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1、沈陽市2018-2019學年度下學期八年級階段測試(二)英語試題(考試范圍;Unit 4l/nil 6)試題滿分100分,考試時間100分仲,注意事項:準考證號1 .答題前,學生先用0.5mm慫色字跡的寫字耳在本試翅卷規(guī)定位置填寫自己的姓名. 準號證號;2 .fI喙在答即上上作答.不能隹本試題卷!_作存.芥在本試題卷上無效;3 .考試結束,將本試題卷和答題板一并交向;4 .本試地卷包括七道大題,59道小題.共8頁如缺此印刷不清.考生須聲明第一部分選擇題(三大題;共38分)一、單項填空(共10小題,每小題0.5分;清分5分)從A.& C. D中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項1. Hir pnlic

2、rman gnveto the drivers hIio In4r ihc nik and punished them.A.B. wanutigHC. uiwirrMandings D. mendgt2. The shnl(m puppet was moved behind ihr MTrrn Itto be alive.A. likedB. continualC. appealedD. lrirl3. Th- GMiermmi rnmlly get the boat and the netfor work ui the morningA. irmlyB. iiAefulC. hrukcnF)

3、. dried4. Ta make n cartoon, they should first HH m bet疝 idcH. V drram ofB. learn fromC. hnk amnndD. think 45. Tlir Mon nude HH easier for us Io uiuhusiHiid ihr American culture, thatB. oticC. itD. lliis6. U r didn I play an) game? in lln- inusriirn hul BIBH we 山昕|a lot of useful ktKhlgr.A. at onceB

4、.al IraslC.at firstI). Hl iikhI7. our nhirt k wn dirt) aftrr plapng fnnthnll. Il nrwi |.A. Io washB.waxhedC.be washedD. wAchingX. Mv hrnlher played his dnima little HH yZnhty. w 1 didn t hrar wha! you MidA. noisilyB.rkarlyC.seriouslyh. qiiirkly9. Shen Teng acted MH lliat il atkH l*d niilliiHiH of pe

5、ople to the cinenu to natch il.A. Roa wonderful filmB. such a wonderful 61mC. nuch wonderful filnisD. wonderful films奐沿忒題第I頁(共X頁)10. -l-rt * me clothes in (h1* nrw-rnel shopping mall.A. Thal、all rigiil B. All nghi (:. Thdl* brightD. Thm a OK二、完形填空 供15小題,每小1分;決分15分)閱讀短文.掌握其人意.供信從A. H. C. D中選出可以填入空白處的

6、最佳選頂.On April I5. a man saw a lniave the dogs.More than 200 peopleup at llw highway. Mapped the truck 12th* ThrInirk wns going to send the dogs tov%here they would be killed for 13 .111。Inickwom cnded and ihc dogs were Gghlitig, mid I miw 5me iog gul 14 J U U ri. nn animal lover, who tnnk part in th

7、e 15 Hp- were Mid tn he stnlen fmrn thnir owners. rlhry slavnl in the Inirk for two days 16 little food or water.Hmirft later, the campan) who 17 ihr inirk agreed tn sell the dogs for 115JXX) yuan. Iwo Animal Kights groups, alfesor at Pekingtli China Dail” Iaj adriwl that. 19 people van* tnorr about

8、 animals, a law pnitrcting the righn “ ainnials should he on thr wav. *However, aiig Tao, a Liu wotkfr. ur h long wav ahead and people 21 a*l iihin lh* Iaw. In this case, the animul lovi?rs IihI ik 22 to 7cp the truck. Their a4ion cmild hz、 puf many people on the highway in 23 Im-cwum* the rars are

9、quite fasL Yang Haili(-t* l( nmki( sure no one is _25 the law.C. HikedD. allowed1 L A. ordurfdB. wanietl12. A. orB. billC.RO1). and13. A. foodB moneC. loveD. death14. A. prUedB. hurtC. pleaiw-tl1). tired15. A. GghiB. accidentC. fTM tirD. game16. A. exfcrpiB. besidesC. uilhcxjtD. with17. A. 81npprdB.

