1、本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)題 目: 記憶策略在英語學(xué)習(xí)中的應(yīng)用學(xué) 院: 外國語學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 英語(師范)班級序號: 1班18號 學(xué) 號: 20051154010155學(xué)生姓名: XX指導(dǎo)教師: XX2011年5月The Application of Memory Strategy in English LearningLi QianA Thesis Submitted In Partial fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree ofBACHELOR OF ARTSSchool of Foreign LanguagesLIAONING NOR
2、MAL UNIVERSITYMay, 2011Times New Roman、小三、加粗, 空兩行每段縮4個字母Times New Roman、,空一行,小四、1.5倍行距AbstractMemory is the most important factor in ones intelligence,and most people get good memory by means of proper training. Memory also plays an important part in English teaching. Thus nowadays many foreign lang
3、uage teachers unify memory strategy into the process of English teaching and obtain the remarkable teaching effect. The application of memory strategy has been studied from different perspectives, for example, from psycholinguistics perspective, the cognitive psychology perspective, and from the lin
4、guistics perspective. However, no matter what methods the teacher uses, the final goal is to help the students to use the appropriate memory strategy to improve the efficiency of English learning.By clarifying something about the content of memory theory, elaborating the memory effect of learning un
5、der different stages and the important factors of affecting memory, this paper aims to point out the classification of memory strategy, analyzing the memorization of vocabulary, sentence and discourse. It also discusses how the teachers apply memory strategy to teaching practice and unifies the char
6、acteristics of original teaching.Keywords: English learning; memory; memory strategy(注意:關(guān)鍵詞3-5個,詞與詞之間用分號分開,除專有名詞外,其他單詞首字母不大寫)摘 要記憶力是一個人的智力因素中最重要的部分,大部分人的良好的記憶力是訓(xùn)練出來的。同時,記憶在英語教學(xué)中起到很重要的作用,由此,現(xiàn)今許多外語教師在教課的過程中利用記憶策略與英語教學(xué)相結(jié)合都得到了顯著的教學(xué)效果。很多國內(nèi)外教育家從不同角度提出了記憶策略的應(yīng)用,例如,從心理語言學(xué)的角度,從認(rèn)知心理學(xué)角度以及從語言學(xué)的角度進(jìn)行研究。然而,無論教師采用什么
7、方式教學(xué),最終目的都是希望幫助學(xué)生使用合適的記憶策略提高英語學(xué)習(xí)效率。本文通過簡明闡述了記憶理論方面的內(nèi)容,以及論述不同個體在不同階段學(xué)習(xí)的記憶效果和影響學(xué)習(xí)者記憶效果的重要因素,指出記憶策略的分類,分析英語單詞、句子和語篇的記憶學(xué)習(xí)過程,并探討教師如何把記憶策略應(yīng)用到教學(xué)實踐中并與原教學(xué)特點結(jié)合。關(guān)鍵詞:英語學(xué)習(xí);記憶;記憶策略;空一行Times New Roman、小三、加粗、居中Table of Contents一級標(biāo)題、小四、Times New Roman、加粗,首字母大寫Chapter One Introduction.1Chapter Two Literature Review.2
8、2.1 The Concept of Memory. 22.2 Stages of Memory.32.3 Standard Model of Memory.42.4 Influences of Forgetting.5二級標(biāo)題、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、縮進(jìn)3個字母Chapter Three The Application of Memory Strategy.73.1 Strategies of Memory.7 3.1.1 The definition of memory strategy.73.1.2 The classification of memory str
9、ategy.83.1.3 Strategies of memory for different individuals.93.2 The Application of Memory Strategy for English Acquisition.103.2.1 The process of English acquisition.11 The memorization of English vocabulary.11三級標(biāo)題、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、縮進(jìn)6個字母 Pronouncing.11 Picture/Imagery.11 3.2.
10、2.3 Word formation.12 3.2.3 The memorization of English sentence.12 Pure repetition: rote learning.12 Paring.12 Chunk construction.13 3.2.4 The Memorization of English Discourse.13 Method of loci.13 Organization.14 Association.14Chapter Four Conclusion
11、.15Works Cited.16Acknowledgements.18一級標(biāo)題標(biāo)題上面空2行,1.5行距一級標(biāo)題單獨起頁、Times New Roman三號、加粗、下空小四一行.首字母大寫Chapter OneIntroduction正文小四、Times New Roman、 1.5倍行距每段縮4個字母Through the observation of the students language learning process, it is discovered that many students can not remember English words effectively.
