1、BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home Word Study Phrases and Expressions Word Building Grammar BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeWord list:vanishstainstandsomethingapproach6. scream7. triumph8. exaltation9. stun10. mistyBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home1. vanish v. to disappear suddenly, esp. in a way that
2、cannot easily be explainedExamples: I turned around again, the boy had vanished. It is a bad idea to let Tom Cruise vanish for almost an hour in the middle of his picture. Many species in South America have vanished completely.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homevanish from sigh
3、tvanish into the voidvanish into thin airvanish withouttrace/vanish off theface of the earth 消失不見消失不見 化為烏有化為烏有 從人間蒸發(fā)掉從人間蒸發(fā)掉 消失得無影無蹤消失得無影無蹤Translation Cf: varnishtarnishfurnish To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeCf. varnish, tarnish, furnishvarnish: to cover with vanish 給給涂清漆涂清漆
4、u He varnished the wooden table.u After he fixed the shelf, he varnishedu the whole to a high shine.tarnish: (esp. of metal surfaces) to lose; to cause the loss of brightness (尤指金屬表面尤指金屬表面)使使失去光澤失去光澤u The damp atmosphere has tarnished theu gilt. His reputation is tarnished.To be continued on the nex
5、t page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homefurnish: supply or provide; put furniture in The records furnished the information required. The presidents office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home2. stainv. a. to accidentally make a mark on sth. esp. one that cannot be removedb.
6、to change the color of sth, especially sth. made of wood, by using a special liquid (Syn. dye)Examples:This tablecloth stains very easily. Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.Stain the table before you varnish it.CollocationsTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home
7、 stain sbs name/reputation/honor stain with leave a stain blood/ink/wine stain a stain on sbs character/reputation remove/get rid of a stain stubborn stainsExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeA sudden gust of rain dashed against the red bricks that were already stained i
8、n patches by water.Her fingers were stained with dirt, her nail varnish chipped.How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?There was a dark red stain on the carpet.Water is a miraculous substance remover; it will remove probably 85 percent of all stains.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home3. stand v. a. to
9、bear, tolerate b. to be or stay in a particular state or condition c. to be proved to be true, correct, useful etc when testedClassify the following words into 3 groups according to a, b and c. cant stand the heat(room)stand idle stand wear and tear (door)stand open stand up under close scrutiny sta
10、nd up well to cross-checkingaab cCollocationsbcTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home cant stand (sb./sth.) doing sth. cant stand to do sth. cant stand the sight/thought etc. ofExamplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeI cant stand people smoking around me w
11、hen Im eating.She cant stand to hear her parents arguing about her personal affairs.I know he cant stand the sight of me.She couldnt stand the thought of losing her children.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homea music standa fruit standa stand for taximake ones stand clearcome t
12、o a standinternational standstanding committee/armystanding jokejesttake/make/mount a stand against sth. 樂譜架樂譜架 水果攤水果攤 出租汽車停車處出租汽車停車處 表明立場表明立場 陷于停頓陷于停頓 國際地位國際地位 常務(wù)委員會常備軍常務(wù)委員會常備軍 老笑話老笑話 反抗,抵抗反抗,抵抗Translation BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home 4. somethingn. a thing or a person of some value or importance Examp
13、les:He considers himself to be something, but actually he is nothing. She thinks shes something since she won the beauty contest.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homemake something of yourselfbe (really/quite) somethingtheres something in/to something(= to become successful )(= s
14、poken used to say that something is very good and impressive)(= used to admit that someones words are true or their ideas are successful, etc.)To be continued on the next page.BTLEW Lesson 2 Going Home He looked like a man who might be able to make something of himself if a good woman took him in ha
