1、岸200柏7版年叭4阿月會計學(xué)位模擬矮試壩題哀(1)斑一、語音題(紅巴色為正確答案)笆1.背 伴從耙A笆、傲B八、稗C半、熬D胺四個選項中選出班一個與其它三個按劃線部分讀音不奧同的選項愛 A. 班m扮a暗tch巴 B. 吧f奧a埃st扮 C. 把h半a搬ve靶 D. 皚s礙a岸d昂2.哎 熬從百A挨、爸B襖、絆C岸、捌D爸四個選項中選出叭一個與其它三個埃劃線部分讀音不埃同的選項靶 A. 壩c礙o翱ld哀 B. 靶o拜ld岸 C. 矮wh俺o笆le 罷 D. 頒s懊o板me搬3.懊 把 A. 爸th扒rough昂 B. 傲ano靶th叭er襖 C. 瓣ei邦th挨er矮 柏D. 邦th叭ough
2、把4.襖 敖從斑A叭、笆B扒、襖C罷、按D芭四個選項中選出巴一個與其它三個扒劃線部分讀音不吧同的選項擺 A. 癌ou扳t 半 B. 癌w敖ou鞍l(fā)d佰 C. 斑gr扳ou俺nd爸 D. 稗ab巴ou骯t案5.半 安從阿A俺、氨B案、辦C敖、艾D懊四個選項中選出暗一個與其它三個阿劃線部分讀音不爸同的選項瓣 A. 哎nei班gh背bor罷 B. 搬fi礙gh懊t靶 C. 耙enou骯gh拜 D. 霸dau岸gh鞍ter二、判斷題班1.板 He 按got按 two pi瓣eces of八 捌informa般tions 搬about耙 the ne癌w 瓣product百.凹 A. 辦got笆 瓣 B
3、. 背informa扮tions白 C邦. 般about藹 D. 翱product案2.扒 He 笆cannot案 rememb哀er the辦 thing般 耙whose百 made m阿e very 頒sad把. 跋 A. 伴cannot芭 B. 矮thing岸 C. 吧whose爸 D. 藹sad八3.埃 Its 斑easier搬 for me盎 to go 鞍there柏 on foo胺t 凹than艾 阿driving胺 a car隘. 啊 A. 邦easier扳 B. 絆there拌 C. 拜than愛 D. 案driving皚 a car半4.百 You sh拔ould be百
4、workin昂g捌 頒instead案 of奧 霸lie埃 there 胺in bed拔. 般 A. 昂working凹 B. 熬instead板 of敗 C. 矮lie扒 D. 佰in bed白5.癌 Now 擺that百 the ne阿wspaper翱 阿arrived敖 we 敗can see耙 礙the sco拔res 瓣of the 敗tennis 芭matches佰. 襖 A. 頒that頒 B. 盎arrived澳 哀C. 叭can see埃 D. 扳of the三、詞匯題扮1.拔 If the八 train 皚arrives奧 八_絆 it sho巴uld be 襖three
5、o辦clock 矮exactly白 .柏 A. 百in time扒 巴 B. 頒on time瓣 C. 盎from ti巴me to t凹ime拜 D. 癌at time把s拌2.瓣 Many w啊ords in罷 the En邦glish l扮anguage傲 are Fr擺ench in叭 _爸_爸 A. 埃context扮 班 B. 敖source跋 C. 般origin 挨 八 D. 鞍vocab耙ulary扒3.扮 This i擺s the p瓣roblem 啊_壩 you sh爸ould pa敖y(tǒng) atten斑tion.阿 A. 唉to whic癌h 唉 B. 百on whic鞍h
6、八 C. 藹at whic按h板 D. 癌which八4.氨 The 愛_罷 you ar扳e, the 跋happier絆 they w巴ill be.盎 A. 扒 more k吧inder 安 B. 拌more ki邦nd挨 C. 矮kinder 版 版 D. 拜kind擺5.班 We wer佰e _壩_ for 扒half an啊 hour i扳n the t斑raffic 澳an癌d so we瓣 arrive哎d late.昂 A. 吧put bac哎k拜 B. 扳broke d絆own邦 C. 頒held up鞍 D. 擺kept of般f吧6.澳 Unless半 he is 哎_
7、霸_ inten凹se love鞍, he ha瓣rdly ev般er look絆s into 藹someone哀 elses拜 eyes f啊or very翱 long.霸 A. 啊confess班ing斑 B. 巴refusin白g岸 C. 敗grantin柏g暗 D. 跋coverin捌g懊7.擺 The sp佰eech _昂_挨, a liv斑ely dis隘cussion敖 starte挨d.笆 A. 扮being d佰elivere阿d靶 B. 班be deli班vered芭 C. 襖was del熬ivered絆 D. 骯having 吧been de翱livered斑8.百 M
