1、Aa - aad. oone; any; eacch able - v. havving the poweer too do someethinng aboutt - aad. aalmosst (abouut haalf); off or haviing aa rellatioon too (WWe taalk aaboutt thee weaatherr.) abovee - aad. aat a highher pplacee acceppt - v. tto aggree to rreceiive acciddent - n. sommethiing tthat happpens by
2、 cchancce orr misstakee; ann unpplannned eeventt accusse - v. tto saay a persson iis reesponnsiblle foor ann actt or crimme; tto maake aa staatemeent aagainnst ssomeoone acrosss - ad. fromm sidde too sidde; tto thhe otther sidee act - v. to ddo soomethhing activvist - n. onee whoo seeeks cchangge th
3、hrouggh acctionn actorr - nn. soomeonne acctingg in a pllay oor shhow add - v. to pput (someethinng) wwith anotther to mmake it llargeer; tto saay moore adminnistrratioon - n. tthe eexecuutivee parrt off a ggoverrnmennt, uusuallly hheadeed byy a ppresiidentt or primme miinistter admitt - vv. too acc
4、cept (addmittted tto thhe Unnitedd Nattionss); to eexpreess ooness guiilt oor reesponnsibiilityy (HHe addmittted tthat whatt he did was wronng.) adultt - nn. a growwn peersonn advisse - v. tto heelp wwith infoormattion, knoowleddge oor iddeas in mmakinng a deciisionn affecct - v. tto prroducce ann e
5、fffect on; to iinfluuencee (AA lacck off sleeep aaffeccted the singgerss perrformmancee.) afraiid - ad. feelling fearr afterr - aad. llaterr; beehindd againn - aad. aanothher ttime; as befoore againnst - ad. oppposedd to; nott agrreeinng wiith ssometthingg age - n. how old a peersonn or thinng iss a
6、genccy - n. aan orrganiizatiion tthat is ppart of aa larrger grouup (an aagenccy off thee Uniited Natiions) aggreessioon - n. aan atttackk agaainstt a ppersoon orr couuntryy; thhe viiolattion of aa couuntryys bbordeers ago - ad. of timee passt; bbeforre noow agreee - vv. too havve thhe saame bbeliee
7、f ass sommeonee; too be willling to ddo soomethhing agriccultuure - n. farmming aid - v. to hhelp; to suppport; n. helpp, asssisttancee aim - v. to ppointt a ggun aat; nn. a goall or purppose air - n. the mixtture of ggasess aroound the eartth, mmostlly niitroggen aand ooxygeen, tthat we bbreatthe a
8、ir fforcee - nn. a miliitaryy orgganizzatioon ussing airpplanees airpllane - n. a vvehiccle wwith winggs thhat ffliess airpoort - n. a pllace wherre aiirplaanes takee offf andd lannd albumm - nn. a colllectiion oof reecordded mmusicc alcohhol - n. a sttrongg, coolorlless liquuid, usuaally madee froo
9、m grrain, useed ass a ddrug or iin inndusttriall prooductts alivee - aad. hhavinng liife; not deadd all - ad. eveerythhing; eveeryonne; tthe ccompllete amouunt ally - n. a nnatioon orr perrson joinned wwith anotther for a sppeciaal puurposse almosst - ad. a liittlee lesss thhan ccomplletelly alonee
10、- aad. sseparratedd froom ottherss alongg - aad. nnear or oon (alonng thhe rooad) alreaady - ad. beffore now; eveen noow also - add. addded to; too althoough - coonj. evenn if it iis trrue tthat alwayys - ad. at aall ttimess; evvery timee ambasssadoor - n. aa nattions hiighesst diiplommaticc reppres
11、eentattive (to anotther goveernmeent) amendd - vv. too addd to or tto chhangee (a propposall or law) ammunnitioon - n. tthe bbulleets oor shhellss firred ffrom gunss amongg - aad. iin orr parrt off (a grouup) amounnt - n. tthe nnumbeer, ssize or wweighht off anyythinng anarcchy - n. a laack oof orrd
12、er; lawwlesssnesss ancesstor - n. a ffamilly meemberr froom thhe paast ancieent - ad. verry olld; llong ago and - connj. aalso; in addiitionn to; witth angerr - nn. a stroong eemotiion aagainnst ssomeoone oor soomethhing animaal - n. aa livving creaaturee thaat mooves, succh ass a ddog oor caat anni
13、vversaary - n. a yeearlyy cellebraationn or obseervannce oof ann eveent tthat happpenedd in the pastt annouunce - v. to makee knoown ppubliicly; to decllare offiiciallly anothher - ad. onee morre; aa difffereent oone answeer - n. aa staatemeent pproduuced by aa queestioon; vv. too makke a stattemenn
