1、勞動合同Labor Comtract甲方 (用人單位)乙方(員工)Name of Party A (Employer):Party B (Employee)名稱姓名NameName住所性別AddressGender:法定代表人(主要負責人)身份證(護照)號碼Legal Representative( PrincipalResponsiblePerson) :ID Card No. (PassportNo.) :聯(lián)系人戶籍地址company contactsRegisted residence現(xiàn)住址Address聯(lián)系電話聯(lián)系電話PhonePhone根據(jù)中華人民共和國勞動法(以下簡稱勞動法)、中華
2、人民共和國勞動合同法(以下簡稱勞動合同法)、深圳市員工工資支付條例 (以下簡稱工資支付條例)等有關法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定,甲乙雙方遵循合法、公平、平等自愿、協(xié)商一致、誠實信用的原則,簽訂本勞動合同,共同遵守本勞動合同所列條款。The contractis hereby concluded by both partiesin accordance withLabor Lawof the Peoples Republic of China, Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republicof China , andRegulations of the Shenzhen
3、 Municipality on the Wage Payment toEmployees , in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness,consensus through negotiation and good faith.一、勞動合同期限Article 1、 Term of the Employment Contract(一)甲乙雙方同意按以下第種方式確定本勞動合同期限。The type and term of the Employment Contractshallbe determined a
4、s set forthin Item _below1、有固定期限:從年月日起至年月日止。Fixed Term: From _ to _.2、無固定期限:從年月日起。Open-ended: From _ to3、以完成一定工作任務為期限:從年月日起至工作任務完成時止。完成工作任務的標志是。Project-based: From _to the expiration of the term.Mark the tasksis.二、工作內(nèi)容和工作地點Article2、 Job Description, Workplace Location乙方的工作內(nèi)容 ( 崗位或工種 )。Party B shall
5、engage in the job (post or Type of work)of乙方的工作地點。The workplace is三、工作時間和休息休假Article3、Working Hours, Rest and Leave Entitlements(一)甲乙雙方同意按以下第種方式確定乙方的工作時間。TheworkinghoursshallbedeterminedassetforthinItembelow.1、標準工時制,即每日工作小時(不超過8小時),每周工作小時(不超過40小時),每周至少休息一日。The normal working hour system shall be imp
6、lemented. Party B shall work no more than hours a day (no more than 8), and hours a week (no more than 40), and shall have at least one day s rest each week.2、不定時工作制,即經(jīng)人力資源保障(勞動)部門批準,乙方所在崗位實行不定時工作制。A non-fixed working hour system shall be implemented with the necessary approvalfrom the relevant labo
7、r administration authorities.3、綜合計算工時工作制,即經(jīng)人力資源保障(勞動)部門批準,乙方所在崗位實行綜合計算工時工作制。Cumulativeworkinghour ssystemapprovedby thelaborand socialsecuritydepartment and the Calculation period is.(二)甲方由于生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營需要延長工作時間的,按勞動法第四十一條執(zhí)行。Due to its operational needs, Party may extend Party B s work overtime onweekends ba
8、sed forty-firstLabor Law of the Peoples Republic of China.(三)乙方依法享有法定節(jié)假日、年休假、婚假、產(chǎn)假、喪假等假期。Party B shall have public holiday, Annual leave, Marriage leave, Maternity leave and Compassionate leave according to the National Law.(四)乙方的其他休息休假安排。Other holidays B arrangement四、勞動報酬Article4Working Remuneratio
9、n(一)甲方依法制定工資分配制度,并告知乙方。甲方支付給乙方的工資不得低于市政府公布的當年度最低工資。Party A is entitle to adjust salary of Party B. But will not below the municipal government minimum wage standards.(二)甲方經(jīng)與乙方協(xié)商,同意按以下第種方式支付乙方的工資。Theworking pay shallbe determined as set forthin Itembelow.1、乙方每月正常工作時間工資元;試用期內(nèi)每月正常工作時間工資元。Party B willre
10、ceivea monthly remunerationof RMBgross duringthe probationperiod and RMBgross after the probation period month.2、雙方約定以確定乙方工資。The monthly remuneration for Party B shall be RMB(三)甲方每月日發(fā)放工資。甲方至少每月以貨幣形式向乙方支付一次工資。Party A shall pay pretax salary of last month to Party B in currency on the_ofmonth.(四)乙方加班工
11、資、假期工資及特殊情況下的工資支付按有關法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。The Employee shall be entitled to legal holidays, annual leave, and other paidleaves of absence in accordance with applicablelaw and the Companys work rules,which are in force from time to time.五、社會保險和福利待遇Article 5 Social Insurance and Welfare(一)甲乙雙方按照國家和省、市有關規(guī)定,參加社會保險
12、,繳納社會保險費。Party a and Party B must participate insocial insurance andpay social insurancepremiums on a monthly basis in accordance with the national and provincial law.(二)乙方患病或非因工負傷,甲方應按國家和省、市的有關規(guī)定給予乙方享受醫(yī)療期和醫(yī)療期待遇。Where Party B has contracted an illness or sustained a non-work-related injury, Party A
