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1、托福真題第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was importa nt to you for some reas on. Expla in why the book wasimporta nt to you. Give specific details and examples to expla in your an swer.解題思路一:重要性來(lái)自于書的內(nèi)容TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)Give a simple acc

2、o unt of the book.Key Word: Importa nt-In teresti ng: draws you in.-kno wledge you have lear nt-en lighte nment you have gainedCon clusi on: emphasize the IMPORTANCESample Resp on se:3 mon ths ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heave n writte n byMitch Albom. Itrecountsthe life an

3、d death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie.After dying in a accide nt trying to save a little girl in an amuseme nt park, Eddiefinds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantlyaffected his life. The 5 lessons Eddielearntabout brotherhood, sacrifice,forgive ness, lo

4、ve and purpose of life have also en lighte ned me. That book cha ngedmy attitude towards life and death.It taught me to cherish life more tha n ever.解題思路二:重要性來(lái)自于書的意義TS: Gen eral In troducti on of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you getthe book)Give a simple acco unt of the process of gett

5、ing the book.Key Word: Importa nt-It was a souve nir give n by an importa nt pers on-It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited editi on)-You got the book from a special eve nt as a reward.Con clusi on: emphasize the IMPORTANCESample Resp onseOn my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-H

6、amlet-that I have bee n treasuredfor years. It was give n to me as a reward for my progress in Lan guage Arts courseby my high school En glish teacher Mr Cave.In my 10thgrade, I developed a specialinterest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeares play despite myweak En glish foun dati

7、 on/the lack of En glish proficie ncy. Over the 2 years, I havestudied hard and improved my Language Arts grade from a C to an A. Therefore, myMr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest inclassical literature. This book is verysig nifica ntto me because it has bec

8、ome themotivati on for my pursuit in En glish Literature in Un iversity.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive in flue nee on society.Others believe it has had a n egative in flue nce on the society. Which do you agree with and why. Use detailsand examples to expla in your opinion.解題思路一

9、:Positive In flue nceTS: State your sta ndR1:Positive in flue nce: focus on the main fun cti on of TV:-dissem in ati on of in formati on and kno wledge-en terta inmentR2:Negative in flue nce (just men ti on)Con clusi onSample Resp on se:This is in deed a con troversial issue. Form my point of view;

10、TV has far more prostha n cons.Firstly, televisi on has long bee n regarded as a tool to dissem in ate information and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about whats happening inthe country and the world.Childre nwatch Ani mal World or Nati onalGeography to gainmore kno wledge.At the same ti

11、me, TV is also the most prevale nt and effectivedeviceto entertain the masses.Although there s no denying that TV sometimes deliversn egativein formati onto people, the public or gover nment cen sorship can en sure thequality of our TV programs today.Therefore, gen erally speak ing, TV has had aposi

12、tive in flue nce on society.解題思路二:Negative In flue nceTS: State your sta ndR1:Positive in flue nce (just men ti on)R2:Negative in flue nce-Lack of cen sorshipbad TV programin flue nce social ideology-Make people lazy/un healthyCon clusi onSample Resp on se:In my opinion, unfortun ately, televisi on

13、has had much more n egative in flue nce onsociety tha n positive on es. Despite the factthat TV has keptus en terta in ed,thereare many n egative eleme nts that have in filtrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the moder n Cin derellastories have created many mon ey-worship ing young ladies

14、 who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy all theluxuries in the world.Uncen sored TV programme withviole ntand sexual content can misguidetee nagerswhoare very susceptible to those detrime ntal in flue nces. Besides, l ong time watchi ngTV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become

15、 the contributingfactor for many ill nesseslike obesity, especially in the more developedcoun tries.Q3 Intro: Centerville College is planning to purchase a sculpture for its campus. A stude nt wrote a letter to theschool n ewspaper to oppose the pla n.The instruction before you read the passage is i

16、mportant since it gives you an overview of what the passage isabout.The passageLetter in the Cen terville College NewsThe admi nistratio n has announ ced pla ns to acquire a new sculpture for campus. Weto purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover , just60-foot long steel plates, jutt ing outof

17、the earthIttake up all the green space in front of the campus should bereserved for stude ntto use.The conversation:M: Did you see Paulletter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the planare justtotally off. I m glad we willfin allyh

18、ave some n iceart on campus. Ilike to shakethe donorsha nd and say tha nk you M: What do you mean the donor W: You didnknow? An anonymous donor ispayingthe bill for most of the sculpture.M: Not the un iversity?W: No. His assumpti ons about whospay ing for, they are allwrong .M: Still, I won der if h

19、e has a point aboutthe space ittake up .W: Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friendsare always there on the lawnright where the sculpture will be, kick ing around a soccer ball. Theyjust haveto use ano ther part of the campus to play.M: Oh, so he just does ntwant to have to move.W: Yeah.