10、 droveC. iiiaiirD. owned18. A. sucresMfulB. *x|wnsiveC meaninglrsD dangers19. A. I niilB. LnlessC.AmD. Before20. A. neverB. alreadyC. HtillD. hanilv21. A. tnusii) iB. must(:.nTlD. neednt22. A. timeB. chanceC. rightD. need23. A. dangerB. happinessC. MiqirirD. safety24. A. therrforrB. suddenlv(1. imnm

11、liatelv D. however25. A. chmigingB. pacingC. br*Hkii)gD. making三、閱讀理解(共12小題.短小題1.5分;滿分18分)閹讀短文,然后根據(jù)其內容從A . B, C.【)中選出最住選項,AA rat met a nimisr and drrribrd I hr grrat Inve and friendship she felt for her. Ami they agreed to live together. “Th妙 winter is (xxnnig. So wc muM pne|Minw FimkI for il.* said

12、 the Cal. You. little mou*. cannot mn evenwherr. nr you will fall into a trap. Ilie advice was followed. So they boughl a jmh of fai ani hid it in ihr rhurrh.But the Cal had a great longing (渴望)for it. s*o shf lird Io the Mouse that hrr cousin had a little son and want/M her tn iw th- godmother. Bui

13、 in fart the Cat went straight to the church and licke! the top of the fat off. Aim! ihe Muum- was (old the child * s name was Topoff. Soon, she mid the same lie tn the Mens and ate up half of the fat. nd the rhild , s name was said to be Halfgune. Mot long after liiis. the ChI 號 tikjulh began to wa

14、ter once more. So she lied again and Ale all the fat up. This time, the name* wa (Jrangonr. Evrn time the (Ht wa gone, the Mouse。出 bus% making the house lidy.hen ihr uifihT she Gxind out I hr trick. Hilt it war ton late and the (;nt atr her、uu mu- tlial ih llic way of the world,26. How(lil lli-:hi l

15、rr” ihe Mounr al ihr verj, loginning?A. Ilir( .Hl(li(h)* I like (hr Mouse Rt all.B. The -nt wantri to rhent the Mouse for food.C. Tlw Cnt wanted tn hr friendly to the Moiijm!.D. Th。Cnt uantre MouMe believed in the ChI.B. Ilir Mvumc ckmlMcd (he Cal * s words. Ilir Mzis thought Mxneone elge ate the fa

16、t.2X VI hal dors thr underlined word *water* in paragraph 2 mean?A.淡水B.而眼淚C.供水D.流口水29. Whet(ine?i thr author mainiv tell us in the text? *A. The Mou*e likes doing housework for the Cat.B. U e 4khiJ1 learn from the Cat to trick others.C. Dir Cal likc eliciting ihe Muusc for the fat.I). We “hould not

17、believe oihurs,words all the time.BPeople call Will Retail a hem. The 11 -yrar-nld Mtu 英語試題第3頁(共8頁)playing agame on his phnnr Hr had tn wait ahout 10 minutes to get off the bus and go into lh* school. Bui tn0n hr hfanl a l(ml noiM- and looked up lo ” whai happened. He miw that the bus ilriver wiu no

18、Inngrr sitting in fhr driver, Aralhe had pasised out and fell down on the stairs.Wil! Il the* IwtFway radin rI the front of the hus and reportf that the driver wa hurt. The radios Arc on rarh bun. Bill 7 friends emdd hear him reporting ihc emergency Soon.I)uh ilnvrr and an ambulance (救護車)arrived to

19、help.When they got there, the I)uh drivt-r wa auake and sitting up. bul nM speak ng. 5rH fhr driver lo lh* hospital. W ill and everyone elne on the hus went to cla.Will wik wbl* lu hks.D. They made a loud fiois4A. They the bus driver.C. Tl)r playrrtnl ihr Mi Safrt) training.A. A Young Hrm in Action.

