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1、REING1hour劍橋BC真題預(yù)測(cè)集級(jí) 第四輯 st 1TNE Qustions1-7 ook t thestatments blow nd the articlebout thedvlopmnt of utuebusinss ldrs on theopposite pg.Which stion ofthe rticle(A, B, C orD) dos h sttemnt (17) rfer t? oreh sttemnt (17), mrk oeletter A, B, C orD) on ourAnswr Sht.ou will nd to usesome oftheselettes

2、morethn on.Exmple:0Anewoganson haseen oed o asstrs n deeopng hghles.0ABCD1Manaers nd to tketion to convincehihflers oftheir vlue to theirm.2Onistions ned to look beond the hih-flrs theyreurntlydvlopin.3Thre is a onrn that fims investing in trining for hih-flers may not gin the bnfits themslves.4Mana

3、grs nd xprt ssistance from within their own firms in dvloping hihflers.5irms currntlyidentifyhih-flrs ithout thesupport ofa uidanestrteg.6Manaers rerquntlytoo busyto del with the dvlopmnt of hih-flrs.7irms who wok hrd on theirputation as n mploer ill inteest hih-flers.The Sts of e uueAExising maname

4、nt resrh dos not tell us much bout how to find nd dvlop hihlers, those pople who hve the potential to rh the top of n onisation. As a rsult, onisations re let to fomulte their own sstms. A more ftive overll policy for dvloping futue leders is ndd, which is why the ondon usinss Shool hs launchd the o

5、morows Ldrs Rsrh Goup (TRG). The goup ontains rprsnttivs fom 20 firms, nd mets reulaly to discuss the ledrship dvelopmnt of the oniztions hihflers.TRG ronises just how sinificnt line manars re in the poss of Bledrship dvlopmnt. Unotunatl, with todas flt ognisations, whre manars hve funtionl s wll s

6、manaeril rsponsibilities, pople dvlopmnt ll too oten flls victim to hvy wokloads. One manar in the rsarh roup ws unonvincd by the loic of snding his bst pople away on dvlopmnt ourss, onlyto see them pohd bynother dprtmet o, wosestill, nother fim. This fr of losing hih-flers runs dp in the ognisation

7、s that makeup the srh roup.TRG aus that the task of mangment is not nssaily bout mploee Ctention, but bout rting ttrtion ntrs, e must hlp line manaers to rlise tht if their ompnies are known s ons that dvlop their popl, theywill hve a rter ppl to hihflers, sid one dviso. uthermor, sleting pople fo,

8、sa, a ledrship dvlopmnt pogrmme is a sin of ommitment fom managment to n individual. olty cn then be more sily dmandd in rturn.DTRG hs onluded tht a ompns HR specialists nd to take tion nd ngae with line managrs individually bout thir role in the dvlopmnt of hihlers. ndd, in odr to bnfit fully from

9、trining hihflers s the snior manaers of the futur, fims must tually ddrss the dvlopment of ll manars who will be supporting the hih-flers. ithout tis, maners will not be in a position to ive pprorite dvic. And whn vntually the highflers do move on, nw ons ill be ndd to rplae them. The nxt hllne will

10、 beto find anw nrtion ofhih-flrs.TTO Qustions8- Rd the rticleblow bout possiblesons for quiringa ompan. Choosethe bst sntencerom the oposite page to fill h of the gps. oreh gp (812), mrk oeletter A-) on ourAnswr Sht. Do not use nylettermorethan onc.Threis an xmplet thebeinning (0QISIIONWhn shold a c

11、ompnyonsideraquisition asa way orward?Thre re many irumstns in whih a ompany may wish to tke over nother onisation throuh n aquisition.The nd to kp up with a hning nvironmet oten domintes thinking bout quisitions. One ompelling rson to dvlop by aquisition is the sped with whih it llows the ompny to

12、nter nw produt or makt rs. (0) G This is prtiulaly true of ommr.The strnth of ompetitos may influne a ompny to hoose quisition s a way forwrd. n makts that re static nd whre makt shars of ompanis re resonably sted, it n be difiult for a ompany to brk into the makt, sine its presne may crte xss cpait

