1、1 / 21商務(wù)英語視聽說教學(xué)大綱一、課程基本情況總 學(xué) 時:32講課學(xué)時:32實踐學(xué)時:0總 學(xué) 分:2課程類別:專業(yè)必修考核方式:考查適用對象:英語專業(yè)先修課程:基礎(chǔ)英語參考教材:商務(wù)英語視聽說 馬龍海 李毅 外語教學(xué)與研究出版社2009商務(wù)英語教程 王曉瑩 上海大學(xué)出版社2008實用商務(wù)英語教程 陳梅 北京師范大學(xué)出版社2010二、課程設(shè)置目標商務(wù)英語視聽說是為英語專業(yè)-商務(wù)英語的學(xué)生開設(shè)的一門綜合語言技能課。該 課程的主要任務(wù)是培養(yǎng)學(xué)生進一步提高語言應(yīng)用能力,特別是用于國際商務(wù)的專門用途英 語。該課程突出自主、互動的學(xué)習(xí)過程,使學(xué)生學(xué)以致用。在教學(xué)過程中注重國際商務(wù)實 踐能力的鍛煉,在
2、商務(wù)活動的情境中既熟悉了國際貿(mào)易流程,又學(xué)習(xí)了相關(guān)英語的應(yīng)用。三、教學(xué)內(nèi)容、教學(xué)方法和手段、學(xué)時分配知識單元一: 工作面試 (建議2學(xué)時) 重點:找工作過程中如何準備面試,以及如何在面試中較好地表現(xiàn)自我,展現(xiàn)自 我。了解面試的程序,怎么樣準備好一個面試,掌握怎么樣回答關(guān)于個人具體情況的問 題,如教育背景、工作經(jīng)歷等。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-up1) Ask Ss to note down other reasons they can think of.2) Divide the class into small groups.3) Give Ss a few minutes to e
3、xchange ideas.4) Encourage Ss to use different expressions of agreeing and2 / 21disagreeing.5) Ask a few Ss to report their findings (e.g. the agreed Bestjob and most common reason(s), the most unique/strange choice or reason,etc.).Part II Listening and SpeakingTask 1 FAQs in job interviewsTask 2 In
4、appropriate questions in job interviewsPart III Language Focus1) Ask Ss to note down the key points of the interview.2) Divide the class into pairs. Get Ss to allocate the roles.3)Ask Ss to role-play the job interview according to thepoints and with the help of the expressions in Language Focus.4) I
5、f time allows, ask Ss to s and role-play the interview again.5) Invite a pair to act out the interview in class.6) Give comments and suggestions for improvement.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Applying for the position of financial consultantVideo 2 Applying for the position of Sales ManagerPart
6、 V Case AnalysisAsk Ss to take detailed notes while listening.Ask Ss to exchange ideas in pairs. Remind them to give examples to supporttheir points.Give Ss a second chance to listen to the interview if they failedto note down the key information.Allow Ss a few minutes to prepare an improved version
7、 interview.Choose a few pairs o role-play the revised interview in class. Invite other Ss to givecomments and suggestions for improvement.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(找工作面試),任務(wù)型教學(xué)(熟悉面試程 序),課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(如何在面試中較好地表現(xiàn)自我)notedthe知識單元二:工作和責(zé)任(建議2學(xué)時)3 / 21重點:公司部門職位設(shè)置,工作職責(zé)范圍表達,對待工作情感態(tài)度。了解公司的部門和職位設(shè)置,掌握描述工作和職責(zé)的英語表達方式和對工作的喜惡 表達方法。
8、主要內(nèi)容:Part 1 Warm-upWhat kinds of positi ons are there in a compa ny:Product ion生產(chǎn)Marketi ng市場Sales銷售Import進口Export出口Finance財務(wù)Pers onnel人事Research &Developme nt研發(fā)Acco unts會計Audit ing審計Purchas ing采購Public Relatio ns公關(guān)Maintenance維修After-Sale service售后服務(wù)Quality Assura nee質(zhì)里檢查Tran sport運輸Security保安Gen er
9、al Affairs總務(wù)Logistics后勤Discipli ne In specti on紀檢Trade Union工會Orga ni zati onal Departme nt組織部LeagueCommittee團委WomesFederati on婦聯(lián)Part 2 Liste ning and Speak ingTask 1Gi ve Ss one mi nute to thi nk over the job they wish to take. Tell Ss to referto the job titles and positions listed in Warm-up.Divid
10、e the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to talk about their dream job.Ask Ss to describe the job in detail and tell the reas ons why they choose thejob.Have tow or three Ss describe their dream job in class and get the other Ssto guess the title of the job.Task 2 Describ ing jobs in the foll
11、owi ng chart:4 / 21NamePositi onResp on sibilitiesJackMan ageroftheResearch&Developme ntDepartme ntManaging allaspects of the productdevelopme ntprocess,in cludi ngresourceallocati on,budgetrequireme ntsand 1)pers onnelman ageme nt; an alyz ingthe needs ofthe 2)developingmarkets anddirectingthe work
12、 accord in gly;creat ingand managing the R&Dteams and beingresp on siblefor the overall3)pla nning, 4) executi on, and success of the projectsJanetSalesMan agerDevelop ingsalesstrategies;achievi ng5) salestargets;recruit ingand trainingsalesstaff;supervis ingandmotivat ing6) teamperforma nee;expa nd
