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1、高一英語閱讀理解專講專練含答案及解析七高中英語閱讀理解解題技巧 江蘇省張家港市樂余高級中學 林惠芳 郵編:215621摘要 針對高中英語閱讀理解這一題型,有的學生解題能力弱的問題,筆者提出了幾點技巧。關鍵詞 閱讀理解、解題技巧閱讀理解題在高考英語試題中始終是分值最高的一個題型,隨著近幾年高考改革的不斷深入,閱讀理解題更多地強調(diào)對閱讀速度、知識面和理解能力的考查,試題變得越來越靈活,形式更加多樣化,涉及政治、經(jīng)濟、文化、歷史、人物、科普、新聞、廣告甚至圖表。2005年高考英語考試大綱要求考生應能(1)理解主旨要義(2)理解文中具體信息(3)根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義(4)作出簡單判斷和推理(5)理

2、解文章的基本結(jié)構(6)理解作者的意圖和態(tài)度。因此,考生在擴大視野、拓展知識面的同時,有必要掌握一些閱讀理解解題技巧,這樣才能在考試中在閱讀理解這個重頭戲中一錘定音。經(jīng)過多年的教學與總結(jié),筆者總結(jié)了以下幾點閱讀理解解題技巧,供大家參考。一:多練習多比較,熟悉文章設題手法 常有學生說文章看懂了,題目卻做不對。這大致有兩種原因:一是只理解了文章表面意思,未能深層理解。二是未能透徹理解題目。目前閱讀理解題目可以粗分為兩類:考查整體理解水平的主旨題和考查細節(jié)理解水平的細節(jié)題。其中主旨題占半數(shù)以上。細節(jié)題學生也應注意其選項并非與文章完全對應,而經(jīng)常換一種表述方式,或根據(jù)“弦外之音”考查學生對隱含細節(jié)的理解


4、章的最后一句。作者往往一開始先陳述事實與細節(jié)描繪,最后依據(jù)上文的細節(jié)描繪推出結(jié)論或建議,歸納要點與共性。用演繹法寫的文章主題句一般是文章的第一句,作者遵循從一般到個別的寫作程序,在一開頭就提出了全文的論點即主題,而在下面幾小節(jié)針對這一主題,從不同的方面加以論述、論證。即從概述開始,隨之輔以細說。高考對閱讀文章主旨題的考查側(cè)重深層理解,目的在于考查學生的整篇文章主題或局部段落的概括能力,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的題目類型有: Whats the purpose of writing this passage? Whats the best title for the text ? Whats the main

5、idea of the passage ? Whats the article mainly about ? 對這些題型同學們要熟悉找答案的訣竅,即剛才所說的找主題的方法。三:細讀文章,注意文章細節(jié)理解。除了主旨題以外,細節(jié)理解題也是閱讀理解題中的基礎題,它主要考查學生對文中的具體事例、數(shù)字、情節(jié)、人物等的理解。經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)排序題(按事情發(fā)展順序排序)、圖表題(按文章內(nèi)容找出正確圖形)、正誤題(依據(jù)文章內(nèi)容對所列的陳述進行正誤判斷)如:Which of the following statements is TRUE/WRONG? 對于這種題型,同學們必須細讀文章,對文章的內(nèi)容和細節(jié)做到胸有成竹,


7、,帶著問題去閱讀,這樣那些表層理解的題目,在初讀時就可以迅速選定。然后對剩下的深層理解的題目再回原文去找依據(jù)。因為已讀過一遍,去哪一段,哪幾句找依據(jù),已心中有數(shù),所以不必再從頭至尾讀一遍而只需找與題目有關的依據(jù)。五:理解文章結(jié)構,掌握作者意圖。 英語文章講究使用主題段與主題句,段與段之間通常有過渡詞語連接,承上啟下,使文章行文連貫。有時文章還會在時間順序、空間順序或邏輯推理上運用較高級的組篇手段。如果希望準確、深刻地理解文章,必須對文章的結(jié)構有所了解,把握全篇的文脈,即句內(nèi)、句間和段落間的修辭手段或邏輯關系。每篇文章都有一個特定的寫作目的,或是向讀者傳遞某個信息,或是愉悅讀者,或是講授某個道理