8、r. Jo笆hn kept把 thinki扒ng hard按, but f爸ailed t襖o 愛_艾a worka昂ble pla頒n.把 A. 巴 come u阿p with 巴 哀 B. 擺come up鞍 agains擺t礙 C. 拜come up暗 to 稗 翱 癌 D. 邦come up敗 for笆9.鞍 He nev挨er _盎_ t礙o read 扮the new芭s but t昂urned a襖t once 擺to the 佰crosswo鞍rd on t啊he last版 page.敖 A. wo藹rried啊 B. no搬t(yī)iced跋 C. pa按ined斑 D. tr搬
9、oubled把10.板 All I拔m tryin傲g to do傲 is to邦 _巴_跋 why yo鞍ur cond俺ition h稗as not 隘been im佰proved.哎 A. 絆look fo盎r 把 皚 B. 白find ou愛t頒 C. 巴search 百for 按 D. 扮look ov白er氨11.叭 This i辦s the h阿otel 暗_哀 I met 巴the fam吧ous act佰or Chen佰 Long. 凹 襖 艾 拌 A. 扮which 擺 芭 B. 瓣in whic敗h拌 C. 昂that 埃 D. 吧in that昂12.隘 Not un哀
10、til you百r work 扮is fini唉shed 辦_般.澳 A. 半you can凹 leave 皚 罷 B. 罷ca壩n you l愛eave敖 C. 八you can案t leav哎e 絆 D. 巴cant y阿ou leav骯e吧13.敖 They w耙ere so 凹far awa巴y that 安I could瓣nt _班_ th班eir fac氨es clea辦rly.耙 A. se罷e throu斑gh啊 B. ma頒ke up白 C. ma唉ke at礙 D. ma頒ke out叭14.瓣 I can 癌hardly 襖believe扳 my eye百s. This艾
11、 _熬_ man i埃s actua傲lly a s暗cientis皚t who o岸nce won擺 the No岸bel Pri岸ze.襖 A. re翱markabl岸e斑 B. un版usual搬 C. ma扳gnifice跋nt懊 背D. unre板markabl藹e扒15.爸 He sai柏d he 襖_礙 return耙 from G胺ermany 八the nex懊t day.百 A. 八 is to 班 B. 罷 was to壩 C. 扒is goin邦g to 笆 巴 D. 襖would g爸o to安16.艾 I ran 拌_澳 Alice,爸 who wa敖s on 邦h
12、er way胺 to see白 how I 擺was get凹ting al白o(hù)ng. A. up邦 B. ou暗t of扳 C. ov跋er哀 D. in板to把17.暗 I know唉 nothin擺g about罷 it佰 _ 阿what I 按have re傲ad in t背he pape爸rs.愛 A. 盎besides捌 B. 澳beside搬 C. 皚expect 佰 懊 凹 D. 靶except懊18.礙 The go襖vernmen啊t will 疤have to把 work h艾ard _半_扳 t傲he conf叭idence 翱of the 拔people 俺after
13、 t埃he terr挨ible ev愛ent.阿 A. 背to win 昂back癌 B. 伴to win 疤through柏 C. 佰to come癌 up wit哎h俺 D. 扳to come佰 at翱19.辦 None o叭f them 佰spoke E岸nglish 阿_叭 Sam.敖 A. 澳except 阿of 昂 B. 愛except捌 C. 昂excepti俺on懊 D. 把except 擺for般20.藹 _絆_ he w瓣orks ha暗r斑d, I di拔dnt mi搬nd when拜 he fin骯ishes t胺he expe唉riment.拔 A. As敗 soon
14、 a爸s矮 B. So懊 long a靶s吧 C. As搬 well a凹s稗 D. So澳 far as瓣21.疤 I trie罷d very 岸hard to藹 persua翱de him 跋to join稗 our gr爸oup but俺 I met 頒with a 壩flat _版_傲.白 A. 鞍disappr擺oval阿 B. 按rejecti辦on拌 C. 傲refusal奧 D. 爸decl把ine疤22.擺 Do yo隘u think版 that t扮he labo吧r bill 耙will be瓣 passed班? Oh,熬 yes. I盎ts _版_ th壩at it w
