1、20086Part IWriting(30Recreational Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter of Apology according to the outline east120wordsfollowingtheoutlinegivenbelowinPartIIReading(SkimmingandScanning)(15MediaSelectionforaudience for a product or service, advertising agencies 20086
2、Part IWriting(30Recreational Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter of Apology according to the outline east120wordsfollowingtheoutlinegivenbelowinPartIIReading(SkimmingandScanning)(15MediaSelectionforaudience for a product or service, advertising agencies must selec
3、t the After determining media for the advertisement. We discuss here the major types of media used in advertising. We focus on onseventypesof, rs,radio,magazines,out-of-ernet,and .inan attractive mediumfor advertising because it delivers mass to advertisers. When tnearlythree outoffourAmericanshave
4、seenthegame showWhoWantstoBeaMillionaire? youunderstand er to communicate with a large audience. When advertisers create a brand, le,theywanttoimpressconsumerswiththe brandanditsprovidesanidealvehicle for typeofcommunication.isanexpensivemedium,andnotalladvertiserscanaffordtousesinfluenceonadvertisi
5、ngis,narrowcastingtchannelsare seenanincreasinglynarrowsegmentoftheaudience.theGolfChannel,forinstance,iswatchedbypeoplewhoplayHome and is seen by erested in household improvement projects. Thus, smallerand more homogeneous(具有共同特點(diǎn)的nthey have he past. Second, there is an increase the number channels
6、available to viewers, and thus, advertisers. This had also resulted in an in the sheer number of advertisements to which are ed. Third, digital recording audience members more control over which ls they watch. Fourth, control rogramming is passedfromthenetworkstolocalcableoperatorsandlite, the mediu
7、m attracting the next largest annual as revenue is newsp national audience, accounts for $1 billion in ad revenue annually. Itrs.TheNewYorkTimes, has increased its which reaches circulation 量) by 40% and is now available for home delivery in 168 cities. Locally, rs are largestadvertisingrs are a les
8、s expensive advertising and provide a way for advertisers communicate a longer, more detailed message to their n they can . Given production techniques, advertisements can be ed in about 48 hours, meaning rs are also a quick of gettingthe message out.rsareoften the mostimportantformof newsfora local
9、community, and developahighdegreeofloyaltyfromlocalAdvertising on radio continues to grow. Radio is often used in largestadvertisingrs are a less expensive advertising and provide a way for advertisers communicate a longer, more detailed message to their n they can . Given production techniques, adv
10、ertisements can be ed in about 48 hours, meaning rs are also a quick of gettingthe message out.rsareoften the mostimportantformof newsfora localcommunity, and developahighdegreeofloyaltyfromlocalAdvertising on radio continues to grow. Radio is often used in conjunction with outdoor bill-boards and e
11、rnettoreacheven moren. Advertisersarelikelyto useradio because itisa expensive n, eans advertisers canafford torepeat theiradsernetare also turning toradio advertising. Radio providesa way for advertisers to communicate udience at all times of the day. Consumers listen to radio on their way to schoo
12、l or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours.Two major changeslite ernet radiowill force radio advertisers to adapt their methods. Both theseradioformsallowlistenerstotuneintaremore nthelocalionstheycouldreceivethepast.Asaresult,radiowillincreasinglywholives, womens titles, and busi
13、ness magazines have all seen increases in advertising because attractthehigh-end market.Magazinesare populardvertisersbecause of the narrow tthey Abroadcastmedium suchasattractsall typesofaudience members,but magazinemore homogeneous. If you read Sports Illustrated, for le, you have such in common w
14、ith the otherreaders.AdvertisersseemagazinesasanefficientwayofaudienceAdvertisersusing the mediamagazinesandrswill need to adapt to two main ernet will bring larger to local rs. These will be more diverse geographically dispersed (分散n in the past. Second, advertisers will have to understand how to u
15、se increasing number of magazines for . Although some magazines will ain ,alargenumberofmagazineswillentertainnarrowerOut-of-homeOut-of-home advertising, also called place-based advertising, e an increasingly effective way reaching consumers, who are more n ever before. Many consumers ot home and .
