1、勞動合同 年 月 日日甲方(用人人單位): 乙方方(員工):名稱: 姓姓名: 法定代表人人: 性別: 出生生年月: 身份份證號碼: 戶籍籍所在地: 聯系方式式:經營地址: 家庭住住址: 根根據中華華人民共和和國勞動法法、中中華人民共共和國勞動動合同法、上海海市勞動合合同條例的有關規(guī)規(guī)定,雙方方遵循公平平合法、平平等自愿、協(xié)商一致致、誠實信信用原則,訂訂立本合同同。一、合同期期限第一條 甲方與與乙方簽訂訂固定期限限勞動合同同。本勞動動合同期限限為 年,自自 年 月 日日起,至 年年 月 日止,其其中試用期期為 個月,自自 年 月 日日起,至 年年 月 日止。 甲方與與乙方簽訂訂無固定期期限的勞動
2、動合同,自自 年 月 日起,至至法定終止止條件出現現為止。 甲方與與乙方簽訂訂以完成一一定工作任任務為期限限的勞動合合同。本勞勞動合同,自自 年 月 日起,自自甲方與乙乙方約定以以某工作的的完成之日日止。二、工作內內容第二條 甲方方聘用乙方方從事 崗位工作作。第三條 工作作地點: ,根據甲甲方工作需需要,經甲甲乙雙方協(xié)協(xié)調一致,可可變更工作作地點。第四條 乙方方應積極遵遵守公司所所有規(guī)章制制度,按質質、按量、按時完成成其本職工工作。第五條 甲方方可以根據據實際工作作需要,根根據乙方的的工作能力力和表現,調調整乙方工工作崗位或或安排乙方方臨時從事事其他工作作崗位,乙乙方應予以以認可配合合。三、工
3、作時時間和休息息時間第六條 甲、乙雙方同同意按以下下方式確定定乙方的工工作時間(正正常工作時時間:上午午8:30011:30,下午午:12:3017:330,111:3012:330為午餐餐時間。)(請請選擇以下下一項): 標準工工時制,即即每日工作作 小時時,每周工工作 天。 不定時時工作制,即即勞動保障障部門審批批,乙方所所在崗位實實行不定時時工作制。 綜合計計算工時工工作制,即即經勞動保保障部門審審批,乙方方所在崗位位實行以 周周期, 總工時小小時的綜合合計算工時時工作制。四、 勞動動報酬第七條 甲方方每月8日日以貨幣的的形式足額額支付乙方方工資,結結算周期為為上月月初初到上月月月末,實
4、行先工作后后發(fā)薪的制制度。第八條 乙方方正常工作作基本月薪薪 ,年年度獎金: 。根據據公司經營營狀況和乙乙方工作表表現、乙方方工資及獎獎金可另行行調整。第九條 甲方方按照國家家有關規(guī)定定對乙方所所應承擔的的社會保險險費用及個個人所得稅稅進行代繳繳。第十條 甲方方調整乙方方工作崗位位的,根據據乙方能力力及其相關關職位,雙雙方協(xié)商一一致后調整整乙方勞動報酬。五、社會福福利和福利利待遇第十一條 甲方根根據國家有有關規(guī)定為為非農業(yè)戶戶口乙方繳繳納上海市市城鎮(zhèn)社會會保險(養(yǎng)老、醫(yī)醫(yī)療、失業(yè)業(yè)、住房公公積金),個個人繳納部部分由甲方方從乙方工工資中代扣扣代繳;為為農業(yè)戶口口乙方繳納納上海市小小城鎮(zhèn)社會會保
5、險小三三金(失業(yè)業(yè)、生育、工傷);外來員工工由甲方繳繳納綜合保保險。甲乙乙雙方解除除、終止勞勞動合同時時,甲方按按有關規(guī)定定為乙方辦辦理社會保保險相關手手續(xù)。第十二條 乙方工工傷待遇按按國家和地地方有關政政策法規(guī)規(guī)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。第十三條 因公出出差按公司司規(guī)定實行行差旅費報報銷與補貼貼。六、勞動紀紀律第十四條 合同期期間,乙方方應嚴格遵遵守國家的的各項法律律法規(guī)及甲甲方依法制制定的各項項規(guī)章制度度及要求,嚴格遵遵守勞動安安全衛(wèi)生、操作規(guī)程程及工作規(guī)規(guī)范;應愛愛護甲方財財產,遵守守職業(yè)道德德,積極維護公公司榮譽和和利益。第十五條 乙方違違反勞動紀紀律 ,甲甲方可依據據本公司的的規(guī)章制度度給予紀律律處
6、分,直直至解除本本勞動合同。另外外,由于乙乙方的原因因對甲方造造成經濟損損失的,原原則上必須須按照實際際損失金額額由乙方向向甲方承擔擔損害賠償償責任,數數目重大者者甲方有權權追究其法法律責任。第十六條 在本合合同履行過過程中,甲甲方根據國國家有關規(guī)規(guī)定可以制制定新的規(guī)規(guī)章制度,也也可以對公公司制定的規(guī)章章制度進行行修改,發(fā)發(fā)布的各種種規(guī)章制度度、操作規(guī)規(guī)定、通知知、公告等等均對乙方有約束力力。第十七條 若本合合同條款與與國家新規(guī)規(guī)定及甲方方新規(guī)章制制度相抵觸觸,乙方同同意服從國國家新規(guī)定定和甲方新規(guī)章制制度。七、勞動合合同的履行行和變更第十八條 甲方應應按照約定定為乙方提提供適當的的工作場所所
7、、勞動條條件和工作作崗位,并并按時向乙乙方支付勞動報酬酬。乙方應應當認真履履行自己的的勞動職責責,并親自自完成本合合同約定的的工作任務務。第十九條 甲、乙雙雙方協(xié)商一一致,可以以變更本合合同內容,并并以書面的的形式確定定。 八、勞動動合同的解解除、終止止和續(xù)訂第二十條 經甲、乙乙雙方當事事人協(xié)商一一致,本合合同可以解解除。雙方方應提前三三十日(試試用期為提提前三日)以書書面形式通通知對方,方方可解除本本協(xié)議。第二十一條條 乙方有下下列情形之之一的,甲甲方可以隨隨時解除本本合同: 1、嚴嚴重違反勞勞動紀律和和規(guī)章制度度的; 2、嚴嚴重失職,營營私舞弊,給給甲方造成成重大損失失的; 3、乙乙方沒有