13、ingthe 7) customer base and en suri nghighlevels of 8) customer satisfact ionSta nleyMan ageroftheProduct ionDepartme nt9)select ing,develop ingand managing a highlycompete nt and motivated staff of employees;en suri ngthat product ion is 10)cost-effective and the productsare produced 11) on time an
14、d 12) of good quality; work ing out the13)huma n andmaterialresources needed; ide ntify ing the 14) training n eeds of the staff andcultivating a culture of 15) continuous improveme nt in all aspects ofmanu facturi ngPart 3 Lan guage Focusask Ss to brain storm some jobs or positi ons and write them
15、dow n.divide the class into pairs and get Ss to take turns to describe the jobs theyve writtendown.ask Ss to use differe nt expressi ons to describe the jobs, referri ngto the expressi ons in Lan guage Focus.if the studentwho is responsiblefor guessing the titles cannotget the correctanswer, ask the
16、 describer to mention some famouspeople in that li ne of work as example.Part IV Viewi ng and Speak ingVideo Do you like your job?Part V Case Analysis5 / 21教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析 ( 對待工作情感態(tài)度 ),任務(wù)型教學(xué)( 公司部門 職位設(shè)置,工作職責(zé)范圍表達 ), 課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(描述工作和 職責(zé)的英語表達方式和對工作的喜惡)知識單元三: 電話技巧 (建議2學(xué) 時)重點:接聽電話,電話轉(zhuǎn)接,留信息,電話情境中解決問題。 了解接聽電話的商務(wù)
17、英語語言,掌握幫人轉(zhuǎn)接電話以及請求轉(zhuǎn)接電話的交流用語, 電話交流中留下信息的表達方式,打電話中解決問題的表達法。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upThe big 3Be prepared. Avoid starting the process when youre rushed. Relax!Make sure you have a big pad of paper, a pen, a glass of water, anda reasonable amount of time.Dont give up. You have the right to get information and
18、respectfulservice. Be persistent and patient. Realize that sometimes it will take ten calls to find outwhat you want. No one person or organization has all the answers.Try not to put people on the spot. It makes them defensive. Rathertry to enlist their support. Remember, you usually catch more flie
19、swith honey than with vinegar.Part II Listening and Speakingdivide the class into pairs. Ask Ss to allocate the roles and rolesplay the telephone dialog.Ss who take the role of Louise can either approve or disapprove ofthe change. Polite expressions should be suggested.invite one or two pairs to cat
20、 out the dialogs in class to check ifSs can develop the phone call naturally.Part III Language Focus6 / 21divide the class into pairs get Ss to decide which role to take.have Ss role-play according to the information provided, referringto the expressions in Language Focus.walk around the classroom a
21、nd check whether Ss can use the expressions properly.ask a pair to role-play the telephone dialog in class.encourage the rest of the class to comment on their performance.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 2 You are hard to get hold of !Video1 leaving a messagePart V Case AnalysisDivide the class int
22、o small groupsAsk Ss to discuss in groups and list business phone calls in diversesituationsAsk Ss to research the skills and techniques of handling calls in different situationsAsk Ss to find some cases of making business calls in different situationsHave Ss analyze the cases, figuring out their st
23、rengths and weaknessAsk each group to put together a report on the skills and techniquesto deal with different business calls and their case analysesHave each group make a presentation in classPPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析 (電話情境中解決問題 ), 任務(wù)型教學(xué) (接聽電 話的商務(wù)英語語言 ),課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)
24、(打電話中解決問題的表達 法)知識單元四: 公司會議 (建議2學(xué)重點:會議舉行有關(guān)詞匯,計劃籌備會議召開,主持會議,意見的表達。 了解基本會議有關(guān)的商務(wù)英語詞,掌握會議計劃的基本方面,掌握主持會議,提出建時)7 / 21議,請求別人給予意見,同意及否定別人意見的英語表達方式。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upAsk Ss to recall some meetings theyve attendedGet Ss to brainstorm the relevant information.Have a few Ss report what theyve come up with in cl
25、ass.List the information on the board.Part II Listening and SpeakingTask 1 Formal and informal meetingsTask 2 How to take meeting minutesPart III Language FocusDivide the class into groups, with one chairperson in each group.Get Ss to role-play the meeting according to the situation, referringto the
