1、分類號:H3110710-2009113017碩士學(xué)位論文藏族學(xué)生 三語習(xí)得 過程中旬 法負(fù)遷移 現(xiàn)象分析-以河北師范大學(xué)附屬民族學(xué)院為例許寧導(dǎo)師姓名職稱劉宇副教授外國語言學(xué)及應(yīng)用語言學(xué)申請學(xué)位 級別 碩士學(xué)科專業(yè) 名稱論文提交日期2012年5月29日論文答辯日期2012年6月8日學(xué)位授予單位長安大學(xué)The Analysis of Negative Syntactic Transfer inTibetan Students Third Language Acquisition-A Survey from College for Nationalities of HebeiNormal Univ
2、ersityA Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of MasterCandidate :Xu NingSupervisor :Prof. Liu YuChang an University, Xi an, ChinaAcknowledgementsThere are many people I would like to thank for various reasonsFirst of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Liu YuWitho
3、ut her enthusiastic guidance and encouragement, this paperwould not be finished ontime. Her erudite knowledge, rigorous attitude towards scholarship, earnest working mannerand enterprising spirits have benefited me a lot. All of these willbe valuable wealth for mylifeSecondly, I am very grateful to
4、the teachers during the three-year postgraduate educationof my life. They are, Prof. Xu Yucheng, Prof. Li Minquan, Prof. HeXianzhong, Prof. YangDangling, Prof. Yan Xuan, Prof. Liu Shuhui, Prof. WangHongxiao. Their devotion to theteaching and career impressed me deeply. They set good examples for me
5、as a good teacherThirdly, I want to express my special thanks for my lovely Tibetan students. Withouttheir supports, I could not finish the paper so wellLast but not least, my thanks will be given to my parents and wife.It is their continuousencouragement and support that made my life completely and
6、 care freeAbstractThe theory of language transfer has been a hot issue in language acquisition andlanguage teaching since 1940s Odlin, 2001. In the earlier days,researches on languagetransfer involved bilinguals mainly studied the part played by thelearners acquired languagein their second language
7、acquisition. While in recent decades, moreand more languagelearners have acquired three or even more languages because of thesocial and economicdevelopment, which has aroused more and more concern for the cross-linguistic influence inthe Third Language Acquisition TLA. However, fewer studies in Chin
8、ahave been done onsyntactic transfer in TLA among Tibetan, Chinese and English. Thus,the present study is ofpractical significanceBased on Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysisand the theory of Transfer Analysisproposed by Carl James 2001, this study intends to find out the mostcommon syntacticerrors
9、 in Tibetan student s English learning and explore the phenomena of the negativesyntactic transfer from previously learned languages Tibetan as L1and Chinese as L2 to L3English. In light of this, this paper intends to answer the following three questions: 1 Whatare the most commonsyntactic errors ca
10、used by language transfer from Chinese and Tibetanin Tibetanstudents English learning?2Which language plays aleading role in theproductionof these errors,Chinese or Tibetan? 3Are there anydifferences or similaritiesconcerning syntactic transfer between Tibetan students at different English languagep
11、roficiency levels The participants were 85 Tibetan students at senior high school. All of them came to theinland cities after primary school, and their Chinese language proficiency improved so fastthat most of them could understand the instruction language Chinesein English class aftergraduating fro
12、m junior middle school. The research procedure was the following: 1 AWriting Task was given to the participants and the anomalous syntactic structures would becollected. 2 An English proficiency test wasgiven to the participants and the participantswhose scores were over 60 were assigned in the high