12、One reason is that they adopt a mechanical method to memorize the words or sentences. So if the students want to make a great progress in learning foreign language, it is important for people to apply the appropriate strategies of memory in the learning process. In the past decades, many educational
13、 experts have done the researches about memory, including the individual memory system, the memory process as well as the memory rules. These efforts have facilitated the study of memory strategy and its advancement. Therefore, in chapter two, there is an introduction to the concept of memory, stage
14、s of memory, standard model of memory and influences of forgetting.Based on memory theory, chapter three elaborates something about memory strategies, including the development of memory strategy, the definition of memory strategy and the classification of memory strategy. There is also a part about
15、 strategies of memory for different individuals, which explains the specific methods that an individual could use to study, because everyone learns in a different way. Meanwhile, in the process of English acquisition, this paper illustrates a special language processing which is called “The Componen
16、ts of Language Processing” (Garman, 2002: 137-225), and tries to find out how to unify memory strategy into English learning. As a foreign language teacher, it is important to teach the students how to use memory strategies to learn effectively. According to different characteristics of vocabulary,
17、sentence and discourse, there are several memory strategies for each one to highlight the actual application of them in English learning process and tackle students memorization problem. Therefore, the application of memory strategy in the foreign language learning will be presented in the last part
18、.Times New Roman 小五Chapter TwoLiterature Review二級標(biāo)題、Times New Roman四號、頂格加粗、下不空行,與上文空一行As what has been pointed out in many materials, memory and language learning have long been the interest of psychologists and psycholinguists, but it still remains a comparatively worthy explored area. Many researc
19、hers have made their contribution and their constructive researches to pave the way for the present thesis. This part will deal with the basic study of memory.2.1 The Concept of MemoryCognitive psychology has made substantial contributions to the theory of learning and instruction. It presents that
20、human learning is a complex activity, when they are learning they receive, store, integrate, retrieve, and use vast amounts of information. Though memory seems to be understood easily, there are too many definitions for memory. Different psychologists in different times defined it from different poi
21、nts of view.According to Reber, memory is the ability to recover information about past events or knowledge and it deals with the process of recovering information about past events or knowledge (Reber, 1985).According to Chen Xianchun (Chen,1998), the process of memory can be divided into four link
22、s: memorization, retention, recall and recognition. People will remember first and then recall. Memorization and retention are to remember. Recognition or reproduction is to recall. Cognitive reconstruction also indicates that memory is the main storage mechanism of human cognitive system and is a s
23、kill whose performance depends on application, on practice, and on regular training. Everyone has a first-class memory; and everyone can train and improve its efficiency. In short, memory has to do with recalling and using the retention of information over time.As memory has a great influence on dif
24、ficulties in English learning, such as the long-term retention of words, the forgetting of words etc, many efforts have been expanded at identifying a variety of ways of English learning. Memory for English not only involves the memory of pronunciation and spelling, but also involves the memory of m
25、eanings, collocations and uses in different contexts. Therefore, in the following parts, memory theory will be introduced in detail.2.2 Stages of MemoryPsychologists consider memory as the process by which people encode, store, and retrieve information. These three stages are not only essential to t
26、he process of memory of English knowledge, but also important to the efficiency of memorizing English (Xin, 1986).Encoding refers to learning the material in the first place, taking information from the environment and storing it in long-term memory. It also refers to acquiring new arrangements of k
27、nowledge by using the existing knowledge. Encoding is an important part in the process of learning. In this aspect, the teacher could strengthen the consciousness of students memory by using consciousness and unconsciousness to achieve the teaching aim.Storage is keeping the material until it is nee
28、ded. At this stage, the more orderly the information is stored, the easier it is for people to retrieve. The more accurate and complete the information, the better the chance of retrieval will be. There are two conditions to decide how well the information is stored: intensity and frequency. Intensi
29、ty is related to the vividness of the information and the meaningfulness of the information and the emotion and association in the learners mind. For instance, it usually takes little time to remember colorful things; it is also easy to remember the content that makes you feel happy. Frequency refer