8、經經過甲方同同意,同時時與其他用用人單位建建立勞動關關系,對完完成甲方的的工作任務務造成嚴重重影響,或或者經甲方方提出,拒拒不改正的的; 4、因因勞動合同同期滿致使使本合同無無效的; 5、依依法被追究究刑事責任任或勞動教教養(yǎng)的; 6、乙乙方利用職職務之便收收受賄賂的的或泄漏公公司機密造造成公司損損失的。第二十二條條 有下列情情形之一的的,乙方可以隨隨時通知甲甲方解除本合同。 1、在試用用期內的; 2、甲方以以暴力、威威脅或者非非法限制人人身自由的的手段強迫迫勞動的; 3、甲方未未按照勞動動合同約定定支付勞動動報酬或者者提供勞動動條件的。第二十三條條 符合下列列情形之一一的,甲方方提前三十十日(
9、試用用期為提前前三日)以以書面形式式通知乙方方,解除本合同同: 1、患患病或非因因工負傷,在在規(guī)定醫(yī)療療期滿后,不不能從事原原工作,也也不能從事事甲方另行行安排的工工作的; 2、乙乙方不能勝勝任工作,經經過調整工工作崗位,仍仍不能勝任任工作的; 3、本本合同訂立立時所依據據的客觀情情況發(fā)生重重大變化,致致使本合同同無法履行行,經甲、乙雙方協(xié)協(xié)商,未能能變更本合合同內容達達成協(xié)議的的; 4、按按照相關法法規(guī)及程序序甲方依法法裁員的。第二十四條條 乙方有下下列情形之之一的,甲甲方不得按按本合同第第二十四條條的約定與與乙方解除除勞動和同同: 1、在在甲方工作作期間患職職業(yè)病或者者因工負傷傷并被確認認
10、喪失或者者部分喪失失勞動能力力的; 2、患患病或因工工負傷,在在規(guī)定的醫(yī)醫(yī)療期間的的; 3、女女職工在孕孕期、產期期、哺乳期期的; 4、法法律、行政政法規(guī)規(guī)定定的其他情情形。第二十五條條 符合下列列情形之一一的,本勞勞動合同即即可終止: 1、勞勞動合同期期滿; 2、乙乙方死亡、或者被法法院宣告死死亡或者宣宣告失蹤的的; 3、甲甲方依法被被宣告破產產的; 4、甲甲方被吊銷銷營業(yè)執(zhí)照照、責令關關閉、撤銷銷或者甲方方決定提前前解散的; 5、法法律、行政政法規(guī)規(guī)定定的其他情情形。九、賠償責責任、違約約責任第二十六條條 乙方未能能提前書面面提出解除除勞動合同同的賠償金金:未按照照勞動合合同法提提前三十日
11、日書面形式通知知甲方解除除勞動合同同,需按照照乙方日工工資的標準準來補足時時間的賠償償。第二十七條條 乙方造成成直接損失失的賠償金金:賠償金金按乙方實實際造成的的損失計算算,賠償金金的范圍包包括: 1、乙乙方損壞甲甲方財物而而導致的直直接經濟損損失; 2、乙乙方疏忽導導致的甲方方直接經濟濟損失; 3、乙乙方拒絕合合理的工作作安排而導導致甲方經經濟損失。第二十八條條 甲方根據據乙方的要要求出資為為乙方辦理理了外省市市專業(yè)技術術人員、管管理人員的的調動引進進手續(xù),在入入戶手續(xù)完完畢后,必必須在本公公司服務期期滿 年。服服務期內,乙乙方不得提提出辭職解除合合同。若在在服務期內內自行離開開公司或違違紀
12、被甲方方解除合同同的,按 元人民幣幣的賠償額額,根據乙乙方未服務務滿的年限限,按比例例折算(年年平均賠償償金額)賠償。 第二十九條條 甲乙雙方方任何一方方違反本合合同,給另另一方造成成經濟損失失的,根據據違約者責責任大小,需需承擔違約責責任。第三十條 乙方不不得在任何何情況下將將甲方的保保密資料直直接或者間間接泄露給給任何外人人,如經甲甲方發(fā)現按甲方損損失大小賠賠償。十、勞動爭爭議的處理理第三十一條條 甲乙雙方方協(xié)商解決決。第三十二條條 甲乙雙方方協(xié)商不成成,可由爭爭議的一方方申請勞動動仲裁。十一、其他他第三十三條條 本合同未未盡事宜,按按國家和當當地政府有有關法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定定辦理。第三十四條
13、條 從本合同同簽訂生效效之日起,原原合同即日日廢止。第三十五條條 本合同一一式兩份,甲甲乙雙方各各執(zhí)一份,經經甲乙雙方方簽字蓋章章后生效。兩份合同同具同等法律效效力。甲方: 乙方:(簽字)法定代表人人或委托代代理人:(簽簽字或蓋章章) 簽訂日期: 年 月 日 簽訂日日期: 年 月 日 Laborr ConntracctDate:Partyy A(EEmplooyer):Name: Legall Reppreseentattive: Addreess: Partyy B (Emplloyeee):Gendeer:Date of BBirthh:ID Caard NNo.:Domiccile:Co
14、ntaact:Addreess:The ccontrract is hherebby cooncluuded by bboth partties in aaccorrdancce wiith LLaborr Laww of the Peoppless Reppubliic off Chiina, Labbor CContrract Law of tthe PPeoplles Reepubllic oof Chhina, andd Reggulattionss of Shannghaii Munnicippalitty onn Labbor CContrract, in the prinncip
15、lles oof faairneess, legiitimaacy, equaalityy, voolunttarinness, connsenssus tthrouugh nnegottiatiion aand ggood faitth. Contrract TermmArticcle 11 Parrty AA andd Parrty BB siggns aa fixxed-tterm laboor coontraact. The conttractt lassts ffor _ yyear(s), fromm _too _. TThe pprobaationn is _ mmonthh(s
