英漢法律翻譯教程 孫萬彪_第1頁
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1、 英漢法律翻譯教程 孫萬彪 前言合同有一定的模模式和一般性性的條款。法律翻譯的基本本標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?!爸覍?shí)通順”法律翻譯的難處處:對法律用用于的理解,長長句的解讀和和翻譯。導(dǎo)論:法律文件件的翻譯法律英語的嚴(yán)肅肅性和嚴(yán)密性性法律文件往往使使用正式的詞詞語,被賦予予專門意義并并已進(jìn)入法律律英語范疇的的普通詞語,英英語古詞語,外外來詞語,法法律屬于和行行話,套話。法律文件之中經(jīng)經(jīng)常會不少結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜,文文辭冗長的句句子。法律文文件最突出的的特點(diǎn)是客觀觀公正,不帶帶主觀色彩,因因而句子中較較少出現(xiàn)人稱稱主語, 更多的是被被動語態(tài)和名名詞化結(jié)構(gòu)。法律翻譯,直譯譯。應(yīng)對法律律文件的每一一個(gè)詞(包括括虛詞)都不不能掉以

2、輕心心,應(yīng)該按其其在法律語境境中的意思進(jìn)進(jìn)行翻譯。即即使是介詞也也應(yīng)當(dāng)重視。翻譯長句,應(yīng)該該在準(zhǔn)確理解解句子的完整整意思的基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)上,按中國國所習(xí)慣的時(shí)時(shí)間順序(如如由過去,現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在到將來),和和邏輯思維順順序(如“因”而“果”),將英語語原句譯成符符合漢語表達(dá)達(dá)習(xí)慣的文字字?!安鸱终稀钡奶幚矸绞绞?。法律翻譯工作者者除了在英語語和漢語的功功底和寫作能能力有較高的的要求,同時(shí)時(shí)還需要有一一點(diǎn)個(gè)法律和經(jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)方面的知識識。 1 人稱代詞詞和物主代詞詞的翻譯漢語里的人稱代代詞不多。在在英語里,凡凡是能用人稱稱代詞取代名名詞的地方都都用代詞。漢漢語有重復(fù)名名次的強(qiáng),而而不會過多使使用人稱代詞詞。 法律翻譯

3、之之中只有代詞詞“其”才是最合適適的。三種翻譯方法:1 譯成漢語語代詞(a) Witthout priorr writtten aapprovval, nno Parrty shhall aassignn any and aall off its rightts andd inteerestss and deleggate iits reesponssibiliities underr thiss Agreeementt to aany thhird pparty.未經(jīng)事先允許,任任何一方不得得將其在本協(xié)協(xié)議項(xiàng)下的任任何和全部權(quán)權(quán)利和權(quán)益讓讓與及將其在在本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下下的責(zé)任委托托給第三方。2 譯

4、成所代代替的名詞(a) Thiis Conntractt is eexecutted inn Chinnese. If neecessaary, iit mayy be ttransllated into otherr langguagess. 本合同同以中文文本本簽署。如有有必要,本合合同可譯成其其他文字。 (b) Thiis Agrreemennt connstituues thhe enttire aagreeeement betweeen thhe parrties with respeect too its subjeect maatter, and no vaariatiion o

5、ff thiss Agreeementt shalll be dffecctive unlesss madde in writiing annd siggned bby alll of tthe paartiess. 本協(xié)議構(gòu)成成雙方關(guān)于本本協(xié)議標(biāo)的的的完整協(xié)議,對對本協(xié)議的任任何修改,只只有通過書面面形式并經(jīng)雙雙方簽字后方方能生效。3 省略不譯譯(a) Thee formmationn of tthis CContraact, iits vaaliditty, innterprretatiion, eexecuttion aand seettlemment oof dissputess in

6、 cconnecction herewwith sshall be gooverneed by the llaws oof thee Peopples Repubblic oof Chiina. 本合同的的訂立,效力力,解釋,執(zhí)執(zhí)行和合同爭爭議的解決,均均受中華人民民共和國法律律的管轄。(b) A ccertifficatee issuued byy the Chambber off Commmerce or otther aapproppriatee authhorityy wherre succh cirrcumsttancess occuur shaall bee suffficienn

