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1、, rherr n U scui,routnes s ,suev sonad ma nng-et I ewk rl etop m ta ce-cosldlop. Stegtening Ie lupevison a nd mamlmetof ha"- Volainof stegghening the s ,suevsi on of outsourring contacos. Caari ed ou isrng a nd a un of scuit ,isecions, 100dcnt ol and inspecion, lae,proucinmont, dlylupevsion of

2、prouci on saey ad the Opi c Gm - a nd otheDegates, . Hel o! iter unuptot he Spring Fesva, hed one saffepreent. Cnee 2013wkshop, ul bak i n a| care ui anaiy ss of the _ret si uatin, dis . ss 203 devlpmet pansHee on behalf of my cmpay wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for cnsi deain.P- I, ba c i 202,

3、 XX .we cmpane s adee t i the pars 7 ggea sii for gUdac,cmprehensv - implemet the - n.c cncpt of ve opme nt, prom oig cSl eaiesip .aagy sa nd* focus i n m p ea.n, nmaagem ent, cntiuusy mpr det* saey fr t cnseu e .ast maiain sab", tggod posueBsie ss fina nCal idcats: tota pr ofis of*5 milin Yuan

4、,, nd the a nnua budge of 27 milin Yua n, bby ond the Da ng cm.ayind - 4 189 milin Yuan, a nicee of 1.6 milion Yua n, FCM as et a ggrde fourEnegy po-weiupply stadadcoalcmp,ig gk W, dow n 0.1g k W;l n.gg d a - i iay powe cnsumption alol n5 2%, dow 0.6%;polu.nt ons pefmace ggealy rrd . ldcompae d tas,

5、- r ca bonlH gk W,luludoXde 0* gkW NOx 05 2 gkov, sm oot pree nt enterrise maent bbsine ma ,. et a nd contol s_nticad sandadZe d, a I d te deW; dus rrmovl eien,of moe tall*.Rea, idx: e quiaent avalai l,actr i 93-7%, innaa sd _15% fom a,er eaie.oca. oshee of te |ood si -in. Ma n idiat os ae a sfolow

6、st he bate. idca or | owe ge neaintae d _8 5 b. on kW, bb, ond te a nnual budget mpl -eain ca pa* of 3 5 mil onkW, an incra of 77 milon k W.Saes tald -1 b. I nk W, ecedig sa of D0 m.n IW te a, cin ove te sme per od a,ar eal ie. Mjr ace-mets is, shoud ad-ee to t he wo "man»e nt s,stm"

7、ba stegghening,hnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I dden I aar ds contol ad int.sc -e,Ente prie cnsucint ooknew se 1s The w o "man»et s,stm" fr impr<emeuplane d ou、- 25 -e sN pesnal i n»,acie .t oocurldno mjr acie nt ad abo<e, nomjr ie acci det s wtout e nvionme nta poluthe aplca

8、in a I d m plmeat on of te sae,lop fvesta ma-emet .sem, mprove the sae,management sstm, rrale t he sstmof sae,contol.噪聲有害注意防塵必須戴防毒面具IUSTIEM GAS DEFENCE U$K當(dāng)心觸電Degates, . Hel o! iter unuptot he Spring FeSVa, hed one saff epreent. Cnee 2013wkshop, Ul bak i n ! care ul anay ss of the let si uatin, di s

9、cuss 203 devlpmet plansHee onbehalf of my company wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for det* saey o t cns e - as" maiain sabi liy t.od postueBsie ss fia ncial ind cats: tota pr of - of*5 milon Yua"byon, the a nnua budge of 27 milon Yua n, bby ond the Da ng com”,inddx 4 189 miin Yuan, a ni

10、cree of 171 milion Yua n, FCM as et a grde fourotng csl eldesip statgy sa ndads focus I n im p eaton, la nmaaiem ent, cntiuosy impr ov, sm oot p.le nt saey semange nt busi neis ma ,. et a nd contol sientilc ad sandadze d, a I d te dey rrd - cdcompae d t as year cca bonlH gk W,luludoXde 0* gkWNO 052

11、gkW; dus rrmovl elciecy of moe tall*.Reably idx: equ ent avalai ly actr i 93-7%, i ncea sd"%fom a yer eale.ocatc oshee of te god st uaton. Ma n indicat os ae a s folow st he batey id-or | owege neaintae d 78 5 bil on k W, b, ond te annual budget impl -eaton ca paciyof 35 milonkW, an in-ale of77

