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1、-. z.and ModelEssay本文共44個(gè)話題,參考了各大的話題預(yù)測(cè),圍涵蓋政治,社會(huì), 科技,校園等,幾乎可以在近期的考試中遇到一樣或者類似的話題.參考文使用方法:熟讀文章,記住文章中的主要論點(diǎn)和論據(jù),以供以后寫作參考.提煉文章中遇到的一些單詞和短語短句,這些很多都可以應(yīng)用到一樣大類的題目中.犯罪類,兒童成長類,科技類等等參考作文中的一些提分的語法使用.如虛擬語氣以及定語后置等有時(shí)間的同學(xué)最好按照話題重新寫一遍,切忌全文背誦.不同于雅思口語,作文想提高分?jǐn)?shù),絕對(duì)不能靠死記硬背.因此這些文章僅供大家參考,大家有時(shí)間還是多去寫,熟能生巧.有問題也歡送與我交流.-. z.2、eeyfser

2、g,hs,tdo.gorntsetao 3、eeeesoerdsnt,oois a of To do or4、eekegsetnsoslTodoorAsbe to Do or5、enesedty.eentefseyktehssm.ktegss.tsret sd6、eektoealeueoey,eskstt.shsde rndnled7、eektgatngg,ydrsstaef.,kteeyrsde.shsdeu 8、nwlsedhtonsdtDo or 9、eeetndnen,sk ttstyoeenl.ouereh e esrrrdeyt smrner 、gedsfreehry.tethe

3、for or to 、eeytoead,udeh,-. z.esytgsnedh.s hsde r、yeytsdersdyesrgp,dfe.ottoue r eh 、eeetetdtsdsneetsn.trekesshd oe l.shsde r、eekeprtsyee.,skeprtdedetserd syr .shsde r、eekentflnsnnfe,esktentsned. shsde rbe of nd fer l.ouer 、sdsntpeodpne,o edeydtrnsder 、eektoededokreef.s ytededokrsgsyt.、pdmseetnese,e

4、yhste.oer 、edeeegy.eeyteeefgsles.ottoue r 、eegayfseshsewfdmyrfedoal.ouksse r e、tfesegoesdesheisonis-. z.in 、spoartoden.ouer eesde tsnran are the for it a or a on、nroeynrseetde drg.ottouereh、smtynlradlealy ge dte ef.ouetesatfoukenpnmg、enfss;eennde. ottouer 、eeetsdedoodyk nre.sntesdeys.ouor 、nsrrsorsd

5、.y ststaer ae、sneoh.ouer 、cydetngyeerngDo ortoonTVDoisaora、,eeog.youkssss d adr ad、eektseetene.ofofas-. z.the to esrrrdetsmrn. 、edegedtsn.ee ktstetsk.shsden、eektsdeto.,sk trsgedeeo.shsde r、ndndneseoeyds dg rnt.ouer eh s、ssntrng.ottoue r 、estndgsrpsr nncs.oukssaerae、eektssde,tske edemoes.shsde r、eemt

6、csdtsltede enelsdsftyga.oue r eh s、eektssde,tske edemoes.shsd e rare the as no ngebr.seesfesde rsnwederkne 、eektndnet.,eare for are for Todo or -. z.Teachingprimaryschoolstudentsforeignlanguageshasmoreadvantagesthan disadvantages. Do you agree ordisagreeIn this and age, due to the global homogenizat

7、ion, foreign language is of more andmore significance in our daily life. And multitudes of primary schools mence toinculcate foreign languages. This phenomenon has debate. I believetheoutweigh thedisadvantages.mastering several foreign languages is a petitive edge incontemporary In being impeded by

8、their language skills, people who can only speaktheir nativelanguageareconsideredtobeleftbehind.thatapersonwastaughtwith foreign language courses in his primary school he would be more easily to realize importanceofforeignlanguageandlearnitmoreFurthermore,theintheprimary school the foundation for th

9、eir further meanwhile a language-friendly environment in their childhood. So in essence, learning foreign languageis indispensable in this fiercely petitivebased on scientific evidence, learning language in elder age never managesto reach a parable level with learning in primary school As human bein

10、gs grow it is more difficult and arduous for them to digest the knowledge and memorizetheBythatImean,enablingpersonstoenhancethelanguageliteracyaswellas grasp the knowledge point, elementary school is the prime time for masteringforeign language.Further speaking, imparting language in elementary sch

11、ool is advantageous wholesociety and the development of a nation. Enhancing the overall quality of youngsters, it is for a country to municate and collaborate with other nations in future. an increasing number of young people the capability of language literacy to studyabroad,thenbringingtheadvanced