15、敗ill.翱 A. 礙almost 拔surely襖 B. 百very li擺kely罷 C. 阿near po哀sitive頒 D. 霸quite c半ertainl百y埃23.扒 Send u奧s a mes辦sage if岸 you 吧_敖 any di奧fficult暗y.按 A. 拌have 骯 B. 阿had挨 C. 挨wil凹l have 啊 D. 般have ha挨d邦24.擺 It was盎 diffic岸ult to 扮guess w愛hat her阿 _板_ to t罷he news襖 would 絆be.襖 A. re愛action辦 B. co百mment艾 C. i
16、m鞍pressio罷n把 D. op翱inion邦25.挨 Could 哎I borro襖w that 柏book wh矮en you按ve fini八shed 唉_案 俺it?瓣 A. 板to read耙 跋 B. 芭not to 爸read熬 C. 盎in read盎i巴ng皚 D. 爸reading拜26.俺 I will霸 repair拌 this n般ew TV s爸et with敖out cha骯rging b頒ecause 擺it is u哎nder _敗_.昂 A. in爸itial把 B. tr矮ial芭 C. gu版arantee安 D. ma扒ximum埃27.芭 The
17、y h案ave nev凹er hear佰d any _胺_.班 A. 壩a custo唉mer com扒plaint骯 B. 鞍the cus巴tomers俺 compla挨ints襖 C. 胺custome吧rs com扒plaint絆 D. 哀the cus氨tomers翱 compla挨ints版28.板 He is 芭given a半nswers 芭that on矮ly _啊_ his礙 confus壩ion.阿 A. 搬add to 芭 翱 B. 懊come wi百th靶 C. 板add wit岸h皚 D. 氨come up凹29.埃 _案_霸 many o熬f the c罷usto
18、mer唉s work 般during 澳the day唉, Billy靶 has to皚 collec霸t 啊the mon扒ey from氨 them a背t把 night.白 A. 靶 Since 凹 B. 隘Althoug凹h案 C. 翱Therefo皚re 哀 D. 拜From頒30.搬 Ill c矮all to 笆see you半 this e霸vening敖 _邦_啊 I can 稗stay on愛ly a fe藹w minut扮es.班 A. 頒which 耙 B. 懊however凹 C. 佰even 斑 D. 盎though四、閱讀理解扳1.斑 Cul安ture sh吧ock
19、 mig敖ht be c啊alled a阿n oc爸cupatio唉nal dis哎ease of胺 半people 柏who hav阿e been 版suddenl柏y trans癌planted癌 abroad霸. Like 懊most ai敗lments,吧 it has背 its ow笆n sympt按oms and哀 cure. 扒 Cul頒ture sh佰ock is 拌precipi埃tated b板y the a耙nxiety 岸that re擺sults f癌rom los扮ing all盎 our fa藹miliar 矮signs a昂nd symb佰ols of 安soc
20、ial 澳interco稗urse. T百hose si案gns or 瓣cue扳s inclu氨de the 骯thousan捌d and o叭ne ways百 in whi辦ch we o八rient o拌urselve爸s to th熬e situa叭tion of霸 daily 氨life: w稗hen to 安shake h俺ands an皚d what 胺to say 叭when we斑 meet p按eople, 癌when an吧d how t爸o give 辦tips, h鞍ow to m岸ake pur板chases,邦 when t班o accep巴t and w凹hen
21、 to 矮refuse 唉invitat吧ions, w矮hen 岸to take絆 statem伴ents se拜riously笆 and wh凹en not.背 These 般cues, w斑h(yuǎn)ich ma皚y be wo吧rds, ge啊stures,皚 facial懊 expres拔sions, 胺customs壩, or no哎rms, ar拌e acqui擺red by 懊all of 敗us in t芭he cour壩se of g擺rowing 哎up and 暗are as 爸much a 氨part of案 our cu佰lture a擺s the l稗anguage骯 w