16、Using billboards, newsstands, and bus shelters for advertising is an effective way of reaching on-the-go consumers. More consumers travel longer distanto and from work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective. Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more n
17、he past. Using the digital ing,billboard companiescan a billboard in 2 hours, with 6 days previously.Thisallowsadvertisers more variety change their messages more quickly.he types of messages they create because they As e more comfortable with online , advertisers will seek to reach this market. con
18、sumers get more of their news and information from ernet, the ability and radio to get the t audience word out to consumers will decrease. The challenge to ernet advertisers is to create ernet advertising will play a more prominent role anizations he near tend to be quite homogeneous, but small. Adv
19、ertisers will have to adjust their methods to reach these and will have to adapt their persuasive strategies to the inline medium as well.Afinaladvertisingmediumis,whichingstoconsumerstocommunicate a includes tcards, and lpromotion. is an effective relationshipswithconsumers.Formanybusinesses,isthem
20、osteffectiveformofA) isanattractiveadvertisinghat ithelpsbuildupacompanysitisaffordabletomostslargeAfinaladvertisingmediumis,whichingstoconsumerstocommunicate a includes tcards, and lpromotion. is an effective relationshipswithconsumers.Formanybusinesses,isthemosteffectiveformofA) isanattractiveadve
21、rtisinghat ithelpsbuildupacompanysitisaffordabletomostslargeB)itappealsto2.Withthehenumber ofTVchannels, A)thecostofTVadvertisinghasB)the numberofTVviewershasC)erestinothermediahasD)thenumber ofTVadspeoplecansee has3.Compare, rsasan advertising mediumusemoreproductiongetmessagesoutmoreearnalargerann
22、ualadconveymoredetailed4.Advertisingonradiocontinuestogrowmorelocalradioionshavebeensetmoderntechnologymakesitmore.C)itprovideseasystoD) sbeenrevolutionizedernet5.Magazinesareseenbyadvertisersasanefficientway.A) attractdiverseconveyallkindsofmessages e more effective because B)appealtoeducated6.Out-
23、of-homeadvertisingbillboardscanbereplacedconsumerstravelmorewo C)suchadshavebeenmade orenever D)thepaceofurbanlifeismuchfastert are 7.Thechallenge A)quicktoernetadvertisersistocreateB)pleasanttolookC)easytoD)convenienttosernetadvertiserswillhavetoadjusttheirmethodstoreacht tend to be 9.isaneffective
24、formofadvertisingforbusinesstodevelop10.Thispassagediscusseshowect forPart Section Listening(3511.A)GivenleagoodContinuehisregularBecarefulwhenclimbingB)TreathisinjuryA)Ona A)AtragicB)Ona C)Ina B)AsadD)Ina.C)SmithsunusuallifeA)ReviewthedetailofallherB)ComparenoteswithhisA)Themanblamedthewomanforbein
25、gC)ThewomanofferedtopayforthemansA)ExtremelyB)HardtoA)AttendingeveryD)SmithsC)SmithsunusuallifeA)ReviewthedetailofallherB)ComparenoteswithhisA)ThemanblamedthewomanforbeingC)ThewomanofferedtopayforthemansA)ExtremelyB)HardtoA)AttendingeveryD)SmithsngC)TalkwithherabouthislearningD) hemainsofher B)Thema
26、nmisunderstoodthewomansD)ThewomanspiltcoffeeonthemansC)Lackinga goodD)Notworth ReadingveryUsingtest-takingnglots.18.A)ThedigitalTVsystemwillofferdifferentprograms.B)HeiseagertoseewhatthenewsystemisC)Hethinksitunrealistictohave500D)ThenewTVsystemmaynotprovideanythingQuestions19to22aretheconversationy
27、ouhave just19.A)AnoticebytheelectricityB)AdspromotingelectricC)Thedescriptionofathiefin.D)Anewpolicyon20.A)SpeakingproperMakingfriendswithShowingthemhisNotto letanyone inwithoutanTowatchoutforthosefromtheelectricityB)WearinganA)TobeonthealertwhenbeingB)NottoleaveseniorcitizensaloneatA)Shewasrobbedne
28、artheparkingC)The shehadjustdrawnwasB)AllherheD)Shewasknocked tQuestions23to25are23.A)MarketingtheconversationyouhavejustC)LuxuryB)alD)Business24.A)HavingagoodknowledgeofitsB)KnowingsomekeyC)HavingbeentothecountryD)Beingabletospeak.25.A)ItwillbringofullC)Itwillenablehertoimproveher.B)Itwillinvolvelo
29、tsofSectionPassage Questions26to28are26.A)Thelackof B)ThequalityofD)ItwillgivehermoretovisittheconversationyouhavejustC)ThefrustrationsatD)The reonworking27.A)TheywerejustasbusyaspeopleofB)TheysawtheimportanceofcollectiveC)TheydidntcomplainasmuchasmodernA)TolookforcreativeideasofawardingToexplorestr