13、should give Party B medical treatment and medical leave accordance with National or provincial regulation.(三)乙方患職業(yè)病、因工負傷的,甲方按中華人民共和國職業(yè)病防治法、工傷保險條例等有關法律法規(guī)的規(guī)定執(zhí)行。Where PartyB has contractedan occupationaldiseasesorindustrialinjury,partyA have toimplement relatedprovisionsaccordingtothe occupationdisease
14、preventionlaw, industrialinjury insurance regulationsand otherrelevant lawsand regulations.(四)甲方為乙方提供以下福利待遇party A provides the followingbenefitsfor party B。六、勞動保護、勞動條件和職業(yè)危害防護Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Conditions and Protections against Occupational Hazards(一)甲方按照國家和省、市有關勞動保護規(guī)定,提供符合國家安全衛(wèi)生標準
15、的勞動作業(yè)場所和必要的勞動防護用品,切實保護乙方在生產(chǎn)工作中的安全和健康。Party A shall give Party B education and training programs relating to laborsafety,professionalskillsandlabordisciplinesetc.Accordingtotherequirementsofstatelaborprotectionand safe-production,PartyA shallprovide necessary working condition to ensure Party Bs safe
16、ty and health.(二)甲方按照國家和省、市有關規(guī)定,做好女員工和未成年工的特殊勞動保護工作。Party A must conscientiously carry out relevant provisions formulated by the state for the protection of female and under-aged employees.(三)乙方從事作業(yè),可能產(chǎn)生職業(yè)危害,甲方應采取防護措施,且按照國務院衛(wèi)生行政部門的規(guī)定組織上崗前、在崗期間和離崗時的職業(yè)健康檢查,并將檢查結果如實告知乙方。職業(yè)健康檢查費用由用人單位承擔。The Employee is
17、engaged in the, possibleoccupationhazard,Employer shouldtakeprotective measures, and in accordance with the health administrativedepartment of the State Council shall organize job occupation health examinationbefore,during and post time, and the inspection results shall truthfully informthe Employee
18、. Occupation health inspection fees shall be borne by the employer.(四)乙方有權拒絕甲方的違章指揮和強令冒險作業(yè);對甲方危害生命安全和身體健康的行為,乙方有權要求改正或向有關部門舉報。The Employee must strictly abide by rules of safe operations during workingprocess, and has the right to refuse peccant command and the right to demandcorrection or report to
19、 the relevant departments.七、規(guī)章制度Article 7Regulation and Rules(一)甲方依法制定的規(guī)章制度,應當告知乙方。Party A draw the regulation and rules up accordance to law and shall inform Party B.(二)乙方應遵守國家和省、市有關法律法規(guī)和甲方依法制定的規(guī)章制度,按時完成工作任務,提高職業(yè)技能,遵守安全操作規(guī)程和職業(yè)道德。Party B shall obey the related Law and the Regulation which is draw up
20、 by Party A; to complete task on time,comply with the safety rules and occupation moral.(三)乙方自覺遵守國家和省、市計劃生育的有關規(guī)定。Party B shall comply with the Family Planning regulation accordance to the Law.八、勞動合同變更Article 8 Alternation of Contract甲乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,可以變更勞動合同。變更勞動合同應采用書面形式。變更后的勞動合同文本雙方各執(zhí)一份。Both of Party A a
21、nd Party B reach a consensus on alteration of contract, which shall be in written form. Both parties shall keep a copy of revised contract.九、勞動合同解除和終止Article 9 Dissolution and Termination of Contract(一)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,可以解除勞動合同。Where Party A and Party B reach a consensus, the contract can be terminated.(二)乙
22、方提前三十日以書面形式通知甲方,可以解除勞動合同;乙方試用期內(nèi)提前三日通知甲方,可以解除勞動合同。To terminate the contract, Party B shall inform Party A in written notice in a thirty days advance. Party B in three days advance notice to Party A in probation period.(三)甲方有下列情形之一的,乙方可以通知甲方解除勞動同:In any of the following circumstances, Party B may noti
23、fy Party A toterminate this contract1、 未按照勞動合同約定提供勞動保護或者勞動條件的;Failureon the partof Party A toprovideworking conditionsas agreed uponthis contract.2、未及時足額支付勞動報酬的;Failure on the part of Party A to pay labour remuneration.3、未依法為乙方繳納社會保險費,經(jīng)乙方要求甲方繳納,超過一個月仍未繳納的;Party B shall pay social insurance premiums