15、nd. Running your own company at 21 is really something. They had to concede that there was something in his teaching methods.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homev. to move towards or nearer to someone or something Examples: I heard footsteps approaching. Everyone prepared celebrations as the year 2000 approache
16、d. As I approached the forest, a hare ran out of the trees.5. approachWord formationsapproachable (a.)approachlessapproachability (n.)To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeHe is hard to approach.His best approach to the great man lay through a mutual friend.Researchers are looking
17、 for new ways to approach the problem.他很難他很難接近接近。對他說來,要接近那位偉人,最好的對他說來,要接近那位偉人,最好的辦法辦法是通過一個雙方都認是通過一個雙方都認識的朋友。識的朋友。研究人員正在尋找新的研究人員正在尋找新的處理處理這個問題的方法。這個問題的方法。BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home6. screamv. a. to give a loud, sharp cry or cries as of fear or pain b. to cry sth. in a loud shrill voice Examples:As a ch
18、ild, I used to wake up screaming with terror in the middle of the night.Adam screamed, loud and violent, in his attempt to absorb the pain.She screamed out that there was a burglar under the bed.BTLEWCollocationslet out a screama scream of laughter/terrorSynonymsshriekyellBTLEWtriumphant(a.)Word for
19、mationLesson 2 Going Home n. a. Can important victory or success after a difficult struggle b. Ua feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get from victory or success Examples: Winning the scholarship is a great personal triumph.The Government Commission was established here in triumph, and san
20、k here into obscurity. A fine sweat was beading his forehead but there was a grin of triumph on his face.7. triumphBTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home8. exaltationn. a very strong feeling of happinessExamples:My depression had lifted and my mood had changed to exaltation.Teammates who were strangers befor
21、e the party are instantly bonded, and victory is celebrated with fists-in-the-air exaltation.BTLEWWord formationsexalt (v.)exalted (a.)BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home9. stunv. to surprise or upset someone so much that they do not react immediatelyBTLEWExamples: His words stunned her, and she stared at him
22、in disbelief. Sara was too stunned by what had happened to say a word. Suminski in love: the idea stuns her.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home10. mistya. a. (eyes) full of tears, esp. because you are remembering a time in the past b. not clear or bright c. (weather) with a lot of mistExamples:Toward evening,
23、the weather turned and, as they approached the dock, the sky was gray and misty.He paused, his eyes growing misty.Without my glasses everything is just a misty blur.SynonymsfoggyhazyBTLEWThe end of Word Study.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeList:dream ofpass throughpull intowonder aboutengage sb. inretreat
24、into7. forget about8. come through9. be caught up in10. fortifyagainst11. make ones way toBTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Hometo imagine and think about sth. that you would like to happen Examples:The girl dreamed of becoming a movie star.Some thought it was the breakthrough scientists had dreamed of.Hes g
25、ot the sort of money that you and I can only dream about .1. dream of/aboutBTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Hometo go through a town, etc., perhaps stopping there for a short time, but not stayingExamples:As they passed through the flooded areas, they felt bad. We passed through the gates into a courtyard b
26、ehind.We were just passing through (=travelling through a place) and thought wed drop in to see you.2. pass throughBTLEWCf: pass (a place)BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEWpass(a place) to go past a place without enteringExamples: On her way to work she passed a supermarket. We passed a group of students
27、 outside the theatre. I pass the sports centre on the way to work.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home(of a vehicle) arrive at (a station); move in towards Examples:They will pull into the station at 7 sharp.The train pulled into the station on the stroke of 12.Lets pull into the parking lot and have a rest.3.