7、t prooof off the existtence of suuch ciircumsstancees andd theiir durrationn. 不可抗力事事件發(fā)生地的的商會或其他他有關(guān)部門出出具的證明,應(yīng)應(yīng)足以證明不不可抗力事件件的存在和延延續(xù)的時(shí)間。 Assignnment/transsfer 轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓1. Neitther PParty may aassignn thiss Agreeementt, in wholee or iin parrt, wiithoutt the otherr Parttys pprior writtten coonsentt, exccept tto

8、 (i) anyy corpporatiion reesultiing frrom anny merrger, consoolidattion oor othher reeorgannizatiion innvilviing thhe asssigninng Parrty, aand (iii) anny enttity tto whiich thhe asssigninng Parrty maay traansferr all or suubstanntiallly alll of iits asssets; provvided that the aassignnee aggrees in

9、wrritingg to bbe bouund byy all the tterms and ccondittions of thhe Agrreemennt andd provvides docummentattion aas eviidencee thatt the assiggnee hhas thhe abiility and ccapabiility of meeetingg all of thhe oblligatiions uunder this Agreeement. 任何一方未經(jīng)另另一方事先書書面同意,不不得轉(zhuǎn)讓本協(xié)協(xié)議的全部或或部分,除非非轉(zhuǎn)讓給(ii)涉及轉(zhuǎn)讓讓方的因兼并

10、并,合并或其其他重組而產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的任何公公司,(iii)轉(zhuǎn)讓方可可以向其轉(zhuǎn)讓讓全部或絕大大部分資產(chǎn)的的實(shí)體;但受受讓方須書面面同意受本協(xié)協(xié)議所有條款款和條件約束束,并提供文文件證明受讓方有有資格、有能能力履行本協(xié)協(xié)議項(xiàng)下的全全部義務(wù)。2. Withhout pprior writtten appprovaal, noo Partty shaall asssign any aand alll of it riights and iintereests aand deelegatte itss respponsibbilitiies unnder tthis AAgreemment tto anyy

11、thirrd parrty. HHoweveer, Paarty BB shalll havve thee righht to assiggn itss righhts annd intterestts andd deleegatess its respoonsibiilitiees herreundeer to an afffiliaate; pprovidded thhat Paart B shalll conttinue to waarrantt thatt suchh affiiliatee willl compplete the ppurchaase off the equitty

12、intterestt in tthe maanner conteemplatted byy thiss Agreeementt.任何一方未經(jīng)事事先書面批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn), 不得將其在在本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下下的任何和全全部權(quán)利和權(quán)權(quán)益讓與及將將其在本協(xié)議議項(xiàng)下的責(zé)任任委托給任何何第三方。但但乙方有權(quán)將將其在本協(xié)議議項(xiàng)下的權(quán)利利和權(quán)益讓與與及將其在本本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下的的責(zé)任委托給給一家關(guān)聯(lián)公公司,但是乙乙方應(yīng)繼續(xù)保保證該關(guān)聯(lián)公公司將以本協(xié)協(xié)議擬定的方方式完成對股股權(quán)的購買。3. Neitther PParty heretto shaall asssign this Agreeement or anny of its rrig

13、htss and interrests herunnder wwithouut thee otheer Parrtys priorr writtten cconsennt, whhich sshall not bbe unrreasonnably withhheld. Notwiithstaandingg the abovee provvisionn of tthis CClausee, (a) Partty A sshall have the rright to asssign its rrightss to aany suubsidiiary, affilliate or suuccess

14、sor enntity as loong ass Partty A rremainns liaable tto perrform all oof itss obliigatioons unnder tthis AAgreemment aas appplicabble, aand (bb) Parrty B may, withoout thhe connsent of Paarty AA, asssign iin whoole, bbut noot in part, its rightts herrunderr to aany suubsidiiary, affilliate or suucce

15、sssor enntity of Paarty BB or iits ulltimatte parrent ccompanny (prrovideed thaat anyy suchh assiignmennt to any ssuch ssubsiddiary shal nnot bee deemmed ass a reeleasee of PParty Bs oobligaationss hereeunderr unleess Paarty AA shalll havve givven prrior wwritteen connsent to anny succh rellease and