12、 milon k W.Saes tald - bil I nk W, eceding sa - of D0 milon IW te annua E budge,a i ncese of "9 mil on kW. Securty mmluuplane d outg- U tme sN pesnal i n»y acie ,t oocur- no maor acie nt ad abo<e, nomaor ie acci det s witout e nVronme nta lokt on. cinove te sme per od a yar eal ie. Mjr

13、ace-mets is, shoud ad-ee to t he wo "mange nt systm" ba steghening,hnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I dden I aar ds contol ad intrnsc-ey Enteprie cnsucint ooknew se | s The w o "manget systm" fr impr<ement Focs mot ng te po rof the cmpay mangetly m and the aplcaina I d im p eaton

14、of te saey lop fvesta mangemet .sem, improve the saey management sstm, riale the sstmof saey contol., rherrrguae scuh routnes saey suev sinad ma nng-et I ewk rl e to ply taUe,ecosldlop. Steghenig Ie iupeviion a nd mangetof ha I iua V olainof stegghenig the saey sueVsi on of ou.ouci ng contrc os. Caa

15、ri .do. is.g a nd a un of scui y ise cins, lodcnt ol and inspecton, laeyproucinmI nt, ddy iupeVsi on of prouci on saey ad the01mpi c Gm - a nd othecns deain.Piar 22 ba ck i 202, XX I ow e cmpane s Idhee tI the pat's 7 gea sii for gudace cmprehensvey imll emet the - nic concetEnegy po-we lupp、sta

16、dadcoal cmpeig 3 221 gk W, dow n 0.1 g k W;l ne. d auxi iay powe cnsption akl n5l%, dow 02%;polocak oshee of te |ood si-in. Ma n idiat os ae a s folow st he batey id- or | owege neaintae d 78 5 bil on k W, b, ond te a nnual budget mpl eain ca pa* of 3 5 milonkW, an incra - of 77 milon k W.Saes tald

17、- bil I nk W, ecedig sa - of D0 miin IW te annua E budge,a i ncese of "9 mil on kW. Se.iy mmluuplane d outg- U -e sN pesnal i n»y acie ,t oocur- no maor acient ad abo<e, nomaor ie a. cin ove te sme per od a yar eal ie. Mjr aclmet s is, shoud ad-ee to the wo "mange nt sys_" bas

18、s steghening,hnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I idden I aar ds contol ad i ntrnsc -ey Ente prie cnsucint ooknew se | s The w o "manget systm" fr impr<ement Focs mot ng te po r of the cmpay manget ly m and the aplcaina I d im p eaton of te saey loop kvesta mangemet .sem, improve the saey man

19、agemeDegates, saf Hel o! idet* saey fr t cnsFurherrrgul scuiy routunuptthe Sprng F , wehed one Salepreent. Cneene 2013wksop, ul bak i n ! cae ul an.,s* of the .et si u.in, di s_ 203pmet pla*Hee on behal of my cmpay wok epors to the Ge .e. Asemby frve - as" manain sabi >h tgod postueBsie ss f

20、ia ncal idts: tota pr ofis of*5 miin Yua"byond the a nnua budge of 27 miin Yua n, bby ond the Da ng cm.ayind - 4 189 miin Yuan, a n ice _e of 1.1 milin Yua n, FCM as et a grde fou.nes saey eV sonad ma nng-et I ewk rl etop m t a ce-Cosidloop. Stegtening te lupeviion a nd mangetof ha "- V ol

21、ainof stegghening the s y suevsion of ousouci ng contal os. Caari .do. insig a nd a un of scuit ,ise ctons, 100dcns deain.P - r 22 ba ck i 202, XX I ow e cmpane s Idhee tI the pat's 7 gea sii for gudac, cmprehensvey imll-et te sie ntfc conietEnegy po-we lupply stadadcoal cm.eig 3 221 gk W, dow n

22、 0.1 g k W;l ne. d a - i ia,powe cnsption atol n5l%, dow 02%;pol utcnt ol and inspecion, lae, proucinmI nt, dly lupeVsi on of prouci on saey ad theOpi c Gm - a nd otheotng csl eldesip statgy sta ndads focus I n im p eaton, la nmaa ment, cntiuosy impro- sm ooth p.- nt s y se mangent, busi neis ma ,.

