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2、 Bidd Daata Sheeet26Secttionn IVV. GGeneerall Coondiitioons of Conntraact (GCCC)28Secttionn V. Sppeciial conndittionns oof cconttracct41Secttionn VII. SScheedulle oof rrequuireemennts. Secttionn VIII. Tecchniicall Sppeciificcatiion. 4849Secttionn VIII. Sammplee Foormss55 Biid FFormm annd PPricce SSc

3、heedulles56 Bidd Seecurrityy Foorm60 Conntraact Forrm62 Perrforrmannce Seccuriity Forrm64 Bannk GGuarranttee forr Addvannce Payymennt.65 Mannufaactuurerrs Autthorrizaatioon FFormm667Secttionn VIIII. Unnderrtakkingg byy teendeererr onn annti-briiberry ppoliicy/ coode of connducct aand commpliiancce p

4、proggramm. 688AcroonymmsTAATTanzzaniia AAirpportts AAuthhoriityKPHKKiloomettress Peer HHourrMPHMMilees PPer Houurpsi pouundss peer ssquaare incchRPMRRevooluttionns PPer MinnuteeBHP Braake Horrse PowwerIGPMMIImpeeriaal GGalllonss Peer MMinuuteBSBBrittishh SttanddarddID IInteernaal DDiammeteerAC Allte

5、rrnattingg CuurreentDC Diirecct CCurrrenttc/wccompplette wwithhl orr Itts llitrre(ss)inchh(s)C DDegrree Cenntiggradde/CCelssiussamp(s) ampperee(s)kg killogrrammmel b pouund(s)gmggrammmemmmetrremm miilimmetrrecm ccenttimeeterrft fooot/feeet1CIIImpeeriaal CChemmicaal IInduustrriessBDS Bidd Daata Sheee

6、tCIF Coost, Innsurrancce aand FreeighhtCIP Caarriiagee annd IInsuurannce Paiid tto (plaace)EDI Ellecttronnic Datta IInteerchhanggeEXWEEx ffacttoryy, eex wworkks oor eex wwareehouuseFCA Freee CCarrrierrFOB Freee oon BBoarrdGCC Genneraal CCondditiionss off CoontrracttICC Innterrnattionnal Chaambeer oo

7、f CCommmercceIFB Innvittatiion forr BiidsITB Innstrructtionns tto BBiddderssSCC Speeciaal CCondditiionss off CoontrracttUNCIITRAAL UUnitted Nattionns CCommmisssionn onn Innterrnattionnal Traade LawwSecttionn I: Innvittatiion Forr BiidsTENDDER No 1100 OFF 20003/20004FORSUPPPLY OF FOUUR XX-RAAY MMACHH

8、INEES TTO TTANZZANIIA AAIRPPORTTS AAUTHHORIITY1. TThe Govvernnmennt oof tthe Uniitedd off Reepubblicc off Taanzaaniaa thhrouugh thee Taanzaaniaa Aiirpoortss Auuthooritty hhas sett assidee Fuundss foor tthe opeerattionn off thhe aairpportts. It is inttendded thaat ppartt off thhe pprocceedds oof tthe

9、 funnd wwilll bee ussed to covver eliigibble payymennt uundeer tthe conntraact forr thhe SSuppply of Fouur XX-Raay MMachhinees.2. TThe Cenntraal TTendder Boaard on behhalff off Taanzaaniaa Aiirpoort Autthorrityy (TTAA) noow iinviitess seealeed bbidss frrom repputaablee maanuffacttureers andd suuppll

10、ierrs oof XX-Raays Macchinnes as folllowws.Itemm Noo.DesccripptioonQuanntitty1.Holdd Baaggaage X-RRay Macchinnes32.Palllet Sizze XX- RRay Macchinnes1BBiddder musst bbid forr alll iitemms.3.Innterrestted eliigibble biddderrs mmay obttainn fuurthher infformmatiion froom aand insspecct tthe Bidddinng D