22、e spe爸ak or t爸he beli巴efs 艾we acce頒pt. All艾 of us 般depend 半for our奧 peace 傲of mind般 and ou背r effic瓣iency o俺n hundr扒eds of 稗these c壩ues, mo版st of w班hich we案 do not懊 carry 辦on the 壩level o捌f consc伴ious aw熬areness扒. 敖 Now愛 when a啊n indiv昂idual e八nters a頒 strang俺e cultu拔re, all暗 or mos邦t of th把ese fam斑i
23、liar c敗ues are案 盎removed爸. He or拜 she is邦 like a奧 fish o壩ut of w昂ater. N疤o matte敗r how b熬road-mi邦nded or拔 full o礙f goodw笆ill you按 may be阿, a ser艾ies of 扮props h皚ave bee搬n knock般ed from扮 under 阿you fol骯lowed b傲y a fee暗ling of拔 frustr盎ation a隘nd anxi頒ety. Pe懊ople re搬act to 敖the fru癌stratio昂n in mu敖ch
24、the 邦same芭 way. F阿irst th稗ey reje捌ct the 鞍environ唉ment wh埃ich cau耙ses the辦 discom癌fort. 班The way拌s of th澳e host 扳country哎 are ba靶d becau癌se they傲 make m罷e feel 挨bad. W敗hen for懊eigners懊 in a s傲trange 班l(xiāng)and ge佰t toget扳her to 襖grouse 把about t笆he host岸 countr昂y and i礙ts peop芭le, you邦 can be辦 sure t柏hey
25、伴are suf按fering 巴from cu哎lture s哎hock. A頒nother 白phase o背f cultu矮re shoc瓣k is re爸gressio般n. The 懊home en版vironme熬nt sudd霸enly as笆sumes a澳 tremen懊dous im邦portanc捌e. To t襖he fore澳igner e耙verythi皚ng beco白mes irr班ational班l(xiāng)y glor斑ified. 挨All the熬 diffic吧ulties 扮and pro埃blems a背re forg斑otten a骯nd o巴nly th
26、e氨 good t板hings b傲ack hom扮e are r鞍emember鞍ed. It 澳usually扒 takes 骯trip ho盎me to b唉ring on藹e back 鞍to real般ity. 班1.Accor藹ding to絆 the pa昂ssage, 藹culture爸 shock 罷_.般2.Accor瓣ding to啊 the pa壩ssage, 皚culture唉 shock 扳results稗 from _辦_.爸3.Which拜 one of愛 the fo胺llowing骯 may no哎t八 be the巴 sympto盎ms of c八ultu
27、re 懊shock?版4.How w八ould a 辦person 絆who sta凹ys abro笆ad most巴 probab班l(xiāng)y reac霸t when 案he or s辦he is f霸rustrat隘ed by t跋he cult敖ure sho霸ck acco埃rding t案o the p案assage?爸5.This 斑passage皚 is mos阿t likel案y taken巴 from _把_.吧第懊1鞍空答案艾 C.般 is 熬actuall靶y not a搬 diseas靶e挨 拜第擺2稗空答案八 A.邦 the su敖dden ch澳ange of吧 the
28、so百cial at隘mospher敗e and c霸ustoms頒 瓣第岸3背空答案藹 C.艾 You su胺ddenly 佰forget 凹what a 皚word me鞍ans.愛 熬第扳4稗空答案安 A.白 He is 阿most li矮kely to靶 refuse吧 to abs芭orb the拔 strang挨e envir熬onment 邦at firs爸t.吧 把第巴5拌空答案唉 D.骯 an ess扒ay on昂 human 鞍customs白2.耙 Bein安g a man皚 has al熬ways be鞍en dang板erous. 唉There a凹re abou艾t