16、 PParty B shaall reemain liablle to Partyy A inn resppect oof anyy breaach off thiss Clauuse.) Any aattemppted aassignnment in coontravventioon of this Clausse shaall bee voidd.本協(xié)議任何一方方未經(jīng)另一方方事先書面同同意(該另一一方不得無理理拒絕同意),不不得轉(zhuǎn)讓本協(xié)協(xié)議或其在本本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下的的任何權(quán)利和和權(quán)益。盡管管本條有上述述規(guī)定,但(a)甲方有有權(quán)將其權(quán)利利讓與任何子子公司、關(guān)聯(lián)聯(lián)公司或繼承承實(shí)體,只要要在適用情況況

17、下,加方仍仍有責(zé)任履行行其在本協(xié)議議項(xiàng)下的全部部義務(wù),(bb)乙方可以以無須經(jīng)加方方同意,將其其在本協(xié)議項(xiàng)項(xiàng)下的全部(而而不是部分)權(quán)權(quán)力讓與乙方方的任何子公公司、關(guān)聯(lián)公公司或繼承實(shí)實(shí)體或其最終終的母公司(但但是像任何該該等子公司進(jìn)進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)讓,不不應(yīng)被視為解解除一方在本本協(xié)議項(xiàng)下的的義務(wù),除非非甲方已事先先書面同意予予以解除,且且乙方若違反反本條規(guī)定仍仍需對甲方負(fù)負(fù)有責(zé)任)。任任何試圖違反反本條規(guī)定進(jìn)進(jìn)行的轉(zhuǎn)讓均均為無效。Hereto ,hereeunderr 中的heree 系指thiss Agreeementt, herreto =to thhis Aggreemeent, hhereunn

18、der= underr thiss AgreeementtShall 用用在法律文件件中,表示法法律規(guī)定的義義務(wù),leggal obbligattion 翻翻譯成“應(yīng)”Should 表示道義上上的義務(wù),mmoral obliggationn 翻譯成“應(yīng)該”,“應(yīng)當(dāng)”Notwithhstandding 盡盡管,正式用用語Such 是典典型的法律用用語,用以指指前面提及的的人或事,一一般譯為“該(等)”,有時(shí)視上上下文也可譯譯作“上述”、“前述”。4. Trannsfer of Reegisteered CCapitaal 注冊資資本的轉(zhuǎn)讓(a) Eitther PParty may ttrans

19、ffer alll or part of itts reggisterred caapitall conttributtion tto thee Comppany tto anyy thirrd parrty, pprovidded thhat itt firsst obttains the uunanimmous aapprovval off the Boardd and the aapprovval off the Approoval AAuthorrity aand coompliees witth thee provvisionns of this Articcle. 任何一方均可將將

20、其在公司注注冊資本中的的全部和部分分出資轉(zhuǎn)讓給給第三方,但但該等轉(zhuǎn)讓首首先須經(jīng)董事事會一致通過過及審批及格格的批轉(zhuǎn),并并符合本條的的規(guī)定。Registeered ccapitaal conntribuution = conntribuution to thhe reggisterred caapitall 在注冊資資本中的出資資額 Board =the bboard of diirectoors 董事事會Approvaal Autthoritty = tthe exxaminaation and aapprovval auuthoriity 審批批機(jī)構(gòu)(b) Wheen a PParty (

21、thee “ Diisposiing Paarty”) wishhes too trannsfer all oor parrt of its rregisttered capittal coontribbutionn to aa thirrd parrty, iit shaall prrovidee a wrrittenn notiice ( the “NNoticee”) too the otherr Partty ( tthe “ Non-ddispossing PParty”). Thee Notiice shhall sstate that the DDispossing PParty