11、Docuumennts at thee offficce oof tthe Exeecuttivee Seecreetarry, PPFF Toowerr annd CCar Parrkinng AArcaade, 8tthFFlooor Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sallaamm, ffromm 7:30 am to 3.330pmm onn Moondaays to Friidayys iincllusiive excceptt onn Puubli

12、ic HHoliidayys.4.A commpleete sett off thhe bbidddingg Doocummentts aand addditiionaal ssetss maay bbe ppurcchassed by inttereesteed bbiddderss onn thhe ssubmmisssionn off a wriitteen aappllicaatioon tto tthe adddresss ggiveen uundeer pparaagraaph 3 aabovve aand upoon ppaymmentt off a nonn-reefunnda

13、bble feee off Tsshs 1500,0000/= (TTanzzaniia SShilllinngs Onee Huundrred andd Fiiftyy Thhoussandd Onnly) orr eqquivvaleent in freeelyy coonveertiiblee currrenncy. PPaymmentt shhoulld bbe mmadee eiitheer bby BBankkers DDrafft, Cassh oor BBankkers CCheqque, too thhe PPermmaneent Seccrettaryy, MMiniist

14、rry oof FFinaancee, PP.O. Boox 991111, DDar Es Sallaamm.5.Alll bbidss inn onne oorigginaal ppluss twwo ccopiies, prropeerlyy fiilleed iin, encclossed in plaain envveloopess muust be acccomppaniied by an oriiginnal bidd seecurrityy inn ann acccepptabble forrm iin aamouunt of Tshhs 110,0000,0000.000 (

15、TTanzzaniia SShilllinngs Tenn Miilliion) prropeerlyy adddreesseed tto tthe Exeecuttivee Seecreetarry, PPFF Toowerr annd CCar Parrkinng AArcaade, 8tthFFlooor Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sallaamm. AAll bidds mmustt eiitheer bbe ddeliiverred by ha

16、nnd oor bbe ssentt byy reegissterred posst sso aas tto rreacch tthe Darr Ess Saalaaam, befforee thhe ddeaddlinne ffor subbmisssioon oof bbidss.6. Thhe ddeaddlinne ffor thee suubmiissiion of bidds iis 009.000 hhourrs LLocaal ttimee onn Frridaay 226thh Auugusst,220044. bidds wwilll bee oppeneed iin pp

17、ubllic andd inn thhe ppressencce oof bbiddderss reepreesenntattivees wwho chooosee too atttennd iin tthe Connferrencce rroomm off Exxecuutivve SSecrretaary, PPPF TToweer aand Carr Paarkiing Arccadee, 88thFFlooor Noorthh Wiing, Juuncttionn off Ohhio andd Gaardeen AAvennue, P.O. Boxx 499, DDar Es Sall

18、aamm, aat 009:000 hhourrs llocaal ttimee onn Frridaay 226thh Auugusst,220044. BBidss seent by posst mmustt bee reegissterred. Thhe oouteer ccoveer sshalll bbe ccleaarlyy maarkeed “TENNDERR Noo 1110 OOF 220033/20004FFORSUPPPLYY OFF FOOUR X-RRAY MACCHINNES TO TANNZANNIA AIRRPORRTS AUTTHORRITYY; NNOT T

19、OBBEOPPENEED BBEFOORE 09:00 HOUURS ONFRIIDAYY 266THAAUGUUST,20004”7. Tellegrraphhic, Teelexx, TTeleefaxx annd llatee noon- Tellegrraphhic, Teelexx annd TTeleefaxx wiill nott bee acccepptedd. QQuottatiionss noot rreceeiveed aand nott oppeneed iin ppubllic at thee puubliic bbid opeeninng ccereemonny s

20、shalll nnot be accceptted forr evvaluuatiion irrresppecttivee off thhe ccirccumsstanncess.EXECCUTIIVE SECCRETTARYY CENTTRALL TEENDEER BBOARRDSecttionn III: IInsttrucctioons to BiddderrsTablle oof CClauusessA. IIntrroduuctiion 81. SSourrce of Funnds 82. EEliggiblle BBiddderss 83. EEliggiblle GGoodds

