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1、Key to ExerciseUnit 1 Chemical Industries1.the In dustrial Revolutio a nic chemicals9.syn thetic fibers3.the con tact process10. pharmaceutical4.the Haber process11. research and developme nt5.syn thetic polymers12. petrochemical6.in termediates13. computers7.artificial fertilizers

2、14. capital inten siveSome Chemicals Used In Our Daily LifeFoodartificial fertilizers, pesticide, veteri nary productsHealthantibiotics,p -blockersClothi ngsyn thetic fibers (e.g. polyesters, polyamides), syn thetic dyesSheltersyn thetic polymers (e.g. urea-formaldehyde, polyuretha nes),plasticsLeis

3、ureplastics and polymers (e.g. nylon)Tran sportadditives (e.g. an ti-oxida nts, viscosity in dex impoveme nts),polymers, plasticsUnit 2 Research and Development1.R&D12.tech ni cal support2.ideas and kno wledge13. process improveme cess and products14.efflue nt treatme nt4.fun dame ntal15. pha

4、rmaceutical5.applied16. sufficie ntly duct developme nt17. React ion7.existi ng product18. un reacted material8.pilot pla nt19. by-products9.a emerg ing case20. the product specificatio n10.environmen tal impact21. Product storage11.en ergy costUnit 3 Typical Activities of Chemical Engineer

5、s1.Mecha nical3. civil4. scale-up2. mercial-size16. to improve6.reactors17. P&l Drawi ngs7.distillatio n colu mns18. Equipment Specification Sheets8.pumps19. Con struct ion9.con trol and in strume ntati on20. capacity and performa nee10.mathematics21. bottle necks11.in dustry22. Tech ni cal Sales12.

6、academia23. new or improved13.steam24. engin eeri ng methods14.cooli ng water25. con figurati ons15. an economicalUnit 4 Sources of Chemicals1.inorganic chemicals11.raw material2.derive from12. separation and purification3.petrochemical processes13. food in dustry4.Metallic ores14. to be wetted5.ext

7、ract ion process15. Key to success6.non-ren ewable resource16. Crush ing and grinding7.ren ewable sources17. Siev ing8.en ergy source18. Stirring and bubbling9.ferme ntatio n process19. Surface active age nts10.selective20. Overflowi ngUnit 5 Basic Chemicals1.Ethyle ne4. Polyvi nyl acetate2.acetic a

8、cid5.Emulsio n paint3.Polymerizati onHigh-volume sectorLow-volume sectorProducti on scaletens to hun dreds of thousa ndstons per yeartens to a few thousa nds tons peryearProducts / a pla ntsin gle productmulti-productsOperatio n mannercon ti nu ousbatchPrice or profitfairly cheapvery profitableUsage

9、in termediatesen d-productsChalle ngesreduced dema nd, environmentpolluti onProducts in the sectorsulphuric acid, phosphorus-containing compo un ds, n itrogen-containing compo un ds,chlor-alkali, petrochemicals,commodity polymersagrochemicals, dyestuffs,pharmaceuticals, specialitypolymersUnit 6 Chlo

10、r-Alkali and Related Processes1.Ammon ia2.ammonia absorber3.NaCI&NH4OH4.Carb on dioxideProductRaw materialMajor steps orPrin cipal reacti onsUsesSoda-ashbrine, limesto neammoni ati ng, carb on ati ng,precipitat ing, filteri ng, dryi ng,calci ningraw material for glassmak ing,sodium silicate; as an a

11、lkaliChlori nebrine+ 2Na + 2Cl +2H2OTNaOH +Cl2+H2as water purificati on, bleaching of wood pulp; product ionof vinyl chloride, solve nts,inorganic chlori ne-con ta iningproductsCaustic sodabrine+ 2Na + 2Cl +2H2OTNaOH +Cl2+H2for paper-mak ing, manufacture of inorganic chemicals,syn theses of orga nic

12、chemicals, product ion of alumina and soapSulfuric acideleme ntal sulphurS +O2TSO2SO2+ O2TSO3SO3+ H2OTH2SO4feedstock for fertilizers;product ion of etha nol,hydrofluoric acid, alu minumsulphatesUnit 7 Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea1.kin etically inert2.some iron compo unds3.exothermic4.con vers ion5.

13、a reas on able speed5.NH4CI6.Rotary drier7.Light Na2CO38.Water6.lower pressures7.higher temperatures8.capital9.en ergy10.steam reforming11.carb on mono xide14. metha ne12.sec on dary reformer15. 3:113.the shift react ion1787C. Bertholletdiscovers the compositi on of ammonia1903Fritz Habersyn thesize

14、s ammonia1909Fritz Haberdrives the optimum react ion con diti ons1909-1914C. Bosch, A. Mittaschscale-up the process1913in BASFbuild a pilot pla nt1919Fritz Haberreceives the Noble price1920sin Britain and AmericaIn troduce the Haber process1931C. Boschreceives the Noble priceUnit 8 Petroleum Process

15、a nic chemicals7.con sumpti on of hydrogen2.H:C ratios8.the pilot stage3.high temperature carb oni zatio n9.surface and un derground4.crude tar10.fluidized bed5.pyrolysis11.Biotech no logy6.poor selectivity12.sulfur speciesUnit 9 PolymersAbbreviati onName of polymerLDPELow den sity polyethyl

16、e ne低密度聚乙烯HDPEHigh den sity polyethyle ne高密度聚乙烯LLDPELin ear low den sity polyethyle ne線性低密度聚乙烯PET or PBTPoly ethylene terephthalate (PET)聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯聚對苯二甲酸丁二醇酯Polybutyle ne terephthalate (PBT)PVCPoly vinyl chloride聚氯乙烯PSPolystyre ne聚苯乙烯POMPolyoxymethyle ne聚甲醛PPPolypropyle ne聚丙烯PCPolycarb on ate聚碳酸酯PPO