20、For him, itssculpture verses convenien ce.Explai n why the woma ndisagreeswith thereas onsexpressed in the letter.Preparation Steps:4:6Step 1: Read the letterand takenote of the main ideas.Omit redundantdetails suchas nu mbers and peoplen ame. (Those may be importa nt in Liste ning secti on). Tryto

21、form pictures in your mi nd to help you memorize the content of the letter.(e.g.should all oppose this pla n. The uni versityin crease the price for campus hous ing and tuitionpoor finan cial con diti onled it toby 15% this year. Surely then itis in no finan cialpositi onlook at the sculpture: sever

22、al atodd an gels! Itsso large cen ter!This is public space thatThe 2ndreaso n: imagi ne 群本來(lái)在草地上踢球的學(xué)生很無(wú)奈的看著一個(gè)從天而降的巨大雕 塑把他們的草坪占據(jù)了?)Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter andcon versati on.Pay special atte nti on tosig nali ng words/se nten cesbecause they give you

23、an ideaabout how many points you must include. (e.g.Moreover in the letter.)Step 3 : Take notes on paper while listening to the conversation. Fast and clear.Donexpect to fully spell out all the words youve heard. Just use your own spelling so that you can pronouncethe word. If you did ntma nage to t

24、ake dow n some wordsthat you thi nk are importa nt, donttry to recall, move on and liste n to the restof the con versatio n.千萬(wàn)不要為了撿芝麻而丟了西瓜!Step 4 : Orga nize your thoughts in the 30 sec onds to make a men tal outl ine of howto an swer the questio n. Try to rephrase the words or senten ces in the let

25、ter and the con versati on.Answering the question:Reason1 in the letter.Disagreeme nt 1 in the con versati onSignal words/se nte nee for transactionReason2 in the letter.Disagreeme nt 2 in the con versati onCon clusi onSample Resp on se:The first reas on give n by Paul (if you canremember the n ame,

26、 you can just omitthis) in the letter aga inst the purchas ing of the new sculpture is that he assumesthe finan cial difficulties faced by the uni versity makes the sculpture too costlyto buy. However,the woma n disagrees because most of the price of the sculpture ispaid by a donor. Hence the univer

27、sity will only bear a small sum ofmoney. Besides,Paul also suggests that the huge sculpture will occupy the space in the campus which is supposed to bereserved for stude ntsactivities.The woma n dismissedthis pointbecause she knows that Paul is just relucta nt to find ano ther place to play soccerwi

28、th his friends if the lawn they used to play on is occupied by the sculpture.Furthermore, the woman thinks that the sculpture is a nice art that can actually make thecampus prettier.Q4:PassageGroup thi nkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrati onal decisi onsis know as groupthink.In divid

29、ualmembers of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what theybelieve to be the group consensus even thoughthe result may be negative. There aremany reas ons why groupth ink happe ns.These in clude the desire to be liked, fearof los ing a job, or eve n not wan ti ng to be the one employee dela

30、y ing a decisi onthatseems in evitable. These kinds ofimplicit pressures to conformlead group membersto ultimately make decisi on that each, by himself or herself, might no rmally notmake.LectureSo, let me tell you about my own experie nee with this whe n I was worki ng for a computer compa ny a cou

31、ple ofyears ago.One day a coworker and I suggested that we shouldgive our computer a design make-over , make them look more up-to-date. Market research was show ing that newcustomers said they would be more in terested in buying our computers if they looked cooler.Our tech nologywas adva nee, but th

32、e outside desig nlooked really old-fashi on ed.Atfirst,_ more tha n half of the group supported us.There were a few senior man gers they are though who did n support the desig n cha nge. One of the senior manager said,Our focus has always bee n on tech no logy. Changingthe look is unn ecessary cost.

33、Almost immediately,_ some of our supporters cha ngedtheir minds.Eve n my coworker cha nged his mind. Whe nlasked him why after the meet ing,he told me he didn want to make a bad impressionon the senior managers. He thoughtthat disagree ing with them mightjeopardize his cha nces of gett ing a promoti

34、 on, bynot looking like a team player.What about me? hm ? I hate to admit it but aftera few hours of discussion I startedwonderingif it worth everybody stime to argue about this. Asmore people sided with senior man ageme nt I started to feel that Iwas the only one hold in g-up the vote.Every one els

35、e seems to think cha nge wasunn ecessary so I voted aga inst my own idea in the end.-So we unanim ously decidedto stay with the curre nt old-look ing desig n,butthisdecisi onen ded upcosti ng usa lot of mon ey.That same year,our competitor came out with a new desig n thatattracted some of our custom

36、ers and preve nted us from profit ing on pote ntial new customers.Expla in group thi nk and itseffects using the example of the computer compa ny.PreparationStep 1: Read the passage and taken ote of themai n ideas. Omit elaborati onson detailssuch as examples.Step 2 : Pay special atte nti on to tech

37、 ni cal terms and expla nati on s. If cantquiteun dersta nd, tryto guess first and wait for more illustrati on inthe lecture lateron.Step 3: Picture a short skit in your mind when you listento the lecture/storytoldby the professor.Step 4: Listen to similaritiesbetweenthe lecture and the passage youe

