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1、托卡馬克輸運研究簡引托卡馬克輸運研究簡引董家齊董家齊核工業(yè)西南物理研究院核工業(yè)西南物理研究院浙浙江江大學聚變理論與模擬中心大學聚變理論與模擬中心中國等離子體物理暑期學校中國等離子體物理暑期學校 華中科技大學華中科技大學2013.7.15-7.192013.7.15-7.19目錄目錄I. I. 引言引言II. II. 單粒子運動單粒子運動III. III. 輸運方程輸運方程IV. IV. 輸運模型輸運模型V. V. 輸運和約束研究現(xiàn)狀輸運和約束研究現(xiàn)狀VI. VI. 結結束語束語1. 引言本屆暑期學校的主題本屆暑期學校的主題: 托卡馬克等離子體微觀不穩(wěn)定性與(質量、動量和能量的)輸運 本屆暑期學

2、校的主要內容本屆暑期學校的主要內容 什么是微觀不穩(wěn)定性 為什么要研究微觀不穩(wěn)定性,微觀不穩(wěn)定性與輸運的關系 輸運與實現(xiàn)核聚變的關系 托卡馬克等離子體中的主要的微觀不穩(wěn)定性 開展微觀不穩(wěn)定性研究的理論和實驗的方法和手段 微觀不穩(wěn)定性研究的成果及其在輸運和約束研究中的應用 微觀不穩(wěn)定性和輸運研究的現(xiàn)狀和面臨的挑戰(zhàn)本屆暑期學校的授課安排本屆暑期學校的授課安排1. EAST 1. EAST 實驗進展實驗進展: : 2. HL-2A2. HL-2A實驗進展實驗進展: :3. Status of transport study in tokamak plasmas Single charged parti

3、cle motion in tokamak magnetic configuration of circular cross section; brief introduction of classical, neoclassical and turbulent transports (particle, momentum and energy): theory and experimental observations;4. Review of methodology for experimental study of transport Main diagnostic tools, equ

4、ipment setups, experimental designs and data analysis methods, influential examples;5. Electrostatic/electromagnetic drift instabilities (ITG, ETG) in slab geometryDerivation of dispersion equations: fluid, drift kinetic and gyrokinetic; analytic solutions of the equations; physics explanation of th

5、e modes, experimental observations; 6. Linear electrostatic/electromagnetic drift instabilities (ITG, ETG, CTEM ) in tokamaks: fluid and kinetic theories and experimental observations ;Linear dispersion equations, typical results and applications, including related linear and quasi-linear theories o

6、f transport, limitations of the theories and experimental observations ; 7. Nonlinear electrostatic/electromagnetic drift instabilities (ITG, ETG, CTEM ) in tokamaks: fluid and kinetic simulationsEquations, methods, codes, applications, including related transport analysis, important results on part

7、icle, momentum and energy transport, and open issues,8. Introduction of zonal flow and GAM: theory and experiment: concepts of zonal flow (ZF) and GAM, possible roles played by ZF and GAM, non-linear excitation of GAM, experimental observations of ZF and GAM on domestic tokamaks (HT-7 and HL-2A), op

8、en issues 9. Experimental evidences and observations of electrostatic drift instabilities (ITG, ETG, CTEM ) and turbulent transport in tokamaks: Electrostatic potential fluctuations, density fluctuations, magnetic fluctuations; critical gradient of instability vs. transport dependence on gradient; t

9、ransport reduction vs. fluctuation suppression; measured fluctuation vs. theoretical predictions, transport barrier and H-mode, open issues最容易實現(xiàn)的核聚變最容易實現(xiàn)的核聚變實現(xiàn)自持核聚變的條件When W=const. and to square of the minor radius 本屆暑期學校的主題本屆暑期學校的主題 本屆暑期學校學習內容安排的總體思路本屆暑期學校學習內容安排的總體思路 最容易實現(xiàn)的核聚變最容易實現(xiàn)的核聚變 實現(xiàn)自持核聚變的條件實現(xiàn)

