




1、國 際 工 程 招 標 說 明 書 格 式EnglishLT11. INVITATION TO TENDER Whole Doc.Date:Tender No.1. ThePeoplesRepublicofChinahas-applied for a loan and creditfromtheWorldBanktowardsthecostof Project. It isintendedthatpartoftheproceedsofthisloan and credit will be appliedtoeligiblepaymentundervariouscontractsfor , ,
2、. Tenderingis opentoalltenderers from eligible sourcecountriesas definedundertheGuidelinesfor procurement of the WorldBank.2. Companynowinvitessealedtenders from pre-qualifiedtenderers for provision ofthe necessary labour,materials, equipment andservices fortheconstructionandcompletionof the project
3、.3. Pre-qualifiedtenderersmayobtainfurtherinformation from, andinspectthetenderdocumentsattheofficeof: .4. Acompleteset oftenderdocumentsmaybe obtained by anypre-qualifiedtendererforthecostofRMB or US $ on the submission of a written application to the above.5. All tenders must be accompanied by a T
4、enderSecurity in anacceptableformandmustbedeliveredto Company at theabove-mentioned address (refer to Item 3) on or before .6. Tenderswillbeopenedinthepresenceof those tenderersrepresentatives who choose to attend atrequestoftheChineseGovernmentandupon approval by the IFI and will besubjectinallresp
5、ectstothetermsandconditions of the Loan Agreement.NopartyotherthanthePeoplesRepublicof China shall derive any rightsfrom the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan proceeds.2.2 PaymentfromtheproceedsoftheWorld Bank Loan will be limitedtogoodsproducedin,andservicessupplied from, Switzerland and
6、 themembercountriesoftheWorldBankwhichhave commercial relations with China.2.3 All costs not met by the IFI Loan will be paid by the EmployerfromfundsallocatedbytheGovernmentofChina.3. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements3.1 Thistenderisopentoallpre-qualified tenderers from eligiblesourcecount
7、riesasdefinedunderthe Guidelines for Procurement of theworld Bank.3.2 All goods and services to be supplied under this Contract shallhavetheiroriginineligiblesourcecountries, and all expenditures madeunder the Contract will be limited to such goods and services.3.3 Theoriginofgoods andservices isdis
8、tinct from the nationalityof the tenderer.3.4 Tobeeligibleforawardofcontract, tenderers shall haveprovidedevidence satisfactorytothe Employer of their eligibility underclause3.1above,andoftheircapabilityandadequacy of resources toeffectivelycarryouttheContract.To thisend, the Employer and companymay
9、,atanytimeprior to award of contract, requesttendererstoamplifyorupdatepreviously submitted prequalification data.AllTenderssubmittedshallincludethe following information:(a) copiesoforiginaldocumentsdefiningthe constitution or legalstatus, place of registrationand principalplaceof business of theco
10、mpany,firmorpartnershipor,ifajoint venture, of each party theretoconstituting the tenderer;(b) thequalificationsandexperienceofkey personnel proposed foradministrationandexecutionoftheContract,both on and off site, in the format prescribed in Schedule V;(c) majoritemsofconstructionalplantandequipmen
11、t proposed for useincarryingouttheContractintheformat prescribed in Schedule IV;(d) alistofproposedsub-contractorsinthe format prescribed inSchedule VI;(e) information regarding any current litigation in which the tendereris involved;(f) thedetailsoftheconstructionmethods proposed.3.5 For the purpos
12、es of sub-clause 3.4, tenderers who have beenpre-qualifiedmayupdateandaugmentthe information supplied with theirapplicationforpre-qualification,and,inparticular, shall giveparticularsofworkinhandatthedateof tendering.3.6 Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms aspartnersshallcomply
13、withthefollowing requirements:(a) the tender, and in case of a successful tenderthe Form ofAgreement,shallbesignedso as tobelegally binding on all partners;(b) one oftheJointVenturemembersshallbenominated as sponsor;andthisauthorisationshallbeevidencedby submitting a power ofattorney signed by legal
14、ly authorised signatories of all the members ofthe joint venture;(c) the joint venture sponsor shall be authorised to incur liabilitiesand receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all members of thejointventureandtheentireexecutionofthe Contract including paymentshallbe done exclusivelywith