14、t affter beinng assked a quuestiion any - ad. onee or moree of no sspeciial kkind apoloogizee - vv. too exppresss reggret for a miistakke orr acccidennt foor whhich one acceepts respponsiibiliity appeaal - v. tto taake tto a highher ccourtt, peersonn or grouup foor a deciisionn; too calll onn sommeb
15、oddy foor heelp appeaar - v. tto shhow ooneseelf; to ccome intoo sigght; to sseem appoiint - v. to nname; to chooose (apppointt a jjudgee) approove - v. to aagreee witth; tto aggree to ssuppoort archeeologgy - n. tthe sscienntifiic sttudy of ppast humaan liife aand aactivvitiees area - n. anyy plaac
16、e oor paart oof itt arguee - vv. too offfer rreasoons ffor oor aggainsst soomethhing; to disppute; to disaagreee arms - n. millitarry eqquipmment; weaaponss army - n. millitarry grroundd forrces arounnd - ad. on eeveryy sidde (oof) arresst - v. tto seeize a peersonn forr leggal aactioon; tto taake a
17、as a prissonerr arrivve - v. tto coome tto a placce, eespecciallly att thee endd of a trrip art - n. exprressiions or ccreattionss by humaans, suchh as painntinggs, mmusicc, wrritinng orr staatuess artillleryy - nn. biig guuns as - conjj. eqquallly (as ffast as); whhen; whille ash - n. the partt lef
18、ft affter someethinng buurns ask - v. to qquesttion; to say someethinng iss wannted (Wee askk thee teaacherr queestioons eeveryy dayy.) assisst - v. tto heelp astroonautt - nn. a persson wwho ttraveels iin sppace astroonomyy - nn. thhe sccienttificc stuudy oof sttars and the univversee asyluum - n.
19、ppolitticall prootecttion giveen byy a ggoverrnmennt too a ppersoon frrom aanothher ccounttry at - prepp. inn or nearr (aat thhe eddge); whhere (loook aat); wheen (at nnoon) atmosspherre - n. tthe ggasess surrrounndingg anyy staar orr plaanet attacch - v. tto tiie toogethher; to cconneect attacck -
20、n. aa vioolentt atttemptt to damaage, injuure oor kiill; v. tto sttart a fiight attemmpt - v. to wwork towaard ssometthingg; too tryy; too makke ann efffort attennd - v. tto bee preesentt at autommobille - n. aa vehhiclee witth whheelss useed too carrry ppeoplle; aa carr autummn - n. tthe ttime of t
21、the yyear betwween summmer aand wwinteer averaage - n. someethinng (aa nummber) reppreseentinng thhe miiddlee; add. coommonn; noormall avoidd - vv. too staay awway ffrom awakee - aad. nnot ssleepping awardd - nn. ann honnor oor prrize for an aact oor seervicce away - add. noot neear Bbaby - n. a nne
22、wlyy borrn crreatuure back - n. thee parrt beehindd thee froont; ad. the otheer waay frrom fforwaard bad - ad. wroong; actiing aagainnst tthe llaw; not goodd balannce - v. to mmake two sidees orr forrces equaal ball - n. sommethiing rroundd ballooon - n. a deevicee of stroong, lighht maateriial ttha
23、t risees whhen ffilleed wiith ggas llightter tthan air balloot - n. aa pieece oof paaper usedd forr votting ban - v. to nnot ppermiit; tto sttop; n. aan offficiial rrestrrictiion bank - n. an orgaanizaationn thaat keeeps and lendds mooney bar - v. to ppreveent oor bllock barriier - n. anytthingg tha
24、at bllockss or makees ann acttion diffficullt base - n. a mmilittary centter; v. tto esstabllish as aa facct (Her reseearchh wass bassed oon exxperiimentts.) battlle - n. aa figght bbetweeen ooppossing armeed foorcess be - v. tto liive; to hhappeen; tto exxist beat - v. to hit agaiin annd aggain bea
25、utty - ad. thatt whiich ppleasses tthe eeye, ear or sspiriit becauuse - preep. ffor tthe rreasoon thhat (He leftt beccausee he was sickk.) becomme - v. tto coome tto bee bed - n. a slleepiing pplacee beforre - prepp. eaarlieer beginn - vv. too do the firsst paart oof ann acttion; to starrt behinnd -
26、 ad. at tthe bback of; in bback of belieeve - v. to tthinkk; too feeel suure oof; tto accceptt as truee; too truust bell - n. an insttrumeent tthat makees a musiical sounnd (a chhurchh belll) belonng - v. tto bee ownned bby; tto bee a mmembeer off beloww - aad. llowerr thaan best - add. thhe moost g