13、 proficiency group, while the otherparticipants were in low proficiency group; 3 A Translation Taskincluding 15 sentences inChinese and Tibetan on the anomalous syntactic structures with high frequency was given to Iboth of the two groups. Then the Error Analysis and Transfer Analysis were done base
14、d on theresults; 4 After the Translation Task, an Individual Interview wasgiven to 20 participantsselected from both groups in order to get a further study on the underlying reasons for thenegative syntactic transferIn general, this study detected the most commo syntactic errors in Tibetan studentsw
15、riting, and also yielded confirmative evidence for negative syntactic transfer. The roleplayed by Tibetan students second language Chinese is larger than that played by their firstlanguage Tibetan during the s tudents English learning. Besides, those almost omnipresenterrors madeby participants at l
16、ow proficiency level showedthat these participants seemed torely much more on their L2 Chinese, especially when they consideredthe English structuresmore difficult. The results of Translation Task showed that participants at high proficiencylevel would make fewer errors than those at low proficiency
17、 level in the use of ?there be structure, preposition and adverbs. However, they would make more errors in the use ofcopula be, especially in the use of relative clauses, which showed that even participants athigh proficiency level were under the influence of Chinese L2 in the production of Englishs
18、entencesKey words: Tibetan students; English Learning; Chinese; Tibetan;Third language acquisition;Syntactic transferII 摘要語言遷移自20世紀(jì)40年代問世以來,一直是語言習(xí)得和語言教學(xué)研究中 的熱點Odlin,2001。起初,語言遷移主要以雙語學(xué)習(xí)者為研究對象,研究語言學(xué) 習(xí)者已有的語言知識在第二語言習(xí)得過程中的影響。近些年來,隨著時代的發(fā)展,三語甚至多語學(xué)習(xí)者逐漸增多,三語習(xí)得中的語言遷移問題引起了越來越多研究者的關(guān)注,但是國內(nèi)對藏語、漢語和英語這三種語言之間的句法遷移現(xiàn)象
19、的研究還非常有限。本研究以對比分析、錯誤分析和Carl James2001提出的遷移分析理論為基礎(chǔ),試圖找出 母語為藏語的藏族高中生在英語學(xué)習(xí)過程中母語 (藏語)和二語(漢語)在三語(英語) 錯誤句法的產(chǎn)生過程中的作用和影響。在此基礎(chǔ)上,本文試圖回答以下三個問題:(1)藏族學(xué)生英語學(xué)習(xí)過程中受第一語言(藏語)和第二語言(漢語)遷移影響產(chǎn)生的主 要句法錯誤種類分別是哪些?(2 )哪種語言在這些英語錯誤句法產(chǎn) 生過程中占主導(dǎo)地位,漢語還是藏語? (3)不同英語水平的藏族學(xué)生在英語錯誤句法產(chǎn)生過程中有何相同或不同之處?本項研究選取河北師范大學(xué)附屬民族學(xué)院85名藏族高二學(xué)生為研究對象,他們小學(xué)畢業(yè)就來
20、到內(nèi)地西藏班求學(xué),并且在進入高中學(xué)習(xí)之前大部分學(xué)生基本 上能夠正確理解英語課堂上白教學(xué)媒介語2a語。具體研究過程如下:(i)收集所有學(xué)生 的命題作文,并對其中出現(xiàn)的句法錯誤進行分類(2)錯誤類型收集完畢之后,對所有學(xué)生進行英語水平測試,得分在60分以上的學(xué)生組成高水平組,得分在60分之下的 學(xué)生為低水平組;(3 )請兩組受試者將以收集到的高頻錯誤類型為主 的十五個漢語及藏語句子翻譯成英語,并對翻譯結(jié)果進行錯誤分析及遷移分析;(4) 最后 從兩組受試者中分別隨機抽取10名學(xué)生進行個人訪談,以進一步了解遷移現(xiàn)象產(chǎn)生的原因。經(jīng)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),藏族學(xué)生在英語學(xué)習(xí)過程當(dāng)中所受的第二語言(漢語)的影響要大于他們
21、的第一語言(藏語)的影響。止匕外,句法錯誤在低水平 組 中較為普 遍,表明這些學(xué)生在英語學(xué)習(xí)過程中更多的依賴漢語 。高水平組在there be結(jié)構(gòu),介詞、 副詞的使用過程中錯誤率要遠(yuǎn)低于低水平組,但其在be動詞的使用過程中錯誤率較高, 特別是在關(guān)系從句的使用上和低水平組的出錯率非常接近。關(guān)鍵詞:藏族學(xué)生;英語學(xué)習(xí);漢語;藏語;三語習(xí)得;句法遷移IIITable of ContentsIntroduction 11.1Research TOC o 1-5 h z Background 1PurposeoftheResearch .31.3SignificanceoftheResearch.3Ou
22、tlineofthePaper.4LiteratureReview 5DefinitiononLanguageTransfer 52.1.1What isLanguage Transfer.52.1.2Types of Language Transfer 6ViewsonLanguageTransfer .82.2.1 TheBehaviorist View.8TheMentalistView .9TheCognitiveView .102.3 Studies onThird Language Acquisition.112.3.1CharacteristicsofThirdLanguageA
23、cquisition .112.3.2 TLA versus TOC o 1-5 h z SLA .12StudiesonTLAabroad .13StudiesonTLAinChina 15TheoreticalFoundations .18ContrastiveAnalysis.18ErrorAnalysis.18TransferAnalysis .20Methodology.22ResearchQuestions22Participants.224.3Instruments .24Writing TOC o 1-5 h z Task .24TranslationTask .25IV4.3