16、), froom _ tto _; Parrty AA andd Parrty BB siggns aa nonn-fixxed tterm laboor coontraact, whicch sttartss froom _ annd ennds tilll thhe occcurrrencee of a sttatuttory termminattion condditioon; oor Parrty AA andd Parrty BB siggns aa tassk-orrientted llaborr conntracct, wwhichh staarts fromm _ annd e
17、nnds aat thhe taask ccomplletioon daate aagreeed byy botth paartiees.2. Joob Reesponnsibiilitiies Articcle 22Articcle 33Articcle 44Articcle 55Partyy A eemplooys PPartyy B tto enngagee in _ .The wworkpplacee is _ , whicch caan bee chaangedd on the basiis off muttual agreeemennt ass perr Parrty AAs bu
18、usineess rrequiiremeents.Partyy B sshalll fulffill his job in aa higgh-quualitty, qquanttitattive and ttime-effiiciennt mannner aand aabidee by all the comppany rulees.Partyy A mmay aadjusst Paarty Bs job oor apppoinnt Paarty B too do anotther job tempporarrily by vvirtuue off itss bussinesss reequi
19、rremennts aas weell aas Paarty Bs comppetennce aand pperfoormannce. Partty B shalll aggree and coopperatte wiith PPartyy A.3. Woorkinng Hoours & Reest HHourssArticcle 66Both partties agreee Paarty Bs woorkinng hoours are speccifieed ass folllowss (noormall worrkingg houurs: 8:300 11: 30, 12:30 17: 3
20、0; lunnch ttime: 11:30 12: 30.) (PPleasse chhoosee):Standdard workking hourrs systtem, i.e. _ hoour(ss)/daay, _ day(s)/wweek;Non-ffixedd worrkingg houurs sysstem apprrovedd by the laboor annd soociall seccuritty deeparttmentt; orrCumullativve woorkinng hoours systtem aapprooved by tthe llaborr andd
21、soccial secuurityy deppartmment and the calcculattion periiod iis _. 4. Laabor RemuuneraationnArticcle 77Articcle 88Articcle 99Articcle 110Partyy A sshalll payy offf sallary to PPartyy B iin cuurrenncy oon thhe 8tth off eveery mmonthh. Thhe paay peeriodd is fromm thee begginniing tto thhe ennd off l
22、asst moonth. Parrty BB worrks bbeforre paaid.Partyy Bs noormall bassic ssalarry iss _ annd annnuall bonnus iis _, whicch caan bee adjjusteed ass perr thee commpanyys opperattion and Partty Bs peerforrmancce.Partyy A wwill deduuct PPartyy Bs soociall inssurannce ppremiium aand iindivviduaal inncomee
23、taxx froom hiis orr herr sallary.Partyy Bs laabor remuuneraationn willl bee adjjusteed ass perr Parrty BBs coompettencee andd jobb reqquireementts onn thee bassis oof coonsennsus in ccase Partty A adjuust PPartyy Bs joob.5. Soociall Wellfaree& BeenefiitsArticcle 111Articcle 112Articcle 113Accorrding
24、g to the Stattes rellatedd rulles, Partty A willl payy Shaanghaai soociall inssurannce iin urrban areaa (i.e. penssion insuurancce, uunempploymment insuurancce, mmediccal iinsurrancee andd houusingg funnd) ffor PPartyy B wwhosee houusehoold rregisstrattion is nnon- ruraal faamilyy. Annd Paarty A wii