28、pull intoBTLEWOppositepull outBTLEWLesson 2 Going Homepull out if a train pulls out, it leaves a stationExamples:The three-thirty is pulling out of platform four.We got there just as the train was pulling out.BTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home4. wonder about/at to feel curious about; be doubtful about Ex
29、amples: John says he didnt do it, but I am still wondering about that. Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour. He wondered at her ability never to reveal the slightest disquiet in front of her husband.BTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Hometo make sb. take part in sth.Examples: She tried to engage her roommat
30、e in a philosophical discussion. They spoke little about life outside the organization despite my efforts to engage them in conversation about it. They engaged him in a new project.5. engage sb. inBTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Homeyield; move back to Examples: The soldiers were ordered to retreat to safe
31、r positions. At last we forced the enemy to retreat into the mountains from the town. More and more she retreated into books.6. retreat into/toBTLEWTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeCf.retreat into oneselfretreat into ones shellretreat into fantasy BTLEW不與人交往不與人交往 ,離群索居,離群索居變得
32、緘默,不愿與人解觸變得緘默,不愿與人解觸退避到夢幻世界退避到夢幻世界BTLEWLesson 2 Going Home a. to lose remembrance of; fail to keep in memory; fail to recall b. to stop thinking or worrying about someone or something c. to not care about or give attention to someone or something any longer Examples:She forgot all about their annive
33、rsary.Once they have money, some people forget about all their old friends.Id completely forgotten about our bet until Bill reminded me.7. forget aboutBTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home to arrive as expected Examples: Has the train come through? Were still waiting for our exam results to come through. Th
34、ere is news just coming through of an explosion in a chemical factory.8. come throughBTLEWTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeCe about come acrosscome down with come offcome outcome throughcome up with come up to Cf.發(fā)生,產(chǎn)生發(fā)生,產(chǎn)生偶然遇見,碰上偶然遇見,碰上得,染上(?。┑?,染上(?。┌l(fā)生,舉行;結(jié)果;成功發(fā)生,舉行;結(jié)果;成功(書等
35、)出版,發(fā)行(書等)出版,發(fā)行勝利,成功;經(jīng)歷勝利,成功;經(jīng)歷仍活著仍活著提出,想出提出,想出等于,比得上,達到(標準等于,比得上,達到(標準等)等)BTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going Home be completely absorbed in or get involved in Examples: I was caught up in conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door. I am painfully aware of how we get caught up in our times an
36、d become contaminated by our own hypocrisy. I didnt want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.9. be/get caught up inBTLEWTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEWCf. catch at catch on catch up catch out catch up with catch up onCf. 拼命抓住拼命抓住 懂得,理解;流行起來懂得,理解;流行起來 把把纏住,把纏住,把
37、卷入卷入 發(fā)覺(某人)有錯誤(或做壞事)發(fā)覺(某人)有錯誤(或做壞事) 趕上,追上趕上,追上 趕完,彌補(耽誤的工作等);趕完,彌補(耽誤的工作等); (事后)得到關(guān)于(事后)得到關(guān)于的消息的消息BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEW 10. fortify oneself against to strengthen (sth. or oneself) so as to be able to deal with (i.e an attack) Examples: Have some hot ginger soup to fortify yourself against co
38、ld. He fortified himself against the cold with a heavy coat.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEW11. make ones way to to go forward with difficulty Examples: They made their way through the crowd. I made my way to the center of the town. The two women made their way into the woods.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBT
39、LEW1) give way2)go out of ones way 3)have a way with 4)learn sth. the hard way5) the other way about/round6)by way of1)讓路,讓位,讓步讓路,讓位,讓步2)特地,不怕麻煩地特地,不怕麻煩地3) 善于處理,有能力對付善于處理,有能力對付4)經(jīng)過艱難困苦后學會經(jīng)過艱難困苦后學會5) 相反地,倒過來相反地,倒過來6) 經(jīng)由,取道經(jīng)由,取道 Thinking .The end of Phrases and Expressions.BTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeList
40、: Prefix ex Root alt Suffix en BTLEWBTLEWLesson 2 Going HomeBTLEWPrefix-ex- a. former b. out of c. to maketo do ex-con ex-wife/husband exalt export expel excavate expurgate ex-mayor/president extract extractaaacbcbbbbClassify the following words into 3 groups according to a, b and c.BTLEWLesson 2 Going Homeprefixrootex-to make, to doalt-highaltitudealtoexaltexaltationaltaraltimeteraltimetryaltocumulusaltostratus高,高度高,高度(音樂)男生最高音(音樂)男生最高音提高,舉高,提升提高,舉高,提升升高,提高,晉升升高,提高,晉升一塊高地祭壇一塊高地祭壇測高計,高度表測高計,高度表測高法測高法高積云高積云高層云高層云BTLEWBT
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