21、aand Serrvicces84. CCostt off Biiddiing8B.TThe Bidddinng DDocuumennts 95. Coonteent of Bidddinng DDocuumennts 96. Cllariificattionn off Biiddiing Doccumeentss 97. Ammenddmennt oof BBidddingg Doocummentts 9C.PPrepparaatioon oof BBidss. 1108. LLangguagge oof BBid 109. Doocummentts CConsstittutiing the

22、e Biid 11010. Biid FFormm 11011. Biid PPricces .11112. Biid CCurrrencciess 12213. Doccumeentss Esstabblisshinng BBiddders EEliggibiilitty aand Quaalifficaatioon . 11214. Doccumeentss Esstabblisshinng GGoodds Eliigibbiliity andd Coonfoormiity to BidddinngDocuumennts11315. Biid SSecuuritty 11416. Peer

23、iood oof VValiiditty oof BBidss 15517. Foormaat aand Siggninng oof BBid 115D.SSubmmisssionn off Biids11518. Seealiing andd Maarkiing of Bidds. 1519. Deeadllinee foor SSubmmisssionn off Biids. 11620. Laate Bidds 16621. Moodifficaatioon aand Witthdrrawaal oof BBidss.166E.OOpenningg annd EEvalluattionn

24、 off Biids 1722. Oppeniing of Bidds bby tthe Purrchaaserr 17723. Cllariificcatiion of Bidds11724. Prreliiminnaryy Exxamiinattionn1725. Coonveersiion to Sinnglee Cuurreencyy 1826. Evvaluuatiion andd Coompaarisson of Bidds 11827. Doomessticc Prrefeerennce 2228. Coontaactiing thee Puurchhaseer 23329. P

25、osst-qquallifiicattionn23F.AAwarrd oof CConttracct 23330. Awaard Criiterria 23331. Purrchaaserrs Rigght to Varry QQuanntittiess att Tiime of Awaard .2332. PurrchaaserrsRRighht tto AAcceept Anyy Biid aand to Rejjectt Anny oor AAll Bidds 24433. Nottifiicattionn off Awwardd. 2434. Siggninng oof CConttr

26、acct. 22435. Perrforrmannce Seccuriity. . 2436. Corrruppt oor FFrauudullentt Prractticees.244Insttrucctioon tto BBiddderss A. Inttrodducttionn1. SSourrce of Funnds1.1Thhe GGoveernmmentt off thhe UUnitted of Reppubllic of Tannzannia thrrouggh tthe Tannzannia Airrporrts Autthorrityy haas sset asiide f

27、unnds forr thhe ooperratiionss off thhe aairpportts. It is inttendded thaat ppartt off thhe pprocceedds oof tthe funnds willl bbe uusedd too cooverr elligiiblee paaymeent undder thee coontrractt foor SSuppply of gooods speeciffiedd inn thhe BBid Datta SSheeet.2. EEliggiblle Biddderrs2.1TThiss Innvit

28、tatiion to Tennderr, iis oopenn too alll ffirmms ccapaablee off suuppllyinng tthe gooods commplyyingg too sppeciificcatiion in theese bidddinng ddocuumennt. Firrms of a mmembber couuntrry mmay be exccludded if as a mmattter of laww orr reegullatiion, Taanzaaniaa prrohiibitts ccommmercciall reelattio

29、nns wwithh thhat couuntrry.2.2BBiddderss shhoulld nnot be asssociiateed, or havve bbeenn asssocciatted in theepastt, ddireectlly oor iindiirecctlyy, wwithh a firrm oor aany of itss afffilliatteswhicch hhavee beeen enggageed bby tthe Purrchaaserr too prroviide connsulltinngservvicees ffor thee prrepa

30、arattionn off thhe ddesiign, sppeciificcatiionss, aandotheer ddocuumennts to be useed ffor thee prrocuuremmentt off thhe ggoodds tto bbepurcchassed undder thiis IInviitattionn foor BBidss.2.3 Govvernnmennt-oowneed eenteerprrisees iin tthe Uniitedd Reepubblicc off Taanzaaniaa maaypartticiipatte oonly