12、scienceandtechnologybacktotheirmotherland.Fromthispoint of although governments have to shift more financial resources to education, it isquite worthwhile.Having considered all arguments above, I am convinced that imparting foreignlanguage inprimaryschooldoesthanharm.Nofromtheangleofindividualsand n

13、ations, it is beneficial. So authorizes would be well-advised to encourage thelanguage education in elementaryschool.-. z.Thereareplentyofoptionsavailableforspreadingnews,suchasnewspapers, radio,TV,Internetandsoon.Accordingtoyouropinionwhatisthebestmedia to use WhyInthisandage,asthetechnologyisburge

14、oning,therearemultitudesofmediastyles. among these which are most desirable has prevalent debate. I believe internet can beat theothers.typically youngsters tend to count on information to receivemessages. Timeliness and richness are the most evident of internet and other mediastyles are pale in par

15、ison with internet. Internet has the capability to disseminate the newsto thepublicinseveralminutesaftertheeventhappens.thevolumeforinternetis biggerthanothers.Thatisto notbeinglimitedbyspacelikenewspapers, internetcanawealthyofnews.Inotherwords,ernet is more personalized. TV and newspaper which pel

16、individuals to receive unified message, internet capacitates persons to read anything in accordancewith their needs and For instance, by of internet, a fanatic sports fan can logon sport-specificwebsitestowhateverhetheup-to-dateandwealthysportnews, sport ments. In contrast, he can only read the arti

17、cle of limited length regarding sportsin newspaper and watch sport program onFurther speaking, pared with other styles, internet is low-costand environmental-friendly.Foronething,networkdoesntcallforatohiretheTV presenter to record program like For as a virtual media, internet doesntrequire tangible

18、 things to be the media tool. That is to unlike newspaper which depletes treesto information doesnt consume resources atall.Having considered all the arguments above, I am surely convinced that being abundant,personalizedandlow-carbon,theinternetisbetterthanothers.Althoughithas somedisadvantageslike

19、violentandpornographicIamsureitwillbeof more and more importance in our dailylife.-. z.3、Somepeoplebelievethereisnoplaceforwildanimalsin21stcentury,so topreventthesewildanimalsfromdyingoutisawasteofresources.Towhat e*tent do you agree ordisagreeInthisandage,asthedevelopmentofhumanhumankinds morereso

20、urcestosustaintheirdailylives.duetotheconsumptionofresources and occupation of lands, should we devote ourselves in protecting endangered animalshas sparkledprevalentdebates.Ibelieveitisessentialandbeneficial.even though land resources are precious, it is mon practice forgovernments to set wildlife

21、reserves in contemporary It is imperative no from angleof human beings own lives or the moral value. endangered species are theponent part of biologic chain. Being interdependent and interrelated, they on animals inlower leveltocurbtheirrampantgrowthandfalltoinhigherleveltosustaintheir survivals. If

22、 one species were eliminated from the chain, it would be disastrousand detrimental to all including human race. harmonious coe*istenceis According to animal rights activists idea, animals are equalwith mankind and ought to share the earth Provided that people occupiedmost resources and left little t

23、o other it would be quite self-centered to themselvesand pretty merciless tectingendangeredanimalscanbetime-consumingandlessthey call for a of eliminative areas to wild, basic abilities andbear offspring. people can e*ploit these areas to benefit and develop themselves. Some peopleopposesettingprote

24、ctionareaonthegroundofthesereasons.Havingsaidthese, evenifithassuchdisadvantages,woulditbenopointsinprotecting By no means. Biodiversity corresponds with mankinds demand for a decente*istent environment. The e*tinction of one species is irreversible and gives rise to consequencetobiosphere.Humanbein

25、gscantlivewithoutawholesomebiosphere,let alone augment the quality life.Havingconsideredalltheargumentsabove,Iamconvincedthatpreventingwild formdyingoutisindispensableforus.Itisconcernedwithmankindsownalso accordingwithvalueForindividuals,theyarewell-advisedtodotheirto protect endangeredspecies.-. z

26、.Somepeoplethinkdistancelearninghasmorebenifitthanschoolssoschools will disappear from our lives. To what e*tent do you agree or disagree/As putersandtechnologydevelop,theycanbeusedtoteachchildrenandteachers wont be necessary soon. Do you agree ordisagreeIn this and age, as technology is burgeoning,

27、 multitudes of individuals chooseremote instruction rather than schooling as education tool. which is moredesirable, traditional education or distance learning has sparkled prevalent debate. Ibelieve the former beats thethemajorhumanbeingtoreceiveeducationisstillattendingschoolin contemporary pared

28、with remote schooling can be morepersonalized.By that I mean, grabbing the weakness of the students and imparting knowledge school teachers are able to enhance the learning level of educatee morespeedily. In inculcating the unified courses, distance learning cant meet the individualneeds ofstudents.