30、ategiesforloweringproductionToseeknewapproachestodealingwithTofindeffectivewaystogiveemployeesPassageD)Theylivedahardlife tingandQuestions29to31aretheC)TheydidntcomplainasmuchasmodernA)TolookforcreativeideasofawardingToexplorestrategiesforloweringproductionToseeknewapproachestodealingwithTofindeffec
31、tivewaystogiveemployeesPassageD)Theylivedahardlife tingandQuestions29to31aretheconversationyouhavejustHerfathersHermothersbadC)Hisimprovedl29.A).B)TheGreatA)Hisadvanced A)LoveisLovebreeds Passage.D)HisseconditiveDivorceoftenhasdisastrousHappinessishardtofindinblended.Questions32to35are32.A)Itwasloca
32、tedinaB)ItsownerdiedofatheconversationyouhavejustC)Itwentruptallofa D)ItspottedplantswereforleasePuttingupaGoingOutofBusinessacustomerselectsome33.A)PlantingsomeheB)Writingawantadtoalocal34.A)OpeninganhenewofficeC)freshbusinessB)ngbetterrelationswithherD)BuildingabiggreenhouseofhisCultivatingmorepot
33、tedFindingcustomersoutof35.A)OwningthegreenhouseoneB)SecuringajobattheofficeSectionWere nowwitnessingthe emergence of anadvancedeconomyinformationandknowledge.Physical, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key (37) he creation of wealth. Now, the raw material in our economy is knowledge.Tomo
34、rrowswealth dependson the developmentandexchange of knowledge. And (39) enteringtheworkforceoffertheirknowledge,nottheirmuscles.Knowledgeworkerspaid for their education and their ability to learn. Knowledge workers (40) symbols: (41) ,and ind work. They deal What does all this mean for you? As a fut
35、ure knowledge worker, you can expect to be (42) , as well as exchanging information, (43) , three out of hour jobs involve some form of mind work, t. t wait for someone er”you.YouhavetoerPartIVReading(Readingin(25Section Some yearsago I was offereda writing t would requirethree monthsof travel throu
36、gh Europe.Ibeen abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly _47_ to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was _48_ to a little college French.I ed. How would I, PartIVReading(Readingin(25Section Some yearsago I was offereda writing t would requirethree months
37、of travel through Europe.Ibeen abroad a couple of times, but I could hardly _47_ to know my way around the continent. Moreover, my knowledge of foreign languages was _48_ to a little college French.I ed. How would I, unable to speak the language, _49_ unfamiliar with local geography or systems, set
38、up _50_ and do research? It seemed sible, and with considerable _51_ I sat down to write a begging off. Halfway through, a thought can through my mind: you can learn if t try. So I accepted There were some bad _52_. But by the time I had finished the trip I was an experienced traveler. And ever sinc
39、e, have never hesied to head for even the mostremoteofpla somehow I will manage., without guiders oreven _53_ bookings,tThe t the new, the different, is almost by definition _54_. But each time you try something, you andasthe learningpilesup,theworldopenstoIve learned to ski at 40, and flown up the
40、Rhine River ina _55_. And I know Ill go ngsuchthings.Itsbecause Im braver or more daring ve I can _56_ wonders.n others. Im not. But Ill accept anxiety as another name for challenge and Section B PassageGlobal warming may or may notbe the greatenvironmental crisis ofthe 21st century,butregardless of
41、 whetherit is or isnt we wont do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed.Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenien
42、t truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to solution. But the real truth t t know enough to ve global warming, and without major breakthroughswecantdomuchaboutFrom 2003 to 2050, the worlds population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42% increase. energy use
43、 erson and technology he same, total energy use and greenhouse gas s(mainly, will be 42% higher in 2050. tstoo low,because tgrowricher use moreenergy. We needless we condemn the worlds poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone elses living standards. modestgrowth,energyuseandgreenhouses ny a
44、lfreedom (limits on electricity ernmentwill adopt rigid restrictions on economicdriving and t might cut back global warming. Still, ns want to show theyre ng Consider the Kyoto Protocol 議定書). It allowed t joined to punish t didnt. But reduced CO2tohittheir2008-The s(upabout25%since 1990andmany signa
45、tories (簽字國) didntadopt toughenough policies t if globalwarming is a potential disaster, the only solutionis new technology.an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.The trouble with the global warming debate t se a moral