29、 105 m伴ales bo啊rn for 澳every 1翱00 fema奧les, bu百t this 哀ratio d藹rops to拜 near b佰alance 笆at the 瓣age of 鞍maturit百y, and 霸among 7傲0-year 捌old peo百ple the愛re are 皚twice a伴s many 壩women a版s men. 叭 But般 the gr拔eat uni敖versal 敗(阿普遍性版) of ma唉le mort藹ality i癌s being扒 change鞍d. Now,笆 boy ba扳bies su巴rvive a耙lm
30、ost a柏s well 般as girl拜s do. T昂his mea癌ns that岸 for th笆e first鞍 time t跋here wi般ll be a襖n exces哀s of bo半ys in t鞍hose cr芭ucial y耙ears wh癌en they八 are se岸arching辦 for a 挨mate. M奧ore imp瓣ortant,扮 anothe皚r chanc頒e for n斑a芭tural s襖ele骯ction h叭as been班 remove疤d. Fift霸y years敖 ago, t疤he chan八ce of a敗 baby s傲
31、urvivin拜g depen斑ded on 把its wei斑ght. A 爸kilogra伴m too l邦ight or伴 too he拌avy mea拔nt almo版st cert吧ain dea阿th. Tod壩ay it m藹akes al岸most no唉 differ襖ence. S骯ince mu哀ch of t笆he vari埃ation i昂s due t搬o genes熬, one m笆ore for昂ce o哎f evolu頒tion ha癌s gone.埃 挨There i擺s anoth耙er way 氨to comm礙it evol懊utionar班y sui
32、ci耙de: sta捌y alive懊, but h敗ave few敖er chil鞍dren. E矮xcept i艾n some 埃religio啊us comm藹unities拌, very 矮few wom疤en have鞍 15 chi案ldren. 耙Nowaday跋s the n伴umber o案f birth佰s, like阿 the ag愛e of de霸ath, ha芭s becom昂e avera耙ge埃. Most 搬of us h頒ave rou半ghly th柏e same 背number 昂of chil襖dren. A搬gain, d唉ifferen懊ces be
33、t邦ween pe哀ople an辦d the o敖pportun擺ity for俺 natura芭l selec拔tion to奧 take a捌dvantag哀e of it八 have d捌isappea礙red. In板dia sho懊ws what矮 is hap阿pening.胺 The co吧untry o隘ffers w盎ealth f岸or a fe哀w in th吧e great敗 cit俺ies and拔 povert扒y for t疤he rema埃ining t岸ribal p般eoples.皚 The gr敗and med稗iocrity擺 of tod板ay-ev
34、er挨yone be芭ing the礙 same i霸n survi罷val and拌 number藹 of chi昂ldren-m靶eans th隘at natu胺ral sel捌ection 版has los奧t 80% o皚f its p拌ower in八 middle佰-class 頒compare爸d to th俺e tribe拜. 唉For us,奧 this m耙eans th翱a芭t evolu艾tion is辦 over; 耙the bio霸logical搬 Utopia阿 has ar拔rived. 白Strange熬ly, it 扮has inv岸olved l啊ittl
35、e p吧hysical氨 change癌. No ot隘her spe扒cies fi盎lls so 把many pl頒aces in八 nature拜. But i啊n the p襖ast 100懊 000 ye礙ars- ev叭en the 啊past 10案0 years胺-our li愛ves hav礙e been 芭transfo鞍rmed bu班t our b啊odie傲s have 班not. We白 did no案t evolv敖e, beca把use mac傲hines a矮nd soci奧ety did艾 it for哎 us. Da斑rwin ha岸d a phr拔ase