29、theprimarygroupforreceivingeducationisyoungsterandchildrenwhichcanbebestcharacterizedbylowself-controlandconcentration.Providedthatallteenagerswere empoweredtoattendclassonlinewithoutthesurveillanceofelders,ahostofthemwould bedistractedbyothersthanbeingimmersedinthecourses.forschooling, with the hel

30、p of several teaching methods such as the penalty for unruly students,checkingupthehomework,instructorscanrenderthestudentsdotheirutmosttoFurther speaking, if a majority of students were permitted to study online,theunemploymentfore*istingpersonnelinschoolswouldbeinevitable,posingasevere threat to s

31、ocial more, the feasibility for the popularization ofremote instructioninlargeareaisquiteBythatImean,ontheconditionthatsomeproblems like copyright issue and issue havent been resolved in distance learning, it ise*pedient to keepschooling.Having considered all the arguments above, I am surely convinc

32、ed that withpersonalization,effectiveness and high traditional schooling is better than modern remote Fortheauthorities,theywouldbewell-advisedtosticktothepolicythatgivingpriorityto schooling, supplemented by distancelearning.-. z.Police in some countries like England dont carry guns. Some peopledon

33、t approveofthisbecausetheythinkthatpolicewithgunsgivesthemsecurity. Othersthinkthatpolicecarryinggunsdecreasescrimes.Whatisyouropinion Give relevant e*amples ande*periences.In this and age, as more and more individuals choose to migrate tometropolis, department of public needs higher petency to main

34、tain the socialshould policemen carry guns when patrolling has sparkled prevalentdebate. I believe it is quiteindispensable.thenumberofmalignanteventssuchasmurderandrapehassoared remarkably in most cities due to the increasing population. The not only posea threattocity-dwellers,butalsoconstituteada

35、ngertothesafetyofpolicementhemselves. Without the gun, when encountering the crimes, I believe a host of polices would not dareto strugglewiththegangsters,letalonebringthemtojustice.BythatImean,offeringtheconfidenceasakindoflethalweapon,gunscanenhancethesuccessratioofcapture.I believe no how vicious

36、 the criminals are, they all somewhatdread andtheymit.Providedthatanknewthateverypolicea gun when patrolling in advance, majority of them would suspend the criminal acts due totheapprehension about being or shot. In this being a deterrent potential perpetrators,gunsareablepreventthehappeningofmultit

37、udesofFurtherspeaking,somecitizensareopposedtopolicemenbringinggunsonthegroundof the abuse of weapons and accidental injury of innocent individuals. I admit the e*istenceof above-mentioned behaviors but actually they are definitely small probabilityevents. as the authorities are doing their utmost t

38、o boost the petency andcapability of policemen I believe the frequency of these behaviors will decrease dramatically infuture.Having considered all the arguments above, I am surely convinced that carrying weaponsfor policemen does more merit than harm. It not only improves the success of capture,but

39、 also gives deterrent to subtle culprits. on the condition that the lawenforcement capabilityisbeingenhancedbringinggunsisbeneficialbothpolicemenandcity-dwellers.-. z.Somepeoplethinkthattohaveasuccessfullifeyouhavetohaveuniversity education,whileothersthinkitsnotthatimportant.Discussbothviewsand giv

40、e your opinion based on personal e*perience andknowledge.Multitudesofpeoplewithdiverseleadtriumphintheircareerincontemporary Meanwhile, whether university education is imperative for a successful lifehas prevalent debate. I found it is of crucialimportance.the majority of elites have received univer

41、sity education. Besides the knowledge,therearemoretheycanbethroughuniversitye*perience,people areabletoe*pandtheirhorizonsandperfecttheirdisposition.Mostuniversitiesprovidea series of e*tra curriculums like social practices, internships, student union management,etc. They enable students to learn al

42、l-round knowledge, both theoretical and practical. people can get acquainted with many friends who be in future inuniversities. Cooperation a more and more important role in contemporary environmentthat petitionisincreasingThroughadesirablesocialcontact,individualscanboost their benefits and achieve

43、 a win-win situation with theirIconcedethatminoritypersonswithpooracademicbackgroundcanalsomarvelousachievement. This be due to fact that some knowledge universities impartis redundant and less correlated with application. students spend precious timeon theseneedlesscoursesratherthanfulfillingwhichc