26、 outline.Ask a group to role-play the meeting in class.Have other Ss comment on their performance and give suggestions for improvement.Part V IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 why are we here?Video 2 what can we do?Part Case AnalysisDivide the class into small groups.Ask each group to attend a differen
27、t meeting, take minutes, analyzeit. Each studentshould have a share in the group work.Ask Ss to refer to the tips mentioned in the Task 2 of Part ensure effectiveness whentaking meting minutes.Remind Ss to take into consideration the facts listed in Pre-viewingof Task 2, Part 4 when deciding whether
28、 the meeting is productive or not.Ask each group to put together a report.Have each group make a a presentation in class.and2 to8 / 21PPT or handouts are preferred for the presentation.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(主持會議),任務(wù)型教學(xué)(會議舉行有關(guān)詞匯),課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(會議計劃的基本方面)知識單元五: 旅行和訪問 (建議2學(xué) 時)重點:學(xué)習(xí)旅游商務(wù)英語的相關(guān)知識理解機場的登機,報關(guān)和安全檢查知識,理解接待商務(wù)
29、訪客包括的程序。聯(lián)系關(guān)于旅 游,天氣和住宿,訂機票,詢問航班交通和旅店服務(wù),預(yù)訂房間接待商 務(wù)旅客,在機場接 待客戶的溝通能力主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upintroduce the concept of“small talk”.Invite a few Ss to share their ideas with the class.List what Ss come up with on the board.Part II Listening and SpeakingTask 1 hotels for business travelersTask 2 reviewing Receivi
30、ng visitorsPart III Language FocusDivide the class into pairs and have Ss choose the roles.Ask Ss to role-play according to the given situation.Have a few pairs perform the role-play in class.Invite other Ss to give comments and suggestions for improvement.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Going t
31、hrough customsVideo 2 Meeting a business partner at the airportPart V Case AnalysisResearch and Presentation.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(接待商務(wù)訪客),任務(wù)型教學(xué)習(xí)(機場的登機,報關(guān)和安全檢查知識)關(guān)于旅游,天氣和住宿,訂機票,詢問航班交通和旅店服務(wù)), 課堂小組學(xué)知識單元六:公司介紹建議2學(xué)9 / 21時)重點:演說結(jié)構(gòu)、技巧表達;公司情況表達;自我介紹了解公司演講的結(jié)構(gòu),掌握公司描述、回答公司情況的一般問題、做簡明自我介紹以 及能對公司做出相關(guān)介紹的演說等表達技巧。主要內(nèi)容:Pa
32、rt I Warm-upEncourage Ss to use different expressions of giving advice.If I were you/if I were in your position/if I were in your shoes, IwouldHow about/What about/Have you thought about?Why dont you?You shouldperhapsYoud betterIt might help if youI dont think you shouldPart II Listening and Speakin
33、gDivide the class in pairs. Ask Ss to exchange ideas about what they know about Oracle.Get Ss to work out an introductory presentation on Oracle individually, referring to thefinished Company Profile.Ask Ss to present the introduction to their partner.Ask two Ss to give the presentation to the whole
34、 class.Invite other Ss to give comments ad suggestions for improvement.Part III Language FocusAsk Ss to choose either of the two cards.Get Ss to give an introductory presentation, referring to the expressions in LanguageFocus.Ask two students to give the presentation n class.Give comments and sugges
35、tions for improvement.10 / 21Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Making a startVideo 2 What is the point?Part V Case AnalysisAsk Ss to take detailed notes while listening.Divide the class into groups of four. Tell Ss to put themselves inan investors shoes before they start the discussion.Make sure g
36、roup members share floor time, and encourage the silentones to jump in more often.Choose two or three Ss to give a report on their group discussion.Make comments and a summary.For homework, ask Ss to prepare their own presentation of a few business idea.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(公司情況表達),任務(wù)型教學(xué)( 了解公司演講的結(jié)構(gòu) ), 課堂小
37、組學(xué)習(xí)(簡明自我介紹以及能對公司做出相 關(guān)介紹的演說)知識單元七: 產(chǎn)品介紹 (建議2學(xué) 時)重點:演講介紹產(chǎn)品。詢問產(chǎn)品特征、相關(guān)信息及描述產(chǎn)品了解產(chǎn)品演講的結(jié)構(gòu),掌握描述產(chǎn)品、比較產(chǎn)品特征、詢問產(chǎn)品信息及做產(chǎn)品簡短介紹演說的交流技巧。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upPart II Listening and SpeakingTask1 An introduction to Honda ASIMO robotTask 2 A videophonePart III Language FocusDescribing specifications and features of produc