22、 wishees to make the ttransffer annd shaall sppecifyy the interrest iit wisshes tto traansferr, thee termms andd condditionns of the ttransffer, aand thhe ideentityy of tthe prroposeed traansferree. ( the “ Traansferree”).一方(“轉(zhuǎn)讓方方”)欲將其全全部或部分注注冊資本出資資額轉(zhuǎn)讓給第第三方時(shí), 應(yīng)向另一方方(“非轉(zhuǎn)讓方”)提供書面面通知(“通知”)。通知應(yīng)應(yīng)表明轉(zhuǎn)讓方方欲轉(zhuǎn)

23、讓其出出資,明確欲欲轉(zhuǎn)讓的股權(quán)權(quán)、轉(zhuǎn)讓的條條款和條件及及受讓人(“受讓人”)的身份。在合同中,放在在括號里首字字母大寫的詞詞,是為了后后文敘述簡便便,指稱明確確而對其前面面的對象所作作的定義,只只不過是省略略了“herreinaffter rreferrred too as” (以下簡稱稱)一語而已已。(c) Thee Non-Dispoosing Partyy shalll havve a ppreempptive rightt to ppurchaase thhe whoole off suchh inteerest (i) on termss and condiitionss no ll

24、ess ffavoraable tthan tthose speciified in thhe Nottice oor (iii) at a faiir marrket vvalue appraaised as seet forrth inn paraagraphh (e). If tthe Noon-Dissposinng Parrty ellects to exxercisse itss preeemptivve rigght, iit shaall nootify the DDispossing PParty in wrritingg (thee “Accceptannce Nootic

25、e”) withhin thhirty (30) days ofo thhe acttual ddeliveery off the Noticce to the NNon-Diisposiing Paarty tthat iit inttends to puurchasse thee wholle of the iintereest too be ttransfferredd. 非轉(zhuǎn)讓方有優(yōu)先先權(quán),(i)按不遜于于通知規(guī)定的的條款和條件件,或(iii)按(e)規(guī)定,以以經(jīng)評估的公公平市價(jià)購買買全部該等股股權(quán)。 如果非轉(zhuǎn)讓讓方?jīng)Q定行使使優(yōu)先權(quán),應(yīng)應(yīng)在轉(zhuǎn)讓方向向非轉(zhuǎn)讓方實(shí)實(shí)際送通知后后三十(300

26、)天內(nèi),以以書面形式通通知轉(zhuǎn)讓方(“接受通知”),表明其有意購買擬轉(zhuǎn)讓的全部股權(quán)。在合同中,凡是是表示數(shù)目的的詞(包括金金額和天數(shù)),除除了寫出英語語外,習(xí)慣上上還要附以加加括號的與之之相應(yīng)的阿拉拉伯?dāng)?shù)字。翻翻譯的時(shí)候也也照此處理。(d) Iff the Non-DDispossing PParty failss to rresponnd in writiing too the Noticce witthin ssuch tthirtyy (30)-day periood, thhe Nonn-Dispposingg Partty shaall bee deemmed too havee co

27、nssentedd to tthe trransfeer. Iff the Non-DDispossing PParty conseents, the DDispossing PParty may ttransffer suuch innteresst to the TTransfferee, on tthe teerms aand coonditiions sset foorth iin thee Notiice, bbut noot othherwisse, prrovideed thaat succh traansferr takees plaace wiithin six (6) mo

28、onths afterr the delivvery oof thee Notiice annd thaat thee Trannsfereee agrrees iin wriiting to beecome subjeect too and to coomply with the tterms and ccondittions of thhis Coontracct andd the Articcles oof Asssociattion. The DDispossing PParty shalll provvide tthe Noon-Dissposinng Parrty wiith a

29、dupliicate of itts exeecutedd trannsfer agreeement with the TTransfferee withiin fouurteenn (14) dayss afteer thee agreeementt is eexecutted. 如果果在上述三十十(30)天內(nèi)非非轉(zhuǎn)讓方未能能作出書面回應(yīng)應(yīng),即被視為為業(yè)已同意轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓。 如果非轉(zhuǎn)讓讓方同意、或或被視為同意意轉(zhuǎn)讓,轉(zhuǎn)讓讓防止可按通通知規(guī)定的(而而不是其他的的)條款和條條件,將該等等股權(quán)向受讓讓人轉(zhuǎn)讓,當(dāng)當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)讓人須在在通知發(fā)出后后六(6)個(gè)月內(nèi)進(jìn)行,且且受讓人須書書面同意服從從和遵守本合合體和章程