31、y iff thhey aree leegallly andd fiinannciaallyy auutonnomoous, ifftheyy opperaate undder commmerrciaal llaw, annd iif ttheyy arre nnot adepeendeent ageencyy off thhe PPurcchasser.2.4 Biiddeers shaall nott bee unnderr a decclarratiionof ineeliggibiilittyffor corrruppt aand fraauduulennt ppraccticces

32、isssuedd byy thhe GGoveernmmentt off thhe UUnitted Reppubllic of Tannzannia in acccorddancce wwithh ITTBCClauuse 36.1.3. EEliggiblle GGoodds andd Seerviicess3.1Alll gooodss annd rrelaatedd seerviicess too bee suupplliedd unnderr thhe cconttracct sshalll hhavee thheirr orrigiin iin eeliggiblle ssourr

33、ce couuntrriess, aand alll exxpennditturees mmadee unnderr thhe cconttracct wwilll bee liimitted to succh ggoodds aand serrvicces.3.2 Forr puurpoosess off thhis claausee, oriiginn mmeanns tthe plaace wheere theegoodds aare minned, grrownn, oor pprodduceed, or thee pllacee frrom whiich theerelaatedd

34、seerviicess arre ssuppplieed. Gooods aree prroduucedd whhen, thhrouughmanuufaccturringg, pproccesssingg, oor ssubsstanntiaal aand majjor asssembbly ofcompponeentss, aa coommeerciiallly-rrecoogniizedd prroduuct ressultts tthatt isssubsstanntiaallyy diiffeerennt iin bbasiic ccharractteriistiics or in

35、purrposse oor uutillityyfromm itts ccompponeentss.3.3 Thee orrigiin oof ggoodds aand serrvicces is disstinnct froom tthe nattionnaliity ofthe Biddderr.4. CCostt off Biiddiing4.1 Thee Biiddeer sshalll bbearr alll ccostts aassoociaatedd wiith thee prrepaarattionn anndsubmmisssionn off itts bbid, annd

36、tthe Purrchaaserr naamedd inn thheBBid DattaSheeet, herreinnaftter refferrred to asthee Puurchhaseer, wiill in no casse bberespponssiblle oor lliabble forr thhosee coostss, rregaardllesss off thhe ccondductt orroutccomee off thhe bbidddingg prroceess.B.TThe Bidddinng DDocuumennts5. CConttentt off Bi

37、dddinng Doccumeentss5.1 Thee gooodss reequiiredd, bbidddingg prroceedurres, annd cconttracct ttermms aarepresscriibedd inn thhe bbidddingg doocummentts. Thee biiddiing doccumeentssinclludee thhe ffolllowiing secctioons:(a) Innvittatiion to Tennderr(b) Insstruuctiionss too Biiddeers(ITTB)(c) Bidd Daa

38、ta Sheeet(d) Genneraal CCondditiionss off Coontrractt (GGCC)(e) Speeciaal CCondditiionss off Coontrractt (SSCC)(f) Sccheddulee off Reequiiremmentts(g) Tecchniicall Sppeciificcatiionss(h) Bidd Foorm(i) Biill of Quaantiitiees(j) Biid SSecuuritty FFormm(k) Conntraact Forrm(1) Perrforrmannce Seccuriity

39、Forrm(m) Bannk GGuarranttee Forrm ffor Advvancce PPaymmentt(n) Mannufaactuurerrs Autthorrizaatioon FFormm5.2TThe Biddderr iss exxpecctedd too exxamiine alll innstrructtionns, forrms, teermss,and speecifficaatioons in thee biiddiing doccumeentss. FFailluree too fuurniishall infformmatiion reqquirred

40、by thee biiddiing doccumeentss orr too suubmiit aabid nott suubsttanttiallly ressponnsivve tto tthe bidddinng ddocuumennts ineverry rresppectt wiill be at thee Biiddeerss riisk andd maay rresuult in theerejeectiion of itss biid.6. CClarrifiicattionn off Bidddinng Doccumeentss6.1 A proospeectiive Bid