38、 readjustnow, especially the examplesgiven to prove a point. (e.g. the answersgiven by theprofessorscoworker when the professor asked him for the reasons for his changing of mind)Step 5 : Take notes. Make sure that if you know the professor is going to recounta story, you should have the story recor

39、ded inchro no logical order.Outli ne ofthestory must be clear. Pay atte nti on to sig nali ng words.Step 6 : Orga nize your thought in the 30 sec onds to make a men tal outli ne of how toan swer the questi on. Try to rephrase the words or senten ces in the letter and thecon versati on.Answering the

40、question:Definition of group thinkExample of the computer compa nyLink the example to the effect about group thinkSample Resp on se:Group think means that the in dividuals in a group all agree about someth ing whichmay not be correct. They are un der pressure to conform and make irratio naldecisi on

41、sthat they seldom make alone.The professor gives an example of him worki ng in acomputer compa ny years ago. At first, his coworker and he suggested a proposal to up-grade the outlook of theirproduct. The supporters cha nged their minds as soonas they realize that the senior man agers did not like t

42、he pla n.His part ner alsobadimpressi on on others. Despite the consen sus we had reached about the proposal, our ultimate product was afailure. Therefore group thi nk sometimes will results in n egative results.Q5. Con versati on betwee n 2 stude ntsM: Hey Marry! How your volun teerwork going? You

43、still in volved in the after schoolprogramme with the eleme ntary school kids?W: Yeah, but I got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to thezoo tomorrow, and I am supposed to rent a van for the trip, but I waited too longto call the ren tal age ncy to reserve one and now it tur ns

44、out they donthave anyvan available for tomorrow.I don tknow what to do. These kids will be reallydisappo in ted if their trip gets can celed.M: Hmm ? well doesn t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean couldntyouborrow it for the day?W: Yeah, probably, but I n eed to pass the zoo.W: Yeah,

45、that s possibility,but I don t know. It might be a real challenge supervisingthe kids on the bus. Sometimes they are handful when they get excited. It s an option though.The speaker discussed 2 possible solutio ns to the woma n problem . Briefly summarize the problem. Then statewhich solution you re

46、commend and explain why.PreparationProblemSolutio n1Solution 2The woma n issupposed toBorrow cars from frie ndandTake public tran sportdrive a group of primaryfind volun teer to drive.schoolkids to thezootomorrowbutshehascalled too late to rent avan. She does not want todisappo intthekidsbycan celi

47、ng the trip.Problem of soluti onShe n eeds two 2 cars forallIt is hard tosupervisethe kids and she has tofindkidsinpublicano ther driver.tran sportati ons.This questi on in volves a difficult choice to make. Most of the times, bothsoluti ons seem feasible. You can choose either one you are more comf

48、ortable with elaborati ng on.gave up the orig inal thought because he was afraidthat if he insisted,he willleaveborrow 2 cars or there would ntbeenofor all the kids.That s why I was going to rent the van and thenI n eed to findsomebody else to drive too.I can tdrive 2 cars by myself.M: Yeah, that s

49、true. Well, I m sure you can probablyfind a volunteer or if you wantto save ofthe troubleof hun ti ngdow n the sec onddriver,what about publictran sportation?Check the bus schedule. I guess theres a bus lane that goes rightBase on the potential problems related to the 2 solutions to think about more

50、pros and cons of each solutio n.An sweri ng the questi on:Talk about the problem.In troduce all soluti ons.Choose one soluti onR1 for support ing the soluti onR2 for not support ing the other soluti onCon clusi onSample Resp on se:The woma n is supposed to drive a group of primary school kids to the

51、 zoo tomorrow, but she has called the rental age ncy too late to rent a van. She does not want to disappo int the kids by can celi ng the trip. Hen ce, herfriend has give n her twopossible soluti ons: borrow ing a car or tak ing a bus.I prefer the first soluti onbecause it should ntbe very difficult

52、 to find some one who has cars available andcan drive for the kids as a volunteerfor a one day trip only. Besides, primary schoolkids are really hard to supervise in public tran sports, especially whe n they get excited. Nevertheless, she shouldstill con sider tak ing bus as the last resortlestshe f

53、ails to find cars and drivers in such a short period of time.Q6. Now liste n to a part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discuss ing the mathematicalcapabilities of babies.Scientistshave learnt some interestingthings about the in tellectualabilitiesofbabies. They say that there is

54、 evide needo basic arithmetic - that they can add!that babies as young as 5 mon ths old canScientiststhink that babies know thatoneplus one equalstwo and not one. The evide nee isin directbecause obviously you can ask a 5-m onth-oldbaby to add up some nu mbers foryou. So they devisedan experime nt .In this experiment,a baby is show n a doll on a table.Okay, so the baby looks atthe doll then the researcher lowers a scree n in front of the doll,.so now the dollthey raise the scree n back up the baby expects to see 2 dolls, but therehidde n beh ind the scree


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