30、的的條款和條件件。轉(zhuǎn)讓方應(yīng)應(yīng)在與受讓人人簽署轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)協(xié)議后十四(14)天內(nèi),向非轉(zhuǎn)讓方提供經(jīng)其簽署的轉(zhuǎn)讓協(xié)議副本。(e) If the NNon-Diisposiing Paarty eelectss to ppurchssas thhe intterestt to bbe traansferrred aat faiir marrket vvalue, the Non-DDispossing PParty shalll statte in the AAccepttance Noticce thaat it so ellects, and shalll incllude iin thee Acce

31、eptancce Nottice aa listt of aat leaast twwo (2) inteernatiionallly recconginnzed aaccounnting firmss withh expeeriencce in conduuctingg valuuationns in Chinaa. Thee Dispposingg Partty shaall, wwithinn thirrty (330) daays affter rreceivving tthe Accceptaance NNoticee, by noticce in writiing deeliver

32、red too the Non-DDispossing PParty to vaalue tthe innteresst to be trransfeerred. The Non-DDispossing PParty shalll arraange tthe vaaluatiion, wwhich shalll be ccompleeted wwithinn threee (3) montths affter tthe deeliverry of the AAccepttance Noticce.如果非轉(zhuǎn)讓方?jīng)Q決定以公平的的市價(jià)購買擬擬轉(zhuǎn)讓的股權(quán)權(quán),應(yīng)在接受受通知中表明明其此等意向向,并在其中

33、中列出至少兩兩(2)家在中國國進(jìn)行評估方方面具有經(jīng)驗(yàn)驗(yàn)的國際知名名會計(jì)事務(wù)所所名單。轉(zhuǎn)讓讓方應(yīng)在收到到接受通知后后三十(300)天內(nèi),向向轉(zhuǎn)讓方送交交書面通知,提名非轉(zhuǎn)讓方提供的兩家會計(jì)事務(wù)所之一對擬轉(zhuǎn)讓的股權(quán)進(jìn)行評估。非轉(zhuǎn)讓方應(yīng)對評估做出安排, 評估應(yīng)在送交接受通知后三(3)個(gè)月內(nèi)完成。Elect= choosse or decidde to do soomethiing 做不不及物動詞,正正式詞,譯成成“決定”。 Assignmment/ttransffer 轉(zhuǎn)讓讓 補(bǔ)充練習(xí)此章結(jié)束1 The rightts andd obliigatioons off the JVC uunder th

34、is Agreeement may nnot bee assiigned or suub-conntractted inn wholle or in paart wiithoutt the priorr writttten conseent off Partty A.未經(jīng)甲方的書面面同意,合資資公司在本協(xié)協(xié)議下的權(quán)利利和義務(wù)不得得全部或者部部分轉(zhuǎn)讓或分分包。2 Shouuld onne Parrty asssign all oor parrt of its rregisttered capittal, pprior writtten coonsentt shalll be sbtaiined

35、ffrom tthe otther PParty. In aadditiion, tthe orrther Partyy shalll havve a ppreempptive rightt on tthe saame teerms aand coonditiions tto to exttent ppermitted byy law.如果一方要轉(zhuǎn)讓讓全部或者部部分其注冊資資金,應(yīng)事先先獲得另一方方的書面同意意。此外,該該另一方應(yīng)在在法律許可的的范圍內(nèi)的同同等條款和條條件下享有優(yōu)優(yōu)先購買權(quán)。Notwithhstandding tthe fooregoiing, aa Partty herreb

36、y wwaivess its preemmptivee righht in the ccase oof anyy asiggnmentt of aall orr partt of tthe otther PPartys reggisterred caapitall to aan afffiliatte of the oother Partyy. Eacch of the PPartiees furrther agreees to causee the direcctor(ss) it has aappoinnted tto thee Boarrd of Direcctors to voote

