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1、.:.;英文合同常用虛詞Usual Function Words一、英文合同常用虛詞Usual Function Words1 Here/there/where+介詞構成的古體詞根本規(guī)那么:Here代表this,there代表that,where代表which或what即here/there/where+介詞=介詞+this/that/which or whatl Hereby: by means of; by reason of this.特此,由此,茲 等意。例句:The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the undermentioned good

2、s subject to the following conditions:買方向賣方訂購以下商品,條件如下:l Herein:in this。此中,于此。例句:The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A. 在此規(guī)定的最低特許權運用費應由乙方付給甲方。l Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常與 to be referred to as, referred as, called 連用。例句:This Agreement is mad

3、e and concluded on _, (date)_(year), by and between _(hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and _(hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本協(xié)議書于_年_月_日由_以下簡稱甲方為一方,與_(以下簡稱乙方)為另一方簽署。l Hereof:of this。關于此點,在本文件中。Hereunder:under this. 本文件規(guī)定。例句:Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all dispu

4、tes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation.合同雙方就本合同規(guī)定買賣任一條款的適用和解釋所產(chǎn)生的一切爭議贊同力求經(jīng)過友好協(xié)商予以處理。l Hereto:to this.本文件的。Thereof:of that. 其它的。Thereto:to that 與之,向那里。例句:“Licensed Products means the devices a

5、nd products described in Schedule 1 annexed hereto together with all improvement and modification thereof or development with respect thereto. “特許產(chǎn)品系指在本協(xié)議附件1中所述的安裝和產(chǎn)品,及其全部改良和修正的產(chǎn)品和與之相關的產(chǎn)品。l Herewith:with this.與此,附此。Thereby:by that means.因此,由此,從而例句:In any one or more of the provisions contained in th

6、is Contract or any document executed in connection herewith shall be invalid of unenforceable in any respect under any applicable law, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected thereby.假設根據(jù)現(xiàn)行法律,本合同及與此有關文件中有一項或多項條款被視為無效或不能履行,本合同其他條款的

7、效能和履行將不因此受影響。l Thereafter: after that,afterwards.以后。例句:The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from a period o two years thereafter.本協(xié)作運營企業(yè)合同,以后應繼續(xù)有效兩年。l Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect.在那里;在那點上;在那方面。例句:The Leased Premises are deemed to be fit for

8、occupation when the building therein is substantially completed.當在那里的建筑物本質(zhì)完成時,該租賃房屋才以為適宜占有居住。l Therewith:with that.以此;此外。例句:The Employer shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor against and from the same and against and from all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whats

9、oever arising there out or in connection therewith.業(yè)主應賠償一切索賠、訴訟、損害賠償、支出、破費、費用,不論因本合同產(chǎn)生或與其相關,并保證承包人免于承當上述責任。l Whereby: by the agreement; by the following terms and conditions, etc. 憑此協(xié)議,憑此條款等。例句:This Agreement is made and concluded by and between AA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Party A) an

10、d BB Company (hereinafter referred to as Party B) whereby the Parties hereto agree to enter into the compensation trade under the terms and conditions set forth below: 本協(xié)議由AA公司以下簡稱甲方和BB公司以下簡稱乙方簽署。雙方贊同按以下條款進展補償貿(mào)易。本句中省略未譯2 WITNESSETH, Whereas, Now Therefore, NOWTHESEPRESENTSWITNESS, Know All Men by th

11、ese presents,In witness Whereof, In Testimony Whereof, Undersigned.WITHNESSETH, Whereas, Now Therefore用于英文合同前言部分,In witness Whereof用于合同結尾證明部分,在第二章篇章構造特點中已有涉及,恕不贅述。l In Testimony Whereof: in Witness Whereof.以此為證,特立此證。例句:In Testimony Whereof we have hereto signed this Document on _ (date) accepted on

12、_ (date).我方于_年_月_日簽署本文件,并于_年_月_日接受該文件,特此為證。l NOWTHESEPRESENTSWITNESS: 茲特立約為據(jù), 本句話也是用于WHEREAS條款之后引出詳細協(xié)議事項。例句:NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto as follows: 茲特立約為據(jù),并由訂約雙方協(xié)議如下:l KNOW ALL MEN by these presents:根據(jù)本文件,特此宣布。通常用于前言部分例句:KNOW ALL MEN by these presen