8、。而這些信息通常并不是明確表達出來,而是隱含在文章之中。作者往往在構思語篇之前總要進行預先設定:讀者知道什么,不知道什么;讀者可能與自己共同擁有什么樣的生活經(jīng)驗、思想見地和需求欲望等;然后設計一些隱藏在語篇深層的“潛臺詞”因此,這類試題要求考生在理解文章總體內(nèi)容的基礎上,透過隱藏在語篇深層的邏輯線索去真正領悟作者的言外之意。六:多讀多背,擴大詞匯量,掌握猜詞技巧。 根據(jù)05年考試大綱與說明,要求學生做閱讀理解題時,能以每篇6分種的速度閱讀并做完五篇詞匯量共計約2500字并有3%生詞率的各種體裁的文章。而每篇文章都至少有6個生詞。學生普遍認為生詞是主要障礙之一。由于當今的閱讀文章題材廣泛,體裁多

9、樣,經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)一詞多義,甚至出現(xiàn)沒學過的詞匯。許多學生感到生詞特別集中,困擾很大,有的甚至煩躁得難以堅持閱讀下去。要解決閱讀中的生詞問題,一要擴大英語詞匯量,二要學習并掌握一些猜測生詞詞義的方法。如:利用同義、反義、上義、下義、詞的集合、詞的搭配等關系;利用照應、替代、省略、定義、舉例等情境關系;利用詞綴、轉(zhuǎn)化、合成等構詞法;利用后置定語或同位語等語法結(jié)構,如:carpenter is a person, who makes and repairs the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood. ” Carpenter” 一

10、詞可通過定語理解詞義為“木匠”;利用前后對比或因果推理法,如:A soldier must have armaments, just as a writer must have pens.。作家必須有筆,與之對應,可以猜出戰(zhàn)士必須有武器。七:運用語法,抓住結(jié)構,化整為零,逐個擊破長句難句。 目前高考趨勢之一就是難句增多,句型多變,對學生的智力水平和心理素質(zhì)都是嚴峻的考驗。長句是一些并列句、復合句、或者有多種形式的定語、狀語、插入語復合而成。但再長的句子,只要能抓住結(jié)構關鍵詞,即分句、意群的引導詞或起始詞,找到引導詞就能明確主、謂語,從而理清各個層次,用化整為零的辦法各個擊破。如例句:When

11、reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously, but , as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were ext

12、raordinarily similar. 此句并列與從屬過程同時并用,句型更加復雜。 but 引導前后兩個并列句,前一句中有when 引導化的時間狀語從句,that 引導的同位語從句,后一句中有as 引導的時間狀語從句,for 引導的原因狀語從句,who引導的定語從句,全句54個詞,有5個分句,這樣分解后就化難為易了。 閱讀理解的技巧無論有多合理,都必須在實踐中才能得到掌握和完善,所以學生在平時的練習中,如能運用所學的技巧多閱讀、多琢磨,能力必有提高。Passage A閱讀理解Our children and grandchildren may not have a chance to vi

13、sit many of the most famous places around the world. War, weather, age, traffic and pollution damage these famous places. Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford. In the early 1970s, world governments decided that if they joined together, they would be able to preserv

14、e (保護) our history. If every country paid some money, they said, it would be possible to look after important historic places. Also, if they discovered that a monument needed urgent (緊急的) help, they would have money for repairs. For these reasons, countries around the world united to form the World

15、Heritage Organization in 1972. Today, the organization helps to maintain (維護) and restore the most important places from our history. However, one of the biggest problems for historic places is vandalism. People sometimes enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings. At some sites, such as St

16、onehenge in England, governments have built high fences to protect the site from vandals. There are many different ideas about how to solve the problem of vandalism. Some experts say that if guards patrolled (巡邏) the sites, vandals would not be able to get in. Some experts say that if they fixed mor