36、 to 敖describ靶e those稗 ignora頒nt of e罷volutio半n; they絆 look 埃at an o芭rganic 吧being a昂s a sav半age loo案ks at a斑 ship, 埃as at s白o(hù)methin礙g wholl拔y beyon啊d his c翱omprehe敗nsion.頒 No dou瓣bt w襖e will 柏remembe氨r a 20t柏h centu絆ry way 奧of life拌 beyond罷 compre扳hension半 for it跋s uglin哀ess. Bu鞍t howev般er amaz把ed o
37、ur 稗descend班ants ma翱y be at愛 how fa罷r from 耙Utopia 柏we were唉, they 搬will lo藹ok just癌 like u頒s. 吧1. Acco唉rding t霸o the a藹uthor, 埃what wa柏s the d拌anger a案 man ha暗d to fa岸ce?懊2. The 靶sentenc伴e Ther岸e is an版other w芭ay to c白o(hù)mmit e靶volutio拌nary su俺icide 昂perhaps敖 means 白_.哀3. The 耙example哎 of Ind稗ia inte
38、稗r(nóng)prets 盎that _捌_.稗4. The 按author 案argues 把that ou拌r bodie般s have 拌stopped傲 evolvi拌ng beca邦use_芭_.盎5. What芭 is the盎 main i哎dea of 把the pa擺ssage?礙第艾1敗空瓣答案稗 C.八 Lower 哎surviva翱l.拌 澳第柏2挨空答案背 C.阿 there 唉is anot按her fac瓣tor to 拔prevent扳 us fro扳m evolv罷ing翱 澳第板3艾空答案熬 B.背 natura隘l selec叭tion ha壩rdly wo礙rks
39、 amo哀ng the 白rich an哎d the p昂oor熬 埃第哀4阿空答案俺 A.暗 life h敗as been俺 improv八ed by t案echnolo哀gical a啊dvance頒 背第唉5奧空答案啊 D.耙 Human啊 evolut耙ion柏 going 百nowhere背.半3.哎 How do板 the Am扒erican 柏office 白men and芭 women 爸dress t邦hemselv霸es when癌 they g拜o to wo柏rk?八 In cer熬tain ki跋nds of 凹busines佰ses the皚 men we百ar o
40、nly挨 suits 疤of a co捌nservat般ive nat愛ure wit皚h white骯 shirts叭 and da頒rk ties芭; in ot邦hers, m霸en wear按 blazer辦s and q邦uiet-pa稗tte骯rn spor礙t Jacke叭ts. In 瓣some in拜stituti霸ons wom矮en know扮 instin盎ctively襖 to wea疤r skirt疤s (ther岸e are n癌o rules藹 posted稗 saying靶 they s安hould n啊ot wear骯 pants)阿. In so頒me o
41、the吧r types敖 of Job敖s women捌 wear p斑ants - 壩well-cu稗t, well挨-fittin靶g(shù) ones 挨- freel哀y, and 霸in cert白ain oth捌er jobs吧 tha白t懊demand 百physica艾l activ吧ity pan扮ts are 百almost 氨a neces扒sity.昂 In con白servati半ve busi礙ness su佰ch as b背anks, i安nsuranc俺e compa案nies, a搬nd comp安any hea版dquarte斑rs, men柏 and wo辦men
42、 sho皚uld hav半e one f埃ashion 捌and one澳 only; 襖to dres擺s in go班od tast拜e. Good般 taste 哎does no靶t need 拔a major奧 in扒vestmen安t in de芭signers俺 origi稗nals; g暗ood tas霸te mean斑s dress半ing in 邦an unde哎rstated盎 rather俺 than o疤verstat敖ed mann板er.班 The im傲portanc癌e of gr搬ooming 白cannot 骯be over把emphasi敖zed. Wi隘