41、dderr reequiirinng aany claarifficaatioon oof tthe bidddinng doccumeentss maay nnotiify thee Puurchhaseer iin wwrittingg orr byy caableeherreinnaftter, thhe ttermm caablee iss deeemeed tto iinclludee Ellecttronnic DattaInteerchhangge (EDII)aand faccsimmilee aat tthe Purrchaaserrs adddresssindiicatte

42、d in thee ITTB CClauuse 19.1. Thee Puurchhaseer wwilll reespoond inwrittingg too anny rrequuestt foor cclarrifiicattionn off thhe bbidddingg doocummenttswhicch iit rreceeivees nno llateer tthann teen (10) daays priior to thee deeadllineefor thee suubmiissiion of bidds ppresscriibedd inn Biid DDataa

43、Shheett. WWritttenncopiies of thee Puurchhaseerss reespoonsee (iinclludiing an expplannatiion of theequerry bbut witthouut iidenntiffyinng tthe souurcee off innquiiry) wiill be sennt ttoall proospeectiive biddderrs tthatt haave recceivved thee biiddiing doccumeentss.7. AAmenndmeent of Bidddinng Docc

44、umeentss7.1 Att anny ttimee prriorr too thhe ddeaddlinne ffor subbmisssioon oof bbidss, tthePurcchasser, foor aany reaasonn, wwhettherr att itts oown iniitiaativve oor iinrespponsse tto aa cllariificcatiion reqquesstedd byy a proospeectiive Biddderr,may moddifyy thhe bbidddingg doocummentts bby aame

45、nndmeent.7.2AAll proospeectiive biddderrs tthatt haave recceivved thee biiddiing doccumeentsswilll bee nootiffiedd off thhe aamenndmeent in wriitinng oor bby ccablle, andd wiillbe bbinddingg onn thhem.7.3IIn oordeer tto aalloow pprosspecctivve bbiddderss reeasoonabble timme iin wwhicch ttotakee thhe

46、 aamenndmeent intto aaccoountt inn prrepaarinng ttheiir bbidss, tthePurcchasser, att itts ddisccrettionn, mmay exttendd thhe ddeaddlinne ffor theesubmmisssionn off biidsC.PPrepparaatioon oof BBidss8. Lannguaage of Biid8.1 Thhe bbid preeparred by thee Biiddeer, as welll aas aall corrressponndennce an

47、dddocuumennts rellatiing to thee biid eexchhangged by thee Biiddeer aand theePurcchasser, shhalll bee wrrittten in thee laanguuagee sppeciifieed iin tthe BiddDataa Shheett. SSuppporttingg doocummentts aand priinteed lliteeratturee fuurniisheedby tthe Biddderr maay bbe iin aanottherr laanguuagee prro

48、viidedd thhey areeaccoompaanieed bby aan aaccuuratte ttrannslaatioon oof tthe rellevaant passsagges inthe lannguaage speeciffiedd inn thheBBid DattaSheeet, inn whhichh caase, foorpurpposees oof iinteerprretaatioon oof tthe Bidd, tthe traansllatiion shaall govvernn.9. DoocummenttsConsstittutiingthe B

49、idd9.1 Thee biid ppreppareed bby tthe Biddderr shhalll coomprrisee thhe ffolllowiing commponnentts: (aa) a Bidd Foorm andd a Priice Schheduule commpleetedd inn acccorrdannce witth IITB Claausees 110, 11, annd 112; (b) doocummenttaryy evvideencee esstabblisshedd inn acccorrdannce witth IITB Cllausse

50、113 tthatt thhe BBiddder is eliigibble to bidd annd iis qquallifiied to peerfoorm thee coontrractt iff itts bbid is accceptted; (c) doocummenttaryy evvideencee esstabblisshedd inn acccorrdannce witth IITB Cllausse 114 tthatt thhe ggoodds aand anccilllaryy seerviicess too bee suupplliedd byy thhe BBi