17、e television cameras, they would not need so many guards. Other experts say that the best solution is education. If people learned to respect history, they would not destroy or damage it. They would also want to spend money looking after old places. For this reason, the World Heritage Organization h

18、elps to spread information about the value of historic sites. 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案: 1. Why did countries all over the world unite to form the World Heritage Organization? A. It would be able to keep our history. B. It would be possible to take care of important historic places. C. They would have money to

19、do some repairs if a monument needed help. D. All of the above. 2. Which of the following shows us the action of vandalism? A. People enter the sites and destroy or damage the buildings. B. Governments build high fences to protect the site from vandals. C. Guards patrolled the sites and they fixed m

20、ore television cameras. D. They also spend money looking after old places. 3. Whats the best way to solve the biggest problem of vandalism? A. Every country spends more money looking after these places often. B. To form the World Heritage Organization. C. Too many guards are needed to prevent vandal

21、s getting in. D. To make people know information about the value of historic sites. 難句注釋 Looking after these places often costs more than one country can afford. 照看這些地方的費用通常不是一個國家能負擔得起的。 Total words:265 Reading time:_ Reading speed: _ Stonehenge 英國南部索爾茲伯里附近的一組史前巨石柱群,可上溯到公元前2000-1800年。 Passage B 閱讀理解

22、 The kings of ancient Egypt planned strong tombs (墳墓) to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures (財寶) . The Great Pyramid was built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu. It stands on the west bank of the Nile River not far from Cairo. In fact all the pyramids along t

23、he Nile are on its west bank. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life. This is why their dead bodies were buried (埋葬) on the west bank of the Nile. The people of Mexico also built pyramids. They did not build the pyr

24、amids for tombs. They used to build a pyramid and then a temple on top of it. The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as the pyramids of Egypt, but they are big. Each of the pyramids has a wide stairway (階梯) that goes from the bottom to the top. More pyramids were built in the Americas than in Egypt.

25、 About 90 pyramids are known to have stood in Egypt, while several hundred small pyramids are scattered (分散) across Central and South America. The biggest pyramid in Mexico is almost 2,000 years old. Scientists think it took 10,000 men more than ten years to build it. On the top they built a temple

26、of the sun. The temple is no longer there but people still called it the Pyramid of the Sun. Near it is another huge pyramid, the Pyramid of the Moon. 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案: 1. In ancient Egypt pyramids were built_ . A. for visitors to seeB. for kings to live in C. as the kings tombs D. for king Khufu 2. Al

27、l the pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank, because in ancient Egypt people thought _. A. they died in the west B. the sun sets in the west C. the end of their lives was like the setting of the sun D. they would go to the west after death 3. The pyramids in ancient Mexico were built_ . A. fo

28、r the kingsB. for the people C. for wars D. for the gods 難句注釋 This is why their dead bodies were buried on the west bank of the Nile. 這就是他們的尸體葬在尼羅河西岸上的原因。 Total words:266 Reading time:_ Reading speed: _ Each of the pyramids has a wide stairway that goes from the bottom to the top. 每座金字塔都有一個從底部到頂端的寬階

29、梯。 Passage C 閱讀理解 The Taj Mahal (泰姬陵) is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens with quiet pools. The Taj Mahal was bui

30、lt by the Mogul emperor (皇帝) Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favorite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was completed between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect (建筑師) Ustad Ahmad

31、 Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was completed in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble (大理石) path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is k

32、ept in good condition. The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned (監(jiān)禁) by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal. 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,選擇正確答

33、案: 1. The Taj Mahal was built for_ . A. Mumtaz B. Shah C. Either Mumtaz or Shah D. Both Mumtaz and Shah 2. Why do you think Shah Jehan was buried next to his wife? A. His own tomb hadnt been built. B. He hoped to be buried there. C. King and Queen should be buried together. D. He liked Mumtaz all hi

34、s life. 3. The passage mainly tells us_ . A. why the Taj Mahal was built B. the love story between Shah and Mumtaz C. some information about the Taj Mahal D. the Taj Mahalthe pride of Indians 4. Form the passage we can learn that_ . A. the Taj Mahal looks more beautiful than before. B. the Taj Mahal