13、ts that we_(banks name)having our registered office at _ (hereinafter called “the Bank) will be bound unto _(the Owners name)(hereinafter called “the Owner) in the sum of _ for payment well and truly to be made to the said Owner, the Bank will bind itself, its successors and better assignee by these

14、 presents.根據(jù)本文件,茲宣布,我行,銀行稱號,其注冊地點在以下簡稱本銀行向業(yè)主稱號以下簡稱本業(yè)主立約擔保支付金額數(shù)的保證金。本保證書對本銀行及其繼受人和受讓人均具有約束力。l Undersigned:法律文件末尾的簽名者,前面加定冠詞the,是指文件簽署者的自稱。例句:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close the following transaction in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated as follows:茲經(jīng)簽約的買賣雙方贊同,按以

15、下條款,達成這筆買賣。3 Notwithstanding: in spite of, despite. 即使,雖然。例1:Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits shall be subject to approval of all the parties.即使有與本合同相悖的規(guī)定,保險范圍和責任限制應以合同各方贊同為準。例2:Notwithstanding Article 2.2, the parties may agree to extend the

16、 Expiration date to such date as is reasonable in the circumstances if any of the conditions precedent referred to in Article 2.1 is not satisfied or waived on or before the Expiration Date, any such agreement or waiver to be in writing. 雖然有本合同第二條第二款規(guī)定,如上述第二條第一款規(guī)定的先決條件在合同期滿日之前既未實現(xiàn)又未放棄,合同各方亦可根據(jù)詳細情況,商

17、定合理延伸合同的期滿日。 4 As 合同英語中as出現(xiàn)的頻率極高,而且用法靈敏多變,是典型的自在人。在某種意義上講,as運用的熟練程度可以衡量合同英語的造詣。詳細用法和含義見以下實例:l As 放在代表規(guī)定的provide,stipulate,set forth,prescribe等詞的過去分詞前,含義為“按照某某規(guī)定。例1:For purpose of this, Capital Account shall be adjusted hypothetically as provided for in Section 4.6 herein.基于此,應按照本合同第四條第六款調(diào)整資金賬戶。例2:ba

18、sed on their respective Venture interests as set forth in Section 5.2 hereof. 基于本合同第五條第二款規(guī)定的各方在合資公司中的權益。l 另有Except as otherwise provided構造,表示“除非本文/某條款另有規(guī)定。例句:Except as otherwise provided herein, all notices or demands sent by registered airmail shall be deemed received 8 days after they have been se

19、nt and notices or demands sent by telex shall be deemed received at the time of the dispatch thereof.除非本合同另有規(guī)定,一切通知和懇求以航空掛號信寄出那么發(fā)出后8日應視為送達收悉,以電傳方式發(fā)出那么在發(fā)送時視為收悉。l As構成as the case may be視詳細情況而定, as the case may require視詳細要求而定和 as the Venturers may determine等短語。例句:The Venture may relocate its office fro

20、m time to time or have additional offices as the Venturers may determine.該合資公司視投資者決策,可隨時遷址或增添營業(yè)場所。l As構成as of the date of _ (date) 短語是英語合同中表示“自某年某月某日起最正式的表達。例句:In witness whereof, the parties have caused this instrument to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. 合同雙方簽署本文件,該文件自以上

21、書就日期即時生效,特此為證。l As還用在as soon as practical短語中,意義用法相當于as soon as possible.例句:During the Employment Period, the Company agrees that it shall recommend to the Board the election of the Employee as a Director of the Company on the Commencement Date or as soon as practical thereafter. 本公司贊同在聘用期間,應自本協(xié)議開場或其

22、后盡早的時間向董事會推選受聘方為本公司董事。As與 such連用是英文合同中一大特征,參看本書第二章第三節(jié)部分,在此不在贅述。5. foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above-mentioned, in questionl Foregoing, aforesaid, the said, aforementioned, above-mentioned一族,普通放在名詞前作限定,意為“前述的或“上述的,為防止反復曾經(jīng)提到的姓名或稱號。例1:The Bank shall give prompt written or telex noti