24、.3Individual Interview 26ResearchProcedures .27DataAnalysis.27Chapter5ResultsandFindings 295.1 Resultsof Writing Task.29Syntactic Errors Collected from WritingTask.29A Contrastive Analysis on the Five SyntacticStructures .305.2 Error Analysis of the Results ofTranslation Task36 5.3Transfer Analysis
25、ofthe Results of Translation Task .41TheInfluenceofL1.435.3.2TheInfluenceofL2 .435.3.3 Other Factors Resulting in Production of AnomalousStructures .445.4ResultsofIndividualInterview .45Chapter 6Discussion and Conclusions .46Discussion.466.2Conclusions.496.3PedagogicalImplications 506.4Limitationsan
26、d Some Suggestions for FutureStudies.51Bibliography53WritingTask .57TranslationTask 58Appendix3:IndividualInterview59QuestionsVList of TablesTable 4.1 Results of English Proficiency TOC o 1-5 h z Test .23Results of Independent-samples T-test on EnglishProficiencyTestofTwoGroups.24Frequency of Eleven
27、 Types of SyntacticErrors 29Prepositional Phrase ?in + noun : Di fference amongTibetan,ChineseandEnglish 31Copula Be as pure/auxiliary Verb: Difference amongTibetan, Chinese and Englishinpresenttense32Difference on the placementof adverbs among Tibetan,Chinese and English.34Difference in expressing
28、the existential and possessivefunction among Tibetan,andChinese34EnglishDifferent use of relative clauses among Tibetan, Chinese TOC o 1-5 h z and English 35ResultofTranslationTask.36Result of Transfer Analysis: Percentage of participants who made syntactic errors inthefiveselectedstructures 42Table
29、 6.1 Independent-samples T-test on anomalous syntactic structures between students atdifferentproficiencylevels 48VIListofAbbreviationsCA?Contrastive AnalysisCAH?Contrastive Analysis HypothesisCLI?cross-linguistic influenceEA?Error AnalysisHSK?China s Hanyu Shuiping KaoshiIL-interlanguageL1?first la
30、nguageL2?second languageL3?third languageSLA?second language acquisitionPETS?Public English Test SystemTLA?third language acquisitionTL?target languageTA?Transfer Analysis VII長安大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文Chapter 1 IntroductionResearch BackgroundLanguage Transfer in Second and Third Language AcquisitionThe theory of la
31、nguage transfer has been a hot issue in language acquisition andlanguage teaching since 1940s. However, within the last few decades, the importance oflanguage transfer has been reassessed several times in second language learning. In the 1950s,language was the most important factor to be considered
32、in theories of second languagelearning and second language teaching. In the 1960s, the importanceof language transferwaned as the errors of learners were not considered as the evidenceof language transfer but ofthe creative construction process. II Some researchers even denied the existence of langu
33、agetransfer in language studies. However, since the late 1970s, the role of transfer in secondlanguage learning and teaching has been widely acknowledged. Transfer can take place notonly in all the linguistic factors, but also in non-linguistic factors, such as social, cultural andpersonal factors i
34、n language learningand use. Ausubel, Novak &Hanesian 1978 believe thatit isn t possible for all the language lea rners to start learningfrom the very beginning. Everylanguage learning in the world is influenced by the past cognitive structure. Gass & Selinker1992 point out that anyone who wants to o
35、ffer sufficient interpretation of second languagelearning must take language transfer into consideration. Thelanguage transfer theory hasdeveloped for a long time that RodEllis 1999 puts forward a view that the learners firstlanguage plays an important role in the second language acquisitionHowever,