43、thout i隘t, ther傲e is no俺 succes敖sful fa背shion. 疤It woul柏d be he柏lpful i背f every半one wer跋e to go版 over t般heir gr搬ooming 巴check l皚ist in 跋front o罷f a ful八l-lengt半h mirro捌r befor安e leavi背ng home阿 each m案orning.靶 奧 Career澳 people把 can ke凹ep a fu暗ll set 白o(hù)f toil唉etries 艾and mak岸e-up st拜ored so靶mewhere奧 a
44、t the芭 office叭. A wom頒an goin拜g to an昂 evenin柏g party熬 should扳 dress 佰in the 疤morning扒 in one凹 o奧f her 爸basic d板resses敗 - the 翱kind th胺at can 礙change 版into a 拌differe岸nt look靶 with a凹n added哀 scarf 班or jewe頒lry. Sh翱e can m稗etamorp俺hose he奧rself i昂nto ano爸ther pe芭rson wi罷th fres安hly cle隘aned te壩eth,
45、co藹mbed ha拔ir, a n笆ew face吧, a dif鞍ferent 埃and dre班ssier p柏air of 礙shoes, 癌and som唉e sp頒arkling翱 jewelr柏y. In a哀ddition岸 to a r扮azor an矮d tooth擺brush, 挨men sho傲uld kee澳p a cha岸nge of 拌shirt i凹n their瓣 office跋 so tha胺t they 挨can go 拔off in 稗the eve瓣ning lo把oking r拜efreshe邦d. If按 the oc礙casion 班is for
46、m傲al they盎 too mu翱st stor扒e their暗 black-矮tie par胺apherna矮lia and愛 their 啊dres把sy blac百k shoes挨 in the澳ir offi礙ce.盎1. Acco挨rding t背o the t敖ext, so懊me wome按n have 般to work奧 in pan霸ts beca靶use _瓣_.叭2. dre骯ss in g扒ood tas艾te (in啊 Paragr半aph 3) 叭may ref板er to_扳_.俺3. The班 import矮ance of挨 groomi擺ng cann唉o
47、t be o傲veremph隘asized爸 (in Pa俺ragraph啊 4) 襖may mos胺t p扒robably班 mean _癌_.傲4. It i瓣s sugge暗sted in熬 the te捌xt that艾 before傲 leavin吧g home 捌for wor胺k _擺_ .骯5. Whic半h of th案e follo板wing ca癌n be in爸ferred 矮from th霸e text?斑第靶1絆空答案跋 A.愛 拜pants a阿re almo扳st a ne埃cessity熬 for th藹eir wor藹k阿 癌第盎2辦空答案皚 D.班 啊dr
48、ess i板n prope胺r and u百nobviou白s c擺lothes霸 暗第凹3藹空答案白 C.扳 皚groomin奧g shoul氨d be ov骯erempha吧sized b疤ecause 拔it is v靶ery imp芭ortant頒 叭第頒4俺空答案襖 D.傲 絆everyon爸e make 艾sure he罷 or she傲 is pro扮perly d絆ressed 霸or made叭 up瓣 靶第背5拌空答案白 C.隘 敗Both me胺n and w罷omen ma氨y go to懊 an eve安ning en巴gagemen敖t befor啊e retur稗
49、ning ho凹me.霸4.昂 The Un霸i礙versity板 of Lon版don is 挨one of 般Britain白s larg啊est cen俺ters fo瓣r highe瓣r educa瓣tion, w扒ith a n皚ame for懊 intern澳ational暗 educat襖ion. Lo氨cated i疤n one o哀f the w搬orlds 案most dy按namic c背ities, 案we can 盎offer i敖nternat傲ional s鞍tudents叭 a wide耙 and di芭verse c搬ultural絆 life, 拜as we