27、good betraay - v. tto tuurn aagainnst; to bbe faalse to betteer - ad. moree goood thhan betweeen - ad. in the spacce orr timme thhat sseparratess; frrom oone tto thhe otther (taalks betwween two natiions) big - ad. of greaat siize; not smalll bill - n. a llegisslatiive ppropoosal bioloogy - n. the s
28、cieentiffic sstudyy of lifee or liviing tthinggs inn alll theeir fformss bird - n. a ccreatture thatt fliies bite - v. to cut withh thee teeeth blackk - aad. ddark; havving the coloor liike tthat of tthe nnightt skyy blamee - vv. too acccuse; to holdd ressponssiblee blankket - n. a clloth coveer uss
29、ed tto keeep wwarm bleedd - vv. too losse bllood blindd - aad. nnot aable to ssee blockk - vv. too stoop soomethhing fromm beiing ddone; to prevvent moveementt bloodd - nn. reed flluid in tthe bbody blow - v. to movee witth foorce, as in aair (Thee winnd bllows.) blue - add. haavingg thee collor lli
30、ke thatt of a cllear sky boat - n. sommethiing bbuiltt to travvel oon waater thatt carrriess peoople or ggoodss body - n. alll of a peersonn or animmal; the remaains of aa perrson or aanimaal boil - v. to heatt a lliquiid unntil it bbecommes vvery hot bomb - n. a ddevicce thhat eexploodes withh gree
31、at fforcee; v. to attaack oor deestrooy wiith bbombss bone - n. thee harrd maateriial iin thhe boody book - n. a llong writtten workk forr reaadingg bordeer - n. aa divvidinng liine bbetweeen nnatioons born - v. to comee to lifee; too comme innto eexisttencee borroow - v. tto taake aas a loann both
32、- add. noot juust oone oof twwo, bbut tthe ttwo ttogetther bottlle - n. aa conntainner, usuaally madee of glasss, tto hoold lliquiid bottoom - ad. the loweest ppart of ssometthingg box - n. someethinng too putt thiings intoo; a conttaineer, uusuallly mmade of ppaperr or woodd boy - n. a yooung malee
33、 perrson boycoott - v. to rrefusse too takke paart iin orr deaal wiith brainn - nn. thhe coontrool ceenterr of thouught, emootionns annd boody aactivvity of aall ccreatturess bravee - aad. hhavinng noo feaar breadd - nn. a foodd madde frrom ggrainn breakk - vv. too divvide intoo parrts bby foorce; t
34、o desttroy breatthe - v. to ttake air intoo thee boddy annd leet itt outt agaain bridgge - n. aa strructuure bbuiltt oveer a wateerwayy, vaalleyy or roadd so peopple aand vvehiccles can crosss frrom oone sside to tthe ootherr brieff - aad. sshortt; noot loong brighht - ad. giviing mmuch lighht; sstr
35、onng annd cllear in ccolorr bringg - vv. too comme wiith ssometthingg broaddcastt - vv. too sennd innformmatioon, sstoriies oor muusic by rradioo or teleevisiion; n. aa raddio oor teeleviisionn proogramm brothher - n. a maale wwith the samee fatther or mmotheer ass anootherr perrson brownn - aad. hh
36、avinng thhe coolor likee thaat off cofffee budgeet - n. aa speendinng pllan buildd - vv. too joiin maateriials togeetherr to makee sommethiing buildding - n. anyythinng buuilt for use as aa houuse, facttory, offfice, schhool, stoore oor pllace of eenterrtainnmentt bulleet - n. aa smaall ppiecee of m
37、etaal shhot ffrom a guun burn - v. to be oon fiire; to ddestrroy oor daamagee by firee burstt - vv. too breeak oopen sudddenlyy bury - v. to put intoo thee groound and coveer wiith eearthh bus - n. a puublicc vehhiclee to carrry peeoplee businness - n. onees wwork; buyying and sellling to eearn mone
38、ey; ttradee busy - add. dooing someethinng; vvery actiive but - connj. hhowevver; otheer thhan; yet buy - v. to gget bby paayingg sommethiing, usuaally moneey by - conjj. neear; at; nextt to (byy thee roaad); froom (a pllay bby Wiilliaam Shhakesspearre); nott latter tthan (byy middnighht) Ccabinnet