23、ce to the Borrower of the Interest Rate in effect from time to time in accordance with the foregoing sentence.本銀行將根據(jù)前述的句子以書面或電傳方式隨時及時通知借款方生效的利率。例2:The contract shall be written in Chinese and in _. Both language versions are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforemen

24、tioned versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.本合同應以中文和_文書就,具同等法律效能。前述兩種文本如有歧異,以中文文本為準。l In question; under consideration; being talk about.通常表示“在思索或討論中的某件事或某個問題,可譯為“這或“該問題。例句:All prices to be paid by the Buyer under its obligations of the buyback/counter-purchase Contract shall be the world mar

25、ket prices taking into account the other delivery terms for the goods in question.買方根據(jù)返銷或回購貨物合同的義務所支付的價錢應為世界市場價錢,結合思索該貨物的其他交貨條件。6. follows, as below, the following這一族都表示“以下,普通放在動詞后,而the following作為“以下在英文合同中用的較少。這樣的例子俯手皆是,恐怕每個英文合同都少不了的。NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows;為

26、此,雙方達成契約,商定如下:NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as below.為此,雙方商定如下:Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree as follows:茲以上述各點和契約所載條款為約因,訂約雙方協(xié)議如下:7. according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, purs

27、uant to, in compliance with這一族都表示“按照,根據(jù)合同的商定或者法律的規(guī)定。其中尤以“according to最不正式,自然用的最少了,而“in accordance with最為常見。例如:In case no settlement can be reached, the case may then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisional Rules

28、 of Procedures promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission.如未能達成和解,該案件可提交中國國際貿(mào)易仲裁委員會根據(jù)該仲裁委員會公布的仲裁程序暫行規(guī)定進展仲裁。又如:A Photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plant signed by the representatives of both parties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract.該合同設備的驗收證書的影印副本由雙方代表按照該合同第九章簽收

29、。再如:Both Parties shall each contribute their paid in capital in compliance with the items specified in the appendix to the Contract.合同雙方應按照本合同附件中載明的工程進展出資。8. Including but not limited to與including, without limitation以及including by way of illustration but not limitation英文合同表達“包括但不限于時,就會用到這幾個短語。例如:The

30、 time for the performance of the Sellers obligations set forth in this Contract shall be automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, typhoon, natural cat

31、astrophe, and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Sellers reasonable control preventing, hindering or interfering with the performance thereof.本合同規(guī)定賣方履行義務的時間應自動延伸等同于由于直接或間接由于不可抗力事件導致的不能履行的期間。不可抗力事件包括但不限于火災、洪水、地震、臺風、自然災禍和賣方無論怎樣也無法合理控制的阻止、妨礙、干擾本合同履行的其他風險和情形。9. prior to, no

32、later than, on or before,on and afterprior to, on or before,no later than, on or after常用在英文合同中限定日期,prior to表示“某日之前,提早多少日。on or before, no(not) later than,表示“不遲于,On and after表示“從某日起。例如:Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order sort to collect any account on and after September 20. 自9月2O日起,甲方已

33、無權接受任何定單或收據(jù)。例如:Our terms are cash within three months, i.e. on or before May 1. 我公司的條件是,3個月內(nèi),即不得晚于5月1日,支付現(xiàn)金。例如: Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December.本合同簽字之日一個月內(nèi),即不遲于12月15日,他方須將貨物裝船。例如:10-15 days prior to the date of shipment

34、, the Buyer shall inform the Seller by cable or telex of the contract number, name of vessel, ETA of vessel, quantity to be loaded and the name of shipping agent, so as to enable the Seller to contact the shipping agent direct and arrange the shipment of the goods.裝運前10天到15天,買方應以電報或電傳方式通知賣方合同編號、裝運船名

35、,估計到達時間,裝載數(shù)量和承運代理商稱號,以便能使賣方直接聯(lián)絡承運代理商安排貨物裝運。此外,為限定時間更為明確,還常用inclusive、including和included,來限定含當日在內(nèi)的時間。例如: This credit expires till January1 (inclusive) for negotiation in Beijing. (or: This credit expires till and including January1 for negotiation in Beijing.) 本證在北京議付,有效期至1月1日。假設不包括1月1日在內(nèi),那么為till and