23、et a nd control sientilc ad sandadze d, a Iy rrd cdcompae d t as ylar ca bon 009 gk W,luludoXde0*gkW NO 05 2 gkW; dus rrmovl elcieny of moe tall*.Rea, idx: e qu ent a lai ly acor i 93-7%, incea sd"%fom a yer Icci det s witout e nVronme nta polutnt sstm, rra- t he sstmof saey contol.Degates, . H

24、el o! iter unuptot he Spring Fesva, hed one saff epreent. Cnee 2013wkshop, ul bak i n a| care ui anaiy ss of the _ret si uatin, dis . ss 203devlpmet pansHee onbehalf of my cmpay wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for cnsi deain.P- I, ba c i 202, XX .we cmpane s adee t i the pars 7 ggea sii for gUdac

25、, cmprehensv - impl emet the - n.c cncpt det* saey o t - - ns le .as" maiain sab", tggod posueBsie ss fiancal ind cats: tota pr ofis of*5 milin Yua"byond the a nnua bu - e of 27 milin Yua n, bby ond the Da ng cm.ayind - 4 189 milin Yuan, a nicelse of 1.6 milion Yua n, FCM as et a ggrd

26、e fourEnegy po-we .pp stadadcoalcmpe.g 3225 gk W, dow n 0.1g k W;l n.gg d a - iiay powe cnsption alol n5 2%, dow 0.6%;poloig csl eedesip sta - y sa n.s focus . p eaton, nmaagem ent, cntiuosy mprov, sm oot pree nt saey se mae nt bbsine - ma ,. et a nd contol sHnticad sandadZe d, a I d te dey rrd cdco

27、mpae d tas y ear ca bonlH gk W, lulu doXde 0* gkW NO 05 2 gkW; dus rrmovl e,ieny of moe tall*.Rea, idx: e quiaent avalai ly actr i 93-7%, i ncea sd _15% fom a yer ea .ocak osheeof te |ood si -in. Ma n idiat os ae a s folow st he batey id or | owege neaintae d "8 5 bil on k W, ', ond te annu

28、al budget mpl-eain ca pacy of 3 5 mil onkW, an incra of 77 milon k W.Saes tald - bilI nk W, ecedig sa - ofD0 milin IW te annua E_t_budgge,a incese of "9 milon kW. Se ., m-luuplane d ou、- 25 -e sN pesnal i n»y acie ,t oocur- no maor acie nt ad abol, nomaor ie acci dets wtout envionme nta lo

29、kt onducin ove te sme per od a yar eal ie. Mjr acie-mets is, shoud adhee to t he wo "man»e nt systm" ba stegghening tchnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I idden I aar ds contol ad intisc -ey Ente prie cnsucint ooknew se | s The w o "man»et systm" fr impr<ement Focs mot ng

30、te po r of the cmpay man»et ly m and the aplcaina I d im p eaton of te saey lop fvesta ma-emet .sem, improve the saey management sstm, rrale t he sstmof saey contol., rherrrgU scuiy routnes saey suev sonad ma nng-et I ewk rl etop m taUie'ecosidloop. Stegghening Ie lupevison a nd mamlmetof h

31、a"- V olainof stegghening the s y suevsion of ousouci ng contal os. Caari .do. is.g a nd a un of scui y ise cions, 100d cnt ol and inspecion, laeyp.-cinmI nt, lupevsion of p.-cti on saey ad theOpi c Gm - a nd otheDegates, . Hel o! iter unuptot he Spring Fesva, hed one saff epreent. Cnee 2013wks

32、hop, ul bak i n a| care ui anaiy ss of the _ret si uatin, dis . ss 203devlpmet pansHee onbehalf of my cmpay wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for cnsi deain.P- I, ba c i 202, XX .we cmpane s adee t i the pars 7 ggea sii for gUdac, cmprehensv - impl emet the - n.c cncpt det* saey o t - - ns le .as&q

33、uot; maiain sab", tggod posueBsie ss fiancal ind cats: tota pr ofis of*5 milin Yua"byond the a nnua bu - e of 27 milin Yua n, bby ond the Da ng cm.ayind - 4 189 milin Yuan, a nicelse of 1.6 milion Yua n, FCM as et a ggrde fourEnegy po-we .pp stadadcoalcmpe.g 3225 gk W, dow n 0.1g k W;l n.g

34、g d a - iiay powe cnsption alol n5 2%, dow 0.6%;poloig csl eedesipsta - y san.s focus . p eaton, nmaagem ent, cntiuosy mprov, smoot pree nt saey se maent bbsine - ma.eta nd contolslenticad sandadze d, a I d te dedcat on of staf ma-e a hamoniI us ad ocatc - o.heeof te |ood st ton. Ma n idiat os ae a

35、sfollow st he batey idcaor | owe ge neaintae d 78 5 b. on kW, bby ond te a nnual budget impl -eaton ca paciy of 35 mil onkW, an incra of 77 milon k W.Saes ta- "" b. I nk W, ecedig sa- of D0 milin IW te annua E cu- budgge,a incese of "9 milon kW. Se cuiy m-luuplane d outgis25 tme sNo p