15、the joint venture sponsor;(d) allmembersofthejointventureshallbeliable jointly andseverallyfortheexecutionoftheContractin accordance with theContract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be includedin the authorisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Form ofTender and the
16、 Form of Agreement (in case of a successful tender); and(e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partnersshall be submitted with the tender.3.7 Domestic tenderers or combinations or joint ventures of domesticand foreign tenderers applying for eligibility for the application of a
17、 % margin of preference in the comparisonof their tender with othertenders shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteria foreligibilityasdescribedinClause29ofthese Instructions.4. Cost of TenderingThe tenderer shall bear all costs associated withthe preparation andsubmissionofhistend
18、erandneithertheEmployer nor his agent Companywillinanywayberesponsible or liable for thosecosts, regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.5. Site Visit5.1 The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site of the Worksandthe surroundings and to obtain for himself on his own responsibili
19、ty,allinformationthatmaybenecessaryforpreparing the tender andentering into a contract. The costs of visiting the site shall be at thetenderers own expense.5.2 Arrangementsforavisittosite,including transportation andaccommodation.willbe made bythe Employeror his agent Companyandwillbeadvisedtotender
20、ersatthepre- tender meeting, details ofwhicharegiveninClause16ofthese Instructions to Tenderers.,5.3 The tenderer and any of his representatives will be grantedpermissionbytheEmployerorhisagent company to enter uponitspremises andlandsforthepurposeofsuch inspection by priorarrangement,butonlyuponthe
21、expresscondition that the tenderer and his representatives,willrelease andindemnifythe Employer or his agent Companyanditspersonnelfrom and against all liability inrespectthereofandwillberesponsiblefor personal injury (whether fatalor otherwise), loss of or damage to property andany other loss, dama
22、ge,costs andexpenses howevercaused, which,but for the exercise of suchpermission, would not have arisen. Tender documents6. Content of Tender documents6.1 The set of documents issued to pre-qualified tenderers for thepurposeoftenderingwillcost RMB or US $ and will includethe stated number of copies
23、of the following: Number of copies Description1 Volume 1 Instructions to Tenderers Conditions of Contract:Part I-GeneralPart II-Conditions of Particular Application1 Volume 2 Specification (incl. list of Drawings)3Volume3FormofTenderandAppendixtheretoForm of Tender Security Bill of QuantitiesSchedul
24、es of Supplementary Information 1 Volume 4 Drawings6.2 Tender documents shall include any addenda issued prior to theclosingdateoftendersinaccordancewith Clause 8 and any minutes ofpre-tendermeetingsissued inaccordancewith Clause 16 of theseInstructions to Tenderers.6.3 Furthercopiesofthedocumentsma
25、ybe purchased by pre-qualifiedtenderersforanon-refundablefee as follows: (sketch)6.4 Sub-contractors,manufacturers,suppliersand others who requirecopies ofthe documentsshallnotrequestthem directly from butshallobtainthemonlyfrompre-qualified tenderers.6.5 Onreturnofthedocumentsinan undamaged and use
26、able condition,eitheras partofatenderorotherwise,withinthe specified time limits,thetendererspre-qualificationfeewillbe refunded, as follows:(a) Tendersubmitted: %refund of fee(b) Tendernotsubmittedbut % refund of feedocumentsreturnedpriortoclosingdateof tender6.6 Thetendererisexpectedtoexamine care
27、fully all instructions,conditions,forms,terms,specificationsand drawings in the tenderdocuments.Failuretocomplywiththerequirements of the Instructions toTendererswillbeatthetenderersownrisk.Tenders which are notsubstantiallyresponsivetotherequirementsof the tender documents maybe rejected.6.7 Thefou