35、 doesnt exist now. C. the Taj Mahal has completely changed. D. the Taj Mahal has become a place of interest. 難句注釋 The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture.泰姬陵被認為是世界上最美麗 Total words:221 Reading t

36、ime:_ Reading speed: _ 的建筑之一,是印度建筑后期樣式的最好實例。 in good condition 處于良好的狀況 Passage D 完形填空 In the past,most American mothers were at home to take care of their children during the day. Now, 1 , many mothers are working. More than half of the American women 2 young children have 3 outside the house. Ameri

37、can families solve the child care 4 in different ways. Some parents allow 5 children to stay at home alone after school. The parents 6 make sure that their children, usually not younger than 10 years old , understand 7 rules and can deal with emergencies (緊急情況). Other parents say they would 8 allow

38、their children to be at home alone. They usually 9 someone to take care of the 10 . Some parents in the U.S. find their own ways to 11 the cost of child care. They join child care 12 . Each person in the group 13 for the children of other group 14 at different times. Some parents ask local 15 , scho

39、ols and social organizations to help16activities for the children .These child care choices often cost 17 or no money. Many American parents, however, still 18 with the problem of 19 good child care at a 20 price. 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案: 1. A. thereforeB. otherwiseC. thusD. however 2. A. like B. as C. with D

40、. form 3. A. children B. jobs C. houses D. money 4. A. problem B. question C. chance D. choice 5. A. older B. younger C. sicker D. happier 6. A. can B. must C. may D. ought 7. A. dangerous B. safety C. funny D. true 8. A. rather B. certainly C. always D. never 9. A. tell B. stop C. pay D. invite 10.

41、 A. house B. neighbors C. old D. children 11. A. protect B. end C. cut D. increase 12. A. schools B. groups C. clubs D. hospitals 13. A. cares B. sends C. asks D. pays 14. A. strangers B. members C. officials D. teachers 15. A. shops B. markets C. churches D. restaurants 16. A. have B. offer C. play

42、 D. join 17. A. much B. little C. enoughD. a great deal 18. A. enjoy B. discuss C. quarrel D. struggle 19. A. taking B. finding C. losing D. suffering 20. A. high B. low C. reasonableD. real 難句注釋 The parents must make sure that their children, usually not younger than 10 years old , understand safet

43、y rules and can deal with emergencies. 父母們必須確保他們那些通常不小于10歲的小孩懂得安全規(guī)則,能夠處理緊急情況下發(fā)生的事情。 Many American parents, however, still struggle with the problem of finding good child care at a reasonable price. 然而許多美國父母們?nèi)匀辉诓恍付窢?,爭取用合理的價格雇傭到好的小孩看護。 Passage A 本文闡述了世界文化遺產(chǎn)所面臨的危機,以及人類對這些問題所采取的補救措施。著重講述了人類及世界文化遺產(chǎn)組織對故意破

44、壞文化遺產(chǎn)的行為所采取的防范措施。 1. D. 由第二段可知。 2. A. vandalism 由下文可知是故意破壞藝術的行為。 3. D. 由最后一段可知。 Passage B 本文介紹了建造古埃及金字塔與墨西哥金字塔的緣由,并對比了兩地金字塔的特點。 1. C. 根據(jù)文章第一句可知。 2. C. 根據(jù)“The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life.”得出。 3. D. 根據(jù)“They did

45、 not build the pyramids for tombs.”,“They used to build a pyramid and then a temple on top of it.”,“On the top they built a temple of the sun.”可知在金字塔上建廟目的是敬神。 Passage C 泰姬陵是莫臥爾王朝第五代皇帝沙賈汗為其愛妻泰姬?瑪哈爾修建的陵墓,是世界聞名的印度建筑的代表作。這是一座全部用白色大理石建成的宮殿式陵園,是一件集伊斯蘭和印度建筑藝術于一體的古代經(jīng)典作品。 1. A. 根據(jù)“It is in memory of his favorite wife.”可知應選A。 2. A. 根據(jù)該文最后一句可得出。 3. C. 本文主要講述有關泰姬陵


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