13、. (8)The sme auments lso ppl whn n stablishedsupplierinnindustry quirs a ompetito. This may ither be to in the ompetitors makt share o, in some ss, to shut down its pity in odr to rstore a sitution whre supplynd dmand re more blancd. Thre may be finnil motives for quisition. lf the shre vlue of a om

14、pany is hih, the motive may be to spot nd quire a fim with a low shae vlue. (9)An extrme xmple is sset strippin, whre the main motive for the aquisition is shorttem in by buing up undrvlued assets nd slling them on bit bybit.Thre may lso be rsoure onsidrtions. There may be a lak of rsourcs or skills

15、 to ompete sucssfull, so they must be quird. (10) t may lso be that it hs knowldge of a prticulr tpe ofpodution sstem,business pocss ormakt ned. n n interntionl ontext, quisition is oten a mens of ining makt knowled.Sometims thee re rsons of ost fiincy whih mke quisition look ttrtiv. A ost efiincy o

16、uld rise fom the ft that n stablished ompany may lrdy be vry xprind nd hve hievd fiienis whih nother ompany would find difiult to hieve quicklybyintrnl mns. (1)n onsumr oods industries, ostfiincy is usully the reson for n quisition. Aquisition n lso be diven by the xpctations of key shaholdes. Shreh

17、oldes usually xpt to se ontinung roth, nd quisition may be a quik way to dliver this roth. ut there re onsidrble dngrs mat n quisition n lowr shaepricertherthan inrseit.(12) This is more likly whn the dision to quire is speulative s opposd to strtei. Thre are some shaholdes who fvour quisition simpl

18、y to bing a shorttem boost to shaevlu.Exml:0ABCDEFGAThencssarydvlopmnt and onistionl larningwould betoo slo.Bn the sme wa, n oanisation n incesemanufturingoppotunitis.Cndd, this is one of the major rsons for the more speulative aquisitions tht takeplac.Dt may be that the prnt ompany may not hve sufi

19、ient undrstnding of the quird businss, nd this cold rmove vlue.For xmpl, a ompany may be takn over for its rserh nd dvlopment xprtise.Gf, howv, the ompany entrs byaquisition, the risk of retion fom industry rivls is rdud.Fn some ss, a makt is hning so fst that quisition bomes the only wayof sucssful

20、lybreakinginto it.TTREE Qustions1318 Rd the rticle blow bout chningttituds to ctivityin the wokpla,nd the qustions on the opposite pg. oreh qustion (13-18), mrk oeletter A, B, C orD) on ourAnswr Sht.ETIITYINHEWOKLENodas, many UK ompanis re striving to be more retiv. ut oding to a rent suvey of snior

21、 manars, the lak of a ndo mentlity monst mplos nd n vrsion to risk is hindeing British businss. Many think thee is too much fous on dlivring rsults quickl, whih levs insufiient time to think rtivl. Some omplin that a lak of cohrnt vision on rtivity prvnts thir onisation fom beingmoreinnovative.t whi

22、le snior mangrs may rert the lak of crtivit, they musttake much of the blame for reting the sitution.Untilrentlysuccssivemanament sience, pomoting rtivity mens rvluting most of wht we know bout manament. t mens ognisations must be prprd to invest in ides without bing sure of the rturn on that nvstmn

23、t. Ktrina Muray ars with this vie.usinesss are xprt t the mesurdpproh, whih involvs nlsis nd risk voidan. ut thee is nother pproh, whih involvs intuition ndnot lwas looking t the bottom ine. Wht is hrd is stablishing a woking nvironmet in whih both thesepprohs cn fution simultnousl.Nvrthlss,threreso

24、menrtions of manamnt inord innovative ides fom emplos. nded, nw was of thinking wre otn rerdd s n unwnted distrtion, nd oiinal thinkers rivd little support. Dspite the ft that many ognisations re now taking steps to reoient the businss ultue to pomote retivit, it is not surpisin, iven this bkroun, t

25、hat a retive nvironment is hrd to stablish.Anothr rlted issue is rised byKtrina Mura, a prtner in a manament onsultanc:While manysnior managrs still omplin bout the lak of support for crtivity in their oniztions, they lso fil to ppriate the ontribution that they themslves cn mak. n some ompanies, th