50、ll澳 as the捌 ver霸y best 靶course 案choice 懊and tea哎ching. 奧We offe白r our i背nternat藹ional s拌tudents捌 the ab按ility t伴o study敖 and im唉prove t藹heir co矮mmand o把f Engli瓣sh, to 昂ensure 敖they ge柏t the b澳est fro背m the c懊ourse o案f their敖 choice把. 敗Interna藹tional 邦student稗s are a扳ssured 頒of a su罷ccessfu斑l and h澳a
51、ppy ti半m壩e while背 studyi斑ng at t捌he Univ瓣ersity 罷of Lond笆on. We 昂have a 把Student八 Servic八e Offic拜e to he拌lp you 敗at all 愛times, 矮and fir熬st-year藹 studen暗ts are 叭ensured罷 a plac傲e in ha辦lls of 拔residen柏ce if d八esired.盎 Your t版eacher 盎will gi啊ve you 安persona暗l instr翱uctions佰 if req敖uired. 按Student矮s c
52、a澳n enjoy啊 themse搬lves in拔 the fr癌ee heal扳th cent百er at a板ny time澳. 埃 瓣 As a f稗inal po傲int, we挨 offer 癌religio澳us serv版ice roo氨ms for 稗those o按f all f阿aiths a斑nd as L拜ondon i襖s an in骯ternati笆onal ci澳ty, we 芭can put挨 studen百ts in t稗ouch wi絆th many稗 religi安ous gro靶ups in 罷this ar敖ea. Fin阿a襖lly, wi爸th
53、exce擺llent a耙ir, rai般l and r靶oad lin唉ks to t啊he rest唉 of Bri版tain, E巴urope a哀nd the 澳world, 傲getting敗 here i胺s easy.吧1.The U昂niversi傲ty of L搬ondon i芭s situa背ted at 唉a city 扳_癌_.皚2.The U埃niversi擺ty of L壩ondon i斑s famou叭s for_笆_.巴3.Whene疤ver int伴ernatio矮nal stu隘den扮ts have捌 any di靶fficult哎y in li扳fe,
54、the爸y can g柏o to_八_ for奧 help.扒4.The u哎niversi芭ty assu翱res the安 first 把year st佰udents 挨that _啊_班_.艾5.The m巴ain pur背pose of佰 this p扒assage 岸is to_澳_邦_.俺第挨1鞍空答案按 B.哀 板full of把 activi阿ty and 傲energy敗 叭第擺2辦空答案拜 B.叭 爸interna岸tional 皚educa跋tion斑 翱第白3氨空答案扒 C.絆 柏the Stu搬dent Se癌rvice O扮ffice班 邦第巴4八空答案斑 A.伴
55、瓣they ca半n have 八a place叭 in hal背ls of r耙esidenc拌e if th佰ey wish癌 to埃 爸第俺5俺空答案拜 C.骯 爸draw mo扒re inte搬rnation斑al stud敖ents五、完形填空擺Yesterd阿ay was 皚(1) .He擺 got a 柏lot of 八present盎s (2) 斑 his f斑riends 藹and fam凹ily. Al扒l the白 gifts 挨were wr傲apped _拜(3) col扒ored pa昂per. (4岸) of (5霸) (6) l絆arge, b案ut othe澳
56、rs were扒 very s矮mall. S矮ome (7)礙 heavy,辦 and ot頒hers we案re ligh百t. One 俺square 挨package八 was bl胺ue, the安re was 拌a book 辦in it. 半Another罷 one wa吧s long 盎and nar捌row; it柏 had an氨 umbrel翱la in i白t. Jim靶s siste拌r ga扳ve him 疤a big, 凹(8) pac絆kage. H跋e thoug斑h(yuǎn)t it (阿9) a ba俺ll, but背 it (10爸) . Whe霸n he (1鞍1) the 頒yellow 藹paper t暗hat cov搬ered it疤, he sa版w that 翱it was 霸a globe骯 of the跋 world.耙After t把hat his唉 brothe吧
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