20、C. A Bum Driver in Danger.C(a)lainT()al is a happy man. One day. he and hn fnrnd TnA(ietfr find a gold star But an evil (邪惡的)bird takes the star away. Toadeite (riw to take the Mar Kark and thr bird takm her away, loo. Ctiplain Toad has to follow the bird and Toiidrlt. Hr travrh ihnwigh diffrrrnl ar

21、ea of the Mushroom K ngdom, collecting wh areaf r Mar.This k the qcry of Captain Toad: TreiMurr Tracker, a vi(k gam5rd b) Nintendo (任 天堂游戲公司).It stare the Super Mario Aeries1 character Captain Toad.Captain Toad has powers just like Mario* h. Hr can jump frocn high arraH lo Gght memies and he can pul

22、l vegetables mil of thr ground nnd ujic llicm lo Im-hI Irouhlcmakra.In later levels, Toad can use iifl(rrnl gatiH* iikmIihiik h (機關like lif In grf amund. But mainly, he h心 to depend on hitnsrlf. Ilrtyers have In help Tmor1. c likr ibis, with a l)nghkrd num who tak the tinw* lu ctyov I hr wild ar(iin

23、d him.34. U hen dor (Captain Tnad begin to colln-t Mar*?A U hrn hr and ToaHrtte become friend.B llrforr hr IravrU into the Mu4iruxn Kingtiom.C. Aftrr hr mvps hid friend Tuadel加.D. After ihr evil bin! catches Toaderte55. What l wr know about Captain Tnad?A. Hr is m eharaclcr in Super Mario series.B.

24、H k h hero fighting evils in real world.C. He is a pop Mar in Nintendo Company.1) . Hr and hia friend live in the Mu4)hmhii Kingdom.36. U hal can we know about the game (rum |mrAgrnph 4A. Tzd ran get through the chdn即 wiiIxmiI difiiculty.B Phvers can work in pair and figh* ingHhrr in ihr game.(.T(ia

25、l mut break main merhanicA tn twat the anemic*. D. I%yen lell the story of Captain Trmd.B. To intmdnce the Nintendo (lomfuiny.C. Io attract people to play the nfnv ga!ii*.D. To ask people how lo fiiiKh thf game.第二部分非選擇題(四大題;共62分)四、閱讀問答(共5小題,誨小總2分;港分10分)閱讀短文,然后根據(jù)內容回答所提問題,For jean*. Mh krj. hm brrn th

26、e nu*l pop0】* cartoon chamclrr in ihr hhll. Bui how did Mickey Mouse get his start?Mickey Mouse w- crratecl by Wall Disney. Walt Dinry was horn in Illinois die USA. in 1901. He began drawing coiihcm mm h Irrnngrr. and got a job making carttMHi Soon hr derided to make (ar1oon films. He moved to II)I1

27、vw(mnI in 1923. Disney aw hi* first rrai 川 “、with a cartoon character called (KwaM ihr Rahbil. However, he got if)(o an argument with thr rKnpa/i hr wcrkM for, and had to leave. Hr lo make his own cixnpany uilh d n, ( hnnuMer According to Disney, there was A mmiw in his office, and il often came up

28、on his dr、k while he as working. A nxxjM- make a good cartoon charatrr. hughl. In 192H. hintroduce I his ri,w chawlcr in the firM cartoon uilh suujkI. SUtunhuat W i/ir. Sternnbcxil IT 汝詁 wab a hit Anun1 I hr world. Ib star? M i,kry Mnuy of courw.In the beginning. Min in 1929. Walt Disney hirnt*lf pm

29、vidrd the voire for Mickey Muw. H* tk gn旬 pride in this, and did the voice fnr Mickey Moumt in all of Mickey , s films up until the latr 1940.38. When and where s&s all Diiify Imihi?39. What was Disney *、Hmt sucrriMful -artn character called!40. Why did hr his)ital (棲息地)pollution and hunting arv tum

30、e uf the biggest 45 (caiiMr).HumarK should take this problem 46 (serious) brcatis it ran aHecI U5 aw nvll. Atvonling to a 2017 Rtndy 75 jwrveiil of flying insects have died over lh- lal 30)car. Injects help plants _ 47 (produc e) new senk. Without them, e*(isystrni vill break Hn.The re|M)r1 hIno、hw