24、fall short of legal provisions, Party B request Party A to pay, not pay more than a month;4、規(guī)章制度違反法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定,損害乙方權益的;Bylaw violates thelegal provisions ®ulations, damage toParty Bs rightsand interests;5、以欺詐、 脅迫的手段或者乘人之危,使乙方在違背真實意思的情況下訂立或者變更本勞動合同,致使勞動合同無效的;By means of fraud and intimidation or posit
25、ion of vulnerability, so that PartyB conclude or change the labor contract in violation of the true meaning of thecase, the labor contract is invalid;6、免除自己的法定責任、排除乙方權利,致使勞動合同無效的;Escaping their own legal responsibilities and eliminating Party Bs rightslead to the labor contract invalid;7、違反法律、行政法規(guī)強制
26、性規(guī)定,致使勞動合同無效的;Inviolationoflaws,administrativeregulationsofthemandatoryprovisions,the labor contract is invalid;8、法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定乙方可以解除勞動合同的其他情形。Legal and administrative regulations, Party B may terminate the laborcontract situation.(四)甲方以暴力、 威脅或者非法限制人身自由的手段強迫乙方勞動的,或者甲方違章指揮、強令冒險作業(yè)危及乙方人身安全的,乙方可以立即解除勞動合同,不需
27、事先告知甲方。Party A forces Party B to work by violence, threat or illegal limitations ofParty B s freedom or Party A forces Party B to work by means of force, threatorillegalrestrictionofpersonalfreedom.PartyB may notifyPartyA ofterminating the contract at any time.(五)乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除勞動合同:The Company ma
28、y dismiss the Employee at any time without further notice if theEmployee:1、在試用期間被證明不符合錄用條件的;Is proven to be incompetent for the employing requirement during his/her period of probation;2、嚴重違反甲方的規(guī)章制度的;Seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations as stipulated by the Company3、嚴重失職,營私舞弊,給甲方造成重大損害的
29、;Seriously neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for selfish ends,thuscausing significant harm to the interests of the Company.4、同時與其他用人單位建立勞動關系,對完成本單位的工作任務造成嚴重影響,或者經(jīng)甲方提出,拒不改正的;Party B holds another job withoutthe permit of Party A, which seriouslythecompletionof Party A s work task,or Party
30、B refusesto correctafter Party As warning;affects the error5、以欺詐、 脅迫的手段或者乘人之危,使甲方在違背真實意思的情況下訂立或者變更本勞動合同,致使勞動合同無效的;By means of fraud and intimidation or position of vulnerability, so thatParty A conclude orchange the labor contractin violationof the truemeaningof the case, the labor contract is inval
31、id;6、被依法追究刑事責任的。(六)有下列情形之一的,甲方提前三十日以書面形式通知乙方或者額外支付乙方一個月工資后,可以解除勞動合同,勞動合同法第四十二條規(guī)定的情形除外:In any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate this Contract uponprior written notice of thirty (30) days to Party B or one month salary in lieuof the notice,expect forty-secondLabor Law of the People
32、s Republic of China:1、乙方患病或者非因工負傷,在規(guī)定的醫(yī)療期滿后不能從事原工作,也不能從事由甲方另行安排的工作的;Party B, due to sickness or injury inflicted off the job, can not resume his orher work or do the other job reassigned by Party A after specified period of medical treatment;2、乙方不能勝任工作,經(jīng)過培訓或者調整工作崗位,仍不能勝任工作的;Party B is unqualified, e
33、ven after a training or job adjustment.3、勞動合同訂立時所依據(jù)的客觀情況發(fā)生重大變化,致使勞動合同無法履行,經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商,未能就變更勞動合同內(nèi)容達成協(xié)議的。The objectiveconditionson which the contractis based have materiallychangedto the extent that it is impossible to perform the contract while both partiescannot reach an agreement to amendthe contractto
34、 reflectthe changed conditions.(七)有下列情形之一,甲方需要裁減人員二十人以上或者裁減不足二十人但占甲方職工總數(shù)百分之十以上的,甲方應提前三十日向工會或者全體職工說明情況,在聽取工會或者職工的意見,并將裁減人員方案向人力資源保障(勞動)部門報告后,可以裁減人員,勞動合同法第四十二條規(guī)定的情形除外:One of the following circumstances, Party A would require reductions instaff of 20 people or more reduction of less than 20 but account
35、s for morethan 10 per cent ofthetotalnumber ofPartyworkers ,Party A shallbe thirtydays in advance tothetradeunion or alltheworkers to explainthesituation.After listening to the opinions of thetrade union or employees, and willcutstaff plan to the guarantee of human resources (labour) Department repo