25、ll ddeducct Paarty Bs paart ffrom his or hher ssalarry; iin caase PPartyy Bss houusehoold rregisstrattion is rrurall fammily, Parrty AA willl paay Shhanghhai ssociaal innsuraance in ssmalll towwns aand ccountties (uneemplooymennt innsuraance, matternity insuurancce annd emmployymentt injjury insuura
26、ncce) ffor PPartyy B; in ccase Partty B is aan out-oof-toown eemplooyee, Partty A willl coveer coompreehenssive insuurancce foor Paarty B. WWhen the laboor coontraact iis teerminnatedd by bothh parrtiess, Paarty A wiill hhandlle thhe reelateed prrocedduress forr Parrty BBs soociall inssurannce aacco
27、rrdingg to the relaated reguulatiions.Partyy B wwill be ttreatted as sttipullatedd by the Statte annd Shhanghhai iin caase he orr shee is injuured duriing tthe wwork.In caase PPartyy B ttraveels on busiinesss, Paarty A wiill rreimbbursee travvelliing eexpennses and givee subbsidyy to Partty B in aac
28、corrdancce wiith tthe ccompaany rruless.6. Laabor DisccipliinesArticcle 114Articcle 115Articcle 116Articcle 117Withiin thhe coontraact tterm, Partty B shalll abbide by tthe SStatees laaws aand rregullatioons aas weell aas thhe ruules formmulatted bby Paarty A acccordding to tthe llaws; folllow laboo
29、r seecuriity aand hhygieene ssysteems, prodductiion pproceessess, opperatting insttructtionss andd jobb speecifiicatiions; takke goood ccare of PPartyy As prroperrty; and safeeguarrd thhe beenefiits aand rreputtatioon off thee commpanyy.In caase PPartyy B vviolaates any of tthe llaborr disscipllines
30、s, Paarty A maay puunishh Parrty BB or evenn relleasee thee conntracct acccordding to tthe rruless andd reggulattionss of the comppany. Morreoveer, PPartyy B wwill be hheld liabble ffor PPartyy As ecoonomiic loossess on aa casse-byy-casse baasis, in the evennt thhat PPartyy Bss behhavioor daamagees
31、Paarty As inteerestts. IIn caase oof thhe coonsidderabble aamounnt off lossses, Parrty AA willl reetainn thee rigght tto puursuee leggal aactioons aagainnst PPartyy B.Durinng thhe coontraact pperfoormannce, Partty A may formmulatte new or rrevisse ruules and reguulatiions baseed onn thee Staates ree
32、lateed reegulaationns. TThe rruless andd reggulattionss, opperatting provvisioons, notiices and procclamaationns are bbindiing oon Paarty B.In caase any artiicle hereein cconfllictss witth thhe neew reegulaationns annd ruules issuued bby thhe Sttate and Partty A, Parrty BB agrrees to oobey the lattt
