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1、Zika Virus DiseaseZika Virus Disease 寨卡病毒(又譯茲卡病毒):1947年病毒被發(fā)現(xiàn),為RNA病毒,直徑20nm,是一種通過蚊蟲進(jìn)行傳播的蟲媒病毒,宿主不明確,主要在野生靈長類動物和棲息在樹上的蚊子,如非洲伊蚊中循環(huán)。1. Definition1. Definition Zika Virus:Found in1947, RNA virus,Diameter 20nm. It is a arbovirus that spreads through mosquitoes. Its hosts are not undefined yet, wild quadrum

2、ana and mosquitoes live in trees are mainly suspected targets,for example African aedes mosquitoes.寨卡病毒病的潛伏期尚不清楚,可能為數(shù)天。感染者中,只有約20%會表現(xiàn)輕微癥狀,典型的癥狀包括低熱、斑丘疹、關(guān)節(jié)疼痛、結(jié)膜炎,其他癥狀包括肌痛、頭痛、眼眶痛及無力。癥狀通常較溫和,癥狀持續(xù)數(shù)天到1周后緩解,癥狀嚴(yán)重需要住院者少見,病死率極低。Zikas incubation period isnt undefined yet,maybe several days. 20% infected perso

3、ns have mild symptoms ,such as mild fever, skin rashes, joint pain, conjuctivitis ,and, sometimes, some have muscle pain, headache, eye socket pain and get weak. All symptoms above are usually mild and keep for days to one week. Its rare case to keep in hospital for curing. Case fatality rate is ver

4、y low.美洲預(yù)計該病毒可能在美洲感美洲預(yù)計該病毒可能在美洲感染染300300萬至萬至400400萬人。哥倫比亞萬人。哥倫比亞感染寨卡病毒案例已超過感染寨卡病毒案例已超過 3 3 萬例,是目前寨卡病毒疫情最萬例,是目前寨卡病毒疫情最嚴(yán)重的國家之一,政府稱有嚴(yán)重的國家之一,政府稱有50005000名孕婦被病毒感染名孕婦被病毒感染據(jù)公告稱:截止據(jù)公告稱:截止2 2月月2626日,寨日,寨卡病毒已蔓延全球卡病毒已蔓延全球 4040 個個國家國家和地區(qū)。和地區(qū)。三、目前世界形勢三、目前世界形勢3 3、Epidemics Situation worldwideEpidemics Situation w

5、orldwideAmerica estimated that probably 3 to 4 million people will be infected by Zika. There has been more than 30 thousand cases in Columbia ,which is one of the most serious countries that suffer from Zika virus. Columbia declared that about 5 thousand pregnant women were infected.Zika has spread

6、 in 40 countries and regions until 26th Feb. Locally-acquired cases or virus isolation 發(fā)現(xiàn)病例或進(jìn)行病毒隔離 Serosurvey data only 只血清學(xué)調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)巴西衛(wèi)生部長稱,自10月以來已經(jīng)在4180例疑似病例中確診了270例小頭畸形(microcephaly)與寨卡病毒相關(guān)的神經(jīng)疾病。2014年全年巴西僅報告約150病例。Brazils health ministry said it had confirmed 270 cases of microcephaly the neurological

7、 condition linked to Zika out of 4,180 suspected cases since October. Only about 150 cases were reported in Brazil in the whole of 2014.2 2月月1 1日,日,世界衛(wèi)生組織(WHO)宣布寨卡病毒為全球緊急公共衛(wèi)生事件。這意味著,世衛(wèi)組織將寨卡病毒與埃博拉(Ebola)置于同一類別,并且啟動了一系列可以用來應(yīng)對該威脅的籌資機(jī)制和政策措施。February 1st, Zika has been declared a global emergency by the

8、World Health Organization, which almost means that the WHO has put Zika in the same category as Ebola and unlocked a range of funding mechanisms and policy measures that can be drawn on to tackle the threat.2月9日,我國確診首例輸入性寨卡病毒感染病例。為廣東省東莞市某公司工作人員,發(fā)病前有委內(nèi)瑞拉旅行史。2月14日,患者痊愈出院。截至2月28日,我國一共確診了8例感染者,其中江西省1例,廣

9、東省3例,浙江省4例, 均為輸入性病例。 9th Feb,in China, the first patient of Zika virus disease was found. The patient was infected by Zika when travelled in Venezuela and came back China. 14th Feb, the patient was cured and left hospital.8 cases were confirmed until 28th Feb, one in Jiangxi province, 3 ones in Guan

