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1、 語言學一、選擇題 15%二、T/F 15%三、概念解釋 4題 20%四、簡答題 30%五、語言現(xiàn)象分析 20%TG grammar,bond morpheme, sentence relation1. Linguistics is the scientific study of language.2. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.3. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language. It

2、 can not be used alone.4. A word is a meaningful grammatical language unit which can be used by its own.5. Lexicon refers to all the words or mental words that a speaker knows.6. Compound refers to the way of forming new words by stringing words together in certain manner.7. An allomorph is any the

3、variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds.8. The major branches of linguistics ? 寫出五大分支:語音學/音位學/形態(tài)學/句法學/語用學Phonetics語音學is the study of sounds used in linguistic communication.Phonology音位學 is the study of sound patterns in human languageMorphology形態(tài)學 is the study of t

4、he internal structure, forms and classes of words. Syntax句法學 is the study of rules that govern the grammatical formation of sentences.Pragmatics語用學 is the study of how language is used in actual communication.Semantics語義學 is the study of language meaning.Lexicology詞匯學is the study of words and phrase

5、s.9. distinctions in linguistics :1) prescriptive規(guī)定性,提供說話的規(guī)范/descriptive描述性,關心人們的說話方式而不是規(guī)定該怎么說 modern linguistics is mostly descriptive2) synchronic共時性研究/ diachronic歷時性研究(幾個時段一起研究)modern linguistics is mainly synchronic, because it focus on studying a language at some point of time in history. 在特定的一

6、個時期3) speech口語 / writing書面語 (two major media of communication)speech is prior to writing 原因:from the point of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing ; speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyed ; speech is always the way in which every native sp

7、eaker acquires his mother language.4) langue語言 / parole言語(說話的最終方式)langue refers to the abstract linguistic system ; parole focuses on the realization of language in actual use.5) competence語言能力 / performance語言運用6) traditional grammar傳統(tǒng)語法 / modern linguistics現(xiàn)代語言學3個區(qū)別:modern linguistics is descriptiv

8、e while traditional grammar is prescriptive ; modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary while traditional grammar emphasizes on written words ; modern linguistics does not force language into a Latin-based framework.10. Design features of language 5個特點,語言與動物交流區(qū)分1)arbitrariness任意性 (me

9、ans that the symbols used in human language is arbitrary. there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. it is not entirely arbitrary. some compound words are also not arbitrary.2) productivity創(chuàng)造性:language is productive or creative3) duality雙重結構: language consists of two sets of structu

10、res, or two levels.4) displacement不受時空限制 language can be used to refer contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speakers.5) cultural transmission文化傳遞(文化基因)people were born with the ability to acquire language.(是具有學習能力而不是生來就能使用語言)11. functions of language根據tripartite framework分為3個 1) des

11、criptive function2) expressive function3) social function根據美籍俄人Jacobsons model 分6類 言語活動的6個主要功能1) emotive : express the attitude2) conative : The addresser aims to influence the addressees thoughts or actions意動功能,影響聽話人的行為3) referential : convey a message or information 所指功能,傳遞信息4) poetic : display th

12、e beauty of language itself 組詩功能,表現(xiàn)語言本身的美5) phatic communion : establish or maintain interpersonal relationships. 寒暄功能,用于維系人際關系6) metalinguistic : use language to make clear the meaning of language itself. 元語言功能12. three branches of phonetics語音學: articulatory phonetics發(fā)音語音學: studies the speech sound

13、s from the speakers point of viewauditory phonetics聽覺語音學:studies the hearers point of viewacoustic phonestic聲學語言學: studies the sound waves13. IPA International Phonetic Alphabet 國際音標vowel元音20個,其中單元音12個,雙元音8個 consonants輔音28個輔音按manner of obstruction分為6個:stops/fricatives/affricates/liquids/nasals/glide

14、s按place of obstruction分為7個:bilabial/labiodental/dental/alveolar/palatal/velar/glottal14. broad transcription寬式標音法(一個字母表一個音)narrow transcription嚴式標音法(加符號表示不同)broad transcription using one letter to represent one sound.narrow transcription adding diacritics to the letter symbols to show difference.15.

15、 phonemic contrast 音位對立,如/p/ 與 /b/16. minimal pairs 最小對立位,在同一位置上的兩個不同音位when two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same position in the stings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair.17. phonology音位學規(guī)則: sequential rule 順序規(guī)則

16、:rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular languageassimilation rule同化規(guī)則:copying a feature of a sequential phonemedeletion rule 省略規(guī)則:a sound is to be deleted although it is represented.18. suprasegmental features超切分手段3個: stress重音 The shift of word stress may change the part of spee

17、ch of words of the same spelling.tone聲調 may distinguish the meaning of onation語調 can show the implied message.19. morpheme分類:free morpheme 自由詞素 bound morpheme 粘著詞素 allomorph詞素變體,-es,ies, -ren derivational morpheme派生詞素,如im,un,tele inflectional morpheme曲折詞素 表現(xiàn)語法功能,如-ed,-ing,-s,-est20. Categor

18、y詞的范疇 refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language, such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.The last and more reliable criterion of determining a words category is its distribution.21. coordinate structures : A rule of grammar that st

19、ate the composition of a coordinate structure.22. A phrase contain specifiers指示語and complements補語besides the head中心詞。23. synonymy同義refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. 同義詞是synonymsfive types of synonymy: 1) dialectal synonyms方言同義詞synonyms used indifferent regional dialects,如elevato