26、ee is a prption that only mnars t bord levl n influne the company ultue. Muray fls that such onisations reunlikly to hn. or h,crtiveonisations re made up of individuas who blive they cn dictte their ownfutu. Companis nd to be ble to sptthese individuals nd ntly nourae them to led the a.tislsonessary

27、forsniormanars to rexmine their rol. Aoding to Alx Sdowski, n Amrin prossor of r. Manytheplesing inditors of prorss in this of snior managrs intrvied in the survey say their ognisations hve dopted a number of strteies to nourage individuals o hnnl their rtivit. Among these re iving opn nd honst fedb

28、ak, llowing mploes the fedom to mesure thir prfomance ginst more flxible gols, nd hihr tolrtion levls of filu. Snior manars lso ronise that the way n onisation is led nd manad is riticl to building a rtive nvironment nd that they themslves have n importnt roleto pla.ut there re some exprts who blive

29、n vn more undmentl chngeis ndd. om Robertson, a pofssor of rtive dution, blievs that the lak of retivity in ompanis is a poblemthat oiinatd in shools nd univesities. The solution, he sas, lis in more nlihtend ductionl poliies.hre are lredy signs of this, but rtivity is still onntrted in ertinstors,

30、such s phrmcutils,dvrtising nd the medi. Thse stors hve lwas vlued cretivitg but the rl hllne will be to shift some ofthese stors prtics into more trditional manuturing nd srvie ompanis.13 Many snior managrs fl that ognisations hve difiulties innovating buse ofAapoorlevl of skills amongmploes.Bn mph

31、asis on rpid ahievment.Cn incesd risk ssoiatd with chng.Dn insisteneon astandrd ompanyphilosoph.14 Aodingto thewrite, manyonisations todayareAfindingit sier to introduea retivepproh.Bhvingproblms undrstandinginnovation as a conpt. Ctivlydvlopingthe conditions foraretiveapproh. Drsistinginnovative st

32、af sugstions.15 n the third pragph, KtrinaMurrayexpsses theviewthatAtop mngment must ditatethe paeof hng.Bsome mploes lak acommitment to chn.Cmost onisations areinpble of biningbout efetivehan.D some snior manars undrstimate the role they n play in hieving hn.16 Alx Sdowski nd Ktrina Murray age that

33、 to be truly innovtiv, o nisations mustAinvest in the iht mnagrs.Bplaeless mphsis on finnial onsidertions.Chveadouble fous to thir poliies.Ddopt an pproah with clerlydfind stas.17 Aoding to the surve, whih of the following strteies hs ben introdud to nouragecrtivit?Arter cptaneof rrorBinanial rwrds

34、forhighr lvls of retivityCthe introdution ofspeific promnetgtsDthe pomotion of retive individuals to seior posts18 om Robrtson blivs that, in the utur, it will bedifiult to ahieveAn ductionl sstem tht enouras crtivit.Baombintion ofpraties that promote reativit.Cthesprd of rtivityto aneof businsses.D

35、agtr rspet for rtivityin phrmcutil companis.TUR Qustions1933 Rd the rticle blow bout doingbusinss onlin. Choose the bst wod or phrse to fill h gp fom A, B, C or D on he opposite pg. oreh qustion (19-33), mrk oeletter A, B, C orD) on ourAnswr Sht. Threis an xmplet thebeinning(0The Sect of Suces frOni

36、ne BinesesThe sert of sucss in letronic ommre (0) B in plaing a new mphasis on a wllstablished r. Tht ara is ustomr srvic, whih is now the only point of (19) betwn abusinss nd the buingpubli.Thre re a number of ftors in a relworld shop that (20) popls prptions of a businss: these (21) the loction nd

37、 the pperne of the pmiss, the qulity and the picing of the mehndise or servies, nd the bhviour ofthe staf.Hove, if a ompany is tring to make a ood impssion with online ustomrs, most of these ftors do not (22) a prt. n the (23) of thse ftors, the way ustomrs re (24) whn hey hve a rson to ll hs a fund