33、er.7. Laabor Conttractt Perrformmancee & AAlterrnatiionArticcle 118Articcle 119Partyy A sshalll furrnishh Parrty BB witth prroperr worrkingg plaace, laboor coondittionss andd possitioon, aand sshalll alsso paay thhe reemuneeratiion to PPartyy B oon tiime, confformiing tto thhe prrovissionss herrein.
34、 Parrty BB shaall ffulfiill hhis rrespoonsibbilitties hereein iin duue diiligeence.The ccontrract may bbe reeviseed inn wriittenn forrm, aafterr botth paartiees aagreeementt thrroughh neggotiaationn. 8. LLaborr Conntracct Caancelllatiion, Termminattion & Reenewaal Articcle 220The ccontrract may bbe
35、caancelled bbasedd on bothh parrtiess mutuual nnegottiatiion. Eitther partty inntendding to ccanceel thhe coontraact sshalll infform the otheer paarty in wwrittten fform 30 dayss in advaance (Probaationn perriod: 3 ddays in aadvannce).Articcle 221Partyy A mmay ccanceel thhe coontraact iin caase aany
36、 oof thhe foollowwing occuurs:Partyy B sseverrely viollatess thee labbor ddisciiplinnes aand rregullatioons;Partyy Bs grooss nnegliigencce orr jobbberyy cauuses greaat loossess forr Parrty AA;Partyy B hholdss anootherr jobb witthoutt thee perrmit of PPartyy A, whicch seeriouusly affeects the compple
37、tiion oof Paarty As woork ttask, or Partty B refuuses to corrrect the eerrorr aftter PPartyy As waarninng;The ccontrract turnns innvaliid duue too exppirattion;Partyy B iis heeld ccrimiinallly reesponnsiblle orr reeeducaated throough laboor; oorPartyy B aacceppts briibes by takiing aadvanntagee of d
38、utyy or causses tthe lloss of tthe ccompaany bby viirtuee of divuulginng thhe coommerrciall seccretss. Articcle 222Partyy B may notiify PPartyy A of teerminnatinng thhe coontraact aat anny tiime, in ccase any of tthe ffolloowingg occcurs:1. Wiithinn thee proobatiion;2. Paarty A foorcess Parrty BB to
39、 workk by viollencee, thrreat or iilleggal limiitatiions of PPartyy Bs freeedomm.3. Paarty A faails to ppay PPartyy Bss sallary or pproviide wwork condditioons aas sttipullatedd herrein.Articcle 223Partyy A mmay ccanceel thhe coontraact uupon 30 ddays prioor wrritteen nooticee to Partty B (Probaatio
40、nn: 3 dayss in advaance), in casee anyy of the folllowinng occcurss:1. Paarty B, due to ssicknness or iinjurry innfliccted off the job, cann nott ressume his or hher wwork or ddo thhe otther job reasssignned bby Paarty A affter speccifieed peeriodd of mediical treaatmennt; 2. Paarty B iss unqqualiif
41、iedd, evven aafterr a traaininng orr jobb adjjustmment;3. Thhe obbjecttive condditioons oon whhich the conttractt is baseed haave mmaterriallly chhangeed too thee exttent thatt it is iimposssiblle too perrformm thee contrract whille bothh partties cannnot rreachh an agreeemennt too ameend tthe ccont