46、 problemwhen its really an engineeringTheinconvenienttruthtifreduced CO2tohittheir2008-The s(upabout25%since 1990andmany signatories (簽字國) didntadopt toughenough policies t if globalwarming is a potential disaster, the only solutionis new technology.an aggressive research and development program mig
47、ht find ways of breaking dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it.The trouble with the global warming debate t se a moral problemwhen its really an engineeringTheinconvenienttruthtiftsolvetheengineeringproblem,were57.WhatissaidaboutglobalA)ItmaynotproveanenvironmentalcrisisatC)Seriousstepshaveb
48、eentakentoavoidorstopB)ItisanerequiringworldwideD)Verylittlewilletobringitunder58.Accordingtotheauthorsunderstanding,whatisAlGoresviewonglobalA)ItisarealitybothpeopleandnsareunawareB)Itisatcausesusmany.C)Itisatcan be ceitisD)Itisanareaweactuallyhavelittleknowledge59.Greenhouseeconomicthewideninggap6
49、0.Theauthorswilln y2050because of C)wastefuluseofntherichandD)theofscienceandt,sincethesigningoftheKyotoProtocol,A) nshavestartedtodosomethingtobetterthefewnationshaveadoptedrealtoughmeasurestolimitenergyreductionsinenergyconsumptionhaveycutback globalernationalcooperationhascontributedtosolvingenvi
50、ronmental61.WhatisthemessagetheendstoA)GlobalwarmingismoreofamoralnapracticalB)Theultimatesolutiontoglobalsinnew C)debateoverglobalwarmingwillleadtotechnologicalD)People havetogive upPassageaterialcomfortstostopglobalSomedaya stranger will read without your or scan the Websitesyouve visited.Or someo
51、ne will casually glance through your credit card purchase or cell phone bills to find out your orcallingIn fact, its likely some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without ? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, s, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is,
52、 willsee youinawayyouendedtobe seenthe21stcenturyequivalentofbeingcaughtl us boundaries are t its important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers stagesatappropriatetimesButfewboundariesremain.Thedigitalbread crumbs(碎屑youleaveeverywheremakeeasyfor strangers to reconstruct who youare, wher
53、e youare andwhat you like. In some cases,a canrevealwhatyouthink.Likeitornot,increasinglyweliveinstagesatappropriatetimesButfewboundariesremain.Thedigitalbread crumbs(碎屑youleaveeverywheremakeeasyfor strangers to reconstruct who youare, where youare andwhat you like. In some cases,a canrevealwhatyout
54、hink.Likeitornot,increasinglyweliveinaworldwhereyousimplecannotkeepa Thekeyquestionis:tWhen opinion polls ericans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. A survey found overwhelmingpessimismaboutprivacy,with60percentof respondentssayingtheyfeeltheir privacyistbothersBut people sa
55、y one thing and do another. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort preserve their privacy.Few people turndowna tollbooths) toavoid using the EZ-Pass tcan track automobile movements. And few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. Privacy economist Acquisti has run a series
56、of t reveal people will ersonal information like l Security justtogettheirhandsonapitiful50-cents-offcoupon券Butprivacy does matter eastsometimes.Itslike health:Whenyouhave it,tnotice it. Only when gonedoyouwishemore toprotect62.Whatdoestheauthormeanbysaying“the 21stcenturyequivalentofbeingcaughtnake
58、ouldbeadistanceevenThereshouldbefewerdisputesn n64.Whydoestheauthorsay“weliveinaworldwhereyousimplecannotkeepasecret”(Line5,A)ModernsocietyhasfinallyoanopenB)PeopleleavearoundwhenusingmodernTherearealwayspeoplewhoarecuriousaboutothersManysearchenginesprofitbyrevealingpeoples65.WhatdomostAmericansdow
59、ithregardtoprivacyA)TheychangetmightdisclosetheirB)TheyusevariousloyaltycardsforbusinessC)Theyrelymoreandmoreonelectronic .D)Theytalkalotbu hat C)itisrdlydoanythingabout66.Accordingtothepassage,privacyislikepeoplewillmakeeveryefforttoitsimportanceisrarelyttcaneasilybe D)tcherishituntiltheylosePart(1
60、5Universities are t teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out work aimed _67_ extending mans knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of theseUniversities are t teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out work aimed _67_ exte
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