




1、世界非物質文化遺產(chǎn)古琴中英文第1頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日A Brief Introduction The guqin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favored by scholars and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement,
2、 as highlighted by the quote a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason, as well as being associated with the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is sometimes referred to by the Chinese as the father of Chinese music or the instrument of the sages.(古琴音樂也被譽為“國樂之父”、“圣人音樂”)
3、The guqin is not to be confused with the guzheng, another Chinese long zither also without frets, but with moveable bridges under each string. Because Robert Hans van Guliks famous book about the qin is called The Lore of the Chinese Lute, the guqin is sometimes inaccurately called a lute.Other inco
4、rrect classifications, mainly from music compact discs, include harp or table-harp.第2頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日概述 古琴,又稱瑤琴、玉琴、絲桐和七弦琴,是中國漢族傳統(tǒng)撥弦樂器,有三千年以上歷史,屬于八音中的絲。古琴音域寬廣,音色深沉,余音悠遠。 自古“琴”為其特指,19世紀20年代起為了與鋼琴區(qū)別而改稱古琴。初為5弦,漢朝起定制為7弦,且有標志音律的13個徽,亦為禮器和樂律法器。琴是漢文化中地位最崇高的樂器,有“士無故不撤琴瑟”和“左琴右書”之說。位列中國傳統(tǒng)文化四藝“琴棋書畫”
5、之首,被文人視為高雅的代表,亦為文人吟唱時的伴奏樂器,自古以來一直是許多文人必備的知識和必修的科目。伯牙、鐘子期以“高山流水”而成知音的故事流傳至今;琴臺被視為友誼的象征。大量詩詞文賦中有琴的身影。 現(xiàn)存琴曲3360多首,琴譜130多部,琴歌300首。主要流傳范圍是中華文化圈國家和地區(qū),如中國、朝鮮、日本和東南亞,而歐洲、美洲也有琴人組織的琴社。古琴作為中國最早的彈撥樂器,是漢族文化中的瑰寶,是人類口頭和非物質遺產(chǎn)代表作。第3頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日Guqin and the Guqin ArtsIn 2003, guqin music was proclaim
6、ed as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.2003年11月7日,中國古琴藝術繼昆曲之后,入選世界“人類口頭和非物質遺產(chǎn)代表作”名錄,有著3000年悠久歷史的古琴藝術的突出價值再次得到了世界公認。 古琴,是物,它不是非物質文化遺產(chǎn);古琴演奏家,是人,也不是非物質文化遺產(chǎn);只有古琴的發(fā)明、制作、彈奏技巧、曲調譜寫、演奏儀式、傳承體系、思想內涵等等,才是非物質文化遺產(chǎn)本體。所以,聯(lián)合國批準的世界遺產(chǎn)是“中國古琴藝術”,而不是古琴這個樂器或那些古琴演奏家,雖然古琴這種樂
7、器和那些演奏家們都很重要。 第4頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日The Shape(CONSTRUCTION)According to tradition, the qin originally had five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Later, in the Zhou dynasty, Zhou Wen Wang added a sixth string to mourn his son. His successor, Zhou W
8、u Wang, added a seventh string to motivate his troops into battle with the Shang. The thirteen hui on the surface represent the 13 months of the year (the extra 13th is the leap month in the lunar calendar). The surface board is round to represent Heaven and the bottom board flat to represent earth.