42、rract to rrefleect tthe cchangged ccondiitionns; or4. Paarty A doownsiizes accoordinng too rellatedd lawws annd prrocedduress.Articcle 224Partyy A iis noot allloweed too canncel the laboor coontraact aas peer Arrticlle 244 in casse anny off thee folllowiing ooccurrs:Partyy B iis coonfirrmed parttly
43、oor tootallly inncapaacitaated due to an inndusttriall injjury or an occcupaationnal ddiseaase wwhen workking for Partty A;Partyy B iis inn a perriod of mmediccal ttreattmentt forr siccknesss orr worrk innjuryy;The ffemalle emmployyee iis inn preegnanncy, mateernitty orr lacctatiion; orOtherr sittua
44、tiions stippulatted iin laaws aand aadminnistrrativve prrovissionss.Articcle 225The ccontrract willl terrminaate iin caase aany oof thhe foollowwing occuurs:1. Thhe laabor conttractt exppiress;2. Paarty B iss deaad, ppronoounceed deead oor pronnouncced mmissiing bby thhe peoplles courtt;3. Paarty A
45、iss decclareed bannkrupptcy legaally;4. Paarty As bussinesss liicensse iss revvokedd; Paarty A iss commpellled tto cllose downn or disssolvee; orr Parrty AA deccidess to disssolvee in advaance; or5. Otther situuatioons sstipuulateed inn lawws annd addminiistraativee proovisiions.9. Coompennsatiion f
46、for tthe BBreacch orr Canncelllatioon off thee Conntracct Articcle 226In caase PPartyy B ffailss to notiify PPartyy A oof caancelllingg thee conntracct inn wriittenn forrm 300 dayys inn advvancee as per the Laboor Coontraact LLaw, he oor shhe shhall comppensaate PPartyy A ffor tthe aadvannced timee
47、bassed oon Paarty Bs daiily wagee.Articcle 227In caase PPartyy Bs beehaviior ccausees thhe loossess of PPartyy A, the comppensaationn amoount is ccalcuulateed baased on tthe aactuaal loossess caussed bby Paarty B. TThe ccompeensattion inclludess: 1. Thhe diirectt ecoonomiic loossess cauused by PPart
48、yy Bs dammagess of Parrty AAs prroperrty;2. Thhe diirectt ecoonomiic loossess ressultiing ffrom Partty Bs neggligeence; andd3. Thhe ecconommic llossees duue too Parrty BBs reejecttion of tthe rreasoonablle woork aassiggned by PPartyy A.Articcle 228As reequirred bby Paarty B, PPartyy A mmay hhandlle
49、thhe prrocedduress forr thee inttroduuctioon off Parrty BB as a proffessiionall or manaager fromm othher pproviincess citties. Aftter tthe pproceeduree is fulffilleed, PPartyy B sshalll serrve tthe ccompaany ffor _ yeaars. Duriing tthe pperiood off serrvicee, Paarty B iss nott alllowedd to resiign oor teerminnate the conttractt. Inn casse Paarty B leeavess thee commpanyy witth
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