1、Polycom Confidential程志杰程志杰 Sep 7, 2007 Polycom ConfidentialPolycom Confidential磁帶錄像機磁帶錄像機硬盤錄象機硬盤錄象機AV采編設備采編設備問題問題 非數(shù)字化非數(shù)字化,模擬連接,不便遠程控制模擬連接,不便遠程控制二次模數(shù)轉換二次模數(shù)轉換不能實施同步控制不能實施同步控制終端不能回放終端不能回放不支持不支持HD圖像圖像Polycom Confidential支持點到點及多點錄制支持點到點及多點錄制實時錄制與播放實時錄制與播放 H.323終端回放或電腦回放終端回放或電腦回放具有標準具有標準 (ASF)格式,支持格式,支持
2、Windows Media, RealPlayer播放播放支持支持H.239 and H.264 支持支持1280 x720P HD G.722.1 Annex C (Siren 14)自動備份與刪除自動備份與刪除具有用戶與設備雙重授權與管理具有用戶與設備雙重授權與管理與與 MGC 、VSX、HDX終端集成聯(lián)動終端集成聯(lián)動支持支持DTMF 和和 FECC 實施錄制控制實施錄制控制支持支持GK便于撥號,支持堆疊和群集,便于擴大規(guī)模便于撥號,支持堆疊和群集,便于擴大規(guī)??梢蕴峁贸绦蚪涌诳梢蕴峁贸绦蚪涌赬ML APIPolycom Confidential Hardware Specific
3、ation 250 G Hardisk. Form Factor: 1U 19” rack mount Height: 1.73” (44 mm) Width: 16.83” (430 mm) Depth: 15.35” (390 mm) Gross Weight: 22.4 lbs (10.2 kg) Power Supply: Thermal controlled 220W AC power supply w/PFC AC Voltage: 100 - 240 VAC, 60-50 Hz, 5-3 Amps Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialP
4、olycom ConfidentialH323H323終端單點連接錄制同時兩點H323Polycom Confidential終端上的多點會議錄制終端上的多點會議錄制 利用終端的neizhoiMCU實現(xiàn)多點錄制H323H323點對點錄制點對點錄制 兩個對話的終端都呼叫到RSS 2000上的一個會議中Polycom ConfidentialRSS 2000作為一個與會者加入MGC上的多點會議所有的錄制控制通過MGC Manager進行,不需要登陸RSS界面進行錄制控制由MGC 發(fā)出的DTMF編碼進行Start/Stop/Pause Recording 控制H323H320SIPH323Recor
5、ding LinkPolycom ConfidentialH323H320SIPH323Recording Link錄制的同時,電腦登陸實時觀看會議(Unicast、Multicast兩種方式)自動錄制會議的名字 (帶時間標簽)Polycom Confidential會后電腦回放 (50用戶)MS MediaPlayer登錄 RSS Web 選擇會議 Polycom ConfidentialH323H323由終端選定RSS中的會議進行回放10 個H323終端同時回放Polycom ConfidentialScenarioDescriptionCapacityConference Recordi
6、ng How many conferences can be recorded simultaneously 2 conference or 2 EPs dialing in the same time1 H239 recorded link at a time Point to PointrecordingHow many point to point calls can be record (if both are dialing into the POLYCOM RSS 2000)1H323 PlaybackHow many conferences can be playback in
7、H32310Archive viewHow many streaming can be reviewed (unicast) based on the Web Server capacity 50Capacity:Point to PointConference Recording0210Type of RecordingNumber of RecordingH323 PlaybackPoint to Point133Single Point2 33No Single Point or Point to Point Recording010600 Recording/Playback hour
8、s (for 250GB HD)Polycom Confidential當前版本當前版本V2.0Lisence控制升級,版本保護??刂粕?,版本保護。功能選項:組播功能,堆疊功能功能選項:組播功能,堆疊功能Polycom ConfidentialPolycom Confidential閱讀出廠IP地址:lIP Address:54lSubnet Mask: lGateway: 三個辦法確認和修改 IP 地址:1.交叉線連接LAN1口,登陸缺省地址,修改地址2.RS232 Console connection3.連接VGA顯示
9、器確認地址Polycom ConfidentialAll the systems will be shipped with a default IP address:lIP Address:54lSubnet Mask: lGateway: Connect your laptop to LAN1lYour laptop should be in the segment as the system (for example:53)Login to the system (Point your browse
10、r to 54):lLogin: administrator (Administrator)lPassword: Polycom (polycom)Polycom ConfidentialUsers can use the RS232 console (9600, 8bits)lConnect to the RS232 port and activate the consolelLogin: polycomlWhen login to the console, you will see the current IP address of the system.lUser
11、may reset the password of the administrator to default to polycomPolycom ConfidentialTerminal Commands:lClearArchives to delete all the archives.lResetConfig to reset all the configurations Clean all setting Change to default IP Address:nIP Address:54nSubnet Mask: nGateway: 1
12、lstart rss2000 to start the RSS2000 service.lstop rss2000 to stop the RSS2000 service.Remote DesktoplThe usage is the same as Telnet command.lType rdp only display the current RDP status: On/OfflType rdp on to enable remote desktop.lType rdp off to disable remote desktop.Polycom Confidenti