9、 The entire length of the qin (in Chinese measurements) is 3 chi, 6 cun and 5 fen; representing the 365 days of the year (though this is just a standard since qins can be shorter or longer depending on the periods measurement standard or the makers preference). Each part of the qin has meaning, some
10、 more obvious第5頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日其形 古琴造型優(yōu)美,常見的為伏羲式、神農(nóng)式、仲尼式、列子式、連珠式、落霞式、靈機式、蕉葉式等。主要是依琴體的項、腰形制的不同而有所區(qū)分。琴漆有斷紋,它是古琴年代久遠的標志。由于長期演奏的振動和木質、漆底的不同,可形成多種斷紋,如梅花斷、牛毛斷、蛇腹斷、冰裂斷、龜紋等。有斷紋的琴,琴音透澈、外表美觀,所以更為名貴。古代名琴有綠綺、焦尾、春雷、冰清、大圣遺音、九霄環(huán)佩等。 琴一般長約三尺六寸五(約120125公分),象征一年三百六十五天(一說象周天365度)。一般寬約六寸(20公分左右)。一般厚約二寸(6公分左右
11、)。琴體下部扁平,上部呈弧形凸起,分別象征天地,與古時的天圓地方之說相應和。整體形狀依鳳身形而制成,其全身與鳳身相應(也可說與人身相應),有頭、頸、肩、腰、尾、足。 古琴最初只有五根弦,內合五行,金、木、水、火、土;外合五音,宮、商、角、徵、羽。后來文王囚于羑(yu)里,思念其子伯邑考,加弦一根,是為文弦;武王伐紂,加弦一根,是為武弦。合稱文武七弦琴。第6頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第7頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第8頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第9頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第10
13、境的精髓所在。第11頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日The Inheritance(Tablature and notation) An earlier form of music notation from the Tang era survives in just one manuscript, dated to the seventh century CE, called Jieshi Diao Youlan (碣石調幽蘭). It is written in a longhand form called wenzi pu (文字譜) which gives al
14、l the details using ordinary written Chinese characters. Later in the Tang dynasty, Cao Rou and others simplified the notation, using only the important elements of the characters and combined them into one character notation. This meant that instead of having two lines of written text to describe a
15、 few notes, a single character could represent one note, or sometimes as many as nine. This notation form was called jianzi pu (減字譜) and it was a major advance in qin notation. It was so successful that from the Ming dynasty onwards, a great many qinpu (琴譜) appeared, the most famous and useful being
16、 Shenqi Mipu (The Mysterious and Marvellous Tablature) compiled by Zhu Quan, the 17th son of the founder of the Ming dynasty.第12頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日傳承記譜法1文字譜:為一篇詳細說明彈奏法的文字,不直接記音高和節(jié)奏。今世僅存的文字譜為南朝梁丘明所傳的碣石調幽蘭,現(xiàn)存于日本東京國立博物館。現(xiàn)今演奏的碣石調幽蘭就是根據(jù)該譜打出的。2減字譜:相傳為唐代曹柔根據(jù)文字譜簡化、縮寫而成。減字譜的每一字塊為由漢字減少筆畫后組合而成的復合字。這種譜
17、式主要只記指法動作和弦序、徽位而不記音高和節(jié)奏,所以屬于指法譜(Tablature)。歷代琴書漢代最重要的琴譜琴書:揚雄琴清英、諸葛亮的琴經(jīng)。現(xiàn)存最早的大型古琴曲集:明初朱權編輯的神奇秘譜(1425)。古琴打譜,是指按照琴譜彈出琴曲的過程。由于琴譜并不直接記錄樂音,只是記明弦位和指法,其節(jié)奏又有較大的伸縮余地。因此,打譜者必須熟悉琴曲的一般規(guī)律和演奏技法,揣摩曲情,進行再創(chuàng)造,力求再現(xiàn)原曲的本來面貌。打譜非常費時,所以琴界用“大曲三年,小曲三月”來形容這個過程。Transcription :Dapu (打譜) is the transcribing of old tablature into
18、a playable form.第13頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第14頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日第15頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日The Schools and The SocietiesMany qin schools known as qin pai developed over the centuries. Such schools generally formed around areas where qin activity was greatest.There is a difference b
19、etween qin schools and qin societies. The former concerns itself with transmission of a style, the latter concerns itself with performance. The qin society will encourage meetings with fellow qin players in order to play music and maybe discuss the nature of the qin. Gatherings like this are called
20、yajis, or elegant gatherings, which take place once every month or two.第16頁,共20頁,2022年,5月20日,2點23分,星期日流派 琴文化本身就是一種非常個性化的藝術,不同地域、不同師承的琴家的風格彼此都不相同。同一地域、同一師承的琴家的風格也是各有特點而不盡相同。同一曲目,不同的琴家就會有不同的理解,而形成不同的風格。 所以,在琴的領域,也同樣有流派之說。 所謂流派,是指學術、文藝方面的派別。 這里所說的派別,是指依照共同的義理或風格而探討學習的不同的群體。 琴文化領域,也和其他學術領域一樣,存在著多種藝術觀點和演奏風格。 琴家們各自遵循某些共同琴道觀點和風格,而形成一定的琴家群體,就是所謂琴派。 同一琴派中的所謂共同特點,一般取決于地方色彩、師承淵源、本派所依據(jù)的傳譜、琴學
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