38、mentl ft on a ompans bility to retain them s ustomrs. Evn more than reular telphone or inprson ustomrs, wb ustomrs are imptient, sily fustrted nd lwas conscious that they hve other plas where they cn (25) theirbusinss.Prvnting them from doing that mns meting them on their own (26) nd povidingthem wi

39、th what theywnt.l This nssit, in (27) , mens that ompanis that sll ovr he nt must t baknd funtions riht. mposing (28) rquirments on ustomrs will not wok; a business that (29) on ustomrs miling for ssistane instd of singthe phon, orxmpl, will lose pt ustom.f the phone is used, it must be nswrd (30) ,

40、 nd the staf should look for was of hlping vn the most wkwrd ustomrs (31) , s is more usual, tringto ind some (32) to blme theustomr ornyproblm.An importnt, finl poit is that t is itl that ll ddrsses, wb links nd phone numbes wok poperly nd fiientl. This ought to (33) without sain. Exprin, howv, sho

41、ws that it dos not.Exmple:AstasBlisCexitsDstems0ABCD19ArlationshipB ssocitionC metingD ontat20AfoceB dtemineC dideD fix21AnloseB onsistC includeD ontain22AgtB runC playD hve23AbsenceB lakC ndD srity24AcrdB trtedC dltD onsidrd25AdlivrB bingC moveD take26ApoliiesB standrdsC temsD onditions27AturnB squ

42、neC lineD odr28AdnseB riidC dpD solid29AdmandsB insistsC xptsD instruts30ApuntuallyB piselyC pomptlyD psntly31Aprt romB otherthanC xpt forD rtherthn32AcseB xuseC fultD purpse33AdoB makeC oD omeTIVE Qustions3445Eaples:0CORRECT0WITH Rd the dviceblow bout mtins with lients. ln most of the lins 3445), t

43、hee is one xra wod. lt ithr is rammtilly incoretordos not it in with the mningofthetext. Soelins, howve, reorrt. lf alineis cort, write CORECT on ourA f there is n xtra word in the lin, write the exa wod in CAPAL ETTRSonourAnswr Sht. Thexrise beins with two xmpls (0 nd 0lient etis0 Rular mtins with

44、lints aeimportnt to a hlthyollbortion.They0 maybeset up bythe lient, orxmpleto rview ith the porss of urnt34 pojets, to ivenw instrutions tht mayhveled to a ontrt vrition35 orto disuss anyoncrns,The lint mting whih n lso be rrngd36 by ou or nothermemberof our ompanyto attrt fom nw business, to37 ddr

45、ss a problm unlss tht neds to besolved or to ive n updte or status38 rport on urnt businss ventus.our art is in thesemetins will dictte39 the kind ofinfomation ou ned nd how ou should prpreorthem. lf ou40 will bespondingto qustions put by our lint, thematril ou prsnt41 should dl in spificllywith the

46、rqust tht ws mad.Themetingshould not42 onlymove of theagendawithout the prmission of the prson ou re metin.43 lf ou hveprprd proprl, ou should be able to ntiipateboth questions nd44 to rspond proprl. f ou areput on thespot and skedfordtails ou do not45 hv, spond honstly do not spek bout mattes as ou

47、 renot familir ith.RITING45minutesTNE ou reonisinga metingto disuss possible uts to our dprtments budt. rite n eail to all staf in our dprtmet: ivingthem the dte of themeting xplainingwhysome uts havet0 be mde saingwhyit is importnt for ll staf t0 ttnd. ite4050 wods.oAll stfCSubjet:udt cutsmetingTTO

48、 The rtail ompany ou wok for is onsidring instlling a TV sstm in its store to ive ustomrs informtion on poduts nd servis while they shop. ou hve sn n dvrtisemnt for aompanywhih prvids this tpeof sstem. ook t the infomation blo, on whih ou hve lrdy mde some hndwitten notes. Thn, using all our hndwitt

49、en notes, wite a letr to Chis alor tTVnoSstms. rite120140 wods.Ask or oe deas ofhsSsem ust be eadynoneonh-sayhyHow an nstoeTVsystes ipoveyour opanys sals?Most buingdisions remadewhile austomr is in thestor.ou n useinst0reTVs to provideustomrs ith infomtion of our poduts and srvis. omplteTVsstems nyn