13、alPolycom Confidential支持中文和英文兩種語言登陸用戶具有兩個級別:管理員、普通用戶Polycom ConfidentialPolycom Confidential撥入時有語音提示: “Welcome To Polycom conference recorder service”Polycom Confidential菜單的選擇控制用FECC的上下左右按鍵或DTMF編碼實現(xiàn)Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialOn the System Configuration-IP SettingReset the systemPolycom
14、ConfidentialIVR: PCM, mono channel, 16K sample rate, 16 bitLOGO: GIF size (1003x46)MENU BACKGROUND: BMP, with size of CIF(352x288) or SIF(352x240)Polycom Confidential自動生成兩個文件:H.26X源碼、ASF標配 250 G 硬盤(600小時),自動備份和刪除Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialThe following are define by
15、the admin the Account Management section:Polycom Confidential用戶列表 l普通用戶,回放存檔以及觀看實況會議l管理員,管理配置RSSPolycom Confidential管理員可以限定用戶不能修改自己的密碼便于多個用戶使用同一個密碼 Administrator SettingOrdinary User Polycom Confidential普通用戶的界面看不到管理配置項:l存檔會議l實況會議l自己信息(比如口令)Polycom Confidential集成微軟 Active Directory首先采用 RSS 內的用戶列表進行密碼
16、認證如果RSS用戶匹配不上,采用LDAP數(shù)據(jù)認證 Polycom Confidential可以利用本RSS錄制和回放的H323 設備列表, 需指定IP address, H323 Alias or E.164其一Polycom Confidential為便于管理建立的一組終端和用戶的集合為便于管理建立的一組終端和用戶的集合Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialWhen connecting, an IVR Message is broadcasted: “Welcome To Polycom conference recorder service”Po
17、lycom Confidential終端撥入時不彈出菜單,立即啟動錄制針對每個MCU終端設備逐一設定便于在MCU或終端不能發(fā)出控制編碼時,或簡化 錄制過程Polycom Confidential便于應用,用于終端不想撥入RSS的情形。管理員直接通過RSS撥入終端(或MCU),立即開始錄制Polycom ConfidentialFunctionDefault DTMF code in the Polycom MGC (Can be modify in the DTMF codes)- when working with MGC recording linkDefault DTMF code in
18、 the POLYCOM RSS 2000 or by dialing from an endpointStart/Resume Recording*73*2Stop Recording*74*3Pause Recording*75*1Since there are some DTMF codes, for start/stop/resume when calling from the MCU (using the recording link) - a user can send DTMF code of *2 to start/resume the recording, regardles
19、s on his status on the menu Polycom ConfidentialUsed in case the endpoint support H239, but at this session the user will not send content (Default value defined in the RSS Setting) as the Windows media player will open two windows even if no content is sendAfter starting the recording, the menu wil
20、l indicate a bar with audio detector, and an option to Pause/Stop/delete the recording will appear.Hide the menu - - Left arrow key (or 4 in DTMF)Polycom Confidential 可以在錄制菜單中設定密碼 可以錄制后在WEB管理界面為錄制文件設定密碼 回放改文件時設定密碼Polycom Confidential終端上的多點會議錄制終端上的多點會議錄制 利用終端的neizhoiMCU實現(xiàn)多點錄制H323H323點對點錄制點對點錄制 兩個對話的終
21、端都呼叫到RSS 2000上的一個會議中Polycom Confidential缺省有兩個虛擬會議室 (有或無H239)Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialH323H320SIPH323Recording LinkRSS 2000作為一個與會者加入MGC上的多點會議所有的錄制控制通過MGC Manager進行,不需要登陸RSS界面進行錄制控制由MGC 發(fā)出的DTMF編碼進行Start/Stop/Pause Recording 控制Polycom ConfidentialRSS中 多點會議的錄制設置在“單點設置”項中Polycom Confidenti
22、alThe name of the Archive in the RSS 2000 will be the name of the recorded conference + Date-time stamplFlag:H323_ENABLE_CONFERENCE_DIALIN_IDENTIFY = YES MGC 會議定義會議定義Polycom ConfidentialThis section provide an online status on the current connected H323 Devices to the systemAdministrator view onlyCo
23、ntrol of the connection (Disconnect, start recording, Pause, Stop)Refresh every 30 seconds Polycom ConfidentialPolycom Confidential普通用戶的界面看不到管理配置項:l存檔會議l實況會議l自己信息(比如口令)Polycom Confidential 點擊播放按鈕便可以用 Windows Media Player 或 Real Player播放Polycom Confidential所有人均可觀看,或者指定用戶,或指定回放的終端設定回放密碼Polycom Confide