36、 not including January 1。10Without prejudice toWithout prejudice to,常用于英文合同中,表示在“不損害某規(guī)定/情況下。例如:The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in part or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyers right to claim compensations.無妨害買方索賠權,買方仍有權取消合同的部分或全部。11Attributable to, due to, ow

37、ing to, by virtue of, in view of, because of, on account of,considering, in consideration of這一組短語出如今英文合同中都表示“由于,其中due to,owing to,because of較不正式,很少運用。國際商務合同古體詞詳解Part I: Adverbs in Law Documents1 HerebyHereby: by means of; by reason of this特此,因此,茲等意,常用于法律文件、合同、協(xié)議書等正式文件的開頭語;在條款中需求強調(diào)時也可用。 例 1This Contr

38、act is hereby made and concluded by and between _ Co. ( hereinafter referred to as Party A ) and _ Co. ( hereinafter referred to as Party B ) on _ ( Date ), in _ ( Place ), China, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.Chinese version for reference:本合同雙方,_公

39、司 以下稱甲方與 _公司以下稱乙方, 在平等互利根底上,經(jīng)過友好協(xié)商,于_ 年 _ 月 _ 日在中國_ 地點,特簽署本合同。例 2The Parties to this Contract, in the spirit of friendly cooperation, hereby signed and concluded this Contract in accordance with the following terms and conditions:Chinese version for reference:雙方本著友好協(xié)作的精神,特簽署本合同,其條件如下:例 3The Housing

40、Administration Department of Beijing Diplomatic Personnel Service Company (hereinafter to be referred to as Party A) and _ (hereinafter to be referred to as Party B) hereby entered into and concluded this Lease Contract as follows:Chinese version for reference:北京市外交人員效力公司房屋管理處以下稱甲方與_ 以下稱乙方訂立租賃合同如下:2

41、 HereofHereof: of this 關于此點,在本文件中。例 1Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organizations as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.Notes: 1) foreign trade dealers 外貿(mào)運營者 2) legal entities 法人Chinese version fo

42、r reference:本法所稱對外貿(mào)易運營者,是指按照本法規(guī)定從事對外貿(mào)易運營活動的法人和其他組織。例2If, as a result of withdrawal or any other reasons, an arbitrator fails to perform his duties as an arbitrator, another arbitrator shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, be selected or appointed.Chinese version for reference:仲裁員因逃避或者其他緣由

43、不能履行職責的,該當按照本法規(guī)定重新選定或指定仲裁員。例 3The Attachments to this Contract shall be deemed a part hereof and shall be effective as any other provision hereof.Notes: 1) The Attachments to this Contract 本合同的附件 2) shall be deemed a part hereof 應被視為本合同的一部分 3) any other provisions hereof 其他條款 Chinese version for ref

44、erence:本合同的附件應被視為本合同的一部分,與其他條款有同樣效能。 3 HeretoHereto: to this 至此,對此。例 1This Contract shall be in duplicate, to be held by each of the Parties hereto and shall have two copies kept by each of the Parties hereto for the record.Chinese version for reference:本合同一式兩份,合同雙方各執(zhí)一份,并各保管兩份復印件,供雙方存檔。例 2The scope

45、of Works of this Contract shall be specified in such Drawings and bills of Quantities as are attached hereto.Notes: 1) The scope of Works工程范圍2) Bills of Quantities 工程量表Chinese version for reference:本合同工程范圍應按所附的圖紙及工程量表中規(guī)定的范圍。例 3In the event that there shall be newly increased items of Work, the Parti

46、es hereto shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of such items.Notes: 1) In the event that 假設2) newly increased items of Work新添加工程3) the unit price of such items該項新增工程的單價Chinese version for reference:假設需新添加工程,雙方應另行協(xié)定該項新增工程的單價。 4 HereinHerein: in this 此中,于此。例 1The term “company mentioned he

47、rein refers to a limited liability company or a company limited by shares established within the territory of China in accordance with this Law.Notes: 1) herein: in this Law在本法中2) this Law: Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China中華人民共和國公司法3) a company liability company 有限責任公司4) a company limite

