d-&£a_N U.SUAPS9080701.0 2皿(W kg)5600.0700503Magnetizing Forco (Oersteds)0.3 OS 071.02- i I fl67S67SSO 701002002o(5assno62ifo-*x) .o-soly 咅 2unpui:l:;?r30Mgnctiiing Focca (A/m)-5235ZI350.35mm140DC MAGNETIZATION(at polydirections)35Z135 0.35mm 2030S

36、Of (Rolling dlrwtiort i t ttttfttfti iBnaiwSO 701001 10 ett teoeeiw HeeMtMHMS 一rolling direction3020Jcsoo?0807060soTested by Epstcm test apparatus Samples were shGarfrd at various angles to the rolling direction, subjected to stress-relief annealing bt WO'C (h"2 *F). and then laser-inadiatecl Assumed density 7.65 kg/dm140500 700 L0O0 2.000 3.0005.000 7.00010.000300.8070705050.020050.1020.020050.1020.010.0105071.005071.0Core Loss (W


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