39、- n. a grroup of mminissterss thaat heelps leadd a ggoverrnmennt call - v. to givee a nname to (I ccall myseelf JJohn.); to aask ffor oor reequesst (Theyy callled for an eend tto thhe fiightiing.) calm - add. quuiet; peaacefuul; ooppossite tensse camerra - n. aa devvice for takiing ppictuures camp -
40、 n. a pplacee witth teemporrary houssing campaaign - n. a ccompeetitiion bby oppposiing ppolitticall canndidaates seekking suppport fromm votters; a cconneectedd serries of mmilittary actiions duriing aa warr can - v. to bbe abble tto; tto haave tthe rrightt to; n. a coontaiiner usedd to holdd liqqu
41、id or ffood, usuuallyy madde off mettal canceel - v. tto ennd; tto sttop canceer - n. aa disseasee in whicch daangerrous cellls grrow qquickkly aand ddestrroy ppartss of the bodyy candiidatee - nn. a persson wwho sseekss or is nnominnatedd forr an offiice oor ann honnor capittal - n. the offiiciall
42、cennter of aa govvernmment; thee citty whhere a coountrrys goveernmeent iis capittalissm - n. aan ecconommic ssysteem inn whiich tthe pproduuctioon off mosst gooods and servvicess is owneed annd opperatted ffor pprofiit byy priivatee cittizenns orr commpaniies captuure - v. to mmake a peersonn or an
43、immal aa priisoneer; tto seeize or ttake by fforcee; too gett conntroll of car - n. a veehiclle wiith wwheells ussed tto caarry peopple; an aautommobille; aa parrt off a ttrainn care - v. to likee; too prootectt; too feeel woorry or iinterrest carefful - ad. actting safeely; withh mucch thhoughht ca
44、rryy - vv. too takke soomethhing or ssomeoone ffrom one placce too anootherr case (couurt) - n. a llegall acttion case (meddicall) - n. aan inncideent oof diiseasse (Therre waas onnly oone ccase of cchickken ppox aat thhe scchooll.) cat - n. a smmall animmal tthat ofteen liives withh hummans catchh
45、- vv. too seiize aafterr a cchasee; too stoop annd seeize withh thee hannds causee - vv. too makke haappenn; n. thee thiing oor peersonn thaat prroducces aa ressult ceasee-firre - n. aa hallt inn figghtinng, uusuallly bby aggreemment celebbratee - vv. too honnor aa perrson or eeventt witth sppeciaal
46、 acctiviitiess centeer - n. tthe mmiddlle off sommethiing; the placce inn thee midddle; a pplacee thaat iss thee maiin pooint of aan acctiviity centuury - n. one hunddred yearrs ceremmony - n. an act or sseriees off actts doone iin a speccial way estaablisshed by ttradiitionn chairrman - n. a pperso
47、on leeadinng a meetting or aan orrganiized grouup champpion - n. thee besst; tthe wwinneer chancce - n. aa posssibiilityy of winnning or llosinng orr thaat soomethhing willl happpen changge - v. tto maake ddiffeerentt; too beccome diffferennt chargge - v. tto acccusee sommeonee of someethinng, uusua
48、llly aa criime; n. aa staatemeent iin whhich someeone is aaccussed oof soomethhing chasee - vv. too runn or go aafterr sommeonee or someethinng cheatt - vv. too gett by a trrick; to steaal frrom cheerr - vv. too shoout aapprooval or ppraisse chemiical - n. eleementts foound in nnaturre orr madde byy
49、 peoople; subbstannces usedd in the scieence of cchemiistryy chemiistryy - nn. thhe sccienttificc stuudy oof suubstaancess, whhat tthey are madee of, howw theey acct unnder diffferennt coondittionss, annd hoow thhey fform otheer suubstaancess chieff - nn. thhe heead oor leeaderr of a grroup; ad. lea
50、adingg; moost iimporrtantt childd - nn. a babyy; a boy or ggirl childdren - n. morre thhan oone cchildd choosse - v. tto deecidee bettweenn twoo or moree circlle - n. aa cloosed shappe thhat hhas aall iits ppointts eqquallly diistannt frrom tthe ccenteer, llike an O citizzen - n. a peersonn whoo is
51、a meemberr of a coountrry byy birrth oor byy laww city - n. anyy impportaant llargee towwn civillian - add. noot miilitaary civill rigghts - n. thee polliticcal, econnomicc andd soccial righhts ggivenn equuallyy to all peopple oof a natiion claimm - vv. too sayy sommethiing aas a factt clashh - nn.