30、s to the times of the information representation. The more frequently one experience with something, the better its memory. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cha
31、pter ThreeThe Application of Memory StrategyDuring the process of English learning, an overall goal for students is to develop automatic strategy use, as this increases efficiency when learning and studying. While in English teaching, teachers pay attention to what memory strategies to choose and th
32、ey also should know how to apply them for different learners flexibly. In this chapter, the thesis will present the definitions of memory strategy, its classification and strategies for different individuals. Most important, the application of memory strategy in learning vocabulary, sentence and dis
33、course will be discussed.3.1 Strategies of Memory Memory theory lays down theoretical foundation for the content of how to teach the techniques, principles and methods of memorization, and memory strategy has been studied for a significant progress. Following are the introduction of memory strategy,
34、 including the definition and classification of it.三級標(biāo)題、Times New Roman小四號、頂格加粗、上下不空行3.1.1 Definitions of memory strategyMemory strategy mainly refers to the cognitive activity and the behavioral activity which human intend to enhance the memory operational effect under the conscious control. The co
35、gnitive psychology research thought the differences of individual memory may greatly sum up to the different memory strategies and how individuals use them. They will directly influence the speed and the quality of ones memory. Flavell and his colleagues concluded three stages for the development of
36、 memory strategy: 1. People have no strategy; 2.People can not apply the strategy initiatively at first, but after the induction, they can use the memory strategy; 3.People can use the strategy initiatively (Flavell 1979: 89-112). Therefore, at early points in the acquisition of memory strategies, c
37、hildren use a strategy when adults instruct them to use the strategy but they do not generate the strategies spontaneously. It shows dramatic improvement when children can effectively use memory strategies. The deliberate tactics for remembering develop over a lengthy period that spans the elementar
38、y and middle school years. When they are fully acquired, strategies are applied spontaneously in a wide array of task settings.Chapter FourCononclusionThis paper is a tentative study on the application of memory strategy in the learning of English. In theory, major theories of memory provide a solid
39、 theoretical foundation for this study. On the basis of these theories, there is a study of memory strategies and examples are exploited to illustrate the application of the major memory strategies in the study of Englishwords, sentence and discourse.According to the above analysis and research, tea
40、chers would consciously adopt different memory theories and techniques to train and instruct students in the process of English teaching, which will greatly shorten the cognitive process from words to sentences then to the discourse. Language learning is the encoding and decoding process of two lang
41、uages and the internalization of two different cultures. Good memory is essential to English learning. It seems that reciting English words, sentences and discourse is foolish but actually is most effective. Enhancing students memory ability becomes one of important teaching goals. Trained by scient
42、ific memory methods, most students will arrive at surprising achievement during a period time. However, not every memory strategy is effective to all learners. It depends on different learners using different memory techniques and different teachers adopting different memory strategies to instruct t
43、heir students. Thus, it becomes necessary for the English teachers to learn some basic memory theories and techniques.The study of application of memory strategy can make contributions to English learning in China. When using the memory strategy, the learners must elaborate new information to an unu
44、sual extent. That is to say, the memory strategy enhances learning by facilitating positive transfer from existing knowledge to the acquisition of new knowledge. The combination of memory strategy with English learning may play an important role in class, but we must recognize that the use of memory
45、 strategy is one skill that must be developed by the learners. The effectiveness of memory strategy depends on the expertise and ability of the learners tested. A distinct set of skills may have to be developed in teachers both for training students to use memory techniques and for creating special
46、techniques. Teachers 第二行懸掛縮進(jìn)4個英語字母。1.5倍行距。MLA “參考文獻(xiàn)”格式范例Works Cited Ashcraft, M.H. Human memory and cognition (2nd ed.). New York: Scott, Foresman andCompany, 1989.Atkinson, R. C.,&Shriffrin, R.M. Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. New York: Academic Press, 1968.Bower. G.H. A
47、 selective review of organizational factors in memory. New York: Academic Press, 1972.Carter, Ronald, ed. Language and Literature: An Introductory Reader in Stylistics. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1982a.引用同一作者的多個作品時,用橫線代替作者名.同一年份的加a,b,c Literary Text and Language Study. London: Edward Arnold, 1982b.Faulkner, William. Absalom, Absalom! New York: The Modern Library, 1936. The Sound and the Fury. Middlesex: Penguin, 1964.Craik, F.I. & Lockhart, R. S. Levels of processing: A fr
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