44、ancultivatetherecharacters. Meanwhile, people who dont receive university education can dedicate themselvesto accumulate social e*perience and start-up capital in their careers. Having said this, pare to be given all sensible students tend to choose whichis authentically significant to them and util

45、ize their timeHaving considered all the arguments above, I believe that there are shortcuts inseekingsuccessanduniversityeducationisarelativelyresultfultotriumph.For they are well-advised to allocate more funds in educational quality developmentand educationalcoveragee*pansion.Forindividuals,theyoug

46、httodotheirutmosttopursue admittance of a high-quality-. z.Somepeoplethinkthatspendingalotonholdingweddingparties,birthday partiesandothercelebrationsisjustawasteofmoney.Others,however,think that these are necessary for individuals and the society. Discuss bothviews and give youopinion.Inthisandage,

47、ourlivesareinundatedwithavarietyofentertainingactivitieslikeparties andcelebrations.Theyusmuchpleasure;theyinthewhole Some individuals believe that these activities are kind of dispensableand people should spend money on more significant affairs. I find this viewis ill-founded.Thereisnodenyingthatin

48、dividualsneeddesirablesocialnetworking,bothfromemotional requirementandbenefitrequirement.theseactivitiesrenderpersonstoget from their daily grind and obtain mental fulfillment. By participating these, theycan e*perience a life style which is totally different with their routines. social relationshi

49、pdevelopmentsenablethemtodriftloneliness.peoplecanget acquainted with many friends who be and enhance friendship inthese activities. Cooperation a more and more important role in contemporaryenvironment that petition is increasing Through a desirable social contact, individualscan boost their benefi

50、ts and achieve a win-win situation with hisI concede that allocating money on these activities is less effective in developing wholesocial welfare than bunch of other such as academic research and scientificinvention.more,fromtheindividualangel,peoplepreoccupiedintheseactivitiesarenotonly considered

51、tobeslothfulandnegative,butalsoandreproachedbywhole Having said this, sensible individuals are able utilize their money That is to the recreation and emotional health they acquire through entertaining activitiescan help them handle their own affairs moreHaving considered all the arguments above, I b

52、elieve entertaining activities areinterrelated and interdependent with career or learning. The relationship enhancement andmental fulfillment people acquire are pretty favorable. For individuals, they are well-advised tovaluethe function of social activities and utilize their money more-. z.Oftennew

53、mercialcentersareplanedwithrespecttogreenareasandsport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statementWhyIn this and age, multitudes of modern and posh shopping malls are sprouting up allover cities.shouldtheybeallocatedwithnon-profitsectionlikelawnsorpublicsports facilities have sparkled s

54、pirited debate. Some people believe adding such elementin mercial centers is pretty sensible. I with theirmore and property developers the significance ofthis non-profitareaandmencedtoplansimilarsectionintheirshoppingmalls.No from the requirement of entrepreneurs themselves or from the demand of cit

55、izens, itis an advisable selection. non-profit sections are able to boost the benefits forshopping center by bettering shopping environment and assembling more customers. Areas likelawns cheer customers up latently; in this it can provide a desirable shopping ambience.Also, sports facilities render

56、more persons who be the potential customer to e.Secondly, wide publics delight in spotting non-profit areas planning in shopping malls. areas are constructed the of their benefits and cost them nothing. Hence, shopping centersalsocanwintheirappreciationandenjoyasuperbreputation.pared with sales area

57、, non-profit are not able to profitnon-profit areas need human material and financial resources tomaintain Consequently,abunchofbusinessmenthinksettingnon-profitareasrunscounter to the principle that ma*imizing benefits. Having said this, they are kindof shortsighted.Allocatingnon-profitareasisasust

58、ainableandlong-termactionwhichcan increase revenue More it can get trust and pliment by governmentsand citizens.Havingconsideredalltheargumentsabove,Ibelieveplanningnon-profitsectionsislaudable. Itnotonlyboostsprofitofshoppingmallbutalsobettersvastpeopleslivingand shopping environment. the property

59、developers, they are well-advised to importancetonon-profitelementinmercialcenters.-. z.9Somepeoplebelievethatchildrenshouldlearnscienceinschool,othersthink thatitisnotnecessarytoincludescienceingeneraleducation.Doyouagree or disagree with the statement Give reasons for your answer and includeany re

60、levant e*amples from your own knowledge ore*perience.In this and age, as the speedy development of schooling, students can receiveall-round education in schools. should science such as mathematic, physics and chemistrybeimparted in general education has sparkled spirited debate. Some people believe


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