36、rt,you can reduce thenumber ofpersonnel ,expect forty-secondLabor Law ofthePeoples Republic of China:1、依照企業(yè)破產(chǎn)法規(guī)定進行重整的;Party A is declared bankruptcy legally;2、生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營發(fā)生嚴重困難的;In case Party A is face bad business situation;3、企業(yè)轉產(chǎn)、重大技術革新或者經(jīng)營方式調整,經(jīng)變更勞動合同后,仍需裁減人員的;Enterprise transformation,Major technologic
37、al innovation or Operation mode adjustment.After amendment of employment contracts , still needs to reduce its workforce;4、其他因勞動合同訂立時所依據(jù)的客觀經(jīng)濟情況發(fā)生重大變化,致使勞動合同無法履行的。The basis for the conclusion of the contract has greatly changed so that thecontract can no longer be carried out,while both parties canno
38、t reach an agreement on modifying the contract by mutual negotiation.(八)有下列情形之一的,勞動合同終止:The contract will terminate in case any of the following occurs:、勞動合同期滿的;The labor contract expires;2、乙方達到法定退休年齡的;Party B shall reach the statutory retirement age;3、乙方死亡,或者被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失蹤的;PartyB is dead, pronoun
39、ced dead or pronounced missing by the peoplescourt;4、甲方被依法宣告破產(chǎn)的;Party A is declared bankruptcy legally;5、甲方被吊銷營業(yè)執(zhí)照、 責令關閉、撤銷或者甲方?jīng)Q定提前解散的;Party A s business license is revoked; Party A is compelled to close down or dissolve; or Party A decides to dissolve in advance6、法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的其他情形。Other situations sti
40、pulated in laws and administrative provisions十、經(jīng)濟補償Article 10:Economic compensation(一) 符合下列情形之一的,甲方應當向乙方支付經(jīng)濟補償:Party A shall pay economic compensation to Party B in follow case;1、甲方依據(jù)本勞動合同第九條第(一)項規(guī)定向乙方提出解除勞動合同并與乙方協(xié)商一致解除勞動合同的;Party A to Party B in accordance with the labor contract in Article 9 ( a )
41、 the provisions of proposed dissolution of the labor contract , and in consultation with the Party B agreed to terminate the labor contract;2、乙方依據(jù)本勞動合同第九條第(三)項、第(四)項規(guī)定解除勞動合同的;Party B in accordance with the labor contract in Article 9 (3) or paragraph (4)provides labor contract is terminated ;3、甲方依據(jù)本
42、勞動合同第九條第(六)項、第(七)項規(guī)定解除勞動合同的;Party A according to the labor contract of article 9 ( 6 ) , the provisions ofparagraph ( 7) of the labor contract is terminated;4、除甲方維持或者提高勞動合同約定條件續(xù)訂勞動合同,乙方不同意續(xù)訂的情形外,依據(jù)本合同第九條第(八)項第1目規(guī)定終止固定期限勞動合同的;In additionto partya to maintainor improve the conditionof the laborcontrac
43、trenew the labor contract,Party B does not agree to renew the situation,,F(xiàn)ixedterm labor contract is terminated pursuant to this Agreement in Article 9 ( 8 )of the first subparagraph;5、依據(jù)本合同第九條第(八)項第4目、第 5目規(guī)定終止勞動合同的;on the basis of thiscontractArticleninth( eight) of fourth,fiftheyes requiredto term
44、inate the labor contract;6、法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的其他情形。Other situations stipulated in laws and administrative provisions.(二)甲乙雙方解除或終止本勞動合同的,經(jīng)濟補償?shù)陌l(fā)放標準應按勞動合同法以及國家和省、市有關規(guī)定執(zhí)行。甲方依法應向乙方支付經(jīng)濟補償?shù)?,應在乙方辦結工作交接時支付。Both parties rescind or terminate the labor contract, the economic compensationshall be issued standardof Labor
45、Law of the Peoples Republic of Chinanationaland provincial,municipalrelevantregulations.Partyand theA shallpayeconomic compensation to Party B,when Party B upon the hand-over.十一、勞動合同解除和終止手續(xù)Article 10:The labor contract rescission and termination procedures甲乙雙方解除或終止本勞動合同的,乙方應按雙方約定,辦理工作交接等手續(xù)。甲方應當在解除或者
46、終止勞動合同時出具解除或者終止勞動合同的證明,并在十五日內(nèi)為乙方辦理檔案和社會保險關系轉移手續(xù)。甲方出具的解除或者終止勞動合同的證明,應當寫明勞動合同期限、解除或者終止勞動合同的日期、工作崗位、在本單位的工作年限。Both parties rescind or terminate the labor contract, Party B shall be agreed by both parties, handle the handover procedures. Party A shall prove in dissolutionor termination of labor contracts issu
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