37、inn favoor of any ssuch ppropossed asssignmment. If, aas a rresultt of iits coorporaate reestruccturinng, Paarty AA trannsferss its equitty intterestt in tthe CJJV to one oof itss newlly-fouunded affilliatess (“ PParty A Afffiliatte”), Partyy A shhall pprovidde Parrty B with a wriitten assurrance gu

38、araanteeiing thhe perrformaance oof thee obliigatioons unnder tthis CContraact byy Partty A AAffiliiate.盡管有上述規(guī)定定,如果一方方將其全部或或部分注冊資資本轉(zhuǎn)讓給一一家關(guān)聯(lián)公司司,另一方則則在此放棄其其優(yōu)先購買權(quán)權(quán)。各方進(jìn)一一步同意促使使其向董事會會委派的董事事投票贊成該該等擬議的轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓。如果由由于甲方進(jìn)行行公司重組而而將其在合作作經(jīng)營企業(yè)中中的股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓讓給其新成立立的關(guān)聯(lián)公司司之一(“甲方關(guān)聯(lián)公公司”),則甲方方應(yīng)向乙方提提供書面保證證,確保甲方方關(guān)聯(lián)公司履履行本合同項(xiàng)項(xiàng)下的義務(wù)。3 I

39、f aa Partty (“IIntendding TTransfferor ”) inntendss to ssell oor othherwisse traansferr (colllectiively referrred tto in this Clausse as “Trannsfer”) all or paart off its equitty intterestt in tthe JVV Comppany (colleectiveely reeferreed to in thhie Cllause as “TTransfferredd Equiity Innteresst”), i

40、t shhall ffirst send a wriitten noticce (“TTransffer Nootice”) to tthe otther ttwo Paartiess, staating its iintenttion tto makke thee trannsfer, the quanttity oof thee Trannsferrred Eqquity Interrest, the ccondittions for ppurchaase thhereoff and the iidentiity off the propoosed ttranfeeree. The oot

41、her two PPartiees shaall haave thhe preeemptiive riight tto purrchasee the Transsferreed Equuity IIntereest. IIf thee otheer twoo Partties eexerciises ttheir preemmptivee righht to purchhase aall (bbut noot parrt) off the Transsferreed Equuity IIntereest, tthey sshall, withhin niinety (90) days of r

42、eeceiptt of tthe Trransfeer Nottice, purchhase tthe Trransfeerred Equitty Intterestt at aa pricce equual too the selliing prrice sset ouut in the TTransffer Nootice. If tthe otther ttwo Paartiess faill to eexerciise suuch prreempttive rright to puuchasee or ppay thhe (900)-dayy periiod, tthey sshall

43、 be deeemed to haave giiven ttheir priorr writtten cconsennt to the ppropossed trransfeer. Whhen thhe Inttendinng Traansferror trransfeers thhe Traansferrred EEquityy Inteerest, the actuaal connditioons foor succh traansferr may not bbe morre favvorablle thaan thee condditionns forr purcchase set oo

44、ut inn the Transsfer NNoticee. Wheere thhe Inttendinng Traansferror iss eithher Paarty BB or PParty C, annd Parrty A cannoot inccreasee its Equitty Rattion iin thee regiistereed cappital of thhe JV Compaany duue to the rrestriictionn impoosed bby Chiinese law, then Partyy A shhall hhave tthe riight

45、tto asssign iits prreempttive rright of puurchasse to a thiird paarty aapprovved byy Partty A. 若一方(“擬轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓方”)意欲出售售或以其他方方式轉(zhuǎn)讓(在在本條中統(tǒng)稱稱“轉(zhuǎn)讓”)其在合資資公司的全部部或部分股權(quán)權(quán)(在本條中中統(tǒng)稱“轉(zhuǎn)讓股權(quán)”)時(shí),首先先應(yīng)向另外兩兩方發(fā)出書面面通知(“轉(zhuǎn)讓通知”),表明其其轉(zhuǎn)讓意向、轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓股權(quán)的數(shù)數(shù)量、購買條條件以及擬議議的受讓人身身份。另外兩兩方享有購買買轉(zhuǎn)讓股權(quán)的的優(yōu)先權(quán)。若若另外兩方行行使其優(yōu)先權(quán)權(quán)購買全部(但但不是部分)轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓股權(quán),則則應(yīng)在收到轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓通知后的的九十