24、ntial內置 FTP服務,允許有權限的用戶下載Polycom Confidential優(yōu)化應用 (Web and H323 Playback)Polycom ConfidentialInclude two component (Windows application):lMedia Convertor convert the native file to: MP4 played by iPod and QuickTime Native format Transcoding (Different Rate, and remove content)lArchive Import/Export D
25、ownload archive from one RSS to another (Upload)Polycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialRSS 2000 支持H264 和 H239錄制V1不支持Trancoding(不支持上述功能的終端無法回放)當啟動H239功能后,回放時,無論是否開始播放雙流,都打開Content窗口Polycom ConfidentialH323H323Playback of the selected recorded conference from the RSS to the EP (in H323)Up to 10 H323
26、ViewersPolycom ConfidentialQuick code is generated automatically by the system per archivelUser can enter the quick code and move directly to the specific archiveUser may dial directly to the archive XXXXyyyyyylassuming he have the access permission to the archive, and your endpoint support the vide
27、o format in the archive), where XXXX is the E.164 number of the RSS, and yyyyyyy as the QAC (quick access code) for the archive. lWithout GK Dial RSS 2000 IP Address#QACCode per archivePlay by Quick Code (Enter In DTMF)Polycom ConfidentialNew look and feel for the H323 MenuPreview of the marked arch
28、iveLimitations:Two H323 devices can receive PreviewHD Endpoint cannot receive preview No Transcoding for Preview Polycom ConfidentialThe RSS 2000 is now supporting RTSP This support will allow the user to skip backward and forward on an archive, during its view lWithout the need to download the arch
29、ive firstPolycom ConfidentialH323H320SIPH323Recording LinkStream a live conference/Endpoint (One to Many), users will be able to access the RSS web site and view the live streaming, using a standard Windows Media PlayerRecorded conference name on the RSS will have the same name as the conference on
30、the Polycom MGC (+Time stamp)Polycom ConfidentialUpon completion of the live streaming, the specific streaming will disappear from the live streaming section and will appear in the archive section Live Streaming is support with Windows Media Player only (No Real Player)Polycom ConfidentialDuring the
31、 playback, the menu will not appearDTMF codes can be used to navigate in the archive DTMF CodesDescription*1Pause*2Resume*3Stop*6Skip Forward (User define)*4Skip backward (User define)0-9Fast forward to 0%-90% (in time percentage) of the recorded filesPolycom ConfidentialPolycom ConfidentialHDX 遙控器可
32、以控制錄播服務器的起停錄制HDX 需要V2.0版本Polycom ConfidentialRecording Link is supported in MGC V8.0 1.對于不支持RL的MCU或版本從RSS 撥入多點會議:2. 對于MGC V8,支持RL,單點撥入立即錄制Polycom ConfidentialMGC上需要定義上需要定義 Recording Link Polycom ConfidentialThe MGC will pass, via the Recording Link the following commands:Polycom ConfidentialPolycom
33、ConfidentialXML API is available for the RSS 2000 including documentationCan be used for external applications and content editing Polycom ConfidentialEach recording automatically generate two files:lNative for H323 PlaybacklASF File- for Windows Media Player / Real Player On a 250 G Hardisk in average there is enough space for around 600 Recording hoursAutomatic Process for Backup and delete Polycom Confiden
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- 4. 未經(jīng)權益所有人同意不得將文件中的內容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
- 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內容負責。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權或不適當內容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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