36、 with the rapid development of economy and society, when language learnersare learning a new language, they may have already known two or more languages. Learners prior knowledge of their first and second languages must have influence on their thirdlanguage acquisition TLA. Thus, during the last two
37、 decades, transfer during third languageacquisition has been attracting great attention from linguists and has become a new focus inthe study of cross-linguistic influence CLI. Question arises as to how the learne rs first andsecond languages influence the third language acquisition. Studies have sh
38、own that both thelanguage learners native and non-native languages can become sources of influence when1 Chapter 1 Introductionacquiring a new language Hammarberg, 2001. Dewaele 1998 finds that during the thirdlanguage production, language learners always unintentionally produce interlanguage formst
39、hat consist of either partially or completely of L2 formsWith empirical studies, researchers have testified language transfer on different aspects,such as phonology, syntax, discourse, semantics and so on. Studieson syntactic level aremainly about word order and relative clauses involving bilinguall
40、anguage learners who havethe same first language. Some studies on language transfer also concern about trilinguallearners, while the languages acquired by the learners belong to the Indo-European family. Upto now, there are few studies on syntactic transfer being involvedin English, Chinese andTibet
41、an1.1.2 English as a Third Language for Students in TibetanSchoolsChina is a united multi-ethnic nation of 56 ethnic groups, the largest being the Han. Theother 55 ethnic groups are called ethnic minorities. The Tibetan isone of these 55 ethnicminorities, with nearly 3 million Tibetans The populatio
42、n of Tibetan autonomous region wasreported to be 2, 810, 000 in 2006, for details, see /0./view/9431.htmDue to historical and geographical factors, Tibetan autonomous region has legged behindother regions in China. Many things should be considered in order to catch up with otheradvanced regions. The
43、re is no doubt that education plays a veryimportant role in thedevelopment of the Tibetan. So, our country opened the first group of outback Tibetan schoolsin 1985. The author s school, College for Nationalities of HebeiNormal University, is one ofthese schoolsStudents in outback Tibetan schools com
44、e to the inlandcities after primary school, andstart English learning in junior high schools. The Tibetan students case of learning English israther complex. Besides Tibetan language, they begin to learn Chinese, which is their secondlanguage, in primary school. Tibetan students start learning Engli
45、sh by means of Chinese injunior high schools. Wecan reasonably conclude that Tibetan students would have greatdifficulty in learning English. The English language belongs to the western sub-branch of theGermanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. AlthoughChinese and Tibetanbelong to Si
46、no-Tibetan family of languages, they have little in commonwith the development 2長安大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文All these may also increase the difficulty for Tibetan students tolearn English1.2 Purpose of the ResearchCompared with students of Han nationality, Tibetan students are poorer in English. Inord er to improve Tibetan students English, the researchers and English teachers should attachmore importance to discover problems that these students have inEnglish learning, findsolutions to the problems, and thus better English teachingThis paper aims to explore the phenomenon of language transfer in
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