46、(900)天內(nèi)意向向等已轉(zhuǎn)讓通通知內(nèi)列明的的出售價(jià)的價(jià)價(jià)款購買轉(zhuǎn)讓讓股權(quán)。若另另外兩方在九九十(90)天期限限內(nèi)未行使其其優(yōu)先購買權(quán)權(quán)或未向擬轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓人支付出出售價(jià)款,則則應(yīng)被視為已已就該項(xiàng)擬議議中的轉(zhuǎn)讓給給予事前書面面同意。擬轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓方轉(zhuǎn)讓轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓股權(quán)時(shí),實(shí)實(shí)際轉(zhuǎn)讓條件件不得比轉(zhuǎn)讓讓通知內(nèi)所在在的購買條件件優(yōu)惠。若擬擬轉(zhuǎn)讓方式乙乙方或丙方,而而甲方因受中中國法律限制制不能增加其其在合資公司司注冊資本中中的股份比例例,在甲方有有權(quán)將其優(yōu)先先購買權(quán)讓與與其認(rèn)可的第第三方。 第二章 Breeach aand Innfringgementt 詞語的翻譯(一一)1. 一詞多義義good a good con

47、trract 有有效合同goodwilll 公司或或企業(yè)的“商譽(yù)”(a) Negglect of duuty iss goodd causse forr remooval oof a ttrusteee.理事玩忽職守,理理應(yīng)解除其職職務(wù)。Good caause 表表示 a llegallly suffficieent reeason 法律上有充充分理由。(b) Thee venddor shhall pprocurre thaat thee Purcchaserr acquuires good titlee to tthe Shhares free from all cchargees, li

48、iens, encummbrancces, qquitiees andd claiims whhatsoeever.賣方應(yīng)保證買方方獲得不容置置疑的股份所所有權(quán),且該該等股份不帶帶任何押記、留留置、負(fù)擔(dān)、權(quán)權(quán)益和主張。Good tiitle = titlle thaat is legallly vaalid aand efffectiive 法律律上有效的所所有權(quán),也可可譯成 無可爭辯的的所有權(quán)。(c) Noww Therreforee, in consiiderattion oof thee premmises, and the rrepressentattions, warrrantiee

49、s, coovenannts, aand unndertaakingss of tthe paartiess hereeinaftter seet forrth, aand foor othher goood annd valluablee conssideraation, the partiies aggree aamong themsselvess as ffollowws.鑒于上述事實(shí)和和各方在下文文所作的陳述述、保證、立立約和承諾,及及其他有效的的有價(jià)約因,現(xiàn)現(xiàn)各方達(dá)成協(xié)協(xié)議如下。Good coonsideeratioon = cconsidderatiion thhat iss va

50、liid undder thhe laww 法律上有有效的約因或或?qū)r(jià)(d) Parrty A is a compaany duuly orrganizzed, vvalidlly exiistingg and is goood sttandinng as a leggal peerson underr the laws of thhe PRCC. 甲方是根根據(jù)中華人民民共和國的法法律正式成立立,有效存續(xù)續(xù)和資格完備備的法人公司司。In goodd stannding 表示是符合合法律法規(guī)要要求的,是有有資格的。(e) If any tterm oor proovisioon of this

51、Agreeement shalll becoome orr be ddeclarred illlegall, invvalid or unnenforrceablle forr any reasoon whaatsoevver, ssuch tterm oor proovisioon shaall bee seveered ffrom tthis AAgreemment aand shhall bbe deeemed tto be deletted frrom thhis Aggreemeent; pprovidded thhat iff suchh deleetion materrially

52、y affeects oor altters tthe baasis oof thiis Agrreemennt, thhe parrties shalll negootiatee in ggood ffaith to ammend aand moodify the pprovissions and tterms of thhis Aggreemeent ass may be neecesaaary orr desiirablee in tthe ciircumsstancees.如果因任何原因因本協(xié)議的任任一條款或規(guī)規(guī)定變?yōu)榛虮槐恍紴椴缓虾戏?、無效或或不可執(zhí)行,該該條款或規(guī)定定須與本協(xié)議議