38、tsPart IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Which one is better?Video 2 It does more tha n you expect!Part V Case An alysis11 / 21Research and Prese ntatio n教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(做產(chǎn)品簡短介紹演說),任務(wù)型教學(xué)(了解產(chǎn)品演講的結(jié)構(gòu),掌握描述產(chǎn)品、比較產(chǎn)品特征、詢問產(chǎn)品信息及交流技巧),課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(演講介紹產(chǎn)品)知識單元八:公司業(yè)績(建議2學(xué)時)重點:圖表相關(guān)詞匯,圖表中主體的速度、程度變化,公司業(yè)績表達理解描述圖形圖表的基礎(chǔ)詞匯,了解商務(wù)有
39、關(guān)圖表中相關(guān)事務(wù)速度及程度變化的英語表達,掌握描述圖表,介紹公司業(yè)績的交流技巧。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upDivide the class into pairs.Ask Ss to excha nge ideas in pairs.In vite a few Ss to share their an swers with the class.Give comme nts and correct ions if n ecessary.Part II Liste ning and Speak ingSales performa nee of the Jeep V6Part III La
40、n guage FocusAdjectives and adverbs to in dicate speed and degree of cha ngesSpeed of cha ngeDegree of cha ngeAdjectiveAdverbTypeofchangeAdjectiveAdverbTypeofchangeRapidRapidlyNoticeableNoticeablyFastFastFastCon siderabl eCon siderablybigSharpSharplyDramaticDramaticallySuddenSudde nlySigni fica ntSi
41、gni fica ntl ySteepsteepyslightSlightlysmallSteadySteadilyregularsmallA littleGradualgraduallymoderatemoderatelyPart IV Viewi ng and Speak ing12 / 21Video 1 Its been a successful year!Video 2 We are No.1!Part V Case An alysis1)This website can be visited for releva nt materials:2)Teacher may assigns
42、imilar tasksfocusingon otherwell-knowncompa ni es.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(介紹公司業(yè)績),任務(wù)型教學(xué)(理解描述圖形圖表的基礎(chǔ)詞匯),課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(公司業(yè)績表達)知識單元九:交易會(建議2學(xué)時)重點:商品交易會的相關(guān)詞匯,參與商品交易會及在其中做成交易理解商品交易會的概念,掌握怎么樣參與商品交易會,在商品交易會上建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系的方法。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-up1) China import and Export Fair(Canton fair),China Hi-Tech Fair, Bejing internationalAu
43、tomotive Exhibition, etc.2) Kitchenware& tableware, general ceramics, home decorations,glassware, foodstuffs, n ative products,medic ines& healthproducts,sport ing,travel & recreatio nproducts, officesupplies, shoes, cases & bags, furn iture, etc3)See a variety of goods,Compare goods of differe nt b
44、ran ds,Collect useful in formati on such as catalogs, price lists, etc.Visit pote ntial bus in ess partn ers.Place ordersPart II Listening and Speaking13 / 21Divide the class into small group, with at least one student whohave ever attended a trade fair in each group.Show pictures of trade fairs in
45、different cities of the world.Give Ss a few minutes to exchange their experiences in a trade fair.Choose a few Ss to report their experiences in a trade fair.Part III Language FocusPart IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo1 Exhibiting at trade fairsVideo 2 A trade fair interviewPart V Case AnalysisResearch
46、and Presentation教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析 (參與商品交易會及在其中做成交易 ), 任務(wù)型 教學(xué)(商品交易會的相關(guān)詞匯 ), 課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(在商品交易 會上建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系)知識單元十: 詢盤 (建議2學(xué) 時)重點:詢價、報價的概念以及運用:詢問,表達了解買方或買方對于所要購買或出售的商品向另一方作出的詢問的詢價基本詞匯,掌握怎么去詢價,怎樣回答詢價、報價申請及報價的表達方式。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upDivide the class into small groups.Give Ss a few minutes to exchange ideas and put t
47、ogether a group answer.Have a few group representatives to report their answers in class.See if other groups have something to add.Part II Listening and SpeakingA brief introduction to inquiries14 / 21Part III Language FocusAskSstos androle-playagain.Iftime permits,ask oneor two pairs toperform thed
48、ialogs inclass.Givecommentsandsuggestionsforimprovement.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo1 Inquiring about priceVideo2 Commission in businessPart V Case AnalysisDivide the class into groups of four.Ask Ss to exchange ideas with group members and then role-play inpairs the possible negotiation betwee