50、umbr of srens triningservieproviddUnt ordrs aspialityorfutherdtails, contat hisayloratTVInfSystGe deas of our ealcopanySay hat noraton e ant cuoes o seAbut20TVseensneeedLISENING40minuts(incuding10 minutstanfr time)TNE Qustions1- ou will hr theetelphoneonvrstions or messgs. ite one or two words or a

51、number in the numbed sps on the notes or foms blo. Ater ou hvelistened on, playah rordin.Convrsationne(Qustions14) ook t thenoteblo. ou will hr aman phoninga ustomr bout n ore.MSGEo:ob CoeFom:AlxarertPilonEngneerngThedelieryder urew (1)mhinshabendeld.e sd if e edd o aply the (2)in te otact n his osi

52、on.e is owringfee 3).nethingntlarinteotacthoisspnsibleor4)durng anst?Convrsationo(Qustions14) ook t thenots belo. ou will hr aman leving amessae fora olleauebout nother0mpanspss confrn.NTSONWEBTERSPRSSONFERENEebernds:inse umbr f (5)nnt ewas.e postion f(6)unerMartingDeco.etalisehemor (7).itoue(8).Con

53、vrsationTree(Qustions912) ook t thenots belo. ou will hr aman telephoninga ollauebout a buildinghehs sen.ENTERPRSEBSNSSOGE Ns bot 15leminn dGoodoisNtnecssaryo (9)it.Loer (10)thn mayterbuildgsort.Its in he ubbs, so te (11)x is loe.ut FurherfomQ.In te (12), it myntbe sacous nouh.TTOQustions1322Sctionn

54、e(Qustions13-1) ou will hr ive short rodins. ive spkers retalkingbout theuseof tehnologyin rcruitmnt. oreh rodin, deide ht rommndtion the spker mks conrning tehnologyin rcruitmnt. rite neletterAH)nxt to the numbr ofthe ordin. Do not usenyletter morethan on. Ater ou hvelistened on, playthe rodins.13A

55、 Advrtise posts within the ompanswelloutsid.14Bnludedtailed inormtion bout vanies.CMakesure our wbsiteis kept up to dte.15DAllocte suitble stf to mintin thewbsit.ERdsinournon-wbbsdrcruitmnt16dvrtisin.FUse a rne of technoloies for ontat with17pplints.G Ask potential pplnts the most mpornt qustions fi

56、st.HMaximisetheopotunitisofrdby theintrnt.Sctiono(Qustions1-2) ou will hr nother five ordins. ive speakrs retalking bout how to dl with complaints bout oods. oreh rodin, deide ht ation the spakr is rommndin. rite neletterAH) nxt to the numberof theodin. Do not usenyletter morethan on. Ater ou hvelis

57、tened on, playthe rodins.18Ainititingn invstigtion19BivingmoneybkCpoviding n identical rplamnt20Doferingn uprdeErningfresrviing21Fonising feetriningGxtendingthe arnty17Hofring ardit noteTreeQustions2330 ou will hr John ent, a rtail nlst, bing intrviwd bout a hin of lothingstors clld Sanr. oreh qusti

58、on (2330), mrk oeletter A, B orC) orthe ort answ. Ater ou hvelistened on, playthe rodin.23Aordingto John ent, whyis Sngredoingso bdl?A t hs flln bhind chngs in themakt.B t is emploingunsuitable dsinrs.C its stos aeunttrtivebuildins.24n John Sents opinion, Snrahs fild to rlisethatA some ompetitos aes

59、llingidenticl items more hpl.B middlemakt customrs hvemoremoneyto spend.C its curnt advertisingcampain is unsuccssful.25John Snt blms Sngras last ChiefExutiveornotA followingthe dvieof theoard.B planningwho should follow him.C hoosing a ood time or xpnsion,.26Wht difiultyis Sngrahvingin introduingth

60、e ifstleide?A w of its stors aelgenouh.B Thestaf oposethe han.C Theosts retoo hih.27John Snt expcts Snrato solve its poblems byA impovingproutivit.B losinganumber ofstores.C rduingits proit mains.28Swgs managment aestatingtoA wok moreloslywith thesupplies. B do makt rsrh on theustomrs. C nouragesugs


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