10、gdong province and 4 ones in Zhejiang province. All of them were imported from abroad.傳染源傳染源患者、隱性感染者和寨卡病毒患者、隱性感染者和寨卡病毒感染的非人靈長類動物是可感染的非人靈長類動物是可能的傳染源能的傳染源. .傳播途徑傳播途徑1 1、最主要的途徑:伊蚊叮咬、最主要的途徑:伊蚊叮咬2 2、母嬰傳播,包括宮內(nèi)感染、母嬰傳播,包括宮內(nèi)感染和分娩時感染。和分娩時感染。 3 3、血源傳播和性傳播。、血源傳播和性傳播。人群易感性人群易感性普遍易感,曾感染過寨卡病毒普遍易感,曾感染過寨卡病毒的人可能對再次感染

11、具有免的人可能對再次感染具有免疫力疫力。Source of InfectionPatient,latent infestors and nonhuman quadrumana infected by Zika virusRouteofTransmission1、Primary route:bited by aedes mosquito 2、Mother-to-fetus 3、Blood and sex Susceptibility of Population It is susceptive to all people .People maybe gets the immunity after

12、 being infected by Zika at first time.目前并無特效藥。寨卡病毒病通常相對溫和,感染者只需多喝水,注意休息,不需要做出特別處理。癥狀明顯時以對癥治療為主。高熱不退患者可服用解熱鎮(zhèn)痛藥。在登革熱被排除之前盡量避免給予阿司匹林等非甾體類抗炎藥物治療。發(fā)病第一周內(nèi),實施有效的防蚊隔離措施,以避免通過蟲媒傳染給他人。對感染寨卡病毒的孕婦,建議每3-4周監(jiān)測胎兒生長發(fā)育情況。 六、治療六、治療6 6、TherapyTherapySo far, there is no specific medicine for So far, there is no specific

13、medicine for ZikaZika. .ZikaZika virus virus disease is mild. I disease is mild. In general, it n general, it isnt necessary to do special treatments isnt necessary to do special treatments except for serious symptoms. You only need except for serious symptoms. You only need to drink more water and

14、get enough rest. to drink more water and get enough rest. You can take analgesic-antipyretic pills You can take analgesic-antipyretic pills when high fever is hard to cool down.when high fever is hard to cool down.Youd better not to take Youd better not to take NSALDS like Aspirin if Dengue Fever is

15、nt eliminatedif Dengue Fever isnt eliminated yet.yet.At the first week that symptoms appear, At the first week that symptoms appear, taking effective measures to protect taking effective measures to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Because yourself from mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes biting patient

16、s will transmit mosquitoes biting patients will transmit virus to other people.virus to other people.For pregnant women infected by Zika, it is For pregnant women infected by Zika, it is suggested to track the situation of growth suggested to track the situation of growth and development of baby eve

17、ry 3 or 4 weeks.and development of baby every 3 or 4 weeks.無、低、中、高風(fēng)險地區(qū)風(fēng)險預(yù)測地圖風(fēng)險預(yù)測地圖Risk Forecast MapRisk Forecast Map風(fēng)險程度 Risk Level高 High低 Low寨卡病毒的抵抗力不詳,但其屬于黃病毒屬,黃病毒屬寨卡病毒的抵抗力不詳,但其屬于黃病毒屬,黃病毒屬的病毒一般不耐酸、不耐熱。的病毒一般不耐酸、不耐熱。60306030分鐘可滅活,分鐘可滅活,70%70%乙乙醇、醇、1%1%次氯酸鈉、脂溶劑、過氧乙酸等消毒劑及紫外線次氯酸鈉、脂溶劑、過氧乙酸等消毒劑及紫外線照射均可滅活

18、。照射均可滅活。There is no detailed files about resistance of Zika virus,It belongs to the genus flavivirus, which is not acid-resisting and heat-resisting. The genus flavivirus will be killed in 60 for 30 minutes, and it also can be deactivated by disinfector as 70% Alcohol, 1% Sodium Hypochlorite, fat solvent, peracetic acid and so on. Ultraviolet radiation also has a good effect on killing the genus flavivirus .使用驅(qū)蟲劑;穿戴盡可能覆蓋身體各部位的衣服,而且最好是淺色衣服;采用紗網(wǎng)、門窗緊閉等物理屏障;睡覺使用蚊帳;將水桶、花盆或者汽車輪胎等可能蓄水的容器實施排空、保持清潔或者加以覆蓋,從而去除可使蚊蟲滋生的環(huán)境。Using vermifugePut on clothes that can protect all over your body, light co


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