28、rvolumesofthetenderdocuments have been collated andboundbymechanicalmeansandtenderers should check to ensure that theycontainallpages(whicharenumbered consecutively) and that allsupplements referred to are also included.7. Clarification of Tender documents7.1 AProspectivetendererrequiringany clarifi
29、cation of the tenderdocumentsmaynotify inwriting or by telex at the followingaddress: .TheEmployerorhisagent will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarificationwhichis receivedmore than days prior tothe deadline for submissionoftenders. Written copies of the response(includinganexplanationoftheq
30、uery,butwithout identifying the sourceoftheinquiry)willbesenttoallprequalified tenderers who have beenissued with tender documents.8. Amendment of Tender documents8.1 Priortothedeadlineforsubmissionof tenders, the Employer may,for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to aclarific
31、ation requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tenderdocuments by the issue of an Addendum.8.2 The Addendum will be sent in writing or by telex or telegram toallpre-qualifiedtendererswhohave pickedup the tender documents andwillbebindinguponthem.Prospectivetenderers shall promptlyacknowledge
32、receipt thereof by telex or telegram to .8.3 Inordertoaffordprospectivetenderers reasonable time in whichto take an Addendum into account in preparing their tenders, the Employeror his agent may, at their discretion,extend the deadline forthesubmissionoftendersinaccordancewith Clause 19 hereof.Prepa
33、ration of Tenders9. Language of Tender9.1 Thetenderandallcorrespondencerelating to the tender exchangedbythetendererandtheEmployerorhisagent shall be inEnglish.Supportingdocumentsandprinted literature furnished by thetendererwiththetendermaybeinanotherlanguage provided they areaccompaniedbyanappropr
34、iateEnglish translation of pertinent passages.For the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the English version shallprevail.10. documents Comprising the Tender10.1 The tender to be Prepared by the tenderer shall contain thefollowing:the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto; the Tender Security;th
35、e priced Bill of Quantities;the Schedules of Supplementary Information; the information on eligibility and qualifications; alternative offers, if any; andany other information required to be submitted in accordance withthese Instructions.TheForms,BillofQuantitiesandSchedules provided in Volume 3 oft
36、hese documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions oftheSchedules inthesame format,andtothe provisions of Clause 14.2hereof regarding the alternative forms of tendersecurity).10.2 Alldocumentsissuedforthepurposeof tendering as described inClause6.1andaddendaissuedinaccordance with
37、 Clause 8 shall be deemedincorporatedinthetender.Tenderdocuments not required to be signed andsubmitted in accordance with Clauses 17 and 18 shall be returned to theofficeofissuebeforetheexpiryofthetender validity period, but mustnot be enclosed with the Tender.10.3 Tenderers shallsubmitwiththeirten
38、dera preliminary ProgrammeintheformatrequiredbyClause14ofthe Conditions of Contract.10.4 The successful tenderer will be required torevise or augment hisProgramme as set out in the Contract.11. Tender Prices11.1 Unlessexplicitlystatedotherwiseinthe tender documents, theContractshallbeforthewholeofth
39、eWorks as described in Clause1hereof,based ontheschedules ofunitrates and amounts submitted bythe tenderer.11.2 The tenderer shall fill in rates and amounts for all items ofwork described in the Bill of Quantities, whetherquantities are stated ornot.Itemsagainstwhichnorateoramountis entered by the t
40、enderer willnot be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed coveredbytheotherratesandamountsenteredinthe Bill of Quantities.11.3 All duties, taxes and other levies payable bythe Contractorunder the Contract, or for any other cause, as at the date daysprior to the date for submissio
41、n of tenders shall be included in the ratesand amounts and total tender sum submitted by the tenderer, and theevaluationandcomparisonoftendersbytheEmployer shall be made accordingly.11.4 Theratesandamountsenteredbythe tenderer shall be subject toadjustmentduringtheperformanceofthe Contract in accord