48、d by shares股份Chinese version for reference:本法所稱公司是指按照本法在中國境內(nèi)設立的有限責任公司和股份。例 2The terms “FOB, “CFR or “CIF shall be subject to the “International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS, 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise specified herein (in this

49、 Contract).Chinese version for reference:除非本合同另有規(guī)定,“FOB、 “CFR 和“CIF 均應按照國際商會制定的辦理。例 3The procedures contained herein shall be followed by the concerned agencies of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), responsible for the implementation of the Bank-supported projects.Notes: 1) The procedures containe

50、d herein: 本文件中規(guī)定的程序2) the concerned agencies: 有關機構3 the implementation of the Bank-supported projects執(zhí)行世界銀行貸款工程the Bank: the World Bank Chinese version for reference:執(zhí)行世界銀行貸款工程的中華人民共和國各有關機構,均遵照本文所規(guī)定的程序。 5 HereinafterHereinafter: later in the same Contract以下,在下文。普通與to be referred to as, referred to a

51、s, called 等詞組連用,以防止反復。例 1In accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and the Contract signed by and between _ Co. ( hereinafter referred to as Party A) and _ CO. ( hereinafter referred to as Party B), the articles of association hereby is form

52、ulated and prepared.Notes: 1) Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures: 中華人民共和國中外合資運營企業(yè)法2) articles of association:合營公司章程條款Chinese version for reference:根據(jù)以及由_公司以下稱甲方與_公司以下稱乙方所訂的合資運營的合同,特制定本公司章程。例 2When existing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-fore

53、ign cooperative joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises with foreign investment) apply to reorganize themselves into a company, the enterprises with foreign investment shall have a record of making profits for the recent three consecutive years. N

54、otes:1Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures : 中外合資運營企業(yè)2) Chinese-foreign cooperative joint ventures:中外協(xié)作運營企業(yè)3foreign-owned enterprises:外資企業(yè)Chinese version for reference:已設立的中外合資運營企業(yè)、中外協(xié)作運營企業(yè),外資企業(yè)以下簡稱外商投資企業(yè), 如懇求轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)楣镜模瑧凶罱永m(xù)3年的盈利記錄。 例 3The following words and expressions in the Contract (as hereinaft

55、er defined)1 shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the Contract otherwise requires2.Notes: 1except where the Contract otherwise requires: 除根據(jù)合同另有要求者外Chinese version for reference:以下合同如下文定義1中的用語和用詞,除根據(jù)合同另有要求者外2,應具有下述所賦予它們的涵義。36 ThereinTherein: in that; in that particular conte

56、xt; in that respect. 在那里;在那點上,在那方面。例 1“Temporary Works means all temporary works of every kind (other than the Contractors Equipment) required in or about the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein.Chinese version for reference:暫時工程是指在工程施工、開工和修補工程中任何缺陷時需求或與上述工

57、程階段有關的一切各種暫時工程,但承包人的設備除外。例 2A certificate of the Borrower shall, substantially, comply with the form set forth in Appendix 4, and the attachments specified therein.Chinese version for reference:借款人證明書,其格式根本上應遵照附錄4規(guī)定的格式及其規(guī)定的附件。例 3The Contractor shall, with due care and diligence, design (to the exten

58、t provided for by the Contract), execute and complete the Works and remedy any defects therein under the provisions of the Contract.Chinese version for reference:承包人應根據(jù)合同的各項規(guī)定,以應有的細心和勤勉,設計在合同規(guī)定的范圍內(nèi)、施工和完成工程,并修補工程中缺陷。7 ThereofThereof: of that, of it它的,其。例 1The headings and marginal notes in these cond

59、itions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof of the Contract.Notes: 1) headings: 標題2) marginal notes: 旁注3) deem: consider視為,以為4 construction: interpretation解釋Chinese version for reference:合同條件條款中的標題及旁注不應視為條件條款的一部分,在合同條件條款或合同本身的解

60、釋中也不應加以思索。例 2Arbitration: All disputes in connection with the Contract or arising in the execution thereof shall first be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute may then be submitted for arbitration.Chinese version for reference:凡有關該合同或因執(zhí)行該合同而發(fā)生


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