17、Polyphe nylene oxide聚苯醚PTFEpolytetrafluoroethyle ne聚四氟乙烯PFphe nol-formaldehyde resins酚醛樹脂PMMApoly (methyl methacrylate)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯UFurea-formaldehyde resins脲醛樹脂Name of polymerCompa ny or Inven torYear in troducedPhen ol-formaldehyde resinBaekla nd1909Urea-formaldehyde resin1929Alkyd resi nlate 1920sPol

18、y(styre ne-butadie ne)Germa nyPoly (acry Ion itrile-butadie ne)Germa nyPoly (vinyl chloride)Germa nyPolystyre neGerma nypolyethyle neICI1938NylonDu pont1941Polyacry Ion itrileDu pont1948Teryle neICI1949Epoxy resinsDu pont1955polypropyle neMon tecat ini1956LLDPElate 1970sUnit 10 What Is Chemical Engi

19、neering-3Microscale(10m)Operability an alysis and con trol system syn thesis for an en tire chemical pla ntMathematical modeli ng of tran sport and chemical react ions of combusti on-generated air polluta ntsManipulating a petroleum reservoir during enhanced oil recovery through remotesensing of pro

20、cess data, developme nt and use of dyn amic models of un derground in teractio ns, and selective injectio n of chemicalsto improve efficie ncy of recoveryCourseCourse contentScience and Math.Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Material Scien ce, Mathematics,Computer In struct ionChemical Engin eeri ngTherm

21、ody namics. Kin etics, Catalysis,Rector Desig n and An alysis, Un it Operati ons. Process Con trol,Chemical Engin eeri ng Laboratories, Desig n / EconomicsOther Engin eeri ngElectrical Engin eeri ng, Mecha nics, Engin eeri ng Draw ingHuma nities and SocialScienceUnderstand the origins of one s own c

22、ultiaretaatwflothersUnit 12 What Do We Mean by Transport Phenomena?1.den sity8.velocity fluctuations2.viscosity9.solid surface3.tube diameter10. ideal fluids4.Reyno Ids11. viscosity5.Eddies12. Pran dtl6.lam inar flow13. fluid dyn amics7.turbule nt flowUnit 13 Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering1

23、.physical8.filtrati on2.un it operati ons9.material bala nee3.ide ntical10. equilibrium stage model4.A. D. Little11. Hydrocycl ones5.fluid flow12. Filtrati on6.membra ne separati on13. Gravity7.crystallizati on14. VaccumUnit 14 Distillation Operations..relative volatilities9.rectifyi n

24、g sectioncontacting trays10. energy-input requirementreboiler11. overall thermodynamic efficiencyan overhead con de nser12 tray efUcie nciesreflux13. Batch operationplates14. compositionpacking15. a rectifying batchstripp ing sect ionSieve plateBubble-cap platesValve platesCost132Capacity312Operati

25、ng range312Efficie ncysamesameSamePressure drop1321 2 3Unit 15 Solvent Extraction, Leaching and Adsorption1.a liquid solve nt14. H+or OH-2.solubilities15. rege nerant3.leach ing16. process flow rates4.distillatio n17. deteriorati on of performa nee5.extract18. closely similar6.raffin ate19. stati on

26、ary phase7.coun tercurre nt20. mobile phase8.a fluid21.distribution coefficients9.adsorbed phase22. selective membra nes10.400,00023. syn thetic11.origi nal con diti on24. ambie nt temperature12.total pressure25. ultrafiltrati on13.equivale nt nu mbers26. reverse osmosis (RO).Unit 16 Evaporation, Cr

27、ystallization and Drying1.concen trate soluti ons6.heat tran sfer surfaces2.solids7.the long tube3.circulati on8.multiple-effect evaporators4.viscosity9.vacuum5.heat sen sitivity10. conden sers11.supersaturati on15. circulat ing pipe12.circulati on pump16.Product13. heat exchanger17. non-conden sabl

28、e gas14. swirl breaker18.barometric condenserDryer typeGen eral featuresApplicati onTray dryersBatch operati on.Close con trol of drying con diti onsand product inven toryDrying valuable productsCon veyor dryersCon ti nu ous circulati on, High dryingrates, Good product-quality, Highthermal efficie n

29、cies, High in itial andmaintenance costDryi ng materials that form abed with an ope n structureRotary dryerCon ti nu ous operati on, Highthroughput, High thermal efficie ncy,Low capital cost and labor costsNon-un iform reside nee time, Dustgen eratio n, High no ise levelsDryi ng free-flow granu larm

30、aterialsFluidized bed dryersCon ti nu ous or batch operati on,Rapid and uniform heat tran sfer,Short drying times, Good con trol ofthe drying con diti ons,Low floor area requireme nts; Highpower requireme ntsDrying granu lar and crystallinematerialsPn eumatic dryersShort con tact times, Low thermale

31、fficie ncyDrying fine and heat sen sitivematerialsSpray dryersShort con tact times, Good con trol ofthe product particle size, bulk den sityand form,High heat requireme ntsDrying liquid and dilute slurryfeeds as well as heat sen sitivematerialsRotary drum dryersAn alter native choice to spray dryers

32、Drying liquid and dilute slurryfeedsUnit 17 Chemical Reaction Engineering1.desig n2.optimizati on3.con trol4.un it operati ons (UO)5.many discipli nes6.kin etics7.thermod yn amics,8.fluid mecha nics9.microscopic10.chemical reactions11.more valuable products16.n ecessarily12.harmless products17. tail13.serves the n eeds18. each reac


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