36、esnal i njuy acie .t occur- no maor acient ad abo., nomaor ie ay rrd cdcompae d t as y ear cabonlHgk W,luludoXde .* gkW f 05 2 gkW; dus rrmovl e'ieny of moe tall*.Rea lihidx: equiaent avalaily actr i 93-7%, i ncea sd _15% fom a yer ea .Equvaet frre d ou - e rae 008%, 116% reducin ove te sme per

37、od a yar eal ie. Mjr ace-mets is, shoud adhee to t he wo "man»e nt systm" ba stegghening tchnol I gica eseac, stengte I dien I aards contolad intisc -ey Ente prie cnsucint ooknew se | s The w o "man»et systm" fr impr<ement Focs motng te po rof the cmpay man»etly

38、 mand the aplcain a I d m p eaton of te saey lop fvesta ma-emet .sem, mprove the saey manageme, rherrrgU scuiy routnes saey suev sonad ma nng-et I ewk rl etop m taUie'ecosidloop. Stegghening Ie lupevison a nd mamlmetof ha"- V olainof stegghening the s y suevsion of ousouci ng contal os. Caa

39、ri .do. is.g a nd a un of scui y ise cions, 100d cnt ol and inspecion, laeyp.-cinmI nt, lupevsion of p.-cti on saey ad theOpi c Gm - a nd otheoig cosl eedesipsta - y san.s focus I n m p eaton, la n maagem ent, contiuosy impr ov, sm oot preent s - y se mae nt bbsine - ma ,. et a nd contol sientilc ad

40、 sandadZe d, a Iy rrd - cdcompae d t as,- r ica bon 009 gk W, lulu doXde 0* gkW NO 05 2 gkW; dus rrmovl e,ieny of moe tall*.Rea, idx: e quiaent avalai ly actr i 93-7%, incea sd _15% fom a yer I庫(kù)房重地jDZ松蛔W/kM 人cci det s witout e nvronme nta po.tnt sstm, rra- t he sstmof saey contol.當(dāng)心腳傷人Degates, . Hel

41、 o! iter unuptot he Spring FeSVa, hed one saff epreent. Cnee 2013wkshop, Ul bak i n ! care ul anay ss of the let si uatin, di scuss 203 devlpmet plansHee onbehalf of my company wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for det* saey o t cns e - as" maiain sabi liy t.od postueBsie ss fia ncial ind cats

42、: tota pr of - of*5 milon Yua"byon, the a nnua budge of 27 milon Yua n, bby ond the Da ng com”,inddx 4 189 miin Yuan, a nicree of 171 milion Yua n, FCM as et a grde fourotng csl eldesip statgy sa ndads focus I n im p eaton, la nmaaiem ent, cntiuosy impr ov, sm oot p.le nt saey semange nt busi n

43、eis ma ,. et a nd contol sientilc ad sandadze d, a I d te dey rrd - cdcompae d t as year cca bonlH gk W,luludoXde 0* gkWNO 052 gkW; dus rrmovl elciecy of moe tall*.Reably idx: equ ent avalai ly actr i 93-7%, i ncea sd"%fom a yer eale.ocatc oshee of te god st uaton. Ma n indicat os ae a s folow

44、st he batey id-or | owege neaintae d 78 5 bil on k W, b, ond te annual budget impl -eaton ca paciyof 35 milonkW, an in-ale of77 milon k W.Saes tald - bil I nk W, eceding sa - of D0 milon IW te annua E budge,a i ncese of "9 mil on kW. Securty mmluuplane d outg- U tme sN pesnal i n»y acie ,t

45、 oocur- no maor acie nt ad abo<e, nomaor ie acci det s witout e nVronme nta lokt on. cinove te sme per od a yar eal ie. Mjr ace-mets is, shoud ad-ee to t he wo "mange nt systm" ba steghening,hnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I dden I aar ds contol ad intrnsc-ey Enteprie cnsucint ooknew se |

46、s The w o "manget systm" fr impr<ement Focs mot ng te po rof the cmpay mangetly m and the aplcaina I d im p eaton of te saey lop fvesta mangemet .sem, improve the saey management sstm, riale the sstmof saey contol., rherrrguae scuh routnes saey suev sinad ma nng-et I ewk rl e to ply taU

47、e,ecosldlop. Steghenig Ie iupeviion a nd mangetof ha I iua V olainof stegghenig the saey sueVsi on of ou.ouci ng contrc os. Caari .do. is.g a nd a un of scui y ise cins, lodcnt ol and inspecton, laeyproucinmI nt, ddy iupeVsi on of prouci on saey ad the01mpi c Gm - a nd othecns deain.Piar 22 ba ck i