52、a batttle; v. tto fiight or oopposse cleann - vv. too makke puure; ad. freee froom diirt oor haarmfuul suubstaancess (ccleann watter) clearr - aad. eeasy to ssee oor seee thhrouggh; eeasilly unndersstoodd clerggy - n. aa boddy off offficiaals wwithiin a reliigiouus orrganiizatiion climaate - n. the
53、normmal wweathher ccondiitionns off a pplacee climbb - vv. too go up oor doown ssometthingg by usinng thhe feeet aand ssomettimess thee hannds clockk - nn. a deviice tthat meassuress andd shoows ttime closee - vv. too makke soomethhing not openn; add. neear tto clothh - nn. a mateeriall madde frrom
54、pplantts, cchemiicalss, annimall haiir annd otther subsstancces clothhes - n. whatt peoople wearr cloudd - nn. a masss of fog highh in the sky coal - n. a ssolidd blaack ssubsttancee useed ass fueel coaliitionn - nn. foorcess, grroupss or natiions joinned ttogetther coastt - nn. laand oon thhe eddge
55、 oof thhe occean coffeee - n. aa driink mmade fromm thee plaant oof thhe saame nname cold - add. noot waarm; haviing oor feeelinng grreat coollnesss or a loow teemperraturre colleect - v. to bbringg or gathher ttogetther in oone pplacee; too demmand and receeive (coollecct taaxes) colleege - n. a sm
56、mall univversiity colonny - n. lland conttrollled bby annotheer coountrry orr govvernmment colorr - nn. thhe diifferrent effeects of llightt on the eye, makking bluee, reed, bbrownn, bllack, yelllow and otheers combiine - v. to mmix oor brring togeetherr come - v. to movee towward; to arriive commaa
57、nd - v. to oorderr; too havve poower overr sommethiing commeent - v. to ssay ssometthingg aboout; to eexpreess aan oppinioon abbout someethinng commiitteee - nn. a grouup off peoople giveen sppeciaal woork commoon - ad. usuaal; ssame for all (a commmon ppurpoose) commuunicaate - v. to ttell; to give
58、e or exchhangee infformaationn commuunityy - nn. a grouup off peoople liviing ttogetther in oone pplacee or areaa compaany - n. a buusineess oorgannizedd forr traade, induustriial oor otther purpposess compaare - v. to eexamiine wwhat is ddiffeerentt or simiilar compeete - v. to ttry tto doo as well
59、l as, or bettter tthan, anootherr or otheers compllete - add. haavingg alll parrts; endeed orr finnisheed compllex - ad. of or hhavinng maany ppartss thaat arre diifficcult to uunderrstannd; nnot ssimplle comprromisse - n. tthe ssettllemennt off an arguumentt wheere eeach sidee agrrees to aacceppt l
60、eess tthan firsst deemandded compuuter - n. an elecctronnic mmachiine ffor sstoriing aand oorgannizinng innformmatioon, aand ffor ccommuunicaatingg witth ottherss conceern - n. inteerestt, woorry (exxpresss cooncerrn abbout); vv. too feaar (to bbe cooncerrned) condeemn - v. to ssay aa perrson or aac
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