53、分離,且被被視為從本協(xié)協(xié)議中刪除。但但如果刪除該該條條款或規(guī)規(guī)定會實(shí)質(zhì)性性影響或改變變本協(xié)議的基基礎(chǔ),雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)以誠信的態(tài)態(tài)度進(jìn)行談判判,以期在必必要或可取的的情況下隊(duì)本本協(xié)議的規(guī)定定和條款進(jìn)行行修改和變更更。Good faatith = honnesty, fairrness and llawfullness of puurposee 誠信2. 一詞多譯譯(a) Thee Amenndmentts incclude proviisionss for freeddom off speeech, oof thee presss andd of wworshiip; thhe rigght off

54、citiizens to meeet peeacefuully; the rright to bee secuure inn ones ownn homee agaiinst uunreassonablle seaarchess and seizuure off perssons oor proopertyy; andd the rightt of aany peerson chargged wiith brreakinng thee law to haave a speeddy triialby a jurry of felloow cittizenss. 修正案條條款中規(guī)定言言論、新聞和和

55、信仰自由,公公民有和平集集會的權(quán)利,又又在自己家里里享有安全、人人身不受無理理搜查和逮捕捕,財(cái)產(chǎn)不受受無理查抄的的權(quán)利,以及及任何人被指指控犯罪時(shí)享享有公民陪審審團(tuán)及時(shí)審理理的權(quán)利。(b) Nonne of the PPartiees shaall bee entiitled to maake orr permmit orr authhorizee the makinng of any ppress releaase off otheer pubblic sstatemment oor dissclosuure cooncernning tthis AAgreemment oor anyy o

56、f tthe trransacctionss conttemplaated iin it, withhout tthe prrior wwritteen connsent of thhe othher Paartiess, savve as requiired bby laww or oother compeetent authoority.未經(jīng)其他各方事事先書面同意意,任何一方方均無權(quán)就有有關(guān)本協(xié)議或或本協(xié)議與其其的任何交易易舉行新聞發(fā)發(fā)布會,發(fā)表表公開聲明或或進(jìn)行披露,亦亦無權(quán)允許或或授權(quán)他人進(jìn)進(jìn)行此等發(fā)布布或披露,法法律或其他主主管部門要求求的除外。 相關(guān)條款的翻譯譯1 If PPart

57、y A matteriallly brreachees thiis Conntractt, Parrty B or itts succcessoor in interrest iis enttitledd to tterminnate tthis CContraact orr claiim dammages for tthe brreach of coontracct. Iff Partty B mmateriially breacches tthis CContraact, PParty A is entittled tto reqquest Partyy B, bby isssuing a

58、 wriitten noticce, too redrress tthe brreach with in fiifteenn (15) dayss uponn receeivingg suchh notiice. IIf Parrty B failss to rredresss thee breaach wiithin the ffifteeen (155)-dayy periiod, PParty A is entittled tto resscind the CContraact annd claaim daamagess for the bbreachh of ccontraact. 如

59、果甲方實(shí)質(zhì)性性違反合同,乙乙方或其權(quán)益益承繼人有權(quán)權(quán)中止本合同同或要求得到到損害賠償。如如果乙方實(shí)質(zhì)質(zhì)性違反本合合同,甲方經(jīng)經(jīng)發(fā)出書面通通知,有權(quán)要要求乙方在收收到書面通知知后十五(115)天內(nèi)改改正違約行為為。如果乙方方在十五(115)天期限限內(nèi)未予改正正,加方則有有權(quán)解除合同同并要求得到到違約賠償。 2 If aa Partty matteriallly faails tto perrform any oof itss obliigatioons unnder tthis CContraact orr if aa Parttys rrepressentattion oor warrrant

60、yy undeer thiis Conntractt is mmateriially untruue or inacccuratee, succh Parrty shhall bbe deeemed tto havve breeachess thiss Conttract. The Partyy in bbreachh shalll havve thiiry (330) daays frrom reeceiptt of aa notiice foorm thhe othher Paarty sspeciffying the bbreachh to ccorrecct succh breeach


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