48、202, XX I ow e cmpane s Idhee t I the pat's 7 gea sii for gudace cmprehensvey imll -et te - nic concetEnegy po-we lupp、stadadcoal cmpeig 3 221 gk W, dow n 0.1 g k W;l ne. d auxi iay powe cnsption akl n5l%, dow 02%;pol ut-_-rzI IO;2(JifXJ42219142109Degates, . Hel o! iter unuptot he Spring Fesva,

49、hed one saff epreent. Cnee 2013wkshop, ul bak i n a| care ui anaiyss of the _ret si uatin, di s . ss 203 devlpmet pansHee on behalf of my cmpay wok eports to the Ge ,ea Assembly, for cnsi deain.P- I, ba c i 202, XX .we cmpane s adee t i the pars 7 ggea sii for gUdac, cmprehensv - impl emet the - n.c

50、 cncpt det* saey o t - - ns le .as" maiain sab", tggod posueBsie ss fia ncal ind cats: tota pr ofis of*5 milin Yua"byond the a nnua bu - e of 27 milin Yua n, bby ond the Da ng cm.ayind - 4 189 milin Yuan, a nicelse of 1.6 milion Yua n, FCM as et a ggrde fourEnegy po-we .pp stadadcoalc

51、mpe.g 3225 gk W, dow n 0.1g k W;l n.gg d a - i iay powe cnsption alol n5 2%, dow 0.6%;pol utocak am oshee of te |ood si -in. Ma n idiat os ae a s follow st he batey id- or | owege neaintae d "8 5 bil on k W,',ond te a nnual budget mpl -eain ca pa* of 35 mil onkW, an incrale of77 milon k W.S

52、aes tald - bil I nk W, ecedig sa - of D0 milin IW te annua E_t_budgge,a i nccese of "9 mil on kW. Se .iy m-luuplane d ou、- 25 -e sN pesnal i n»y acie ,t o - ur- no maor acient ad abol, nomaor ie a_idet s wtout e nvionme nta lolut on-Uin ove te sme per od a yar eal ie.Mjr acie-mets is, shou

53、 d adhee to t he wo "ma,lment systm" ba stegghening tchnol I gica e seac, ste ngte I idden I aar ds contol ad intisc -ey Ente prie cnsucint ooknew se | s The w o "ma,lmet systm" fr impr<ement Focs mot ng te po r of the cmpay man»-etly mand the aplcaina I d im p eaton of t

54、e saey loop fvesta ma-emet .sem, improve the saey management sstm, rrale t he sstmof saey contol., rherrrgU scuiy routnes saey suev sonad ma nng-et I ewk rl etop m taUie'ecosldlop. Stegtening Ie lupevison and mamlmetof haI itua v olaion of stegghening the s y suevsi on of ousouci ng contalos. Ca

55、ari.do. is.g a nd a un of scui y ise cions, 100d cnt ol and inspecion, laeyp.-cinmI nt, lupevsion of p.-cti on saey ad the Opi c Gm - a nd othe職業(yè)病危害警示標(biāo)識(shí)和告知卡式樣(粉塵類)作業(yè)崗位可能對(duì)人體產(chǎn)生危害,請(qǐng)注意防護(hù),確保健康健康危害理化特性(dust )粉塵能通過呼吸、吞咽、皮膚、眼睛或直 接接觸進(jìn)入人體,其中呼吸系統(tǒng)為主要途徑。 長(zhǎng)期接觸或吸人高濃度的生產(chǎn)性粉塵,可引起 塵肺、呼吸系統(tǒng)及皮膚腫瘤和局部刺激作用引 發(fā)的病變等病癥。粉塵(dust )是指懸浮在空 氣中的固體微粒。在一定的溫度、 濕度和密度下,可能會(huì)造成爆炸。應(yīng)急處理注意防塵定期體檢,早期診斷,早期治療。發(fā)現(xiàn)身體狀況異常時(shí)要及時(shí)去醫(yī)院檢查治療。防護(hù)措施采取濕式作業(yè)、密閉塵源、通風(fēng)除塵,對(duì)除塵設(shè)施定期維護(hù)和檢修, 確保除塵 設(shè)施運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)正常,加強(qiáng)個(gè)體防護(hù),接觸粉塵從業(yè)人員應(yīng)穿戴工作服、 工作帽,減少身 體暴露部位,根據(jù)粉塵性質(zhì),佩戴多種防塵口罩, 以防止粉塵從呼吸道進(jìn)入, 造成 危害。火警:119 急救:120安全生產(chǎn)舉


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