42、ance with theprovisionsoftheConditionsofContract.The tenderer shall completeScheduleIII-PriceAdjustmentProvisionsandshall submit with his tendersuch other supporting information as is required under Clause 70 of theConditions of Contract.12. Currencies of Tender and Payment12.1 The unit rates and pr
43、ices shall be quoted by the tender entirelyinRMB.Atendererexpectingtoincur expenditures in other currencies forinputstotheWorkssuppliedfromoutside China (referred to as theforeigncurrencyrequirements)shallindicatein Schedule I of ForeignCurrencyRequirementsthepercentageofthe Tender Price (excludingP
44、rovisionalSums)neededbyhimforthepayment of such foreign currencyrequirementseither(i)entirelyinthecurrency of the tenderers homecountry or, at the tenderers option, (ii) entirely in US dollars, alwaysprovidedthatatendererexpectingtoincur expenditures in a currency orcurrencies other than those state
45、d in (i) and (ii) above for a portion ofthe foreign currency requirements, and wishingto be paid accordingly,shallso indicatethepercentageportioninhis tender. The percentageportionindicatedshallremainfixedforthe duration of the Contract. Theamounts in various currencies calculated on the basis of th
46、e percentagesindicatedintheTenderandbyuseoftheexchange rates indicated insubclause 12.2 hereinafter, shall be used for the purpose of conversionandcomparisonoftenderspursuanttoClause70.12.2 Theratesofexchange tobeused bythe tenderer for currencyconversionshallbethegoverningsellingrates published by
47、the Bank ofChina on the date day prior to the latest date for the submissionoftenders.Ifexchangeragesarenotso published for certain currencies,thetenderershallstatetheratesused andthesource. For the purpose ofpayments,theexchangeratesusedintender preparation shall apply forthe duration of the Contra
48、ct.12.3 Thetotalamountofforeignandlocal currencies expected to berequiredbytenderersshallbesubstantiatedinSchedules I and I(A)-ForeignCurrencyandLocalCurrency Requirements, and the annexthereto, Tenderers shall describe the manner in which such foreign andlocal currencies are expected to be used, re
49、lating specifically, but notlimited to:Foreign Currency(a) Expatriatestaffdirectlyemployedonthe Works:(b) socialcharges,insurancepremiumsandmedical care related tosuchstaff,andtravelexpenses betweenChina and the country of origin;(c) alistoftheimportedmaterials,both temporary and permanent,required
50、for the Works;(d) depreciationandusageofplantand equipment, including spareparts, required for the Works;(e) insuranceandfreightcharges forimported materials, plant andequipment, including spare parts; and(f) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges incurred outsideChina.Local Currency(g) local
51、 labour;(h) local materials;(i) other services, and;(j) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges within China.12.4 TenderersmayberequiredbytheEmployer to clarify theirforeigncurrencyrequirements,andtoprovide satisfactory proof that theamountsincludedintheunitratesandin Schedule I are reasonable
52、 andresponsive to sub-clause 12.1 hereof.12.5 ThetendershallcompleteScheduleII- Estimated ContractPaymentsandshallsubstantiatethetabulation of this Schedule byattachingatableindicatinganticipatedmajorquantities of workperformed over the duration of the Works.13. Tender Validity13.1 The tender shall
53、remain valid and open for acceptance for aperiod of six calendar months from the specified date of tender closing.13.2 Inexceptionalcircumstances,priortoexpiry of the originaltendervalidityperiod,theEmployerorhis agent may requestthetenderersforaspecifiedextensiontothe period of validity. Therequest
54、 and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by telex ortelegram.Atenderermayrefusetherequest without forfeiting his tendersecurity.Atendereragreeingtotheextensionwill not be required norpermittedtoalterhistender,butwillbe required to extend the validityofhistendersecuritycorrespondingly.The provis
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