51、ddder aree elligiiblee gooodss annd sservvicees aand coonfoorm to thee biiddiing doccumeentss; aand (dd) bidd seecurrityy fuurniisheed iin aaccoordaancee wiith ITBB Cllausse 115.10. Bidd Foorm10.11 Thee Biiddeer sshalll ccompplette tthe Bidd Foorm andd thhe aapprroprriatte PPricce SScheedulle ffurnn

52、ishhed in thee biiddiing doccumeentss, iindiicattingg thhegoodds tto bbe ssuppplieed, a bbrieef ddesccripptioon oof tthe gooods, thheirrcounntryy off orrigiin, quaantiity, annd ppricces.10.22 Forr thhe ppurpposee off grranttingg a marrginn off doomessticc prrefeerennce, biidswilll bee cllasssifiied

53、in onee off thhreee grroupps, as folllowws:(a) GrooupA:AAll othher bidds ooffeerinng ggoodds ffromm wiithiin tthe Uniitedd Reepubblicc off Taanzaaniaa.(b) GrooupB:BBidss offferringg gooodss off fooreiign oriiginn too beeimpoorteed bby tthe Purrchaaserr diirecctlyy orr thhrouugh thee Suuppllierrs loc

54、cal Ageent.10.33 TTo ffaciilittatee thhis claassiificcatiion by thee Puurchhaseer, thee Biiddeer sshalllcompplette wwhicchevver verrsioon oof tthe Priice Schheduule fuurniisheed iinthe bidddinng ddocuumennts is appproppriaate proovidded, hoowevver, thhat theecompplettionn off ann inncorrrecct vverss

55、ionn off thhe BBilll off Quuanttitiies by theeBiddder willl nnot ressultt inn reejecctioon oof iits bidd, bbut merrelyy inn thhePurcchassers rrecllasssifiicattionn off thhe bbid intto iits appproppriaate biddgrouup.11. Bidd Prricees11.11 Thhe BBiddder shaall inddicaate on thee appproopriiatee Prrice

56、e Sccheddulee thhe uniit ppricces (whheree apppliicabble) annd ttotaal bbid priice of thee gooodss itt prooposses to suppplyy unnderr thhe cconttracct.11.22 Prricees iindiicatted on thee Prricee Sccheddulee shhalll bee ennterred sepparaatelly iin tthe folllowwingg maanneer:(a) Foor ggoodds ooffeered

57、d frrom witthinn thhe UUnitted Reppubllic of Tannzannia:(i)tthe priice of thee gooodss quuoteed eex-sshowwrooom ppricce ppluss cuustooms pluus ddutiies payyablle/ppaidd onn prreviioussly impportted gooods.(ii)aany Tannzanniann saaless annd ootheer ttaxees wwhicch wwilllbe ppayaablee onn thhe ggoodds

58、 iif tthe conntraact is awaardeed.(iiii) tthe priice forr innlannd ttrannspoortaatioon, inssuraancee, aand othherlocaal ccostts iinciidenntall too deelivveryy off thhe ggoodds tto ttheiirfinaal ddesttinaatioon, if speeciffied in thee Biid DDataa Shheett.(iv) thhe ppricce oof ootheer (inccideentaal)

59、serrvicces, iff anny, lisstedd innthe Bidd Daata Sheeet.(b) Forr gooodss offferred froom aabrooad:(i) thhe ppricce oof tthe gooods shaall be quootedd CIIFnnameed pporttof ddesttinaatioon, orCIPP boordeer ppoinnt, orCIPP naamedd pllaceeof ddesttinaatioon, in Tannzannia, ass sppeciifieedin tthe Bidd D

60、aata Sheeet. Inn quuotiing thee prricee, tthe Biddderrshalll bbe ffreee too usse ttrannspoortaatioon tthrooughh caarriierssregiisteeredd inn anny eeliggiblle ccounntriies. Simmilaarlyy, ttheBiddder mayy obbtaiin iinsuurannce serrvicces froom aany couuntrry.(ii) thhe ppricce oof tthe gooods quootedd


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