31、that Earth has lost about half of 48(il) xhallnw water coral in thrpast 30 year,. In Hllilioih 20 percent of the Amazon raiiiforrM has liisappfared in just 50 years.All over lh- unrhl. people are cutting down Irces. using l nn:rh water from rivers and 49(611) ucranb with plntir. We need to find ways

32、 to olv* iIhm problem. Different countries m!iuu1I work logvlhrr t snhr it.六、綜合閱讀 供10小題,每小題2分;滿分20分)閱讀短文.然后按要求完成第5059小題.AKeeping pel dogs is a good idea, says EmmaKeeping |Me( lo(p . a good idea. Why? There art? lo uf (A) HHH for this.h irst, dogs nre really cute. Ils nice to hold thrni in our amude

33、解.We have to feed them, train thIh with them. According to uiy mum. iIhk hrlpM us Iwcorne uiure rvsponsihk fwnplr (C) 、ungcan learn how to car? for others by krrping dogs.X ing will love ou failhfully and bring you lot?i of happiness frr many years.So I think it a gnod idea to keep pH dnga.Keeping p

34、et dogs is not a good idea, says MattIt,孰 not n good idau to ke*p |wt 吃.P-t dn|t their hair nn lh。on IhmIm ani hi* washed ofu-ii.Dn/ are nniy /D) 、產(chǎn)arlv al! !g Inirk tit strangers. Sojnc 戶 hark nion* Imully llidri clhcrs. A feu gH )ark all tiighl* slops tcoplc ( E)gelling any Nol all dogs art-(riend

35、h. A Mnall riuiiilr jhJ du戶 】廣,Uhal* mure. ( I付于人們在說住在小道中是平常$.Tliey have no rhoire hut tn keep iheir flng in niallHew。、產(chǎn)r. dng need frosh air and large open spaces where they can run free.Finally, owning dog can br expensive.So keeping prt dogs i* not a giwx,i的空門處填入適當?shù)膯卧~:51 .寫出義中線部分(B)和)的同文詞或近義詞:-1;

36、52 .將文中畫線部分(O 改寫為: the greatest builder in the animal kingdcmi? 11i* hiiswit is lh* Iwaver (河狎).Beavers are en gocxl al building their honie.Bt-avcr* lut、large -hdrp Iwlh, Hirir fmnl uppul 20 in 25 nin long, nrcording tn Lu e S 八 ) Hm? onliiiiif- i grou ihmiighnni a benver* s lifetime. Tn keep their

37、 teeth sharp. If、n have in bifr avid brvak free Branch(樹 枝).(B)=they also use to build iheirl,hrir lk like (頂). Th”、ukumIIv buihi llicii Iioum hi llic miikilv of riv-is. with ju、l one umirrudlrr fiitraiH-e.Ilie% also Imikl Lunx (人壩 )(C)uning bmnrhesi, rmes and mudv The world , largest l*x、r (iatn t*

38、 X50 niflerrlirvr many bravrrs have beenworking on ihi dnm evrr sine the I97(K.BfariN* liun* can liclp Io form wElimd. In ihi way (E)它們可以為只他動物創(chuàng)面 一 個關 j ,克 Th -an alxt clean water l) tiding lhur Io wlop Mime dirt fioni aiilcritig livMislr空口處除人砧當?shù)膯卧~:HI; 5Z 忖義中幽線分 )改;為: iMite-liite is umm11| UH h 山川”M il in 2()07. sx.將義小胸歿部分(口注成英用:KMMtt英語H的笫7頁(共8頁)59.從文中找出兩個河碑用樹枝建造的事物: 七、閱讀與衰達(共2節(jié),A節(jié)5分,B節(jié)20分;4分25分)A)閱該短文.然后根據(jù)其內容從方框中選出可以填入不白處的短語a got mJ IkiIiixhu xpcnir a、 hav mg nothing l l lake curr nf ihrrr nr four linw a(hPtpk in tiMKi places annind the world like In ha、 pel、. One of thr hesi andIn 1 is


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