20、r與lift2) stylistic synonyms文體同義詞synonyms differing in style 如dad,daddy,father3) synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning具有不同感情或評價意義的同義詞4) collocational synonyms 搭配不同的同義詞5) semantically different synonyms語義有輕微差別的同義詞 synonyms that differ slightly in meaning.24. polysemy一詞多義means tha

21、t the same one word has more than one meaning.homonymy同形異義refer to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.hyponymy上下義關系refers to the sense relation between a more genera, more inclusive word and a more specific word. 上下義關系分為superordinate(the word which is more general

22、 in meaning) hyponyms(the word which is more specific)25. antonymy反義 antonyms反義詞 antonyms分為三類:1) gradable antonyms分級反義詞(中間可以有別的程度,比如large/small, cold/hot, wide/narrow, 2) complementary antonyms互補性反義詞(不是你就是我,literate/illiterate)3) relational opposites關系對立的反義詞(buy/sell, wife/husband, north/south, abov

23、e/below)26. sense意義 & reference語義(與語境有關)Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of a linguistic form.Reference is concerned with the real situation of a linguistic form.27. identify the relations between sentences.1) X is synonymous with Y. 近義關系,同義關系 If X is true, Y is true; X is false, Y i

24、s false.2) X is inconsistent with Y. 不相關關系.If X is true, Y is false. If X is false, Y is true.3) X entails Y. (Y is an entailment of X) 包含關系X: He has been to France.Y: He has been to European.If X is true, Y is necessarily true.If X is false, Y may be true or false.例如 He likes seafood. He likes crab

25、s.4) X presupposes Y (Y is a prerequisite of X) presupposition 以為前提X: Johns bike needs repairing.Y: John has a bike.If X is true, Y must be true.If X is false, Y is still true.例如 Toms wife is pregnant. Tom has a wife.5) X is a contradiction.6) X is semantically anomalous.28. prediction analysis (a w

26、ay to analyze sentence meaning) 述謂結構分析, Leech 提出,寫主語和謂語。述謂結構分為argument變元(主語)和predicate謂詞(謂語)例如It is snowing. (BE SNOWING)The tree grows well. TREE (GROW)The man sells ice-cream. MAN , ICE-CREAM(SELL)29. componential analysis成分分析法 a way to analyze lexical meaning例如 father +married +male +adult30. sel

27、ectional restrictions選擇限制制約,make the sentence semantically meaningful. 如green 不與cloud 搭配用31. speech act theory 言語行為理論(John Austin提出)分三種:1) locutionary act 言內行為the act of uttering words, phrases and clauses.2) illocutionary言外行為the act of expressing the speakers intention3) perlocutionary act言后行為the a

28、ct performed by saying something32. five types of illocutionary speech acts(美國Searle提出)1) representatives : stating or describing 闡述類2) directives : getting the hearer to do something 指令類3) commissives : committing the speaker himself to do some future course of action 承諾類4) expressives : expressing

29、 feelings or attitude towards an existing state 表達類5) declarations : bringing about immediate changes by saying something. 宣告類33. 區(qū)分pragmatics與semantics(語義學,不研究語境中的使用,單純表達意思)Whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered. If it is not considered, the study is confined to the area o

30、f semantics.34. culture refers to the arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.35. language & culture 關系Culture influences language by way of symbols and rules for using those symbols; language has a major impact on the way an individual perceives and conceptual

31、izes the world.36. learning & acquisition 區(qū)別Learning refers to a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a language, particularly through formal instruction.Acquisition refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in commun

32、icative situations.37. two kinds of meanings of any linguistic sign : denotative meaning指示意義(不因文化語境而改變)connotative meaning內涵意義(如象征意義)38. four maxims of the CP?1) the maxim of quantity (make the contribution as informative)數(shù)量準則,說話要不多不少,提供對方要求的信息就可以2) the maxim of quality (do not say something is fals

33、e) 質量準則,不說假話3) the maxim of relation (be relevant) 相關準則,不說與話題無關的4) the maxim of manner (avoid ambiguity) 方式準則,說話不要含糊怪異39. 美國Paul Grice提出CP : Cooperative Principle 合作原則, 在50年代提出particularized implicature 言外之意conventional implicature 規(guī)約含義(不受語境影響如but, so)40. 英國G. Leech 提出 PP,不同意PP原則,提出述謂結構分析predication

34、 analysis41. 英國John Austin 提出speech act theory,(locutionary/illocutionary/perlocutionary act)42. Stephen Krashen 提出second acquisition43. 三大語言學家Saussure, 瑞士人,現(xiàn)代語言學之父,提出結構語言學Chomsky,美國人,心理語言學,提出TG Grammar,提出competence and performanceHalliday, 英國人,功能語言學,提出register三分類:field of discourse, tenor of discou

35、rse, mode of discourse,ideational/interpersonal/textual44. register 語域/語境(Halliday提出)1) field of discourse語場(主題,活動,談話主題)2) tenor of discourse語旨(交際人之間的關系)3) mode of discourse語式(說話方式,入口頭,書面)例如:a car dealer and a buyerfield of discourse : business, selling and buyingtenor of discourse : seller and cust

36、omermode of discourse : oral exchange45. pragmatic failure : 語言失誤when the speaker fails to use language effectively to achieve a specific communication purpose. 如問外國人have you eaten,問年齡工資都是語言失誤46. sociolinguistics is the study of the relation between language and society.47. types of social dialects方言分類:regional dialects地域方言,如美國人說first floor是指1樓,英國人說first floor是指地下室sociolect社會方言/職業(yè)階層方言language and gender語言與性別language and age 語言與年齡idiolect個人方言ethnic dialect種族方言,如Black English48. speech variety變體 refers to any distinguishable form


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