49、n the seller and the buyer.Walkaround the classroom and provide assistanceif needed.Invite three group representatives to present their answers to three questions respectively.Summarize Sss points of view and give comments and suggestionsfor improvement on their role-plays.教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析(詢價、報價),任務(wù)型教
50、學(xué)(掌握怎么去詢知識單元十一:價,怎樣回答詢價、報價申請及報價的表達方式), 課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(了解買方或買方對于所要購買或出售的商品向另一方作 出的詢問的詢價基本詞匯)訂購(建議2學(xué)時)重點:訂單,合同簽訂,變更,中止。 了解下訂單的一般過程,掌握在進行商務(wù)談判后下訂單的商務(wù)英語表達,了解有關(guān) 訂單以及合同的相關(guān)事物表達:數(shù)量、質(zhì)量、包裝、運輸、支付條件、保險、合同的持續(xù) 時間、變更、中止等。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upAskSs to studythe chartcarefully.15 / 21chart.Part II Listening and SpeakingTask2 Ne
51、gotiating an orderTask1 Order and contractPart III Language Focus,we can terminate the contract with one-monthprior notice.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo2 Confirming a contractVideo1 Modifying an orderPart V Case Analysis教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析 (下訂單 ), 任務(wù)型教學(xué) (訂單以及合同的相關(guān)事物表達 ), 課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(合同簽訂)知識單元十二: 支付條款 (建議2
52、學(xué) 時)重點:交易中信用證作用,支付方式Thebuyer/sellerhasthe optionofcancelingthe contract.Youcannotcancelthecontractwithoutagreement.Whatprocedureis thereif eitherofus want toterminate theCancellation/Terminationofcontactcontract?Explain some points Ss may have difficulty with in understanding theDividethe classintop
53、airs,AllowSs a few minutestodescribthe chart and figureout theanswertoquestion2.Asktwo or threeSs to share theiranswers with the whole class.Givecommentsor correctionsifnecessDuring the trial period16 / 21了解支付的不同方法,掌握信用證交易的過程,信用證使用的意見及建議了解公司的 部門和職位設(shè)置。主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-up1) Basic methods of payment ma
54、y include: cash in advance, letter of credit, documentarydraft, open account, etc.2)A letter of credit (L/C) is a binding document that a buyer canrequest from his/her bank in order to guarantee that the payment for goods will be transferred tothe seller. In order for the payment to occur,the seller
55、 has to present the bank with the necessary shipping documents confirming the deliveryof goods within a given time frame. It is often used in international trade to eliminate risks such asunfamiliarity withthe foreign country, customs, or political instability.Part II Listening and SpeakingTask Basi
56、c methods of paymentPart III Language FocusDeferring paymentI promise we will settle our account with you next month.We would like to request an extended payment plan.Could you allow us a future 30 days to clean our account?We are awfully sorry we cant pay the total sum right now due tosome financia
57、l problems.Part IV Viewing and SpeakingVideo 1 Negotiating terms of paymentVideo 2 Missing information in the letterPart V Case Analysis教學(xué)方法和手段:教學(xué)案例分析 (交易中信用證作用,支付方式 ), 任務(wù)型教學(xué) (信用證使用的意見及建議 ), 課堂小組學(xué)習(xí)(信用證交易的 過程)知識單元十三: 交貨 (建議2學(xué) 時)17 / 21重點:交接,交貨,交貨日期的概念及相關(guān)話題商務(wù)英語表達了解支付的不同方法,掌握信用證交易的過程,信用證使用的意見及建議18 / 21
58、主要內(nèi)容:Part I Warm-upThe procedures involved in the delivery of goods may be: negotiating the stipulations about delivery,ensuring the production of goods, transporting the goods to the port of shipment, checking insuranceand other factors in shipping, delivering the goods at the port of destination,
59、etc.Concerns of the seller: production and transportation time of goods meet the requirements, shipping ofgoods is carried out as scheduled, etc.Concerns of the buyer: progress of the production and shipment, inspection ofthe quantity, quality and other aspects of delivery, etc.Part II Listening and
60、 SpeakingPart III Language FocusInquiring about delivery dateWhen will you ship the goods?Is it possible for you to load our goods in June?Requesting an early deliveryCould you please make the shipment as soon as possible?Shipment by the middle of October will be too late for us.The date of delivery
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