10、自持核聚變的條件 (1) (1)理想點火條件理想點火條件 (2) (2)近似點火條件近似點火條件 能量約束時間,其與輸運系數(shù)和裝置規(guī)能量約束時間,其與輸運系數(shù)和裝置規(guī)模(大?。┑年P系模(大?。┑年P系 Equilibrium magnetic fields: toroidal field Poloidal field)/cos1 (00)/cos1(00RrBBRrB),cos1 (00RrBBBB rfRrr=r1r=r2rRf0pr2prpR2pRPoloidal directionToroidal direction Tokamak Magnetic configurationII. II

11、. 單粒子運動單粒子運動 Parallel (lognitudinal) motion: Rotation: Drifts of guiding center i) Electric field drift: thvv |thvvBbEVEii) magnetic gradient ( ) drift:BbnRVBmbVmg22iii) magnetic curvature drift:|,nbR RbnVlbVbVd2|2|iv)trapping, bounce and toroidal drifta) Particle trappingb) Bounce period of the tra

12、pped particlesc) Toroidal drift of trapped particles2|2rR12),(2422|25 . 0vvrRKvRq),21)()(242KERqBmvvd3, Diamagnetic drift of plasma fluids2jdjjjc PBVn q B It is in the vertical direction at the low field side (LFS) of the torus;It induces charge separation and then plasma outward motion.III. III. 輸運

13、方程輸運方程 IV. IV. 輸運模型輸運模型1. 1. 經(jīng)典輸運經(jīng)典輸運2. 2. 新經(jīng)典輸運新經(jīng)典輸運碰撞區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(1)lplrp碰撞區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(2)碰撞區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(3)as碰撞區(qū)的擴散-流體模型(1)碰撞區(qū)的擴散-流體模型(2)碰撞區(qū)的擴散-流體模型(3)香蕉區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(1)香蕉區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(2)香蕉區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型(3)by香蕉區(qū)的擴散-粒子模型 (4)坪區(qū)的擴散(1)坪區(qū)的擴散(2)坪區(qū)的擴散(3)徑向電場對擴散的影響環(huán)向電場對擴散的影響環(huán)向電場對擴散的影響effect 局域輸運局域輸運 非局域輸運非局域輸運4.4.非局域輸運非局域輸運Gen

14、tle K W et al 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 3620Gentle K W et al 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 3599 lCarbon injection by laser ablationlNe=1.61019 m-3 lTime response of core plasma: within 1 msTemperature from ECElA fast current ramp is used to increase edge heating within milliseconds shorter than current penetr

15、ation and thermal transport times. l Non-local effect by carbon injection l Non-local effect by a fast current rampuRepetitive SMBI prolong the non-locality phenomena to 100ms.uIntensity of the Ha decrease and the density increase.uThe stored energe increase during non-locality.The non-locality expe

16、riments with SMBI5. 5. 動量輸運動量輸運 為什么要研究動量輸運:為什么要研究動量輸運:漲落的增長率與極向速度的徑向梯度(剪切)密切相關:環(huán)向速度與儲能和溫度梯度相關環(huán)向速度與儲能和溫度梯度相關:環(huán)向速度和環(huán)向速度和L-HL-H轉換功率閾值相關轉換功率閾值相關: 經(jīng)典和新經(jīng)典動量輸運理論?V. V. 輸運和約束研究現(xiàn)狀輸運和約束研究現(xiàn)狀TFTRDIII-DJT-60U經(jīng)典理論與經(jīng)典理論與實驗的比較實驗的比較ASDEX裝置上的裝置上的H-mode實驗特征實驗特征 1. L-H轉換是一種分叉現(xiàn)象轉換是一種分叉現(xiàn)象(1) In an H-discharge the particl

17、e content of the plasma rises sharply without external gas feed;(2) The development of an H-discharge during the beam heating phase is determined by the setting of the plasma parameters for the preceding Ohmic phase and by the level of heating power.內部輸運壘內部輸運壘(ITB)-JET(ITB)-JETVI. VI. 結結束語束語 兩體碰撞引起的輸運不足以解釋實驗觀測到的輸運引起的損


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